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Microsoft | Innovation Center

apasa aici!

The Romanian-American University together with its traditional partner MICROSOFT CORPORATION have launched the Microsoft Innovation Center, located inside our campus.

The first steps for founding an Innovation Center at the School of Computer Science for Business Management of the Romanian-American University were done on the occasion of the Microsoft Academic Days, during November 16-18 of 2007, where the "Education Aliance" Program was presented.

Due to the constant support of our Microsoft partners, we could attend the festive launch of the Microsoft | Innovation Center on January 30, 2008 - the first implementation of this concept in Romania.

With this step, the School of Computer Science for Business Management, which has all its BA and MA programs, in both English and Romanian, fully accredited by ARACIS, aims to:

- create links between academic environment and real-world required professional skills, in order to help students gain informatics abilities that will help them succeed on the labor market;
- to offer a technology curriculum at world-class level, to help students in gaining work skills related to top edge technologies and to provide consistent online learning resources based on Microsoft platforms;
- to organize classes, workshops, laboratories and seminars according to academic standards;
- to involve employers into the students' internships.

Microsoft | Innovation Center from the Romanian-American University represents a performance environment for the students of the Business Application field in Romania, and offers huge opportunities to improve the overall quality of the IT learning processes.

The inauguration of the Microsoft | Innovation Center of the Romanian-American University, first of its kind in Romania, was attended by Zoltan Szomogy - Secretary of State from the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology, Silviu Hotaran - General Director of Microsoft Romania, PhD Professor Ion Smedescu - Rector of the Romanian-American University, faculty, students and representatives of prestigious IT companies.

At world level, in January 2008, there were only 110 such centers in 60 countries, Romania joining this select club through the Romanian-American University. On this occasion, the official Cooperation Agreement between RAU and Microsoft was signed.

© Universitatea Romano-Americana / Romanian-American University - Toate drepturile rezervate.

Publicat la: 2006-12-13 (4081 citiri)

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