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Domestic and International Economy of Tourism - Educational Offer

Overview Educational Offer Professional Perspectives School Management Secretariat

The syllabuses developed within the School of Domestic and International Economy of Tourism inspire the students with both analytical interdisciplinary thinking and specific tourist skills.
The development of a career in the hospitality industry depends on the students' option for the improvement of the knowledge acquired during the first cycle of study, for the second cycle - master – with the specializations of Business Administration in Tourism and Economy and Business in the Hospitality Industry.

The university curricula promoted by the School of Domestic and International Economy of Tourism for the first cycle of study include subjects that offer the student basic information about: micro economy, macro economy, statistics, accounting, mathematics applied in economy, IT, Commercial LAW, management, marketing, etc. The students also get prepared in the field of business administration in tourism through specialized subjects such as: Tourism Economy, Economy of Services, Hotel Administration, Management in Tourism, Techniques of Operations in Tourism, Ticketing, Catering, IT Systems and Applications, Rural Tourism and Ecotourism, Tourism Systems, Hotel Design, Animation and Entertainment, Global Distribution Systems (with the opportunity to obtain Amadeus certificates and certificates in the main types of operations in the hospitality industry) etc.

Graduation of the first cycle of study and admission to the master, that is the second cycle, means the accumulation of 180 credits, uniformly spread on the 6 semesters. The number of credits for each subject of study varies according to its importance in the formation of the future specialists in the field.

The creation of the abilities specific to the hospitality industry is supported by the multitude of the activities proposed by the students for each semester of study: research at specialized companies, case study, comparative analyses, interdisciplinary research projects, revision of some specialized books.

The courses are conceived in the "tailor-made" style, according to the labor market needs in the hospitality industry. There is more and more attention given to the individual study, based on the personal needs of the future manager in tourism.

Within the study programs organized by the School of Domestic and International Economy of Tourism, a series of important events that actively involve students and the teaching staff take place, their role being to stimulate creativity and the development of professional competences. Among these, we could mention:

  • Module courses taught by American teachers;
  • IATA courses
  • Scientific events (round tables, symposiums, conferences) with academic international participation - events organized frequently at every school of the university;
  • Participation in tourism fairs organized by Romexpo Bucharest and ANAT;
  • Participation in biannual RIUF fairs;
  • The design of theme tours every semester, which include activities that are specific for team building programs;
  • The organization of the Gaudeamus festivity, proms and graduation balls etc.;
  • Cultural activities;
  • Project-based partnerships with the business environment;
  • Sports contests.

  • © Universitatea Romano-Americana / Romanian-American University - Toate drepturile rezervate.

    Publicat la: 2006-12-19 (4884 citiri)

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