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Domestic and International Business, Banking and Finance - Professional Perspectives

Overview Educational Offer Professional Perspectives Faculty Management Curricula

Between 1996-2006, 4 244 students have graduated, out of which 3 970 (93,54%) became licensed graduates.

The graduates percentage that succeeded to pass the license exam has succeeded to remain all these years at high levels, with an incremental evolution from 85,9% in 1996, to over 98% in 2005.

These are the best of them:

1995-1996 Cusi I. Laura 9,54
1996-1997 Bourbon Bianca Livia 10,00
1997-1998 Raget Anca Veronica 9,80
1998-1999 Iancu Oriana 9,83
1999-2000 Varvoreanu Alina Lorena 9,66
2000-2001 Dobre Andreea 10,00
2001-2002 Nicolae Ana Maria 10,00
2002-2003 Negricea Iliuta Costel 10,00
2003-2004 Donisan Estera 9,70
2004-2005 Mesina Ana Maria 9,63
2005-2006 Ichim Nela Ramona 9,89

The general competencies of the Faculty’s graduates are:

- capacity of learning efficiently;
- team-working capacity;
- capacity of making interdisciplinary correlations;
- ability of making economic analysis at micro, macro and global economical level;
- development of ordinary abilities of using computer;
- capacity of bringing into practice the acquired economic knowledge;
- acquiring the necessary abilities in the field of economic research;
- capacity of offering appropriate solutions to specific economical problems;
- capacity of collecting, analyzing and synthesizing economical information.

Professional competencies of the graduates according to each specialization are:


- - capacity of identifying and classifying different information on internal and international processes in the economic-financial field;
- negotiating, contracting and developing business at national and international level;
- capacity of identifying the main opportunities and risks in international business;
- knowledge, interpretation and enforcement of regulations and practices in the international business field;
- capacity of integration and adaptation to the professional standards/requirements enforced by international institutions and organizations;
- capacity of providing documents, analyses and reports, specific to the international business;
- capacity of writing and analyzing some economic reports;
- capacity of communicating efficiently in many foreign languages, using an appropriate economical vocabulary;
- capacity of using informational technologies imposed by the international business practice.


- capacity of identifying and classifying different information on internal and international processes in the economic-financial field;
- capacity of communicating efficiently in many foreign languages, using an appropriate economical vocabulary;
- knowledge, interpretation and enforcement of regulations and practices in the financial-banking field;
- capacity of integration and adaptation to the professional requirements of the public institutions and organizations in the field;
- capacity of providing documents, analyses and financial-banking reports;
- capacity of using efficiently the methods and execution techniques, specific to financial markets;
- ability of providing specific papers for the compartments of budget and treasury from companies and financial-banking institutions;
- abilities of providing counseling services on the capital market;
- ability of making and enforcing financial management decisions within public or private entities.


- capacity of identifying and classifying different information on economic processes;
- capacity of providing documents, analyses and reports, specific to accounting or to financial audit;
- capacity of carrying out activities in the field of accounting and economic IT, control and financial audit;
- ability of providing specific papers for the compartments of accounting and auditing from companies and financial-banking institutions;
- abilities of providing counseling services;
- capacity of drawing up and analyzing financial statements/financial reports for economic entities, credit and public institutions;
- organizing and managing accounting for economic entities, public and credit institutions;
- organizing and performing specific duties of control and internal audit;
- organizing and using the economic IT systems;
- capacity of drawing up and presenting fiscal statements.

After graduation, the faculty graduates can fill positions like: business negotiator and consultant, sales manager, logistics manager, e-commerce specialist and e-business, financial-banking analyst and insurances, investment consultant, broker, financial analysis and diagnostic consultant, financial auditor, fiscal consultant/auditor, customs consultant, economic analyst on regional and banking issues.

At the same time, totally attached to the American university community ideals, in which a main role is played by the students' partnership, as well as the Romanian high education traditions, the faculty organizes a series of manifestations with a high interest for the students.

With the occasion of the "last course" the graduates handled the faculty key to the students from the third year, and received membership diplomas from The Romanian-American Association of the Graduates.

With the occasion of the Faculty Day there were both, students and teaching staff, the parents, high school directors, as well as pupils in the XII-th class who are keen to become students of our university. In this frame, we organized exhibitions, poetry recitals, book launching, culture and art, meetings with businessmen, bank leaders, National Bank of Romania representatives, etc.
The organization with this occasion of some conferences and symposiums on present issues, with the attendance of some prominent specialists in those areas has already become a tradition (2005 - National currency denomination - the transition to the new leu, 2006 - book launch Mr. Adrian Vasilescu etc.).

© Universitatea Romano-Americana / Romanian-American University - Toate drepturile rezervate.

Publicat la: 2006-12-21 (6128 citiri)

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