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Management-Marketing - Faculty Management

Overview Educational Offer Professional Perspectives Faculty Management Curricula

The School management is exercised by the School Council which acts according to the competences set up in the Charta of the Romanian-American University and having the Dean as a president.

  • Dean: Iliuta Costel Negricea, Ph.D. Associate Professor
  • Vice-Dean: Alexandru Ionescu, Ph.D. Associate Professor

  • For the achievements of its mission and objectives, the Faculty of Management Marketing relies on a set of principles which are in compliance with the objectives included in the Charta of the Romanian-American University, that is:

    1. The faculty promotes free thinking and academic freedom, being attached to the principle of the universality of knowledge values;
    2. Admission to the two forms of education within the faculty is possible according to the legal provisions. The organization and development of the admission contest is regulated through a methodology approved by the Senate of the University;
    3. The academic authority is based exclusively on professional competence (educational and scientific);
    4. The School promotes partnership with similar faculties and develops national and international academic cooperation;
    5. The management bodies are democratically elected, for all levels - School Council, Department and so on;
    6. Within the training-educational process, the students are partners of dialog. Their opinions are taken into consideration for the evaluation and improvement of the University activities.

    The Council of the School of Management-Marketing has defined the development strategy of the faculty, harmonizing the elements needed to ensure a competition educational process with those of the national and international labor market. The educational plans and curricula have been annually changed so as to ensure a correlation between the specialized subjects of study, the updating of their content in compliance with the latest international scientific achievements, the introduction of some new and modern subjects of study with impact on the labor market.

    The School of Management-Marketing comprises Department of Management-Marketing, a basic structural unit, having as a main objective to ensure the development of the training-educational and scientific research process at high levels of efficiency.

    © Universitatea Romano-Americana / Romanian-American University - Toate drepturile rezervate.

    Publicat la: 2006-12-20 (4885 citiri)

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