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Domestic and International Business, Banking and Finance - Faculty Management

Overview Educational Offer Professional Perspectives Faculty Management Curricula

The management of the School of Domestic and International Business, Banking and Finance is ensured by the School Council which leads its activity according to the competences set up in the Charta of the Romanian-American University and has the Dean as president.

  • Dean: Iuliana Militaru, Ph.D. Associate Professor
  • Vice-dean: Iuliu Marin Ivanescu, Ph.D. Lecturer
  • Vice-dean: Nela Ramona Grigore, Ph.D. Lecturer

  • The development strategy of the faculty has been set up according to the need to ensure an integrated process of study (license, master, Ph. D.), a competing one according to the needs of the internal and international labor market. The School Council has annually adopted its own activity programs. The education plans and curricula have been analysed and changes were proposed to correlate the preparation for the license and master by combining the fundamental subjects of study with the specialized ones.

    Within the School of Domestic and International Business, Banking and Finance there are two chairs:

  • Trading, Economics Integration and Business Administration
  • Finance, Credit and Accounting

  • © Universitatea Romano-Americana / Romanian-American University - Toate drepturile rezervate.

    Publicat la: 2006-12-21 (6353 citiri)

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