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Management-Marketing - Overview

Overview Educational Offer Professional Perspectives Faculty Management Curricula

School of Management-Marketing

Form of education:
  • bachelor studies, 3 years, full time studies
  • bachelor studies, 3 years, part time studies
  • master studies, 2 years, full time studies

  • web: www.rau.ro
    phone: +4-0372.120.134
    1B Expozitiei Blvd., Bucharest, Sector 1, 3rd Floor


    The School of Management-Marketing was set up in 1991, as part of the Romanian-American University. The idea of setting up a faculty with such a profile belonged to Professor Ion Smedescu, PhD., the founder of the Romanian-American University, a prominent professor and specialist in marketing, who knew, from his rich practical experience, the organic link between management and marketing - key domains, inseparable, in all types of organizations, in a competitive economy.


    We want to train modern economists, with competences in management and marketing, with a wide range of theoretical and practical skills, able to integrate easily and rapidly in the corporations' environment, on different hierarchical levels. The mission of the is in accordance with the overall mission of the Romanian-American University.


    The School of Management-Marketing has been created as a complimentary alternative for the Romanian higher education environment, being the only school of this kind in the system. The unique character of this school is the direct result of the combination of the management and marketing knowledge, combination justified by the requirements of the market, which requires specialists with a wider range of skills. The management-marketing profile, very complex, combining two distinct majors: management and marketing, better meets the needs of the Romanian economy, at the same time offers its graduates a competitive advantage, through the wide range of theoretical knowledge and practical abilities. These aspects have been confirmed by all graduates of our school, who integrated very quickly on the labor market.

    The Romanian-American University and, implicitly the School of Management-Marketing has adapted the educational offer, in order to ensure a quality, student-focused education. The decisive step consists in the adoption of an integrated educational system, on 2 levels: bachelor program (cycle I) and master program (cycle II).

    Level I - bachelor program - 3 years organized on different majors, according to the general and specialized knowledge and competences. The bachelor program fields are Management and Marketing, each of them as a major, respectively. Level I completes when acquiring the degree in economic studies, certifying the theoretical and practical basis, specific to each major.

    For the present university year, the bachelor program syllabus organized by the Romanian-American University according to the legal requirements regarding the classification areas, higher education institutional structures of fully accredited or temporary is the following:

    Bachelor program curriculum - level I
    School Bachelor Studies Fully or temporary accredited specialization Organizational form Number of credits
    Management-Marketing Management Management Full time/part time 180
    Marketing Marketing Full time/part time 180

    Level II - master - 2 years will ensure the deep understanding of the information of the Bachelor Studies' Major, or in similar fields of activity, which represents a compulsory basis for PhD. studies. Level II leads to obtaining the master diploma and ensures specialization training, the student acquiring advanced knowledge, analysis and synthesis competences.

    The structure of the master program curriculum, organized by the Romanian-American University, in accordance with the legal frame, regarding the Master Programs' Syllabus is the following:

    Master programs curriculum - level II
    School Bachelor Studies Fully accredited master program Organizational form Number of credits
    Management-Marketing Management Managementul Informatiilor Full time 120
    Managementul Logisticii Full time 120
    Managementul si Marketingul Organizatiei Full time 120
    Managementul Strategic al Firmei Full time 120
    Marketing Marketing in Afaceri Full time 120
    Strategic Marketing [EN] Full time 120

    Students' education is supervised by a valuable teaching staff that uses modern teaching techniques, creating a relationship with students based on partnership, encouraging the initiative, creativity, dialog and involving actively in the training educational process.
    The material basis of the School of Management-Marketing - made up of lecture rooms, class rooms and labs endowed with modern technology, video-projectors - offers the students the possibility to study in optimum conditions, on western standards.

    Through the library, the faculty provides its students rich documentary fund, made up of courses and university books, treaties, specialized magazines both in Romanian and foreign languages. It also offers access to on-line documentation and teaching materials on the university website.

    The has a rich international activity, through the development of a set of programs in accordance with the European curricula for marketing and management, for mobility as well as for research in the educational field. The School of Management-Marketing has collaborated with prestigious American and European universities such as: James Madison University, Alabama University, DeSales University, The High Institute of Administration from Paris, etc.

    The best students of the Management-Marketing Faculty have attended the lectures delivered at the Romanian-American University by international professors:

  • Professor of Government
    Liberty University, USA
    Course: Psychological Operations: Applications for Business and Intelligence

  • Emeritus Professor of Management
    University of Alabama in Huntsville, USA
    Course: Project Management

  • Senior Partner Fraser Lloyd & Partners LLP UK
    Course: Growth Strategies for Banks and Companies

  • Professor, ISEG, University of Lisbon
    Courses: Art of Networking - Communicating in the 21st Century

  • University of Michigan-Flint, USA
    Course: Entrepreneurship, Technology and Innovation Management

  • University of Michigan-Flint, USA
    Course: Financial Management

  • University of Alabama in Huntsville, USA
    Course: Applied Business Management

  • University of Lisbon
    Course: Digital Marketing (Now Marketing is Social - Be a Marketer 2.0)

  • Courses: Intercultural Communication

  • Courses: Global Business and the Sustainability Challenge

  • Courses: Comunicare si negociere in afaceri

  • San Francisco University
    Course: Internet Marketing

  • Matthew Lee
  • James Madison University, USA
    Course: Psychology of Culture

    Prof.Kent Zimmerman and Prof.Pauline Cushman

    Prof.James McCollum

    Prof.Mohamed Latib

    Prof.Galen Godbey


    • 1996 Dimofte Alexandra, Lazar Gh. Ionel
    • 1997 Calin Veronica Adriana, Atineu Mihail
    • 1998 Cohal Gruia Alexandru, Blanculescu Ionel
    • 1999 Ilie Natalia, Vilcu Constantin, Croitoru Carmen
    • 2000 Al-Qutob Marwan Ioan, Andreescu Mihail Gabriel
    • 2001 Movila-Regiulis Raluca, Tiganila Elena Iuliana
    • 2002 Bugeaclau Roxana, Nita Eduard Valeriu
    • 2003 Ioana Eugen-Bogdanel, Muscalu (Diaconescu)
    • 2004 Condea Florentina, Erbasu Tatiana
    • 2005 Niculescu Florentina, Morgan Anne Marie Stefania
    • 2006 Caracas Cristina, Munteanu Daniel
    • 2007 Tanase-Gheorghiu George Cosmin, Dragota Monica
    • 2008 Popescu Diana, Balaban Oana Alexandra, Dumitrascuta Ioana
    • 2009 Para Victoria
    • 2010 Alexa Ioana-Maria, Ifrim Andeea Laura
    • 2011 Matei Ruxandra Cristina, Antal-Bacso (Rosu) Monica
    • 2012 BACHELOR: Calimache-Avramescu S.O. Larisa-Mirela; MASTER: Alexa A. Ioana-Maria Grigore; M.A. Larisa-Alexandra; Kadar V. Wilford-Alexandru; Burlacu G. Raluca Maria; Pancu I. Mihaela; Pirvan P. Cosmina-Manuela; Tara C. Monica; Simedrea F. Adela-Alexandra; Vlad C. Carmen-Mihaela
    • 2013 BACHELOR: Munteanu P. Razvan Petre, Varlan A. Filip; MASTER: Matei B. Catalina Andreea; Baloiu T. Ionut-Adrian; Bunea M.C. Adrian; Matei C.L. Ruxandra Cristina
    • 2014 BACHELOR: Lita M. Mihai-Adrian; Dragan Gh. Mihaela; MASTER: Centov V. Alexandrina; Tibichi D. Daniel; Smedescu I. Elena
    • 2015 BACHELOR: Tache I.C. Catalina-Florentina, Zirra V.V. Ilinca; MASTER: Munteanu P. Razvan-Petru; Alexandrescu C. Valentina-Andreea; Serban I. Victor-Ionut
    • 2016 BACHELOR: Vlasceanu N. Carmen Florentina, Purcarea Th.V. Ioan-Matei; MASTER: Zorica I. Teodora Elena; Benga G. Claudia-Maria; Amato S. Antonino
    • 2017 BACHELOR: Mosu M. Catalin-Alexandru, Tetu M.G. Alexandru-George; MASTER: Kuropka Z.M. Gabriela, Bohan M. Alexandra, Carp-Rusu V. Marian, Gheorghian M. Danut-Alexandru
    • 2018 BACHELOR: Pintilie C.I. Andana-Ioana; Comanita C.S. Vlad-Corvin; Tanase L. Iulia; Naciu I. Dana-Raluca; MASTER: Szocs A. Augustin; Radulescu A. Alexandra-Renata; Purcarea T.V. Ioan-Matei; Luca G. Roxana-Maria

    The improvement of the overall educational process, partnerships with European Union and American Universities, as well as collaboration with the business environment are the key factors for success, important for positioning the School of Management-Marketing as a leader on the specialized market, at the same time being able to train and prepare specialists in the field of management and marketing.

    Another important asset available to the Management-Marketing School is its scientific journal, the "Holistic Marketing Management" journal.
    The journal is taking the challenge of making Professor Ion Smedescu's dreams come true, struggling to adapt to our world in accelerated motion.

    © Universitatea Romano-Americana / Romanian-American University - Toate drepturile rezervate.

    Publicat la: 2006-12-20 (14914 citiri)

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