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Foreign Languages Department - Overview

Overview Intensive Courses

e-mail: [email protected]
web: www.rau.ro
Phone: +4-0725.120.168
Bd.Expozitiei 1B, Bucuresti, Sector 1, Etaj 3

The Foreign Languages Department commits to allow the management of the Romanian-American University to plan, organize, coordinate and control the foreign language teaching within this institution.

The main interest of the Foreign Languages Department is to ensure unitary and effective quality foreign language teaching, as well as the involvement of the department teaching staff in all fields of scientific research and in very close relation with the activity of all other academic and management departments within the university.

The main activities of the Foreign Languages Department within the Romanian-American University are the following:

  • carrying out high quality foreign language teaching;
  • drawing up curricula for all foreign languages;
  • drawing up and publishing foreign language courses;
  • carrying out teaching staff assessment;
  • ensuring continuous improvement of the teaching methods, as well as professional training for the teaching staff;
  • supporting the scientific research activity established by the research programs of all departments, faculties and by the university;
  • organizing intensive foreign language courses for students and administrative staff by their request;
  • controls during foreign language teaching lectures and seminars;
  • analyses carried out on the results obtained by the students after sitting for a foreign language exams;
  • carrying out consultations in foreign languages;
  • taking part in the selection committees whenever students are tested for obtaining a scholarship abroad;
  • taking part in all the activities organized by the university and by all those faculties to which the teaching staff in the Foreign Languages Department belong;
  • taking part in ensuring the material basis of the Foreign Languages Department (by sponsorship, donations, or personal contributions);
  • submitting reports related to the activity of the Foreign Languages Department to the management of the faculties and of the university;
  • ensuring liaisons with institutions and organizations that are committed to the promotion of foreign language teaching both in our country and abroad (British Council, the Cervantes Institute, etc.);
  • taking part in international and European programs which promote excellence in foreign language teaching and collaborating with both domestic and foreign universities;

  • At present, the Foreign Languages Department of Romanian-American University operates with a number of 39 members of faculty, working on a full-time or collaboration basis, Ph.D. candidates or MA graduates who teach courses in English, Spanish, French and German.
    In his activity, the Department Manager, Professor Dan-Marius Dalota, is supported by the following faculty staff chosen from among the members of the Department Council:
    1. Lecturer Elena Museanu, Ph.D. candidate, professional assistant
    2. Assistant Professor Raluca Tanasescu, M.A., scientific secretary
    3. Assistant Professor Anda Maxim

    The coordination of the teaching activity is effectively carried out at the level of each faculty by the following:
    1. Lecturer Mihaela Istrate, Ph.D. candidate, professional coordinator with the Faculty of Internal and International Commercial and Financial Banking Relations
    2. Assistant Professor Roxana Dude, Ph.D. candidate, professional coordinator with the Faculty of Internal and International Economy of Tourism
    3. Assistant Professor Eduard Bucescu, Ph.D. candidate, professional coordinator with the Faculty of Studies of the European Economic Integration
    4. Assistant Professor Mariana Coanca, professional coordinator with the Faculty of Computer Science for Business Management
    5. Assistant Professor Anda Maxim, professional coordinator with the Faculty of Management Marketing
    6. Assistant Professor Oana Boaru, Ph.D. candidate, professional coordinator with the Law School

    The members of The Foreign Languages Department have devised and updated textbooks for teaching English at the five economic faculties and the Law School. The teaching materials are constantly improved each academic year. The Foreign Languages Department supported by the University management has concluded collaboration agreements with European and American universities in foreign language teaching and undergraduate and teacher mobility. The Foreign Languages Department maintains an ongoing collaboration with the British Council and Cambridge University in order to promote modern English teaching techniques and courses. The persons in charge with the relationship with the British Council are Assistant Professor Marina Rotaru, Ph.D. candidate and Teaching Assistant Denisa Dumitrascu, Ph.D. candidate.

    To support undergraduates who wish further assistance in foreign languages, The Foreign Languages Department organizes intensive paid courses in English, Spanish, French, German for any person interested in such classes. The intensive foreign languages courses are organized according to proficiency levels and, at the end, candidates receive nationally recognized certificates.
    The coordinator of these courses is Assistant Professor Andreea Topor.

    © Universitatea Romano-Americana / Romanian-American University - Toate drepturile rezervate.

    Publicat la: 2007-11-29 (5657 citiri)

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