Exista in mod curent, 63 vizitator(i).
March 2020
The Romanian-American University, according to the Scholarship Regulations [RO], publishes the final lists of students that will receive the full scholarship for the 2019-2020 academic year, 2nd semester, students enrolled in the bachelor and master studies programs taught in Romanian.
MASTER Programs
Useful Info - COVID-19
Ce trebuie sa stiti despre noul coronavirus, Covid-19
- Wash your hands frequently
Hand washing and disinfection are decisive actions to prevent infection. Wash hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If there is no soap and water, you can use a 60% alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
Hand washing eliminates the virus.
- Avoid contact with people who are suspected of acute respiratory infections
Keep a distance of at least 1 meter between you and other people, especially when they cough, sneeze or have a fever, because saliva drops can transmit the virus from a close distance.
- Do not touch your eyes, nose and mouth with your hands
The virus is mainly transmitted through the respiratory tract, but can enter the body through the eyes, nose and mouth. Avoid touching, if you have not washed your hands.
The hands come in contact with surfaces contaminated by the virus, spreading throughout the body.
- Cover your mouth and nose if you sneeze or cough
If you have acute respiratory infection, avoid approaching other people, cough with a covered mouth or in a napkin, preferably disposable, wear a protective mask and wash your hands. If, when you cough, you cover your mouth with your hands, you can contaminate objects or people you come in contact with.
- Do not take antiviral drugs or antibiotics unless prescribed by your doctor
Currently, there is no scientific research to show that the use of antiviral drugs can prevent infection with the new coronavirus (Covid-19). Antibiotics work only against bacteria, not against the virus.
Covid-19 is a virus, so no antibiotic is used as a method of prevention or treatment, unless a bacterial infection is detected.
- Clean all surfaces with disinfectants based on chlorine or alcohol
Chemical disinfectants that can kill the new coronavirus (Covid-19) are disinfectants containing chlorine, bleachers, solvent, 75% ethanol, paracetic acid and chloroform. Your doctor and pharmacist will know what to recommend.
- Use the protective mask only if you suspect that you are sick or if you provide assistance to the sick
The World Health Organization recommends the use of protective masks only if you suspect that you have been infected with the new coronavirus and have coughing symptoms, sneezing, or if you are assisting a person who is suspected of being infected with the new coronavirus. (eg a recent trip to China or quarantine areas in Europe with respiratory symptoms).
USING THE PROTECTIVE MASK helps and limits the spread of the virus, but should be used in conjunction with other hygiene measures, including hand washing for at least 20 seconds. It is not necessary to use protective masks superimposed on each other.
- Products made in China or packages received from China are not dangerous
The World Health Organization said that people who receive packages from China are not at any risk of becoming infected with the new coronavirus because it does not live long on the surface. To date, there is no evidence that the products / objects produced in China can transmit the new coronavirus (Covid-19).
- Call 112 if you have a fever, cough and have returned from China or quarantine areas in Europe for at least 14 days
The incubation period of the new coronavirus is between 1 and 14 days. If you have returned from a trip from China or the quarantined areas of Europe for less than 14 days or have contacted people who have returned from China or the quarantined areas of Europe for less than 14 days and you have fever, cough, breathing difficulties, muscle aches and fatigue, call 112 to receive the necessary information. Wear a protective mask if you come in contact with others, use disposable napkins and wash your hands well.
- Pets do not transmit coronavirus
At this time there is no evidence that pets, dogs and cats can be infected by the virus. In any case, we should always wash our hands with soap and water after we come in contact with the pets.
For the latest updated information on COVID-19 you can check the web page maintained by the National Center for Surveillance and Control of Contagious Diseases:
The Board of Directors of the Romanian-American University has decided to extend the suspension of didactic activities carried out as standard, in a "face to face" regime, conferences, symposia and other events between March 23 martie - April 05, 2020. During this time didactic activities will continue based on the e-learning institutional system.
We mention that resumption of teaching activities is expected to be carried out on 22.04.2020, after the holidays.
The Board of Directors of the Romanian-American University has decided to suspend the didactic activities carried out as standard, in a "face to face" regime, conferences, symposia and other events between March 12 - 22, 2020.
Within RAU no case of COVID-19 disease was found, the measure regarding the suspension of activities listed above being a preventive one. During the mentioned period of time didactic activities will take place by means of the e-learning system.
Students, faculty and administrative staff are asked to permanently check their institutional email addresses for further announcements and detailed instructions.
To the attention of the tenants of the Romanian-American University's hostel
In order to support the students staying in the RAU Hostel, the Board of Directors of the Romanian-American University, during the 24.03.2020 meeting, decided, starting with April 2020, for the tenants who left the Hostel during March and who want to keep their accommodation places, to lower the fees.
Thus, the new accommodation rates, valid from April 1, are: 50 Eur / place / month for 3-places rooms and 45 Eur / place / month for 4-places rooms.
The new rates can be paid between March 25 - April 5, 2020. For students who have chosen to continue to live in the hostel, the rates remain unchanged.
Information about payment of accommodation fees are available through the dedicated webpage:
On-line, on-site, RAU adapts permanently
Romanian-American University implements Microsoft Teams for Education to support the on-line teaching activities
For further details, guides and permanent updates on this topic, please check the dedicated web page:
© Universitatea Romano-Americana / Romanian-American University - Toate drepturile rezervate. Publicat la: 2006-12-14 (8532 citiri) [ Inapoi ] |