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#StămAcasă - Sfaturi privind mişcarea şi nutriţia
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Online Resources

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Overview Online Resource

Within the modern RAU library we have integrated a lecture hall dedicated to accessing digital resources. Inside this place, our students can access internationally recognized research databases.

Besides de the online research databases our students can also access their online teaching support (courses, labs, examples, tests etc.).

The RAU Library offers you free access to online resources in your field!

  • Cambridge Journals (HSS collection)

  • DATABASE ACCESS - electronic resources accessible based on paid subscription by RAU

    The university offers its students and faculty the opportunity to access a large range of very valuable study materials, by means of accessing several prestigious international databases. These resources are FREELY available for you, being paid on subscription bases by the RAU.
    For access from inside the RAU campus (by internet connection through RAU infrastructure) you can go directly the the database website, for mobile access from outside the RAU campus please read the guide below.
    All the online resources are available by means of username and password, regardless of your location, internet access being the only prerequisite. For creation and validation of your account it is mandatory to use you institutional email address, @student.rau.ro or @profesor.rau.ro.

    In order to connect please follow the steps below:
    1. Internet access through RAU infrastructure - access the databases website Cambridge Journals (HSS collection)
    2. Mobile access - check Cambridge Journals (HSS collection mobile access guide [RO]

  • ProQuest, ScienceDirect

  • DATABASE ACCESS - electronic resources accessible based on paid subscription by RAU

    The university offers its students and faculty the opportunity to access a large range of very valuable study materials, by means of accessing several prestigious international databases. These resources are FREELY available for you, being paid on subscription bases by the RAU.
    For access from inside the RAU campus (by internet connection through RAU infrastructure) you can go directly the the database website, for mobile access from outside the RAU campus please read the guide below.
    All the online resources are available by means of username and password, regardless of your location, internet access being the only prerequisite. For creation and validation of your account it is mandatory to use you institutional email address, @student.rau.ro or @profesor.rau.ro.

    In order to connect please follow the steps below:
    1. Internet access through RAU infrastructure - access the databases websites ProQuest or ScienceDirect
    2. ANELIS PLUS Mobile Access Guide

  • SINTACT Database

  • ACCESS FROM RAU CAMPUS (E-Library or other dedicated spaces) - electronic resources accessible based on paid subscription by RAU

    The SINTACT platform offers:
    - Act Sintetic - the sole technology capable of always presenting up to date information regarding current legislation
    - Transversal Search - offers simultaneously, based on a single search, results from all sections
    - Saving search criteria
    - Permanent updates of legislation database
    - Marking and following legislation
    - A very complex database: Romania and EU legislation, Romanian and EU jurisprudence, Public Acquisitions, Journals, Classifications, Document models etc.
    - A complete and unified electronic space for legislation and jurisprudence
    - A simple, easy to navigate structure
    - View of diverse legislation interaction
    - Modern legislation calendar, Announcements Wizard, E-mail button
    - Document map, down to paragraph level
    - Creating, importing and exporting of personal document lists
    - Advanced viewing templates
    - Advanced document editor
    - Possibility of creating and saving personal documents
    - User Guide modules

    In order to connect please follow the steps below:
    1. www.sintact.ro

  • UN Database

  • Databases with reports, descriptions, situations, last minute information presented by the UN. The content is available in a wide array of languages.


  • World Digital Library (WDL) presents research materials in a multitude of languages, covering a vast geographical and cultural range.
    The main golad of WDL are: promoting international and inter-cultural exchanges, increasing the volume and diversity of world wide available electronic content, making resources available to educators, researchers and home users, building a partnership in order to diminish the disparities of availability for electronic cultural content at both local and international level.

  • World Bank Database

  • Website covering general information, reports, statistics, indicators and profiles for each country, articles, official public documents, last hour news, links to other specific resources.

  • OECD Database (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development)

  • Website covering general information, reports, statistics, case studies, indicators and papers regarding the economics situation of each of the organization's member countries, articles, news.

  • ROAR Database (Registry of Open Access Repositories)

  • Represent an open access database that permits search inside over 1700 institutional repositories all over the world, build by universities and prestigious research institutes, which published their scientific results in order to increase their visibility and optimize the effort of searching and finding full text resources.

  • DOAJ Database (Directory of Open Access Journals)

  • The database covers full text articles with free access, from recognized academic journals, peer-reviewed. The available titles cover all academic fields of expertise. Search can be conducted based on journal title or many other different search items inside the articles.

  • REPEC Database (Research Papers in Economics)

  • The database was built through the effort of hundreds of volunteers from 73 countries in order to better the process of disseminating the information within economics research area. The database covers over 1 million scientific articles, book chapters or full text scientific research papers, uploaded by the aithors themselves.

    © Universitatea Romano-Americana / Romanian-American University - Toate drepturile rezervate.

    Publicat la: 2007-11-05 (7366 citiri)

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