School of Computer Science for Business Management
Education form:
full-time studies, 3 years

phone: +4-021-202.95.13; +4-0372.120.140
1B Expozitiei Blvd, Bucharest, Sector 1, 5th Floor
A faculty always in line with the IT society requirements
Unique in the Romanian high education, the faculty guides specialists with a high IT qualification in order to realize complex IT systems.
From the beginning 1991, its educational plans, its analytical programs and the whole educational and scientific research system were permanently updated in compliance with the IT society and the job market requirement in Romania and the developed countries.
Which are the School of Computer Science for Business Management strong points by comparison with other economic faculties?
the certainty of finding a job on the work market, there is an obvious request for specialists in the IT domain, request that will continue in the future;
the recognition on the international market: through the acquired skills and knowledge, the faculty graduates can target the working offer in the IT domain at companies all over the country and occidental countries, as well as in foreign companies established in our country;
the actual relation with the practice and the current and future requirements from an IT specialist in economic applications domain;
The students have the possibility to make themselves heard in the scientific groups and communications. These activities have as a main goal the shaping of professional thinking, a technical language and especially, the development of the capacity to sustain a paper in an organized environment.
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