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Domestic and International Economy of Tourism - School Management

Overview Educational Offer Professional Perspectives School Management Secretariat

The management of the activities in the School of Domestic and International Economy of Tourism is exercised by the School Council and has as a permanent objective the maintenance of an adequate academic environment for the study and research that may be in accordance with the highest expectations and in compliance with the provisions of the Charta of the Romanian-American University.

The school management is ensured by members of the teaching staff who have experience in the field, represented by:

  • Dean: Emilia Gabroveanu, Ph.D. Associate Professor
  • Vice-Dean: Gina Gilet Sztruten, Ph.D. Lecturer

  • The School Council has defined the development strategy having as a purpose not only the achievement of a highly qualitative learning process, but also the insurance of its content according to the latest scientific achievements by the introduction of subjects of study that reflect practical activity in tourism.

    © Universitatea Romano-Americana / Romanian-American University - Toate drepturile rezervate.

    Publicat la: 2006-12-19 (4559 citiri)

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