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Actualizare! Prelungirea suspendarii cursurilor fata-in-fata, incepand cu 18.05.2020
publicat: 2020-05-17

#StămAcasă - Sfaturi privind mişcarea şi nutriţia
publicat: 2020-04-14

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Mission and Objectives

The mission of the Romanian-American University is to offer education and research to a high standard of quality, within an internal intellectually stimulating climate both for the students and for the teaching staff. The efforts of the entire academic community are directed toward the continuous improvement of the quality of the teaching, learning and scientific research process and of the professional services.
The Romanian-American University pursues the accomplishment of the students’ educational ideal based on the universal humanist traditions, on the democratic values, keeping the national identity and the fulfillment of the aspirations of the Romanian society, to which purpose:

  • it provides the students the scientific knowledge and the values of the national and universal culture, contributing to the development of the Romanian science, rendering famous the national cultural identity;
  • it forms and develops the students’ professional capacity and practical abilities through the assimilation of the specialized knowledge;
  • it promotes the scientific research activity among the students and the teaching staff;
  • it educates the students to respect the fundamental human rights and freedom, dignity and tolerance, free exchange of opinions.

  • The Romanian-American University has the following strategic objectives:

  • to offer qualitative education services, permanently adapted to the needs of a knowledge- based society;
  • the evolution towards an European system of diplomas and certificates for the high education, system that complies with the compatibility requests all over the world;
  • the improvement of the European system of transferable credits, so as the transferable credit may show the real effort for the learning of each subject of study;
  • institutional connection to the common European and Euro Atlantic university area;
  • development of the university scientific research according to the European standards;
  • the extensive involvement of the University in projects of social, economic, cultural development, locally or nationally, through activities of continuous preparation, technological transfer, expertise, consultancy;
  • the increase of university management efficiency;
  • promotion of complex systems and mechanisms to insure the quality of the education;
  • creation and development of an institutional culture to encourage the involvement of the entire academic community in the implementation of the Quality Management System.

  • © Universitatea Romano-Americana / Romanian-American University - Toate drepturile rezervate.

    Publicat la: 2006-12-12 (5358 citiri)

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