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Management-Marketing - Professional Perspectives

Overview Educational Offer Professional Perspectives Faculty Management Curricula

The School of Management-Marketing forms modern economists, with skills in management and marketing, capable to contribute to the companies’ competitive advantage where they will act as managers, consultants and specialists.
  • Retail manager
  • Human resources manager
  • Key account manager
  • Area sales manager
  • Production manager
  • Auditor and management controller
  • Project manager
  • Analyst and consultant in managerial area
  • Distribution development manager
  • Art director
  • Brand manager
  • Expert reviewer in the field of marketing
  • Trade and marketing expert
  • Marketing department manager
  • Image manager

It is important to mention that the Management-Marketing faculty by its educational offer - modern education plans, compatible with the European ones, a high quality teaching stuff, a material basis in compliance with the occidental ones - forms and shapes economists with managerial skills. Our graduates, trained in a continuous learning spirit, can acquire knowledge in specific management and marketing areas, in order to get access to top positions in any kind of organizations.

© Universitatea Romano-Americana / Romanian-American University - Toate drepturile rezervate.

Publicat la: 2006-12-20 (3694 citiri)

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