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Domestic and International Economy of Tourism - Professional Perspectives

Overview Educational Offer Professional Perspectives School Management Secretariat

The development of tourism internally and internationally has favored in the last years the development of the tourism labor market and consequently the increase in the number of employees. The growth of domestic economy by amplifying actions related to the field of tourism can represent for the graduates of the School of Domestic and International Economy of Tourism an excellent opportunity for professional development.

As specialists in different fields (hotel management; the organization and deployment of specific operations; ticketing; tourism marketing; tourism logistics and consultancy; human resources management in tourism; management of tourist transportation operations; local administration of the tourist resorts, management of resources, protection of the environment, organization and development of rural tourism activities, agro-tourism and ecotourism, etc. Our graduates manage to answer the large demand in the field, reinforcing the prestige and the brand image of the Romanian-American University.

A major advantage for the students and the graduates from the School of Domestic and International Economy of Tourism is the fact that, since its setup, it has developed numerous partnerships with different companies in the tourism field and has permanently been updated with the job offers and different career opportunities.

Beginning with the first year of study, students and graduates are offered maximum and active assistance from the schools to find jobs in the field according to the abilities developed by the university curriculum promoted during the two education cycles - BA degree and MA degree.

Among the successful graduates of the School of Domestic and International Economy of Tourism are:

  • Pascu Oana, Promotion of 2012, Communication Vice President AIESEC, ONG Berna, Elvetia:
  • "[...] Now, after 6 years, I can say that it was the best decision. The subjects that were approached throughout the bachelor studies program and during the master studies were interesting and updated, and the teachers were wonderful. One rarely has the opportunity to learn about new concepts from people who worked in the respective field, who can offer you details about how things happen in real life, not only theoretically, in books. All these teachers inspired me. I really wish to bring the hospitality industry from Romania to a whole new level. I know that I will be working in the "industry of smiles" and I would like to offer tourists exquisite experiences."

  • Cojocariu Alexandra, Promotion of 2012, The Address Hotels & Resorts Dubai:
  • "What I can tell you is that if I were to start over from the beginning I would choose the same thing. The knowledge I gained at the Romanian-American University has helped me tremendously in my career so far, and that is due to the well-prepared teachers and their positive attitude, when they put so much dedication into the subjects they taught, that it was impossible not to learn with pleasure. During my faculty years I found out that the hospitality industry was the career I was dreaming of. Nowadays, I work in one of the most famous hotels in Dubai, The Address Downtown, as an Assistant for the General Manager, and in a few months I will be promoted to the position of an Executive Sales Manager for the whole chain of hotels The Address Hotels & Resorts Dubai. I can only wish you a lot of success in both your life and your career!"

  • Costache Ionela, Promotion of 2012, Emirates Dubai:
  • "The more I think about the future, the more I realize that I made the best choice when I decided to join the School of the Economy of Domestic and International Tourism. I did not suspect that the future would be this bright. I work for a successful airline company, a job that gives me the opportunity to see the most beautiful places on Earth, to get acquainted with various cultures and to aspire to a career in the impressive tourism industry. Analyzing the job requirements of the Emirates management, I am glad to conclude that the two years of master studies in Business Administration in Tourism were a good investment and a key condition for success."

  • Niminet Loredana, Promotion of 2010, Guest Relation Officer, Hilton Doha:
  • "What did the faculty mean to me? First of all, it meant the in-depth understanding of the field I chose to study, the place where I decided on the path I wanted to follow in life, where I learnt a lot of new things, where I met special people. The School of the Economy of Domestic and International Tourism and the Romanian-American University in general are the academic environments where I managed to improve professionally and as an individual, where I took what I did with my life seriously, where I met my best friends, where I had the privilege of having a group of young and ambitious teachers, competitive colleagues and a wide variety of options for development, the place where I will always return with pleasure."

  • Titus Negrescu, Promotion of 2009, Manager of Hotel Concordia, Tirgul Mures:
  • "The faculty has been the key to open all doors to a solid career, immediately after graduation. With the credibility that the faculty enjoys, having a well-thought tourism program, with a dedicated teaching staff, employers are extremely open and eager to work with the graduates of the Romanian-American University"

  • Georgiana Ciuchete, Promotion of 2007, Manager of IRIS TRAVEL, Bucharest:
  • "The Romanian-American University, an academic environment that is both professional and friendly, is the place where I became an accomplished individual from the point of view of my personality as well as the training for my future profesion in the hospitality industry."

  • Doina Grigoras, Promotion of 2006, Manager of TEZTOUR Romania:
  • "I have always strongly believed one thing: in professional formation an essential role is played by the first people that influence your choices, your first mentors who inspire you with ideas in your job. I have had the luck to find them all during my faculty years and to get a head start and subsequently an exceptional professional career development, something I will always be grateful for. No matter how hard you struggle to assimilate everything that is valuable around you, it helps a lot to have beside you people that support you from your very first attempts."

  • Florentina Burghelea, Promotion of 2005
  • "The key to success consists in the harmonious combination of theory and practice. These two components support and condition each other; for a little shine a bit of passion is necessary, and success is ensured by the degree of dedication with which everybody sets on the journey."

    © Universitatea Romano-Americana / Romanian-American University - Toate drepturile rezervate.

    Publicat la: 2006-12-19 (5020 citiri)

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