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Archive - 2007


Cooperation with the Institute of National Economy

In order to expand the students and faculty degree of involvement and participation to projects of scientific research, the Romanian-American University signed an agreement of cooperation with the Institute of National Economy within the National Institute for Economic Research of the Romanian Academy, Bucharest.

As a result of this agreement there will be organised common scientific seminars, conferences and symposiums for students and faculty, in the economic and social field.

The agreement also stipulates interacademic exchanges, common interest scientific information and papers exchanges as well as the cooperation with a view to drawing up research projects from the Ministry of Education and Research ( CEEX, CNCSIS, IMPACT, COST), the cooperation and winning of research projects within the Framework Program 7 (PC7), programs of the World Bank and financing programs from the European Union and from other international institutions and organizations.
Agreement with "La Sapienza" University - Rome

In December 2006, the Romanian-American University represented by its founding president, PhD. Ion Smedescu, set up a collaboration agreement with the Interuniversity Center of Research for Durable Development of the La Sapienza University, Rome, with a view to establishing didactic and scientific cooperation relationships for the following fields: trade, European integration and tourism.

The collaboration will be implemented by mutual visits of researchers and experts, faculty and students exchange programs, exchange of information, scientific documentation and publications, study meetings, seminars and conferences.

The agreement makes provisions for two student programs. The first one provides a forty days training period for a group of RAU students, having as a field the export of Italian products to Romania (food products, drinks, fashion). Romanian students together with other students from Europe and Latin America will learn the Italian trade system, being expected to use the knowledge thus gained upon return, with Romanian companies that import Italian products.

The second program will be an MA in Tourism based in Italy which will train a group of RAU students with a view to promote Italian tourism in Romania as well as a training program in Romania for Italian students in order to promote Romanian tourism in Italy.

This collaboration agreement was signed as part of a project of development of a tourism and trade network in Europe and Latin America.

The Romanian-American University organizes INTENSIVE COURSES FOR FOREIGN LANGUAGES

  • English
  • Spanish
  • French
  • German

  • The courses are structured on different levels:

    - beginner
    - intermediate
    - advanced

    - 10 lessons ( 4 hours/week) - on Saturdays
    - 10 March 2007 - 26 MAY 2007
    - 280 RON
    - Certificate of Graduation

    Signup period is between 19 February 2007 - 9 March 2007.
    Test for course level: 8/9 March 2007
    Department for Foreign Languages - 3rd floor, room 310
    Phone: 0725-120.168


    Asist.univ. ANDREEA TOPOR, Foreign Languages Courses Coordinator
    Phone: 0725-532.401

    RAU students involved in the first Romanian project of an ice-hotel

    A group of 13 students from the Romanian-American University has been involved in the project ICE HOTEL - BALEA LAC.

    This action has been organized by the FACULTY OF DOMENSTIC AND INTERNATIONAL TOURISM ENONOMICS in order to help the students get in contact with prestigious tour-operators. Thus, the students were able to gain experience in their area of interest and they have witnessed the construction of the first ice hotel in Romania - "BALEA LAC ICE HOTEL".

    Their participation has been praised also by the media.

    Job Opportunities through the Center for Orientation and Career Planning

    The Romanian-American University is pleased to forward the EUROMONITOR INTERNATIONAL company job offers.

    This opportunity is available up to 15th of February 2007.
    For details please click here.
    Microeconomy course online offered by DeSales University, Pennsylvania

    Monday, 15th January 2007, started the Microeconomy course online led in the second semester by Professor Tahereh Hojjat from DeSales University, Pennsylvania.

    The course will be attended by 30 students from all the faculties of the Romanian-American University. The students that will comply with the course requirements will receive a diploma from DeSales University.
    Latest news on the American MBA at the Romanian-American University !!!

    We would like to inform you that if you are one of those interested in the American MBA on Project Management, organized at the Romanian-American University by DeSales University, you are invited to come on 20th and 21st of February 2007 at 6:00 PM to attend a MBA presentation made by this Programme Director, Professor Mohamed Latib, PhD, at the University headquarters: Bd. Expozi?iei, nr. 1B, Bucharest 1.

    For more information please contact us at the following phone numbers:

    Every day from 8:00 AM till 16:00 PM.

    [email protected]
    [email protected]

    For further details please click HERE.
    Season greetings from public life personalities

    The Holiday Season and the Saint John's Day have demonstrated again the respect and simpathy for the Romanian-American University's President - professor Ion Smedescu.

    Information reunion on the new "LIFELONG LEARNING 2007-2013" program

    The Romanian-American University hosted on Friday, the 26th of January, the INFORMATION REUNION ON THE NEW LIFELONG LEARNING 2007-2013 PROGRAMME financed by the European Union.

    With a rated budget of 13.62 billion euros for the 2007-2013 time-frame, the new programme seeks to promote, through continuous learning, the Community development as a knowledge-based society, centred on durable development, able to offer more jobs and a greater social cohesion. The strengthening of the cooperation between the national education and professional training systems is wanted, in order to render them as quality standards at a global level.

    Organized in partnership with the National Agency for EU Programmes in Education and Professional Development, and Euromob Consulting Team, the event was a good opportunity for the accurate perception of the arising financial opportunities and for the domestic or international level partnerships development as well, especially within the sector program Leonardo da Vinci.

    The reunion works were opened by Ph. D. Ion Smedescu, Founding President of the Romanian-American University.

    Over 150 guests from Romania and abroad (Italy, Spain, Malta, and Portugal) together with professors and students from the Romanian-American University attended. The event was also attended by representatives of institutions having interest in project development in the training field: Universities, Professional Associations, Specialized Agencies (The Romanian Agency for Quality Insurance, ACPART, Arad Environment Protection), Professional Training Centres, High Schools or School Groups, School Inspectorate, The Romanian Society for Radio broadcasting, private companies, etc.

    The reunion was a genuine success and we believe this represents an important premise regarding the development of quality projects with Romanian promoters in order to ensure the EU funds absorption for the reforming, modernizing and European accession of the Romanian educational and professional training system.

    Click here(Romanian Language Version) to view the agenda of the event.
    The BOLOGNA PROCESS MANUAL available at the RAU library

    The faculty and students of the Romanian-American University interested in the Bologna Process have now the possibility to stuy the "Bologna Process - Manual", edited by the European Universities Association (EUA), at the library rooms.

    The manual answers all the issues raised by the implementation of the Bologna Process at institutional level, analyzing each element of the reform of the european higher education system. The document is a very flexible one, helping both managers and faculty to better understand and implement it's objectives within their own higher education institutions.

    The manual comprises a suite of articles following the main ideas of the Bologna Process, written by experts in each field. The readers can find details about the following major themes: the context of the Bologna Process (history, development, dimensions); objectives and tools; development of mobilities; quality control; social dimension; planning and implementing the three study cycles; optimizing the available resources; the future of the European higher education, etc.

    To view online the content of the manual please click
    CISCO SYSTEMS - training program

    Cisco Systems offers your university's graduates the opportunity to participate in a special training program which starts in Amsterdam in August 2007. This program will benefit from students from more then 40 different countries.
    All participants will work the first 12 months at the Cisco Sales Academy in Amsterdam.
    The trainees will have a competitive salary for the entire 12 months period. The program will be concentrated and will offer the unique opportunity to learn new things about our products, new solutions for solving their problems and everything about retail sales.
    Cisco Systems will help all participants to develop their professional skills.

    After the 12 months the participants will return to Romania to follow their career.
    We are interested to enroll your best graduates that wish to start their career from a very solid and well respected base.

    All participants must speak English.
    The deadline for applications is 28th of March 2007.

    Please read the attached announcement for further details.
    We would be grateful for the dissemination of this announcement within your university.

    Thankfully yours,
    Marina Burroughs

    FEBRUARY 2007

    Cooperation between British Council and the Romanian-American University

    The Romanian-American University cooperates with the British Council to support the applications for the CAMBRIDGE EXAMS.

    The applications for the June 2007 Session of the CAMBRIDGE EXAMS can be registered directly with the Romanian-American University during the 10th February - 5th March 2007 period.

    For further details: [email protected]
    Contact: Denisa Dumitrascu, Prep.Univ.Drd.

    Campaign for educating the rural communities about the sustained development of the Neamt county

    Association of the Project Managers-AMP, promoter of the "Campaign for educating the rural communities about the sustained development of the Neamt county" project, announces that the Project No.15306/15.08.2006 has been selected for financing through the open auction of the "Environment Fund" program.

    This project will be on during the 15th of January - 15th of September 2007, having allocated a total amount of 238.223 RON, and will involve the following partners:

  • ROMANIAN-AMERICAN UNIVERSITY from BUCHAREST - Faculty of Domestic and International Tourism Economics

  • Partener number 1 - Romanian-American University - is represented by Mihaela Sofia DINU, Ph.D. - from the Faculty of Domestic and International Tourism Economics.

    Letter of appreciation from the Superior Council of Magistracy

    Letter of appreciation from the Superior Council of Magistracy for the support of the Romanian-American University related to the organization of the exam for promoting the judges on executive positions - 4th of February 2007.

    Public presentation of the DeSales MBA in partnership with Romanian-American University

    Desales University Vice President and Director of the MBA Program, Dr. Mohamed Latib, made a presentation about the MBA in Project Management that will be offered in partnership with the Romanian American University.
    Several prospective students and corporate executives attended the session.

    MARCH 2007


    The Internal and International Commercial and Financial-Banking Relations Faculty annually organizes the "SCHOOL DAY".
    Students, faculty and other guests have had the oportunity to view the "BILOXI BLUES" play at the "Comedy Theatre" of Bucharest.

    President of the Romanian Banks Association at the Romanian-American University

    The Romanian-American University hosted, on the 7th of March 2007, a presentation by Mr. Radu Gratian Ghenea, President of Alpha Bank and the Romanian Banks Association.
    The event has taken place in the Aula Magna and was attended by students, faculty and special guests from the business environment.

    ANAT affiliation

    Starting on March 12th 2007, the Faculty of Internal and International Economy of Tourism has been officially affiliated to the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF TOURISM AGENCIES - ANAT.

    The Romanian-American University has taken part to the Romanian International University Fair - RIUF 2007

    The RAU has participated to the Romanian International University Fair - RIUF 2007 scheduled for March 10-11 at the Bucharest National Theatre.

    This event made it possible for a large number of visitors (high-school pupils looking for a prestigious university or graduates interested in MA programs) to get acquainted with the elite of higher education.

    The educational offer made by the RAU stood up to internationally acknowledged uiversities’offer. The RAU stand was visited by youth interested in becoming our students, parents, faculty and other academic institutions representatives.

    The DeSales University, Pennsylvania, a partner of RAU, organized a stand which stood side by side with our stand, professors Latib and Castagna presenting the DSU program in Romania.

    To the RAU, RIUF 2007 represented a wonderful opportunity to:
    - present its educational offer
    - recruit future students
    - uphold its good image and strengthen its position on the educational market
    - establish further contacts with foreign universities

    Faculty, students and administrators have teamed up at the stand, organizing and presenting materials. Professor McCollum from the Alabama University, a guest within the Cooperation Agreement between AU and RAU, lecturing in Project Management and Applied Business Management, gracefully entertained stand visitors.
    Dr. Ion Smedescu, President of RAU, has honored RIUF 2007 with his presence.

    A new edition of Professor McCollum's courses

    On Tuesday, March 13th of 2007, The Course of "Applied Business Management" taught by Professor James McCollum from the University of Alabama in Huntsville was completed.

    With this course, the students enrolled in all the university departments and the foreign students enrolled in the Erasmus and Leonardo da Vinci Programs were offered one more special professional opportunity for their training to become successful managers for the Romanian economy.

    Like in the previous editions, students worked in 4-5 student teams aiming at developing new skills, such as: "team-work", "team-building", "in-group communication", "case studies presentation".

    Professor James McCollum used as teaching material his book launched within the Romanian-American University, in October 2006: "AMERICAN IDEAS FOR ROMANIAN MANAGERS-42 Case Studies from the American Businesses", third edition.
    During this course, Professor McCollum shared his own rich and valuable experience, approaching the main aspects faced by a Romanian manager now-a-days.
    Students took advantage of a real participative course, learning from examples, model, successes and failures of important American companies.

    Meeting between students and dr.Carolyn Ban from the University of Pittsburg, Graduate School of Public and International Affairs.

    On the 13th of March 2007, the Faculty of Studies of the European Economic Integration together with the European Institute of Romania has organized dr.Carolyn Ban's visit to the Romanian American-University.

    Dr.Carolyn Ban has been visiting Romania within a EU program. This program studies the impact of the UE expansion over the activity of the EU bodies.
    The meeting has brought together RAU students, faculty and guests.
    Dr.Carolyn Ban has agreed to cooperate with the RAU during her research activities for 2007 and 2008.
    This event was a model of specific Faculty of Studies of the European Economic Integration's activities related to both the EU and the USA.


    On March 28th 2007, at 17.00 hours, the Faculty of Management-Marketing has the pleasure to invite you inside theSenate Hall for the proceedings of the Conference "THE PATH OF ECONOMIC FREEDOM: TRADE, INVESTMENTS AND MIGRATION"
    Taking into consideration the context of the EU integration and the modifications imposed by this fact on the fields of commerce, investments and human resources the faculty have invited as special speaker the well known Educational Programs Director of the Economic Thinking - professor Greg REMHKE.

    The conference is organized by prep.univ.drd.Raluca VOICU together with prep.univ.Alexandra IONESCU.

    RAU Celebration of the 50-th Anniversary of the Ratification of the Treaty of Rome

    On Friday, 23-rd of March 2007, Romanian-American University Professors and students celebrated 50 years from the signing of the Treaty of Rome, which put the basis of the European Economic Community, today's European Union. On this occasion, Professor Ion Smedescu, Ph.D. Rector of the Romanian-American University recalled Jean Monnet's personality, one of the founders of the United Europe, also mentioning the fact that beginning with this day, one of the University's lecture rooms will bear the name of the great politician. "We can not speak about modern Europe without mentioning one of its parents-Jean Monnet. Paraphrasing a French Professor, I propose you a moment of reflection on the image of Jean Monnet, the man of the great beginnings. European Union history has its origins on a day of May when the first initiative was created towards the development of what we call today, with great pride, European Union. Jean Monnet's contribution to the development of the concept of "integration" is beyond any doubt. Monnet's vision of a united Europe and on its matters has considerably inluenced the whole generation of politicians who created the history of the contemporary world", said Prof.Ion Smedescu,Ph.D. Rector of the Romanian American University.

    During the debates, the attendants have stressed the role of the Romanian higher education on the foundation and promotion of the European values, especially today, when Romania plays an active role as a member of the European Union. By anticipating the need for an European conscience, the Romanian-American University established, in 2000, the School of European Economic Integration Studies, where thousands of students have the opportunity to acquire European values and culture.

    JEAN MONNET Amphitheatre

    Appreciations from the JUSTICE DEPARTMENT

    The Romanian Department of Justice has expressed its appreciation for the Romanian-American University for the help with the organization of the exams of the Probation Division.
    Click here for the original letter.


    The Japanese Embassy in Bucharest, together with the Romanian-Japanese Studies Centre of the Romanian-American University, have the pleasure to invite you on MONDAY, 2nd of April 2007, at the proceedings of the "RECENT DEVELOPMENT OF JAPANESE ECONOMY AND ITS IMPACT ON JAPANESE SOCIETY" conference.

    The event takes place in the Aula Magna of the RAU and is chaired by Hiromasa KUBO - Professor within the Graduate School of Economics - Kobe University and President of the "EU Institute in Japan" - Kansai.


    Taking into consideration the growing importance of the human resources element from the point of view of upgrading the performances of organizations, the Management-Marketing Faculty of the RAU has organized the "THE IMPACT OF THE HUMAN RESOURCE ON THE MAIN FINANCIAL AND ECONOMICS INDICATORS IN THE U.S.A." conference on the 29th of March 2007.
    During the debates the organizers prep.univ.drd.Raluca VOICU and prep.univ.Alexandra IONESCU have discussed the key factors of the human resource-financial and economics indicators relationship, analyzing the U.S.A. development according to these elements that are considered primordial for the existence of any modern society.

    UE - Together since 1957

    On the 20th of March 2007, the Faculty of Studies of the European Economic Integration has organized a symposium dedicated to the aniversary of 50 years since the signing of the Treaty of Rome which was the founding base of the European Comunity.
    The manifestation was attended by many guests directly involved in the relationships between Romania and the EU - members of the FSEEI: prof.univ.dr.Mihai Berinde, prof.univ.dr. Ghiorghi Prisecaru, dr. Nicolae Idu.

    At the opening of the debates the dean of the FSEEI, prof.univ.dr. Florin Bonciu, has presented the main achivements of the EU in its first 50 years and the perspectives for the next 50 years, as seen by the European Commission.

    APRIL 2007

    New courses taught by American professors

    Within the Collaboration Agreement with Barry University-Miami Beach, Florida, Professor Ron Lennon will teach - starting with May 6, 2007 - the course of "MARKETING of TOURIST DESTINATIONS" for the II-nd and III-rd year students enrolled in the School of Domestic and International Tourism Economy.

    Students from the other Romanian-American University Schools can attend.

    Information and registration at the Room 305 - International Relations Office

    The Romanian-American University and Microsoft Romania

    Come Join Us for the Microsoft | Academic Tour 3.0!

    Faculty of Managerial IT
    RAU Campus
    Room 321
    16th of April 2007, 13:00 hours

    Online registration at http://reg.studentclub.ro

    This year's events are dedicated to the launch of Microsoft Windows Vista and the new suite Microsoft Office System. The tour represents an excellent opportunity to find out how you can access technology and new sources of knowledge and to discuss the latest technological news with special guests from Microsoft.

    Open Doors Day

    The Romanian-American University has the pleasure to invite you all to visit us on the 19th of April 2007, from 9.00 until 18.00 hours. During this "OPEN DOORS DAY" you can have a "live" experience of the RAU Campus.

    Happy Erasmus Day!

    The Romanian-American University invites you to celebrate together the HAPYY ERASMUS DAY.
    On Monday, 16th of April 2007, between 9.00 and 10.00 hours, we wait for you inside the main lobby of our Campus - 1B Expozitiei Blvd. - Bucharest, Sector 1.

    For further details please click here.

    Deloitte Conference inside RAU Campus

    Deloitte and the Romanian-American University have the pleasure to invite you at the "THE PATH FOR FUTURE LEADERS" conference - organized inside the Aula Magna, on the 18th of April 2007 - 11.30.
    The invitation is targeted for the last two study years students from accounting and finance specializations.


    In order to celebrate the 20 years of existence of the ERASMUS program, an Erasmus Caravan left Brussels on the 18-th of January, 2007.
    The organizers of this event in Romania are Erasmus Student Network(ESN), Association des Etudiants Francophones(AEF) and the Romanian Young Europeanists(RYE).

    The first university to say "Happy Erasmus Day !" was the Romanian-American University.

    Davide Chapecchi (ex-president of ESN) and Manuel Marabese (ESN member) together with the Erasmus students from the Romanian-American University, offered detailed information to the ones interested in this program either in the Jean Monnet lecture hall or at the stands in the University lobby. On this occasion, information packages were spread with a view to show the students the opportunities of an Erasmus scholarship.
    Annually, more than 150,000 European students benefit from this program and 1,5 million students have been participating to the program for the 20 years since its launching.

    Photos of the OPEN DOORS DAY guests

    Coperation with "La Sapienza" University

    On Thursday, April 19-th, a Memorandum of Agreement was signed by the Romanian-American University and "La Sapienza" University within CIRPS (The Inter-university Center for Sustainable Development Research), in Rome-Italy.

    The cooperation with "La Sapienza" University-CIRPS comprises:
  • Italian faculty-taught courses organized at the Romanian-American University, for 3-rd year,economic school undergraduates
  • promoting and organizing internship for the RAU 3-rd year undergraduates in Italian companies, as well as for CIRPS undergraduates in Romanian companies
  • a tourism cooperation program:

  •       - Master studies
          - Seminars, conferences, workshops
          - Internships for Romanian & Italian undergraduates
          - Joint work for Romanian & Italian companies.

    International Summer School

    ROMANIAN-AMERICAN UNIVERSITY in cooperation with UNIVERSITY OF ALABAMA in HUNTSVILLE - USA organizes, in Bucharest, within June 13-27, 2007, THE INTERNATIONAL SUMMER SCHOOL on: Transition and Integration: Business Development within European Integration and Globalization.

    A joint academic and social-cultural program aimed to contribute to the development of the knowledge of reality in which international students live and learn, to the strengthening of ties among their home countries.
    A real vacation program for young people fond of learning!

    Courses are delivered in English language.

    The graduates are awarded Diplomas with the disciplines and the credit-points included.

    Application deadline: June 1-st, 2007
    Fee: 850 Euros

    Information and registration:
  • e-mail: [email protected]
  • Room 305, 1B Expozitiei Blvd. - International Relations Office

  • The fee covers:
    - Tuition fee
    - Board and lodging in the modern Romanian-American University campus
    - Entertainment activities including tours of Bucharest and surroundings and week-end trips at the Black Sea shore and on the Prahova Valley.

    Transport and assurance are on the student’s charge.
    MAY 2007

    Faculty of Internal and International Commercial and Financial-Banking Relation Graduation Party

    Tourism Fair - Bucharest, Izvor Park

    Wanting to be always among the specialists, the Faculty of Internal and International Tourism Economy has answered the Tourism Agencies National Association and Interpress Turism's invitation to participate at the Tourism Fair - Bucharest - first edition.
    The event has taken place inside Izvor Park, during the 4 - 6 of May 2007. Over 60 tourism agents have participated within a pavilion of over 3.000 square metres.

    The Faculty of Internal and International Tourism Economy stand has enjoyed a great deal of attention, mainly from young people wanting to perfect their skills through a master degree but also from well reknowned specialists.

    Collaboration with the American University in Bulgaria

    On Wednesday, May 9-th, Mr. David Flanagan, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the American University in Bulgaria visited the Romanian-American University and was received by Professor Ion Smedescu, Ph.D.

    During the discussions they have approached issues related to:
    - Ever-changing contemporary society, mainly the accession of Romania and Bulgaria to the EU,
    - Importance of the experience exchange among universities,
    - Educational offer in keeping with internationally acknowledged performance,
    - Integration within the European educational area.

    The educational collaboration offers the young people real chances for their career success.
    The two universities will continue changing ideas and experiences in order to offer, in this European area, a performing, pragmatic, efficient and modern training.

    Targ de Joburi - CARIERE TRAVEL & TOURISM

    The Faculty of Internal and International Economy of Tourism has organized during the 17th-18th of May 2007 the event TRAVEL & TOURISM CARREERS.

    Faculty of Studies of the European Economic Integration - Graduation Party

    Faculty of Internal and International Economy of Tourism - Graduation Party

    His Beatitude Patriarch Teoctist became Doctor Honoris Causa of the Romanian-American University

    The academic community of the Romanian-American University attended on Monday, 28th of May 2007, the festivity of Doctor Honoris Causa title conferment to His Beatitude Patriarch Teoctist, the Patriarch of the Romanian Orthodox Church.
    In the presence of many notables of the Romanian cultural and ecumenical life, the rector of the Romanian-American University, Ph. D. Ion Smedescu, eulogized the complex personality of the hierarch, noticing not only his pastoral, ecumenical and missionary activity but also his publishing and editorial activity.

    "It is atypical to meet a man who, over seven decades, has been living exclusively within the cloistral world, inside which he has been rising by his own qualities, his faith and continuous labor, becoming the Patriarch of the Romanian Orthodox Church. As if providential, the name itself of His Beatitude Patriarch -Teoctist- which in Greek language stands for "God builder", advises us to witness him piously and to accept him as the Romanians' guide towards faith in God" , asserted the University’s rector, Ph. D. Ion Smedescu.
    His Excellence evoked the moments of maximal meaning for the cultural and religious Romanian life but also for the academic one in the biography of His Beatitude Patriarch Teoctist.

    "The life and accomplishments of His Beatitude are unique in the history of our Romanian Orthodox Church. Seven decades of monachism ensure him an honorable place in the history of the Romanian Christianity. It is obvious that, in few minutes, as I have decided to submit it to your attention, I am not able to comprise the abundance of actions of our Patriarch, but I wish to regale him for his human qualities proven by his concern for his kindred", also said the rector, Ph. D. Ion Smedescu.

    By the conferment of the high distinction, His Beatitude Patriarch Teoctist became the first Doctor Honoris Causa of the Romanian-American University.

    A special moment of the festivity was marked by the awarding of the "Patriarchal Cross" to the founding rector of the Romanian-American University, Ph. D. Ion Smedescu, as acknowledgment of the special efforts he had made by establishing the Romanian- American University, and of the initiative to promote the orthodox values by building a chapel inside the institution for the students and professors to pray in.

    JUNE 2007

    DeSales University visiting RAU again

    Within the collaboration treaty between the two universities, during the 2-10 of June period, the following activities will take place:
  • BIE Grants from the US Department of Education, involving students, MBA candidates and teaching staff. The American group comprises two teams:

  • - Sinca Noua Team - for students: 5 students lead by Martin Bret.

    - MBA Team under the guidance of prof. Mohamed Latib organizes meetings with the business field representatives and well known managers, both in Bucharest and Constanta. Also on the 7th of June, 18:00 hours, the MBA Team will organize an official presentation of the AMERICAN MBA PROGRAM, inside the Senate Hall of the Romanian-American University.

    - Official flyer of the event

    According to the Collaboration Agreement between the American – University and James Madison University, in May 2007, the American Professor, Kent Zimmermann taught the intensive course named "Organizational Behavior".

    Students from all the departments of the Romanian-American University attended this course. It was interactive, very interesting and, in the end, students were given Certificates of Attendance and completion during a festivity.
    Once again, the students and the teaching staff of the Romanian-American University had the opportunity to meet and benefit from the teaching and didactical experience of the outstanding American professors. It was an unforgettable moment for the students of the Romanian-American University being very touched when they finished the course taught by the marvelous American professor.

    Letter of Appreciation from the Office of the Patriarch of the Romanian Orthodox Church

    JULY 2007

    Celebrating USA National Day among friends

    On the 4th of July 2007, at the US Embassy in Romania, professor doctor Ion Smedescu, Founding Rector of the Romanian- American University, has been invited to celebrate the National Day of the United States of America together with both American and Romanian public figures.

    AUGUST 2007

    SEPTEMBER 2007


    On the 18th of September 2007, at the R.A.U campus, the first MBA in Project Management in Romania has been launched officialy, the entire faculty comprising only US professors.

    During the event the Founding-Rector of the R.A.U. - prof.univ.dr.Ion Smedescu - and the DeSales University President - Rev.Bernard F.O'Connor - have signed the "Cooperation Agreement" between the two universities.
    Also present at the event were members from both academic communities and other special guests - all of whom have welcomed this new perspective for the development of the future Romanian specialists in the Project Management field.

    Starting at 6:30 PM there has been an official cocktail organized at the Diplomatic Club of Bucharest. At the event have participated representatives of both institutions and other well-known guests from the academic and business environment.

    OCTOBER 2007

    Opening Festivities Program for the 2007-2008 Academic Year


    The Opening Festivity of the 2007-2008 academic year took place inside the Aula Magna of the Romanian American University, on the 2nd of October 2007. The President-Founder of the RAU, professor Ion Smedescu, has presented the Strategic Program for the new academic year and the analysis of the previous academic year’s achievements. Among the honored guests of the festivities we can mention: James Madison University delegation - led by President Linwood H. Rose, member of the Consultative Committee for National Infrastructure in USA, Mrs.Lia-Olguta Vasilescu, President of the Education, Science and Youth Committee of the Deputy Chamber, and preofessor Dumitru Miron - the State Secretary of the Education, Research and Youth Ministry.

    "A Culture of Central Bank Independence" - conference held by Antonio Sainz of Vicuna, General Counselor of the President of the European Central Bank

    The Faculty of European Economic Studies has organized in cooperation with the Romanian European Institute a conference with international participation on Thursday, October 25th, 2007.
    The conference with the theme "A Culture of Central Bank Independence" had a special guest: Mr. Antonio Sainz of Vicuna, General Counselor of the President of the European Central Bank.

    Mr. Nicolae Idu, General Manager of the Romanian European Institute, took part as well in the conference. The following representatives took part in the conference on behalf of the Faculty of European Economic Studies: Mr. Florin Bonciu, the Dean of the Faculty, Mr. Valeriu Potecea, Mr. Bogdan Glavan and Mr. Mihai Sebea. A representative of the economic media who interviewed the special guest, Mr. Antonio Sainz of Vicuna, also participated to the conference. The audience was formed of young teachers and students who took great interest in the debate concerning the functions and specific of the Central European Bank and the prospects of adopting the Euro currency in the new member states of the European Union.

    The American Association of School Administrators delegation visiting RAU

    On the 29th of October 2007 a delegation representing the AASA - American Association of School Administrators has visited the Romanian-American University.
    The main purpose of the event was to discover the Romanian education system and it's development projects - especially at the RAU level.
    The american delegation has visited the campus and took part at a friendly meeting with the RAU management and students. During this meeting the RAU President, professor Ion Smedescu, presented the university and it's main projects as a part of the national education system and afterwards the meeting became a debate centred on different topics of great interest for both the RAU and the american guests.

    NOVEMBER 2007


    The Management-Marketing faculty of the RAU, together with the National Authority for Scientific Research, has organized on the 9th and 10th of November 2007 the "EUROPEAN ROMANIA: MULTICULTURALISM, COMPETITIVNESS AND COMPATIBILITY WITHIN THE FIELD OF MANAGEMENT" International Symposium.

    The symposium has been honored by important guests and speakers, management specialists, professors and researchers - giving them the opportunity to exchange ideas regarding the subject and to define certain strategic directions for the compatibility of the higher education management curriculae.

    Remarkable speechs and presentations were held by:
  • Joseph Goodman, PhD, James Madison University, SUA - "The Interractive Effects of Tranzient Mood & Accountability in Decision Making"
  • Wei Houkai, PhD, Chen Zao, PhD, Chinese Social Sciences Academy, Industrial Economics Institute, Beijing - "Competitivenes and Realities in the Chinese Industry"
  • Dr. Ragalie Stefan, Director of Industrial and Services Economics Center - "Innovation - key factor within a knowledge based economy"

  • New Award for the RAU Founding-President

    On the 23rd of November 2007 the General Economists Association of Romania has awarded the Diploma for Excellence for special merits in consolidating the private higher education system in Romania to professor Ion Smedescu, Founding-President of the RAU.

    Donation from RAU to the Red Cross National Society

    The RAU - after an excellent cooperation with the Red Cross National Society, has donated IT equipment to the persons under the supervision of the General Direction for Social Services and Child Protection - Bucharest, Sector 1 Branch.

    International Symposium "Legal Contemporary Institutions within the Context of the European Integration of Romania"

    The Law School of the RAU has organized the event together with the National Authority for Scientific Research of the Ministry for Education, Research and Youth.

    The event has taken place within the RAU campus on the 26th and 27th of October 2007.
    The EU accesion of Romania together with the new legal and political challenges faced by the EU members have determined us to take into consideration the "legal contemporary institutions within the context of the european integration" as a very important issue for both Romanian and foreign academic communities.

    Constantly, both the EU and the member states must develop new strategies for adapting to the process of integrating legal and educational needs related to different European regions. Within this context, the symposium's guests have followed the next main topics:
  • realities and perspectives within the Romanian Legal System, from the EU accession point of view;
  • Legal Protection of the Human Rights;
  • The Higher Education changes introduced by the Bologna Process.

  • The event has been attended by 42 participants from the legal system of both Romania and other different countries. The conclusions of the symposium have been published in a volume dedicated to this event.

    Meeting with the Nationan Institute for Magistrates

    Wednesday, the 14th of November 2007, the RAU Law School's students had the opportunity to attend a meeting focused on the topic of following a further magistrate carreer. The meeting has as special guest judge Lavinia Lefterache - deputy director of the NIM. The debates have been attended by 57 students interested in future judge or prosecutor carreers. The main topics of the discussions have been:
  • the requirements for magistrate level admission;
  • details about preparing the candidates for the admission exams;
  • the steps of the procedure for recruting future magistrates.

  • The main target of the meeting was to inform the Law School's students about the magistrature admission exams and recruitment procedures. We hope that this debate has been a real support for the future magistrates - graduates of RAU.

    Events organized by the RAU in partnership with P&G

    The P&G Trainings are free of charge for the RAU students.

    Tuesday, the 27th of November 2007 - within the Aula Magna of the RAU, the first P&G training has taken place: Market Yourself. The training is part of the Raising Stars P&G program. The next trainings to be held in cooperation by RAU and P&G are:

    1. Speak with Confidence(04.12.2007);
    2. Lead(11.12.2007);
    3. Unleash Your Brain Power (2nd semester);
    4. Safe Your Life, Manage Your Time (2nd semester);
    5. Win with Your Team (2nd semester);

    The Market Yourself training has been attended by 250 students of the RAU.
    The RAU is the only private university in Romania that is part of the Raising Starsprogram as a partner of the multinational company Procter & Gamble. This partnership allows our students to:
  • participate at the international events organized by P&G for students;
  • participate at the internships programs organized by P&G during the summer break - with the possibility to remain as an employee of P&G after graduation;
  • be involved in case-studies of P&G;
  • participate at the P&G courses and trainings.

  • The international events organized by P&G and that can be attended by the RAU students are the following:
  • business week P&G - event at a regional level for the European South-Eastern countries students;
  • preparing the young to take correct decisions - international event;
  • finance training - organized at European level;
  • technology and innovation seminar - organized at international level.

  • DECEMBER 2007

    Freshmen's Ball at the RAU.

    The hot atmosphere, the fun and the fans of the Miss Freshmen contestants have marked the show on the 30th of November 2007 - inside Club Bamboo.

    This year's theme was enjoyable to the public and the winner of the Miss Freshmen contest was Dina Dermengi - student of the Faculty of Internal and International Economy of Tourism.

    © Universitatea Romano-Americana / Romanian-American University - Toate drepturile rezervate.

    Publicat la: 2008-01-28 (21322 citiri)

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