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Archive - 2008


"Multilingualism - Key Element of the European Construction" Conference

Friday, the 25th of January 2008, the RAU has hosted the conference held by Leonard Orban, European Commissioner for Multilingualism. Among the guests we should mention Mr.Nicolae Idu, Chief of the European Comission Office in Bucharest, faculty and students of the RAU, members of the European Institute of Romania, representatives of NGO's and mass-media. The conference was followed by a press conference.

The opening speech was delivered by professor Ion Smedescu, RAU Founding-President, who briefly presented the university's implication in the EU programs and the scholar and research activities targeting the study of the European integration.

Commissioner Leonard Orban has presented the up-to-now achivements and the future priorities in the field of multilingualism, focusing on the opportunities opened by the study of foreign languages and the multilingual education within the context of professional development and the EU workforce market. He also presented the advantages determined by the promotion of multilingualism within the context of the world globalization, the corelation between multilingualism and the continuous education and the corelation between the EU level communication and multilingualism.

The issues and ideas have risen a real interest, the participants expressing their interest to continue studying them within the academic environment of the Romanian-American University.

A new excellent cooperation with MICROSOFT ROMANIA

The Romanian-American University together with its traditional partner MICROSOFT CORPORATION have launched the Microsoft | Inovation Center inside the RAU campus.
The first steps towards this objective have been made at the Microsoft Academic Days during the 16-18 November 2007, at the presentation of the "Education Aliance" Program.

Due to the efforts of our excellent partners from Microsoft the public opening of the Microsoft | Inovation Center takes place on the 30th of January 2008 - the first centre of this kind in Romania.
Through this action the Faculty of Computer Science for Business Management - with bachelor and master studies in the field of "Economics IT" reaccredited by ARACIS from the point of view of the quality of the educational process - hopes to:

- create links between the academic field and the real-world professional abilities in order to help the students to learn these abilities;
- to offer technological guidance at world level, in order to help the students earn the abilities for working with the newest technologies and to offer resources for online learning based on Microsoft software platform;
- to organize courses, workshops, laboratories and seminars;
- involve the IT companies in working directly with our students.

Microsoft | Inovation Center at the RAU constitutes a great opportunity for students to meet the Business Application field players and to increase the overall quality of the educational process.


Debate on "Leadership"-moderated by Karim Sarahni, Managing Director of 3M

The RAU students had the pleasure to participate in a debate regarding the subject of Leadership on the 28th of March 2008 - debate moderated by mr. KARIM SARAHNI, Managing Director of 3M.

MARCH 2008

Dr.Tahereh Hojjat and Dr.Mehdi Hojjat at the RAU

Dr. Tahereh Hojjat is a leading authority on economics at DeSales University Pennsylvania for 18 years. Hojjat teaches macro and microeconomics, economics of public issues, money banking, and financial markets and institutions in the business program. In the MBA program, she teaches essentials of economics and financial markets and institutions.
Since 2003 dr. Tahereh Hojjat collaborated with the Romanian-American University (RAU) teaching economics (Micro and Macro-economics) to undergraduate students.
DeSales and RAU students have expressed their pleasure in working with such a dedicated professor.
Dr. Mehdi Hojjat is professor of International Management at Newman College.


Within the "Financial Week" program organized by the Centre for Orientation and Career Planning in order to help out students getting in touch with some of the most important "player" of the financial field, on the 13th of March 2008, the DELOITTE company - represented by Mr.Silviu Badescu, HR Coordinator - made a presentation followed by a debate together with the RAU students interested in the financial field.

RAU present at RIUF-2008

RAU has again participated at the Romanian International University Fair - 2008, organized at the National Theatre in Bucharest during the 15-16 March period, with an exhibition stand and dedicated staff in order to promote the university's image at both national and international levels.
The event made it possible for the future students and master candidates to get to know the details of the complete educational offer of RAU. All interested in RAU have received all the information regarding our Bologna type studies, specializations and domains, master programs, MBA programs offered by out US partner from DeSales University, accomodation for off-Bucharest students, opportunities to study abroad.

Together with the administrative staff, teachers and students of RAU was also present the RAU Founding-President, professor Ion Smedescu, Ph.D.
Cooperation with ADVANCIA-NEGOCIA at master studies level

Within the Bilateral Cooperation Agreement between the Romanian American University and ADVANCIA-NEGOCIA, 11 students enrolled in the Entrepreneurship Masters Programme from ADVANCIA-NEGOCIA, arrived in Bucharest and between 17th of February and 21st of March have attended specialized courses within the Romanian American University.
The courses have been organized in English by prof.univ.Florin Bonciu, PhD - "Foreign Investments in Romania", conf.univ.Valeriu Potecea, PhD - "International Negotiation and Commercial Transactions" and in French by prof.Benoit Granger, PhD and Miruna Radu, PhD.

"Atlantis" Folk Group first public appearance

Thursday, 10th of April 2008, there will be an anniversary concert at the "Nechita Stanescu" Hall of the "Cultural Center of the Domestic Affairs and Administrative Reform Ministry" from Bucharest, under the patronage of Unesco Romanian Federation and "Paul Polidor" Foundation. With this occasion we will see the first public appearance of the Romanian-American University's Folk Group "Atlantis".

Congratulations for Camelia Potec

The Romanian-American University send its congratulations for the outstanding swimmer Camelia Potec, Olimpic Champion of the 200 metres freestyle, graduate of the RAU's Faculty of Domestic and International Economy of Tourism and master-student within the Business Administration in Tourism Program, for the excellent results obtained at the European Swimming Championships held in Eindhoven: Silver Medal in the 200 metres freestyle, Bronze Medal in the 800 metres freestyle and Bronze Medal in 400 metres freestyle.

APRIL 2008

End of the "Financial Week" organized by the Centre for Orientation and Career Planning

The Centre for Orientation and Career Planning of the RAU has managed to bring together our students with other four prestigious institution from the Romanian business environment: Bucharest Stock Exchange, CitiBank, UniCredit Bank si Romanian Brokers Association.
The presentations and debates have taken place inside de Senate Hall and in one of the amfitheatres and have helped the students achieve a better understanding of the demands and expectations of some of the best known employers on the Romanian workforce market.

A new session of the "Project Management" Course

On Tuesday, April 8,th 2008, a new course of "Project Management" taught by the well-known Professor James K.McCollum Ph.D. from the University of Alabama in Huntsville was completed. This course is part of a serie of courses and lectures held each year at the Romanian-American University by Dr. James McCollum. Dr. McCollum used as teaching material his bilingual book edited in collaboration with Professor Cristian Banacu and launched within the Romanian-American University. Professor Ion Smedescu Ph.D.,Rector of the Romanian-American University and Dr. Ana-Maria Preda, Dean of the Management-Marketing Department participated to the graduation festivity. The students who attended the course have been congratulated and awarded Certificates of Completion.

Summer School organized by the RAU in cooperation with University of Alabama in Huntsville, USA

The Romanian-American University together with University of Alabama in Huntsville, USA, organizes an international Summer School on the subject of "BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT WITHIN EUROPEAN INTEGRATION AND GLOBALIZATION", during the 16th-27th of June 2008.

  • World Economy
  • International Trade and Policies
  • International Monetary Policy
  • International Business Management
  • Project Management
  • Organizational Behavior

  • Lectures and Workshops:
  • Globalization
  • Negociation and International Business
  • New Challenges of the European Construction

  • Attendance Fee: 800 Euro (covers tuition fee, board and lodging in the RAU campus, tour of Bucharest and surrounding area)

    Entertainment activities including week-end trips at the Black Sea shore or on the Prahova Valley will be established together with the students and will be paid extra.
    For any further details please contact us:

    The Romanian-American University's Folk Group "Atlantis" will concert on Friday, 18th of April 2008, at the "Playground", inside RAU's campus.

    A new course by professor Bijan Saadatmand

    Professor Bijan Saadatmand from the James Madison University is teaching a new class for the RAU students:PSYCHOLOGY of HUMAN INTIMACY.
    Classes are scheduled between 5 and 17 of May 2008, daily, 9.00 to 12.00, fluency in English is mandatory.

    Info and applications:
  • Locatie

  • - Romanian-American University, C Building, Room 305

  • Phone

  • +4-021-202.95.09 | +4-0725-120.121

  • E-mail

  • MAY 2008

    Internship program for student in cooperation with P&G

    25 students of the anagement-Marketing Faculty will be involved in the internship program organized by the university in cooperation with the highly prestigious Procter & Gamble company, the Romanian branch, during 12-30 of May 2008 period. The program's launch will take place on the 12th of May, 12:00 hours, in Hall 329.

    All RAU students have the possibility to take part into these courses organized with both JAR and business environment representatives.
    Enrollments are open up to 18th of May 2008 at the dean's office , Room 303-C.C.O.C. or by e-mail:

    These courses are equivalent to the mandatory internships for the second year students:

    1. Banking System Simulation
    2. Business English
    3. Business Orientation and Outsourcing
    4. Business Planning
    5. Career Counseling
    6. Career Planning
    7. Corporate Social Responsibly
    8. Financing Projects
    9. Human Resources
    10. Leadership& Teamwork
    11. Lean & Six Sigma
    12. Management & Economic Simulation
    13. Marketing Strategies
    14. Office Administration
    15. Project Management
    16. Sales Strategies
    17. Training

    Graduates Ball - Management-Marketing Faculty

    The Management-Marketing graduates of 2008 invite you to the Graduates Ball, organized on the 4th of July 2008 at the Turabo Grand Ballroom, 20:00 hours.

    For details contact:
    Tudorie Vlad - 0740-006.622, 3rd year
    Balaban Oana - 0728-903.528, 4th year

    Closure of lectures delivered by Professor Bijan Saadatmand from James Madison University

    Within the Agreement of Collaboration signed by Romanian-American University and James Madison University - Virginia, USA -, upon the invitation of Romanian -American University's Rector, Professor Ion Smedescu, Ph.D., Professor Bijan Saadatmand, Ph.D. delivered the course entitled "Psychology of Human Intimacy".

    The object of the course was to provide transversal competences with outstanding behavioral-valuable dimension and the obtaining of cognitive abilities particular to the professional roles.
    To this course participated students from all the faculties of the Romanian-American University, who, at the closing festivity, appreciated the studied themes as being extremely important and useful for the personal growth and for the career management, as well.
    The course ended with a final test and granting of Graduation Certificates.

    In his word, Professor Ion Smedescu Ph.D.,Rector of the Romanian-American University, greatly appreciated the collaboration with the distinguished Professor Bijan Saadatmand who "with his trust in the Romanian-American University, with his dedication to his profession, has offered our students more than a lecture, he has offered a life example".

    With love, Professor Bijan Saadatmand, kindly impressed by the collaboration with the Romanian-American University, addressed to his students:
    "I hereby declare that RAU is very important to me, ... if RAU is important to me ... it should be far more important to you ... because you are the true representatives of RAU. Please live up to her expectations and support her future. Be an active member of RAU alumnae. No university may achieve all its goals and objectives without its dedicated and active supportive alumnae; hence, RAU should not be abandoned after you graduate. Try to be a part of its growth by continuously being in touch with its progress and development. Last but not least, when you see the RAU's founding father, tell him whisper to him that you love him ... and mean what you say by supporting his dream."

    Winners of the P&G Projects Contest

    On the 26th of May 2008, after finishing the P&G internship, students of the Management-Marketing Faculty have participated at the Projects Contest launched by P&G. After the evaluation of all projects involved the winners were:

  • 1st Place - Team No.1: Stroe Olivia Daniela, Taban Alexandru, Popa Ileana, Vasiliev Mihai, Hurmuzache Andrei.
  • 2nd Place - Team No.4: Cristea Georgiana, Comsa Andreea, Florescu Andra, Cristian Ionut, Dragomir George.
  • 3rd Place - Team No.5: Apostu Cristina, Coraci Andreea, Chirila Angela, Bucur Anda, Balta Ramona.

  • All participants have received prizes from P&G and the winning teams have also received diplomas for their excellent results.
    JUNE 2008

    "Microsoft Innovation Center" - excellent internship base for the second-year

    During May 2008 the Microsoft Innovation Center from within the RAU has been used as an internship base for the second year students of the Management- Marketing Faculty.
    The activity was supervised by NOVENSYS CORPORATION specialists - Microsoft Gold Certified Partner, certified for: ISV/Software Solutions and Microsoft Dynamics - and has enabled the students to use the basics of ERP Microsoft Dynamics NAV - with a demo tailored for Romania.

    The Microsoft Innovation Center will also host an internship activity for the second year students of the Computer Science for Business Faculty - related to the use of the Microsoft Dynamics NAV ERP.

    "Japan and EU:A valuable partnership for the future" Conference

    The Japanese Embassy in Bucharest and the Romanian-American University have the pleasure of inviting you to attend the Conference on "Japan and EU: A valuable partnership for the future" which will be held by his Excellency Takekazu KAWAMURA, Japan's ambassador to the European Union.

    The event will take place on Wednesday, June 11th 2008 at 10:30 in the Aula of the Romanian-American University, no. 1B, Expozitiei Blvd.

    The presentation held by Mr. Ambassador KAWAMURA will concern the present situation and future perspectives of Japan-European Union relations, with a particular accent on the good cooperation of the two parties regarding the areas of common interest.
    Mr. Takekazu KAWAMURA is a carreer diplomat with activities in numerous countries amongst which we find France, USA, Belgium. Before his current position with the European Union he was the Japanese ambassador to the USA and Iran.

    Conference schedule:
    10:30 - 11:45 conference
    11:45 - 12:00 press conference which will take place in the Senat's Hall at the Romanian-American University

    The Centre for Orientation and Career Planning invites you to earn money and experience!

    You know have the opportunity to work in modern and dynamic environment, to work inside the banking field at one of the most respected financial institutions, to earn a wage and prospect of being hired within a bank!

    For further details please contact the Centre for Orientation and Career Planning [RO].
    Articles published within the "Commerce Magazine"

    Under the supervision of the European Economics Studies faculty there has been held a students' scientific meeting "Modern companies' marketing methods and instruments". The activity has been coordinated by lect.univ.drd.Andreea Budacia and prep.univ.Alexandra Perju. The most valuable articles have been selected and published by the Commerce Magazine, No.6/June 2008 (pag.34 - 48).

    Ramona Cristina Mihalache, Florina Galca, Mihaela Cristina Teodorescu Direct Marketing
    Andreea Elena Chiroiu Euro-marketing and its components
    Catalina Todor, Carmen Elena Craciun The evolution of a strong brand
    Diana Golban, Oana-Caterina Cosarca PR management in web design
    Elena Alexandra Roman Promotions policy coordinates - case study: chocolate industry
    Alexandra Garea Sales steps
    Alexandra Ceacaru, Alexandra Pavel, Adelina Teodorescu Guidelines of the TV market in Romania

    JULY 2008

    End of the International Summer School

    On Friday, 27th of July 2008, the International Summer School Courses have been completed, on the topic: "BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT IN THE CONTEXT OF EUROPEAN INTEGRATION AND GLOBALISATION".
    Organised by the Romanian-American University together with University of Alabama in Huntsville and James Madison University, Virginia-SUA, the Summer School offered American and Romanian participants an extended range of courses and cultural and tourism activities, thus reaching its main objectives: study, cultural tourism and more importantly human interaction.

    The American students left us with a pleasant outlook on the Romanian-American University and Romania in general. They remained our faithful friends, key factors of promotion of a positive image of Romania in the U.S.A. and for future editions of the Summer School.

    AUGUST 2008

    SEPTEMBER 2008

    Training in Great Britain Lifelong Learning Programme/Erasmus

    Seven young lecturers from the Romanian American University went in Torbay, Great Britain, for a training period, between August 30 and September 7, 2008. The training programme was financed by Lifelong Learning Programme, Erasmus section.

    Within the training programme called "Supporting Small Business Development in the UK", the Romanian group visited some companies and institutions, including Torbay Council. The press release (www.torbay.gov.uk/pra17541.doc) points out the strong relationship between the Romanian American University and the British partners.

    At the end of the training period, all Romanian participants were awarded with certificates by The Training Partnership, co-organizer of the training programme.

    Opening ceremony for the new 2008-2009 academic year

    The Romanian-American University organizes the ceremony for the opening of the new 2008-2009 academic year on the 1st of October 2008, 10:00 hours, inside the Aula Magna.

    Among the participants we mention the members of the Administration Council of the James Madison University from Virginia, U.S.A., public figures and reprezentatives of the business environment from Romania and abroad, members of the Romanian-American University's Senate, teaching staff and students' reprezentatives.

    The opening festivities for each faculty will be held on the 2nd and 3rd of October 2008 inside the Aula Magna, following the next schedule:

  • Faculty of European Economics Studies - 2nd of October, 9:00 hours

  • Law School - 2nd of October, 11:00 hours

  • Faculty of Internal and International Commercial and Financial Banking Relations - 2nd of October, 13:00 hours

  • Faculty of Management-Marketing - 3rd of October, 9:00 hours

  • Faculty of Internal and International Economy of Tourism - 3rd of October, 11:00 hours

  • Faculty of Computer Science for Business Management - 3rd of October, 13:00 hours

  • Entire teaching staff and student body are invited to participate.

    The complete program of the opening festivities for the new academic year [RO]
    OCTOBER 2008

    The Opening of the Academic Year 2008-2009

    October, the 1st 2008, Wednesday, at the Romanian-American University, in Bucharest , 4000 freshers along with professors, master students and other public personalities from Romania and United States of America, attended the opening festivity of the new academic year 2008-2009.

    "This new university year starts with a sparkling, effervescent, warm festivity which gathers the higher education institutions meant to train and form future professionals, to enhance the domestic and foreign educational patrimony that is based on the impact of the information revolution on the one hand, and the knowledge-based society on the other hand. In this context, the university management is based on inherent academic merits; it has as strategic objective the first-rate quality in higher education and scientific research", states the President-Founder and Rector of the Romanian-American University, Ion Smedescu, Ph.D. in his speech at the opening festivity of the new academic year.

    Making reference to the last academic year, Rector Ion Smedescu mentions that it was a real success concerning the evolution of the Romanian-American University after the evaluations made by ARACIS, regarding the university curricula. "At present, we can say that the evaluation process regarding the curricula offered by the Romanian-American University; the evaluation was undertaken by The Romanian Agency For Providing Quality in Higher Education and, eventually, the evaluators confirmed their exceptional quality. We can consider that The Romanian-American University is, without overstating, the only private institution that succeeded in accrediting all the evaluated curricula. This success makes us, (with the exception of 9 bachelor degree curricula and 10 master curricula already accredited), to keep up with the good work in order to adapt our educational offer to the demands of today's business environment and diversify our educational offer according to the demand for specialists in various fields", says Rector Ion Smedescu.

    The opening festivity was marked by a special, academic event. The Senate of the Romanian-American University awarded the "Doctor Honoris Causa" title to Ronald Carrier, Ph.D. President Emeritus of James Madison University, U.S.A.
    Dr. Carrier graduated from Tennessee State University, he has been the president of James Madison University for 27 years and, he was appointed President Emeritus in 2002.

    "It is overwhelming and a great satisfaction at the same time to praise the work and collaboration between James Madison University and Romanian-American University. It must be a great satisfaction for you to see the Romanian-American University turning into a successful one", said Dr. Carrier at the festivity, when he was awarded "Doctor Honoris Causa" by the Romanian institution.

    The partnership made with James Madison University was a significant stage for the strategic development of Romanian-American University by adapting and implementing the educational values of the American higher education, by developing mobility programs for professors and students, by organizing online courses and exchanging both knowledge and educational techniques.
    A new course by Professor James McCollum Ph.D.

    The well-known American Professor James McCollum Ph.D. from the University of Alabama in Huntsville is teaching a new very interesting course for the RAU sophomore and junior students: "Applied Business Management".

    Courses are scheduled in October, daily from 9.00 to 12.00.
    Dr. McCollum uses as teaching material his book "AMERICAN IDEAS for Romanian managers".
    The School of Internal and International Tourism Economy at the Tourism Fair of Romania

    Wanting to be always around the fields' specialists, The School of Internal and International Tourism Economy has honored the invitations of the National Association of Tourism Agencies and Interpress Turism to participate at the Tourism Fair of Romania.
    The event has taken place during the 23-26 of October 2008. Over 60 tourism agencies have participated within an compound of over 3000 square metres.
    The booth of The School of Internal and International Tourism Economy has attracted a lot of attention, mainly from youngsters willing to learn and improve themselves by studying for bachelor or master degree but also from well known names within the field of tourism.

    NOVEMBER 2008

    A new edition of professor McCollum's courses

    On Friday, October 31st 2008, the course of "Applied Business Management" taught by Professor James K. McCollum from the University of Alabama in Huntsville was completed.
    The course approached, in a pragmatic vision, the main problems that a successful manager nowadays faces, opening the way to this career to the participating Romanian and foreign students who developed friendship relations among them, future business partnerships.
    Students from all the faculties of the university as well as foreign students from the Erasmus program participated in the course. Work was performed in teams consisting of 5-6 students from different schools, to the purpose of developing new skills such as: "teamwork", "team-building", "communication among the members of the group", "presentation of case studies".

    The course "Applied Business Management" is another unique professional opportunity offered by the Romanian-American University to its students.

    O noua editie a cursurilor profesorului James K. McCollum

    Vineri, 31 octombrie 2008, s-a incheiat cursul "Applied Business Management" predat de Profesor Doctor James K.McCollum de la Universitatea din Alabama in Huntsville.
    Cursul a abordat in viziune pragmatica, principalele aspecte cu care se confrunta un manager de succes, deschizand drumul spre o astfel de cariera studentilor participanti, romani si straini, intre care s-au creat legaturi de prietenie, viitoare parteneriate in afaceri.
    La curs au participat studensi si masteranzi de la toate facultatile universitatii si studenti straini din programul Erasmus. S-a lucrat in echipe formate din 5-6 studenti de la facultati diferite, urmarindu-se dezvoltarea unor aptitudini noi precum: "lucrul in echipa", "coeziunea grupului", "comunicarea in cadrul grupului", "solutionarea integrata a cazurilor manageriale", etc.

    Cursul "Applied Business Management" a reprezentat inca o oportunitate profesionala deosebita oferita de Universitatea Romano-Americana studentilor sai.

    "Halloween" Workshop

    The purpose: to develop extra-curricular activities and promote western values within the Romanian-American University

  • Introduction: Ana Maria Vladescu (third year student)
  • Short presentation of this event in Europe: Roxana Dragoescu (third year student)
  • Particularities of Halloween in Romania: Andreea Capatana (third year student)
  • Halloween in USA: James McCollum
  • Exercise: carving pumpkins
  • Social networking

  • Themes of disccusion:
  • History of this celebration
  • Symbols
  • Particularities in Europe and Romania
  • Games and other activities during Halloween

  • Results: informing a number of about 40 students about Halloween and how it's celebrated around the world

    Organisers: CS-URA(Romanian-American University Students Club)

    Lecturer Annikki Mattila, from "Pirkanmaa University of Applied Sciences", Finland - guest speaker at the RAU

    Lecturer Annikki Mattila, Instituional Coordinator at University of Applied Sciences, Finland, is invited as a guest speaker at the Romanian American University during the week 3-8 November 2008.
    Lecturer Annikki Mattila will have open classes on the following topics:

  • "Tourism in Finland" - Wednesday, 5th of November, 13:30 and 18:00, room 523
  • "Finnish Business Culture" - Thursday, 6th of November, 18:00, room 426

  • In the period 07.11-08.11.2008, held a scientific event "Performance, trends and risks in world tourism", event of great importance for all what we call today performance and competitiveness in the university environment and the global economic environment.
    Practical, performance and globalization of national and international tourism companies generates competent and greater demanding for those directly involved, the business environment, but also for researchers and teachers in the perspective of 2000 how really have become the engine of evolution of human society.

    Therefore, symposium on "Performance, trends and risks in world tourism" proves once again the wish of teachers, researchers, practitioners to build together a new vision and why not a strategy to meet global requirements of tourism and travel industry.
    Thank teachers from abroad and from the country, the resort ministry representatives, researchers, practitioners, Ph. D students who developed a particular interest in this thematic symposium answering our call.

    The "Marketing Club" magazine, the holistic magazine of the students of the Romanian-American University

    Wednesday, 19th of November 2008, at 13:30 o'clock, room 017, at the initiative of the Romanian-American University's students, the "Marketing Club" (Mentor, Ion Smedescu - promoter of holistic marketing in building the University's brand) magazine's "certificate of birth" shall be signed.

    The "Marketing Club" magazine offers a place for marketing enthusiastic students, who will have a chance launch their ideas and proposals as future marketers, generating debates based on case studies and thus becoming step-by-step the architects of conversation of marketing.
    The "Marketing Club" shall be an instrument of action, a real investment in the future of the Romanian-American University 's students. The magazine shall be published every 3 months, reflecting the role that contemporary marketing plays, centred on the client's needs, of a key strategic leader in business environment in which opportunities for meet-up places diversify, due to the multiple communication platforms. The magazine reflects the perception of the Romanian-American University's students that marketers are under real pressure due to the clients' urgent need of fast and proper solutions to their problems. Thus, the marketers are confronted by the need of better and faster techniques, instruments and data in order to solve the complex puzzle of managing business threats.
    AUDITIONS for the "ATLANTIS" folk group


    In order to organize the extraordinary concert "IN MEMORIAM ION SMEDESCU" the "ATLANTIS" folk group organizes auditions on

    THURSDAY, 20th of NOVEMBER 2008, 19:30 hours

    at the Foreign Languages Department - C Building, IIIrd Floor, Room 310.

    For further details please contact Andreea ILIE - PR Manager for the ATLANTIS group - phone: +4-0724-354.379 or +4-0766-281.910
    Opportunities to work for BCR!

    Following the close relationship between the RAU and the Romanian business environment - our students have the opportunity to work within some of the best known players on the market.

    Available opportunities:

    (For details please click on the logo [RO])
    Freshmen's Ball 2008!

    The RAU organizes the Freshmen's Ball on the 27th of NOVEMBER 2008!

  • Location: Club Bamboo
  • Time: 21:00
  • Price: 40 RON

  • The tickets are available athe the groundfloor of the campus - entrance of the B Building.

    DECEMBER 2008

    Gifts from the heart!

    This year Santa Claus's a student!

    Gifts from the heart!

    A project initiated by the Students' Club of the Romanian American University for all the children who need to learn to smile!

  • Event schedule:
  • Project launch - December 5th 2008 - 12:00 - The Romanian American University's Senate venue
  • Movie show for the International Human Rights Day - 10 December 10th 2008 - 16:30 - The Romanian American University's Auditorium
  • Christmas Night - December 11th 2008 - 18:00 - Ground Floor, B Building, Main Lobby of the Romanian American University

  • Project targets:
  • Fund-raising and gift-collecting for children
  • Support for socially-challenged children of the St. Mary's Foster Center in Bucharest

  • For...:
  • Children aged between 7 and 14 who attend an education unit
  • Children of poor families
  • Children of single parents
  • Children whose parents' disabilities or health condition prevent them from providing minimum daily care

  • If you would like to get involved...

  • seek the plinths displaying the Gifts from the heart message
  • contact a representative of the Students' Club-RAU
  • attend these events!

  • Pictures from the Freshmen's Ball!

    The Freshmen's Ball of the Romanian-American University has taken place at the "Bamboo Club", with Ilinca Vandici as host of the party - she has graduated from the School of Management-Marketing of the Romanian-American University.

    AFER Awards for 2008

    On the 27th of November 2008, at the "1 Decembrie 1918" University from Alba-Iulia, School of Economic Science, took place the General Assembly of AFER - Association of the Economics Schools from Romania and the celebration of the "Economist's Day" by AGER - General Association of Romanian Economists.

    The RAU delegation for the event was formed by the Deans of the four AFER members schools - Cornelia Botezatu, PhD - School of Computer Science for Business Management, Daniela Firoiu, PhD - School of Internal and International Economy of Tourism, Valeriu Potecea, PhD - School of Domestic and International Commercial and Financial Banking Relations, Alexandru Ionescu, PhD - School of Management-Marketing - professor Ion Bulborea, PhD and professor Ana-Maria Preda, PhD.

    With this occasion AFER organized a ceremony for its 2008 awards.
    Professor Ion Bulborea, PhD has been awarded the Prize "Excellence for the entire activity".

    The entire activity of professor Bulborea, together with his long list of awards received during his life- spanning carreer - have been presented in a "Laudatio" by professor Ana-Maria Preda, PhD.

    National Research Project finalized together with RAU

    The RAU contributes to the development of the first Romanian integrated information system specialized in identifying, evaluation, planning and managing the national fund of medicinal herbs.

    The sistem has been officially launched on the 4th of December 2008 by the National Authority for Scientific Research - ANCS during an event organized at the USAMV Bucharest.
    The project has been developed by a consortium managed by SC IPA SA and comprising USAMV Bucharest, National Centre for Program Management - CNMP, Medical School "Carol Davila" Bucharest, S.C. Biotehnos S.A., SN Plafar S.A. and the Romanian-American University.

    The integrated system is available for the public at www.plante-medicinale.ro

    The media has reflected the event on a large scale - see below just a few references:
    - "Cotidianul" newspaper
    - "Ziua" newspaper
    - Official site of ANCS
    - Official site of MECT

    James Madison University Scholarships


    SCHOLARSHIPS at JAMES MADISON UNIVERSITY for the academic year 2008-2009.

    Number of places: 5


  • 2nd year student
  • English language skills - ADVANCED
  • minimum average grade for the first year of studies - 8.00

  • Applications between
    December 10th, 2008 - January 20th, 2009.

    For further details please contact:

  • International Relations Office - C Buliding, 3rd Floor/305, Despina BARBIERU

  • Extraordinary Concert! - IN MEMORIAM Professor Ion SMEDESCU, PhD

    Extraordinary Concert!

    Professor Ion SMEDESCU, PhD
    President-Founder of the
    Romanian-American University

    The event is scheduled for the 18th of December 2008 - 12:00 hours, in the Aula Magna - and will star some of the best known names of the Romanian show business:

  • Soprano Rodica Anghelescu
  • Muzician Paul Polidor
  • Carol Singing Band "Brazii Maramuresului" - led by Emanuela Avram
  • Folk Group "Atlantis"

  • Stage directors: Marin Voican Ghioroiu and Ioan Iacob.

    Christmas Night! Gift from the heart!

    European Education Fair - Paris 2008

    Between 27-30 of November 2008, in Paris, the French presidency of the EU has organized the "European Education Fair".
    The two French national education institutions - National Education Ministry and Higher Education and Research Ministry - have invited the 26 member states of the EU to present their own educational system.

    The Romanian-American University had the opportunity to present its educational offer within this fair with the help of the Romanian Education, Research and Youth Ministry - "Foreign Relations and European Affairs" Department.

    Christmas Night! - Gift from the Heart

    The "Christmas Night" has been organized on the 11th of December 2008, within the "Gift from the Heart! - Santa is a Student!" campaign - initiated by the STUDENTS CLUB of the RAU.

    The guest-stars of the event were the children from the St.Mary Social Services Centre in Bucharest, under the guidance of their teacher: Valerica SOARE. The little ones have adorned the Christmas Tree together with their hosts from the university, have opened gifts, have listened Christmas carols - altogether have entered a holiday atmosphere which we hope to have enlightened their souls as their smiles enlightened yesterday's evening.

    Pictures from the IN MEMORIAM - PROFESSOR ION SMEDESCU, PHD Concert

    Extraordinary Concert!

    Professor Ion SMEDESCU, PhD
    President-Founder of the
    Romanian-American University

    The event has taken place on the 18th of December 2008 - 12:00 hours, in the Aula Magna - and has been honored by some of the best known names of the Romanian show business:

  • Soprano Rodica Anghelescu
  • Muzician Paul Polidor
  • Carol Singing Band "Brazii Maramuresului" - led by Emanuela Avram
  • Folk Group "Atlantis"

  • The STUDENTS CLUB brings Santa!

    The Romanian-American University's STUDENT CLUB has brought Santa to the St.Mary Social Services Center - a new event within the "Gift from the Heart!" campaign.
    The members of the club have helped Santa give presents and create a warm Christmas feeling.

    © Universitatea Romano-Americana / Romanian-American University - Toate drepturile rezervate.

    Publicat la: 2009-01-12 (13086 citiri)

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