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Management-Marketing - Educational Offer

Overview Educational Offer Professional Perspectives Faculty Management Curricula

License Field Specialization Study Duration
ManagementManagement3 years
MarketingMarketing3 years
Master ProgramsStudy Duration
Managementul Informatiilor 2 years
Managmentul Logisticii 2 years
Managementul si Marketingul Organizatiei 2 years
Managementul Strategic al Firmei 2 years
Marketing in Afaceri 2 years
Strategic Marketing [EN] 2 years

The educational process is directed to the formation of specific skills, focused on the use of participative strategies in the teaching activity, the education plans being conceived in such a way as to offer the graduates the possibility of an easy insertion in the job market.

The two study cycles (license and master) offered by the Management-Marketing Faculty provide the students the possibility to develop the knowledge and skills necessary for the development of a successful career in management and marketing.

The fundamental coordinates that characterize the education plans of the School of Management-Marketing are the following:
  • it uses the Romanian experience, as well as that of prestigious universities from the USA and countries of the EU;
  • they are permanently complying with the needs of the Romanian economy and the requests of the EU;
  • when selecting the specialized subjects of study, they consider the role of the manager and marketing specialist in the company;
  • they take into consideration the necessity of reducing the students' program, by stressing the importance of the professional formation through individual study and practical preparation;
  • they are balanced both when it comes to the average number of weekly classes and to the relation between the hours for the lectures and those for the seminars, labs and practical activities.;
  • they update the education plans by including some modern subjects of study, such as: Programming of the WEB applications, Marketing policies and strategies, International Marketing, Client Relation Management, Strategic Analysis of the Competing Environment, International Business Management;
  • the education plans cover basic subjects of study (E.g. Micro economy, Macro economy, General Management, European Economy, Human Resources Management, s.a.), specialized ones (e.g. Technological Systems, IT Systems with data base for management and marketing, Managerial Accounting, Managerial Techniques, Basic marketing, Durable development and environmental management etc.) and complementary subjects of study (e.g. English and communication techniques, English/French/German/Spanish and Commercial Correspondence, Organizational Psychology, Organization and management of the American companies);

  • The education plans contain module subjects of study for one semester, essential; condition for the implementation of the system of transferable credits.

  • Within the periodical revision of the education plans and curricula the best students and graduates of the School are involved along with representatives of the business environment.
    The education plans of the School of Management-Marketing are defined by dynamism, flexibility, adaptability, actuality, modernity, orientation to the market and last but not least to competitiveness.

    © Universitatea Romano-Americana / Romanian-American University - Toate drepturile rezervate.

    Publicat la: 2006-12-20 (4757 citiri)

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