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#StămAcasă - Sfaturi privind mişcarea şi nutriţia
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Department of Informatics, Statistics and Mathematics

Commerce, Economic Integration and Business Administration Finances, Credit, Accounting Foreign Languages
Informatics, Statistics and Mathematics Law Sciences Management-Marketing

Department Director: Cristina Coculescu, PhD. Associate Professor

The Department of Informatics, Statistics and Mathematics undertakes its activity within the School of Computer Science for Business Management and coordinates the activities related to the concerned disciplines in all the schools of the university, thus providing uniform educational programs for the economic faculties.
The syllabi of the specialized disciplines, the curricula of the coordinated programs, as well as the scientific research plan of the teaching staff affiliated to the Department are approved and supervised by the Department.

The fundamental objectives of the department of scientific research converge with those approved by the Senate of the University, namely:
- participate in the national, European and international competitions in order to obtain grants, as well as research contracts, for the business environment expertise and consultancy;
- enhance the competitiveness of the scientific products, in order to increase the national and international visibility of the university;
- implement an effective system of quality assurance and evaluation which focuses on the actual results of scientific research and on their national and international recognition

The scientific research activity within the School of Computer Science for Business Management is accomplished according to the Long-term Scientific Research Program approved by the Senate of the Romanian-American University.
The teachers conduct research on issues related to the disciplines in the curricula of the bachelor and master programs, in accordance with their expertise and scientific concerns.

Within the School and the Department there are research teams with extensive experience in terms of teamwork and outstanding achievements embodied in: courses, treaties, books for students, scientific articles published in specialized journals and also research contracts, grants and contracts with the business environment.
The department will permanently promote and inform on the schedule of the national and international scientific events and on the opportunities to put to good use the studies and articles elaborated by the teaching staff of the Department.
The Dean of the School together with the head of the Department supervise the activity systematically and help the Department achieve the annual scientific research plan. Furthermore, the Research Department of the University offers research consultancy so as to develop project proposals, to monitor projects and to deal with the information needed to coordinate the scientific research in the university.

Designing and elaborating highly scientific teaching materials are a permanent concern of the teachers in the Department of Informatics, Statistics, Mathematics, being one of the effective forms of disseminating the research results.
Regarding the scientific studies, they are presented within national and /or international symposia, congresses, conferences.
It is remarkable the teachers’ concern to publish articles in CNCSIS, ISI or B + journals, indexed in international databases.

Furthermore, the teachers affiliated to the Department have a special interest in determining and helping the students and master students do scientific research for the scientific meetings organized for the bachelor and master program. The students and master students present their papers at the scientific meetings organized by the Romanian-American University.

Improving the quality of teaching is an ongoing concern of the management of both the School of Computer Science for Business Management and the Department, its evaluation being made according to certain criteria, methodologies and tools in order to permanently evaluate the teaching staff.
The scientific research is an essential component of the annual evaluation of the teaching staff. The department also supports the peer evaluation of teaching, which involves both the achievements in teaching and scientific research and the teachers’ involvement in specific activities within the department, school and university.
The results concerning the periodic evaluation of the teaching and scientific research of the teaching staff are evaluated both quantitatively and qualitatively, within the meetings organized by the Department and the School, all these aspects being considered in the HR policy of the Romanian-American University.

The achievements which involved combined efforts of the teachers in the Department of Informatics, Statistics and Mathematics will be reflected both in improving the quality of the educational process in the university and in training the teaching staff.

© Universitatea Romano-Americana / Romanian-American University - Toate drepturile rezervate.

Publicat la: 2007-10-08 (6379 citiri)

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