School of Domestic and International Business, Banking and Finance
Form of study:
university studies of 3 years, daily attendance education
university studies of 3 years, low attendance education

phone: +4-021-318.35.80 ; +4-0725.120.125
1B Expozitiei Blvd, Bucharest, Sector 1, 1st Floor
In order to stimulate the professional development of the students the cultivation of the excellence was intended especially through:
- setting up some excellence groups (English intensive) by bringing together the students with advanced knowledge of English and best marks;
- offering scholarships abroad, financial rewards and diplomas to the students who have very good professional results and an excellent academic;
Ever since it was set up, in 1991 and up to now, there were over 4534 graduates, from which 3119 at daily attendance and 1415 in low attendance education.
Along the years, the School of Domestic and International Business, Banking and Finance has had very valuable teaching staff, important personalities of the economic
science from our country, with a rich educational and practical experience. The Professors of the faculty prove a high professional competence and are famous in the Romanian and
international academic environments. The rate of the teaching staff with full time position or reserved position has always been above 50% of all the positions. There was always the
intention to attract famous professors, well known in their fields of activity, but also the promotion of resourceful young persons from among the former graduates.
The scientific research, which is a basic component of in the activity of the School of Domestic and International Business, Banking and Finance, is developed in several
grants/ contracts, studies and research themes of the teaching staff
The number of the
research studies and themes drawn by the teaching staff of the faculty have had a positive evolution both in terms of quantity and quality.
Editorial titles
The editorial titles comprise several elements, such as courses, textbooks, university treaties, monographies, case studies, all the subjects being covered with didactic
Student scientific meetings
Each university year there are student scientific meetings, organized for each subject of study, and the best papers are selected and presented within the Annual session of student
scientific communication. The studies and papers presented approach a large range of issues, reflecting both the students' preoccupations and professional skills of the teaching
staff, but also their interest in the major problems of the economic theory and practice.