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Archive - 2009


Mohamed Latib, PhD - "guest speaker" at the Romanian-American University

Mohamed Latib, PhD - from the DSU - USA, will held a debate on the topic of globalization.
The event will take place on Tuesday. 13th of Janury 2009, 14:00 hours - within the Senate Hall of the RAU.
"Modern Enterprises Marketing Tools and Practices" Students' Debating Society 2nd Edition

During November 2008 - January 2009, the second edition of the "Modern Enterprises Marketing Tools and Practices" students' debating society took place within the Faculty of Economic Studies, coordinated by lecturer Andreea Budacia and junior assistant teacher Alexandra Perju.
The most relevant research performed was presented at a scientiffic symposium in January 2009. Awards were given to the best teams, as follows (winners listed alphabetically):

Bordei Alexandra II
Ciocodeica Gabriel I
Diaconu Mircea II
Ionescu Loredana III
Nemtescu Cristina III
Pastravanu Robert II
Stanescu Cristina I
Stanisteanu Anca III
Stefanescu Maria I
Vladescu Ana-Maria I

The winning papers will also be published in the first issue of the RAU students' magazine, MARKETING CLUB, whose mentor is the founding president himself, Prof. Ion Smedescu, PhD., the one who lived for his students and will continue to live through their work.

Mohamed Latib, PhD - "guest speaker" at the Romanian-American University

The distinguished management professor Mohamed LATIB, PhD, vicepresident of DSU, honored us as guest-speaker of the RAU on the topic of "Globalization".
The conference took place within the Senate Hall on the 13th of January 2009, 14:00 hours.


Job opportunities at the RCB!

The Centre for Orientation and Career Planning of the Romanian-American University informs you about the openings within the Romanian Commercial Bank.

For further detailsi click on the image of the poster below.

AFER meeting at the RAU

The ASSOCIATION of ECONOMICS SCHOOLS of ROMANIA - AFER, has organized the National Conference "COMPETENCE - QUALITY - PERFORMANCE" in Bucharest, during the 30th of January - 13th of February 2009.

The Romanian-American University has been an active part of the event, hosting the 3rd Round - "Interuniversitary Relations and Scientific Events" - on the 6th of February 2009.


INFO SESSION - Intercontinental Hotel - the Club Meeting Room on Monday, March 16th and Tuesday, March 17th - 18:00 hours

Description: Overview presentation of the entire MBA IN PROJECT MANAGEMENT Program - organized by DeSales University in Romania. US Faculty and Romanian organizers are ready to answer any question related to the program.

Who should attend: Anyone who thinks about expanding his carreer options by studying at the MBA level from some of the best known figures in US education and business fields.
Visit of professor Douglas Michele Turco from Drexel University

During the 5-10th of February 2009 Professor Douglas Michele Turco from Drexel University, Philadelphia, has been visiting RAU.

The purpose of the visit was:

- joint research on the event Ice Climbing World Cup Final (questions, feedback forms, interviews, etc); the research is meant to become the starting point for an ongoing cooperation in the field of sporting events management for tourism: research, workshops, courses, etc.
- participation at the Rediscover Romania - between necessity and durable development Symposium, organized by the Busteni Town Hall with the support of the Tourism Ministry, with the paper: Sporting events management for a succesful tourism, written by D.M.Turco, PhD and Mihaela Dinu, PhD; the event was honored by the participation of Ms.Elena Udrea, Tourism Minister and other representatives of the government.
- discussion on the content of the Cooperation Agreement between RAU and Drexel University, Philadelphia.

LIVE@EDU - Teaching Staff Training

Wednesday, the 25th of February 2009 at 10:30, within the MICROSOFT INNOVATION CENTER - Room 517, there will be a training for the teaching staff - related to the MNICROSOFT services available through the LIVE@EDU program.

Anyone interested is asked to confirm their attendence at the Computer Science for Business Management Dean's Office or at the email address:

LIVE@EDU - Teaching Staff Training

23rd of MARCH - 3rd of APRIL, 2009

9:00 - 11:50


Professor: JAMES K. McCOLLUM, Ph.D.
University of Alabama in Huntsville, SUA

Enrollment requirements:

  • II-nd or III-rd year students
  • enrolled for master studies
  • English language - ADVANCED
  • past years average grade: at least 8,00

  • For further details and enrollments:

    International Relations Office - C Building, 3rd Floor / 305
    Japanese language and culture courses

    The Centre for Romanian-Japanese Studies organizes Japanese language and culture courses, with the support of JTO and with the participation of Professor Sasaki Setsuko.

    Enrollments for the beginners class can be made up to the 1st of March 2009, by phone: +4-0372-120.185 or in the Romanian-American Unviersity's campus, 1B Expozitiei Bd., B Building, 3rd Floor / 322

    The Japanese language course takes place during 2 semesters, with a fee of 400 RON/year and is structured keeping in mind doua main objectives:

  • the language competence diploma (Noryokushiken)
  • development of communication skills in Japanese language, at day-by-day conversation level.

  • Interested candidates can also enroll for Tea Ceremony and Ikebana courses.
    Join us in Europe! Erasmus grants for studies and placements

    Come to find out more at our meeting on Wednesday 04th March 2009, 16.30, room 117.

    For further details click on the images below:

    Experience of a Public Office - lecture by Sebastian Lazaroiu, Presidential Counsellor

    The Center for Orientation and Carreer Planning launches a social communication campaign focused on the students information regarding the insertion within the work market in their field of graduation.
    Within this campaign, Wednesday, the 25th of February 2009, 18:00 hours, the Senate Hall of the RAU has hosted a lecture on the topic of "Experience of a Public Office" by Sebastian Lazaroiu, Presidential Counsellor.

    The attendace consisted mainly from students of the Law School and European Economics Studies School.

    MARCH 2010

    A new public appearance of the Atlantis Folk Group

    The Atlantis Folk Grouphas been invited to open the show dedicated to the 8th of March, which will take place at the Sutu Palace, 18:00 hours.
    "Rebranding Romania" - the starting theme for the "Lecture Group"

    "Rebranding Romania" - the starting theme for the Lecture Group, Thursday, 12th of March 2009, 18:00 hours, Room 326.
    "About Romanian Mentality" - a new theme for the "Lecture Group"

    "About Romanian Mentality" - a new theme for the tema Lecture Group , Thursday, 19th of March, 18.00 hours, Room 326.
    The RAU at the RIUF-2009

    The Romanian-American University has been represented during the 14-15 of March 2009 at the RIUF - Romanian International University Fair, event organized within the Bucharest Natinoal Theatre.

    "PERFORMANCE" - the first magazine of the RAU students

    The students from the CS-URA Student Club have edited and published the first issue of their own magazine: PERFORMANCE

    For further details click HERE [RO]
    "Way of the Samurai Today" - audiobook launch at the Romanian-Japanese Studies Center

    The Romanian-Japanese Studies Center welcomes you to the launch of the audiobook "Way of the Samurai Today", author Yukio Mishima, voice by Constantin Codrescu.

    School of Domestic and International Tourism Economics at the Romanian Tourism Fair

    During the 19th-21rd of March 2009 the School fo Domestic and International Tourism Economics will participate at the XXI edition of the Romanian Tourism Fair, help at ROMEXPO Bucharest.

    This participation is already a tradition, having as main purpose the dissemination of the educational offer in the field of tourism and business administration in tourism. We hope that this participation will generate new contacts and cooperation with the business environment and will also create new and unique experiences for the students involved.
    Experience of a Public Office - lecture by Catalin Avramescu, Presidential Counsellor

    The Center for Orientation and Carreer Planning - within the social communication campaign focused on the students information regarding the insertion into the labour market in their field of graduation - has organized, Wednesday, the 18th of March 2009, 18:00 hours at the Senate Hall of the RAU, a new lecture on the topic of "Experience of a Public Office", held by Catalin Avramescu, Presidential Counsellor.
    The attendace consisted mainly from students of the Law School and European Economics Studies School.

    "Yesterday with a view at today" - the new theme of the Lecture Group for the 26th of March 2009

    "Yesterday with a view at today" - a new theme for the debates of the Lecture Group - Thursday, 26th of March, 18.00 hours, Room 326.
    TOGETHER FOR CATALINA - Humanitarian Campaign

    Matei Catalina Andreea, first-year student of the Management-Marketing School, has been diagnozed with right profound parietal-occipital arterial-venous cerebral malformation.

    Catalina's only chance is surgery at the "International Neuroscience Institute" - Hanover, Germany. Catalina has been rescheduled for surgery for the third time this year, due to the high costs implied by the operation: 25.000 Euros, an amount well beyond the financial means of her family.

    YOU are the helping hand she needs!

    GET INVOLVED, we are her last chance!

    BRD Accounts, Triumf Branch:

  • RON - RO 12 BRDE 445 SV 3076 5404 450
  • EUR - RO 51 BRDE 445 SV 3076 5594 450

  • Tea Ceremony Demo organized by the Center for Romanian-Japanese Studies

    On the 28th of March 2009, the Center for Romanian-Japanese Studies of the RAU organizes a tea ceremony demonstration.
    The event is performed by miss Kazuko Diaconu, president of the Nipponica Foundation.

    APRIL 2010

    National Conference of the Private Universities from Romania

    The second edition of the National Conference of the Private Universities from Romania has taken place on the 30th of March 2009 at the Romanian-American University's Senate Hall.

    "The World beyond the Words"

    A new theme for theLecture Circle, Thursday, 2nd of April, between 18:00 and 21:00, Room 326.

    Press Release Microsoft - Romanian-American University

    The Romanian-American University has chosen the free online platform Microsoft Live@edu in order to help the students access the electronic resources at their disposal.
    Microsoft Live@edu helps students and teachers cooperate, save resources, share resources and timetables and stay in touch permanently.

    Press Release MICROSOFT ROMANIA - R.A.U.

    "Invest in you today to become the success story of tomorrow!"

    If you are a student and you want to talk about your professional future come on Tuesday, 7th of April 2009, 12:00 hours, Room 117.

    What is the link between school and carreer, which are the employment opportunities for a graduate, how much does the academic performance counts, these are just a few of the questions that will be answered by:

  • Radu Topliceanu, Lending Area Director, Raiffeisen Bank
  • Mihaela Feodorof, Recruitment Director, BRD Groupe Societe Generale
  • Dragos Farmazon, Marketing Director, Art Gallery and Auction House ArtMark

  • "Invest in you today to become the success story of tomorrow!" - campaign initiated by MentorshipNet and CS-URA.
    A new class graduates the "Applied Business Management" course

    Friday, the 3rd of April 2009, a new edition of the "Applied Business Management" course has been finalized. The course was taught by professor James K.McCollum from the University of Alabama in Huntsville.
    The course has been a new opportunity for both RAU and foreign Erasmus students to learn how to become successful managers for the Romanian and international business environment.

    Professor James K.McCollum has used as teaching support his own book - "Applied Bussines Management", written in English together with professor Ana-Maria Preda, PhD, from the Romanian-American University.
    The students have enjoyed a real interactive class with team-work and real case-studies of well-known US companies.

    Invest in you today to become the success story of tomorrow!

    "Invest in you today to become the success story of tomorrow!" - campaign initiated by MentorshipNet and CS-URA, Tuesday, 7th of April 2009, 12:00 hours, Room 117.

    What is the link between school and carreer, which are the employment opportunities for a graduate, how much does the academic performance counts, these are just a few of the questions that were answered by:

  • Radu Topliceanu, Lending Area Director, Raiffeisen Bank

  • Mihaela Feodorof, Director de gestiune individuala si recrutare, BRD Groupe Societe Generale

  • Dragos Farmazon, Director de marketing, Galeria de Arta si Casa de Licitatii ArtMark

  • Business Environment Representatives - "guest speakers" at the RAU

    Thursday, 9th of April, 10:00, at the Senate Hall, Mr. Calin ROTARUS, Managing Director of ARBOinteractive, had presented a lecture on "Advertising Industry - evolution and professional perspectives".

    The event was attended by teaching staff and students from the Management-Marketing School.

    Power Addiction of the Universal Dictator

    The Lecture Group, Thursday, 9 aprilie 2009, sala 326: "Power Addiction of the Universal Dictator"
    Anniversary Events Schedule - 17th of April 2009

    In order to view the schedule of the events dedicated to the Romanian-American University please click on the image below

    Impact of the World Crisis on Romania

    Friday, 10th of April, 12:00, the Senate Hall hosted a round table on the "Impact of the World Crisis on Romania".

    Invited guest speakers:

  • Eugen DIJMARESCU, Deputy Governor

  • Radu Gratian GHETEA, President of the Romanian Banking Association

  • Radu TITIRCA, Business Development Executive - IBM

  • James McCOLLUM PhD, University of Alabama in Huntsville

  • Pictures from the sporting events

    Pictures from the sporting events organized for the 18th anniversary of the RAU:

    Globalization 1.0 - Globalization 2.0 - Globalization 3.0

    Within the context of the anniversary events dedicated to the 18th anniversary of the RAU, on Tuesday, 14th of April, the members of the Lecture Group have debated on the theme of Globalization 1.0 - Globalization 2.0 - Globalization 3.0.

    Expo and book launch

    Wednesday, 15th of April, the Senate Hall has hosted the official launch of the following titles:

  • Professor Ion SMEDESCU, PhD, coordinator - "Marketing. Theory. Case Studies. Applications. Tests", "Editura Universitara" Publishing House, Bucharest

  • Professor Dumitru PATRICHE, coordinator - "Commercial Management Dictionary", "Editura Universitara" Publishing House, Bucharest

  • The event was attended by RAU teaching staff, James McCollum, PhD, University of Alabama in Huntsville and reprezentatives of the Romanian academic environment - Professor Constantin Rosca, PhD, Professor Gheorghe Orzan, PhD, Professor Octvian Botez, PhD, Dumitru Bortun, PhD, Ioana Chitu, PhD, Lecturer Alina Tecau, PhD, Lecturer Cristi Constantin, PhD.

    Anniversary Senate Meeting

    Thursday, 16th of April 2009, the RAU Senate has been reunited for festive session dedicated to the 18th anniversary of the RAU.
    On this special day the senate remebered the personality of the late Founding President - Professor Ion SMEDESCU, to whom there were dedicated another two memorial volumes:

  • "At the passing of a great MAN, professor Ion SMEDESCU, PhD", "Editura Universitara" Publishing House, Bucharest

  • "Professor Ion SMEDESCU, PhD - Speeches, Allocutions, Messages - 1991 - 2008", "Editura ProUniversitaria" Publishing House, Bucharest

  • The event was honored by well-known personalities of the Romanian and American higher education system:
  • Professor Alexandru Puiu, PhD - Rector, "Constantin Brancoveanu" University, Pitesti

  • Professor Aurel Ardelean, PhD - Rector, "Vasile Goldis" University, Arad

  • Professor Dumitru Miron, PhD - Prorector, Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest

  • Professor Constantin Rosca, PhD - Director, Romanian Economics Faculties Association

  • James McCollum, PhD - University of Alabama in Huntsville

  • Romanian-American University Museum Opening

    Within the event list dedicated to the RAU celebration, Thursday, 16th of April 2009, we have opened the Romanian-American University Museum, which presents the most important moments of the RAU's 18 years of existence.
    In order to keep its memory over time the museum has rebuild the Professor Ion SMEDESCU, Founding President office, a place which carries his fingerprint, his soul living through eternity.

    Cultural Itinerary by Pictures

    As part of the anniversary events for the RAU's 18th celebration, Tuesday, 14th of April 2009, the members of the RAU STUDENT CLUB have organized group visits to a series of museums in Bucharest.

    Ikebana Demo Organized by the Romanian-Japanese Studies Center

    The Romanian-Japanese Studies Center and the Romanian-American University invite you on Saturday, 25th of April 2009, to participate at an ikebana demonstration, held by Sanda Lazur.

    RAU Students at the cross

    Sunday, 26th of April 2009, among the 2000 runners of the XVII-th Edition of the BUCHAREST UNIVERSITY CROSS we have been represented by some of our students, 6 of them beeing classified top 100.
    CS-URA members running at the cross are: Cristian Retegan, Mihai Naghi, Eduard Lazarescu, Viorica Gaitan, Diana Grigoras, Razvan Patache, Laurentiu-Eduard Croitoru, George Handuc si Sorin Radulescu.

    Scholarships in Norway and Iceland

    The EU Programs Bureau of the RAU, in cooperation with the National Agency for EU Programs in the Fields of Education and Professional Development (ANPCDEFP), launches the Call for scholarships financed through the project "Financing Plan for academic mobilities within the European Economic Space (SEE Financing Plan).

    The students receive a scholarship for at least 5 months in Norway or Iceland, the amount being 1000 Euro/month/student (or the ROL equivalent).

    Enrollments are received up to the 7th of May 2009, at the EU Programs Bureau (C Building, 3rd Floor, Room 306).
    The final lists with SEE Financing Plan scholarship winners will be made only based on the averages obtained by the candidates after the interview and the analysis of the submitted papers. The other candidates will be eligible for other Erasmus grants managed by the EU Programs Bureau.

    Papers for enrollment:
  • Enrollment Request [RO]

  • CV

  • CV Guide

  • Letter of Recommandation

  • For further details feel free to access the following documents:
  • Poster [RO]

  • Flyer [RO]

  • Number of places for each faculty

  • International Summer School 2009

    The Romanian-American University together with University of Alabama in Huntsville organizes an international summer school on "Business Development within European Integration and Globalization".

    The classes will take place during 15-26 of June 2009 and are open to all students and higher education graduates, are interactive and based on team-work. The courses are concluded with "Certificate of Completion".


  • Courses delivered in English language:
  • - World Economy
    - International Trade and Policies
    - European Monetary Policy
    - International Business Management
    - Applied Business Management

  • Lectures and workshops:
  • - Globalization
    - Negotiation and International Business
    - New Challenges of the European Construction
    - European Union and International Relations

  • Social-cultural activities:
  • - Visits and meetings within the academic program
    - Entertainment evenings
    - Bucharest tours and weekend trips

    Classes, board and lodging are organized within the modern Romanian-American University campus. Ground transportation to and from the airport is also managed by the Romanian-American University.

    Application deadline: June 1st, 2009

    For further details please contact Foreign Relations Departament:

    C Building, 3rd Floor, Room 305
    Phone: +4-021-202.95.09 | +4-0372.120.121

    New Courses taught by US professors

    Professor Gai Ferdon, PhD - from the Helms School of Government, Liberty University, Virginia, SUA - will teach two courses at the RAU within the 13th - 27th of May 2009 perioad of time: "American Constitutional History, American Government (National and State Government)" and "American and Early Modern British History".


    - student
    - master student
    - English language level - ADVANCED
    - Graduation average - minimum 8

    For further details please contact Foreign Relations Departament:

    C Building, 3rd Floor, Room 305
    Phone: +4-021-202.95.09 | +4-0372.120.121

    Ikebana Demonstration at the Romanian-Japanese Studies Center

    Saturday, 25th of April 2009, at the Romanian-American University, the Romanian-Japanese Studies Center has organized an ikebana demonstration held by Sanda Lazur.
    La eveniment au participat iubitori ai artei japoneze traditionale, studenti ai Universitatii Romano-Americane, cursanti ai Centrul de Studii Romano-Japoneze, etc.

    Everyone interested in this form of art can contact the Romanian-Japanese Studies Center.

    MAY 2010

    GRADUATES BALL 2009 - School of Computer Science for Business Management and School of Domestic and International Commercial and Financial Banking Relations

    The School of Computer Science for Business Management and the School of Domestic and International Commercial and Financial Banking Relations announce the organization of the GRADUATES BALL 2009 on the 22nd of May 2009, at the Aristocrat Events Hall.

    For further details please contact the groups leaders or access the event's dedicated section on the RAU forum: http://forum.rau.ro [RO]
    Romania in front of the economic and security challenges in Europe and worlwide

    Thursday, 7th of May 2009, the Romanian-American University hosted the "Annual Scientific Communications Session - 2009", organized in partnership with the "Romanian Foreign Policy Association - ARPE".

    Among the distinguished speakers and guests we can mention:

  • Prof. univ. dr. GHIORGHI PRISACARU, President of ARPE

  • Prof. univ. dr. ADRIAN NASTASE - Vicepresident of the Chamber of Deputies

  • TITUS CORLATEAN, President of the Senate's Foreign Policy Commision

  • LASZLO BORBELY, President of the Chamber of Deputies' Foreign Policy Commision

  • ROMULUS DORU COSTEA, Secretary of State, Foreign Affairs Ministry

  • ILIE SERBANESCU, Economics Analyst

  • BOGDAN CHIRIEAC, Foreign Politics Analyst

  • International Conference ITS Romania eCall Workshop 14-15th of May 2009

    The ITS Romania Conference reunites participants involved in Intelligent Transport Systems from both public sector (national governmants, local authorities, european organizations, public transportation authorities, educational institutions) and private sector (commercial carriers, tranport operators, equipment builders, services providers, communications providers, system integrators, fleet owners, etc) and international experts from this field.
    The following topics are programmed for debates:
  • IT&C Infrastructure
  • Info Services for Traffic and Customers
  • Traffic Management Services
  • ITS Development and Architecture
  • Safety and Security

  • Financing through the Operational Sectorial Programs and the Harmonization EU Funds for each of the following fields:
  • ITS
  • ITS for inner and maritime waters
  • ITS for Rail Systems
  • ITS for Air Traffic
  • ITS for Urban Development

  • The themes for the eCall workshop:
  • EU Strategies
  • European/National Platform for implementing eCall
  • Situation of the Member States regarding the E112, eCall and MoU implementations
  • National and European Research
  • Technologies
  • Implementation Issues for Vehicles and the Center for Emergency Calls
  • Standardization (Minimum Data Set, Functional Requirements, Quality of Service)
  • Data Protection Audit
  • Actions/corelations related to the ITS Action Plan - the ITS Directive
  • Implementation Guidelines

  • Complete Program of the Events [RO]

  • Stills from the Romanian-Japanese Studies Center

    Wednesday, 6th of May 2009, the Romanian-American University has organized the Romanian-Japanese Studies Center Day. The main theme of the event was the debate on: "Japan Today - guidelines of the Japanese economic and cultural environment", followed by shamisen concert, karaoke, workshops (origami, caligraphy, Japanese cuisine), theatre.

    Within the same series of events the RAU's President, prof.univ.dr. Ovidiu Folcut and the JTI representative, Ms.Alina Marinescu, have awarded the Student of the Year diploma to Georgeta Oprea and Alexandra Stroe.

    Students' Scientific Marketing Meetings

    During March-May 2009 the Romanian-American University held the third edition of Students' Scientific Marketing Meetings of the Faculty of European Economic Studies, coordinated by lect.univ.drd. Andreea Budacia and prep.univ.Alexandra Perju.

    The theme of this edition was "Religious Marketing", the most valuable student papers being presented on May 5th, in a scientific symposium aimed at identifying the trend of church modernization and specific tools used by marketing professionals in this field.

    The winning papers were as follows:

    Last & First Name Title Prize
    1. Ciocodeica Gabriel, Costin Mihnea, Diaconu Mircea, Pastravanu Robert Religious Marketing in the World's Main Religions First Prize
    2. Bordei Alexandra, Nemtescu Cristina, Stanisteanu Anca Religion as a Method of Personal Branding Second Prize
    3. Stanescu Cristina, Stefanescu Maria Religious Marketing– Religious Products Third Prize
    4. Botan Roxana, Eftene Alexandra, Tanase Georgiana, Tene Corina Promoting the Mysteries of Christianity Honorary Mention

    Cultural Event by Carturesti Bookshop and Romanian-Japanese Studies Centre

    The Carturesti Bookshop organizes throughout the month of May a series of cultural events for the public - each event will have a special guest.
    Saturday, 16th of May 2009, Ms. Setsuko Sasaki - Japanese Language teacher at the Romanian-Japanese Studies Center of the Romanian-American University - will read a Japanese story called The Crab and the Monkey - story performed during the same time by Cerasela Constantin, actress from Ion Creanga Theatre.

    The same event will host a performance of the play Story of the Sun, played by students from the Romanian-Japanese Studies Center of the Romanian-American University, a play based on Japanese mythology.

    Annual Students Scientific Communications Session

    Thursday, 15th of May 2009, 9:00 hours, the Romanian-American University organizes the "Annual Students Scientific Communications Session".

  • Event Program [RO]

  • One Year of CS-URA Projects

    The RAU Students Club - CS-URA has the pleasure to invite you to the debate "One Year of CS-URA Projects" which will take place in the Senate Hall on Thursday, 14th of May 2009, starting at 15:00.

    The themes of the debate are as follows:

  • The Evaluation Report for 2008-2009 CS-URA finalized projects
  • The impact of the CS-URA projects and events on the non-formal education at both RAU and Bucharest's stdent organization levels
  • development perspectives for the 2009-2010 projects

  • Speakeri:
    - Laurentiu Petre - Founder President of CS-URA
    - Andreea Capatana - Founding Member of CS-URA
    - Cristian Retegan - President of CS-URA

    Thank you and hope to see you there!

    One Year of CS-URA Projects

    The Romanian-Japanese Studies Center of the Romanian-American University invites you to a mini-concert of koto, followed by a workshop.
    The concert is performed by Tomoku KONDOU on the 20th of May 2009, 11:00 - 12:00 hours.

    End of the ITS Romania Conference

    The ITS Romania Conference has reunited participants involved in Intelligent Transport Systems from both public sector (national governmants, local authorities, european organizations, public transportation authorities, educational institutions) and private sector (commercial carriers, tranport operators, equipment builders, services providers, communications providers, system integrators, fleet owners, etc) and international experts from this field.
    During the two days the participants have explored several themes of great impact and importance:
  • IT&C Infrastructure
  • Info Services for Traffic and Customers
  • Traffic Management Services
  • ITS Development and Architecture
  • Safety and Security

  • The eCall workshop has covered the following topics:
  • EU Strategies
  • European/National Platform for implementing eCall
  • Situation of the Member States regarding the E112, eCall and MoU implementations
  • National and European Research
  • Technologies
  • Implementation Issues for Vehicles and the Center for Emergency Calls
  • Standardization (Minimum Data Set, Functional Requirements, Quality of Service)
  • Data Protection Audit
  • Actions/corelations related to the ITS Action Plan - the ITS Directive
  • Implementation Guidelines

  • JURINDEX Conference

    Thursday, 21st of May 2009 at 14:00, the JURINDEX Conference is been organized within the Aula Magna - the event represents the launch of the most important jurisprudence project in Romania.


  • Juridic Studies Society (SSJ)
  • Romanian-American University (RAU)
  • Transparency International Romania (TI-RO)
  • National Judges Union of Romania (UNJR)
  • European Law Studies Center (CSDE)

  • "It's my time!"

    The Romanian-American University in partnership with the Schools Inspectorate of Bucharest organizes on Wednesday, 20th of May 2009 at 15:00, inside the Aula Magna the debate "It's my time!" - focused on counselling and career planning.

    Counselling plays an important role for all future high-school graduates in order to help them put together a coherent career plan. The identification of the higher-education environment, the link between aspirations, competencies and skills represent just a few milestones of the debates regarding the counselling and career planning.

    High-school pupils and teaching staff involved in counselling and career planning are welcomed to the debate.
    Courses taught by US professors

    Prefessor Gai Ferdon, PhD - from Helms School of Government, Liberty University, Virginia USA - teaches two courses in English during the 13th - 27th of May 2009period: "American Constitutional History, American Government (National and State Government)" and "American and Early Modern British History".

    Cultural Event with the Romanian-Japanese Studies Centre Participation

    The Carturesti Bookshop has organized on Saturday, 16th of May 2009, a cultural event within which Ms. Setsuko Sasaki - Japanese Language teacher at the Romanian-Japanese Studies Center of the Romanian-American University - read a Japanese story called The Crab and the Monkey - story performed during the same time by Cerasela Constantin, actress from Ion Creanga Theatre.

    The same event hosted a performance of the play Story of the Sun, played by students from the Romanian-Japanese Studies Center of the Romanian-American University, a play based on Japanese mythology.

    "It's my time!" Debate

    The Romanian-American University in partnership with the Schools Inspectorate of Bucharest has organized on Wednesday, 20th of May 2009 the debate "It's my time!" - focused on counselling and career planning.

    Counselling plays an important role for all future high-school graduates in order to help them put together a coherent career plan. The identification of the higher-education environment, the link between aspirations, competencies and skills represent just a few milestones of the debates regarding the counselling and career planning.

    "Spring, music and poetry"

    "Spring, Music and Poetry", cultural event organized in the Aula Magna on Friday, 22nd of May 2009, 12:00 hours.


  • Rodica Anghelescu
  • Eugen Stan
  • Carina Adam
  • Marin Voican Ghioroiu

  • Within the same event, the "ATLANTIS" Folk Group will launch their CD: "Cu dor nestins".
    First JURINDEX Conference

    On May 21st 2009, the first JURINDEX conference took place in Bucharest, an event which officially launched the service providing full and free online publishing of court orders.

    The event, scheduled for 14:00, took place in the Romanian-American University Aula in Bucharest and joined together a great deal of participants. Officials of institutions from the judicial field, renowned attorneys, judges, scientists, representatives of the business field and journalists were present.

    Members of the presidium: prosecutor Laura Codruta Kovesi, Romanian General Prosecutor, university professor doctor Nicolae Popa, President of the High Court of Cessation and Justice, judge Virgil Andreies, president of the Superior Council of Magistracy, university professor doctor Ovidiu Folcut, Rector of the Romanian-American University, judge Adrian Neacsu, project manager of JURINDEX, attorney Doctor Gheorghe Florea, president of The Romanian Bars National Association.

    Messages from the institutions' leadership were given by: doctor Stefan Deaconu, Presidential Administration, adviser for the Romanian President, Alina Bica, state secretary for the Ministry of Justice and Freedoms.
    Along with the members of the presidium the following also held a speech: Titus Corlatean, senator, president of the Senate Committee for Foreign Policy, ex-vicepresident of the European Parliament Judicial Committee, Iulian Urban, senator, vicepresident of the Senate Judicial Committee, Bogdan Olteanu, deputy, vicepresident of the Chamber of Deputies, judge doctor Diana Ungureanu, assistant director of the National Magistracy Institute, Bogdan Dumitrache, director of the Romanian Jurisprudence Magazine, judge Cristi Danilet, vicepresident of the Justice Society, Doctor Victor Alistar, executive director of Transparency International Romania, judge Dragos Calin, vicepresident of the Romanian Judges National Association, director of the Judges Forum Magazine, lecturer doctor Mihai Sandru, president of the Judicial Studies Society.

    The second part of the conference, dedicated to discussions, focused on the questions for the JURINDEX manager, judge Adrian Neacsu, president of the Vrancea Court. The debates were highly interesting and took place in a climate of great interest for the JURINDEX project. The conference workshops extended till after 18:00. In the end, university professor doctor Florea Magureanu expressed his gratification to the participants and his full availability to the Romanian-American University in Bucharest for supporting future JURINDEX conferences.

    General Electric - "Scholar-Leaders"

    "Scholar-Leaders", first scholarships program of its kind in Central Europe, is sponsored by the General Electric Company, GE Foundation, based on the firm decision to develop charity projects at corporate level on a world scale.

    The program is designed to develop the students' potential as leaders and to contribute at the development of a Romanian labor force oriented to the international stage. The summer workshop in Budapest will bring together those outstanding students in order to give them an inside view of GE work environment, giving them an edge for their future careers. The workshop will be managed by top executives from GE and well-known specialist from different fields of interest.

    The program will select 15 winners from all candidates, with the help of an independent selection board, within an open contest. The winners will be students with both outstanding academic result and important extra-curricular activities.
    Each winner will receive an yearly amount of 1000 Euro for three years. More important than this, as such a scholarship winner, they will be involved in different activities at local level, will participate at a special workshop on the "leadership spirit" held in Budapest together with other students from Central Europe and will gain a unique inside view on GE - as they will also have a day as "shadow" of GE top executive, being able to see, hear and experience his entire program for a day.

    On the 10th of June 2009, 14:00 hours, the Senate Hall of the Romanian-American University will host the festivity for the GE "Scholar-Leader" 2008 awards - with this occasion the RAU will be officially included in the program, giving its students the opportunity to find out the program's details from their colleagues.

    On Tuesday, May 27th 2009 the first edition of the courses on "AMERICAN CONSTITUTIONAL HISTORY and GOVERNMENT" have been finalized. Courses were taught by Gai M. Ferdon, Ph.D, Assistant Professor of Government from the LIBERTY University-Virginia, USA.
    RAU students enrolled in undergraduate and graduate programs who attended the courses strengthened their vision on the American traditional values, on a free country where freedom, opportunity, prosperity and civil society flourish.

    The Romanian-American University Promotes Performance

    Monday, 1st of June 2009, our university launches the Romanian-American University Promotes Performance campaign by awarding special prizes to scholar Olympics from the 1st Sector of Bucharest.
    The event, organized in partnership with 1st Sector Town Hall and the 1st Sector Scholar Inspectorate, will take place in the Senate Hall, 1B Expozitiei Blvd., starting at 13:00.

    The young award winners are members of the Romanian International Olympics delegation scheduled to compete this fall in the fields of informatics, geography, foreign languages, Romanian Language, chemistry, logics and debate. The winners are Tobosaru Manuela, Octean Sabina, Maria Mitu, Andra Stancu and Paraschiv Alexandru from St. Sava National College and Litu Laura, Belciu Fiorella, Galateanu Adelina, Bojica Alexandru, Zurac Bogdan from the Ion Neculce Highschool.
    At the same event we will also present excellence diplomas for the supervizing professors: Ioan Grosu, Marilena Milian, Gabriel Sandoiu, Adrian Costache and Lina Chiru from St. Sava National College and Gasnas Georgeta, Cotabita Ioana and Boca Alina from the Ion Neculce High school.

    The awards are to be handed by the RAU Rector, professor Ovidiu Folcut, PhD and the Mayor of the 1st Sector of Bucharest, Andrei Chiliman.

    The RAU offers the winners the possibility to participate, without any fee, during the 2009-2010 academic year, at courses held in English by well-known US professors in the fields of management, marketing, tourism, organizational behavior, psychology, information technology, communication science, public administration or economics.

    The RAU campaign starts on the 1st of June, the Child's International Day, and it is designed to become a project for supporting performance and excellence in the education field through the promotion of manifestations and events meant to increase the education's quality level and to develop the creativity of the young.
    The campaign, scheduled for a period of one year, will offer young high school undergraduates and students the opportunity to take part at educational, cultural and sporting events, organized by the RAU, in which they will find their own vocation.

    JUNE 2010

    "Romanian-American University Promotes Performance" Campaign

    Monday, 1st of June 2009, our university launched the Romanian-American University Promotes Performance campaign by awarding special prizes to scholar Olympics from the 1st Sector of Bucharest.
    The event was organized in partnership with Bucharest's 1st District Town Hall and the Bucharest's 1st District Scholar Inspectorate and brought together young award winners, members of the Romanian International Olympics delegation scheduled to compete this fall in the fields of informatics, geography, foreign languages, Romanian Language, chemistry, logics and debate.

    The winners are Tobosaru Manuela, Octean Sabina, Maria Mitu, Andra Stancu and Paraschiv Alexandru from St. Sava National College and Litu Laura, Belciu Fiorella, Galateanu Adelina, Bojica Alexandru, Zurac Bogdan from the Ion Neculce Highschool.

    Within the same event excellence diplomas were awarded for the supervizing professors: Ioan Grosu, Marilena Milian, Gabriel Sandoiu, Adrian Costache and Lina Chiru from St. Sava National College and Gasnas Georgeta, Cotabita Ioana and Boca Alina from the Ion Neculce High school.

    The awards were handed by the RAU Rector, professor Ovidiu Folcut, PhD, the Mayor of the 1st District of Bucharest, Andrei Chiliman and professor Lucia Damian, Inspector for educational Management, Institutional Evaluation and Development, Quality Assurance from the Bucharest's 1st District Scholar Inspectorate.

    "Microeconomics" Graduation Ceremony

    Within the partnership between the Romanian-American University and DeSales University of Pennsylvania, a new generation of students has graduated the "Microeconomics" course taught by professor Tahereh Hojjat, PhD.

    New Microsoft Events for RAU Students

    During the 9 -12 of June period of time, between 9:30 - 14:30, we invite you at the Microsoft booth in the RAU main lobby to activate your personal mail account on the new @student.rau.ro domain, a domain dedicated to undergraduate and graduate students of the RAU.

    All students activating the @student.rau.ro account at the Microsoft booth will receive free prizes and vouchers for the Microsoft Certification Exams (MCTS).
    The students that have already activated their @student.rau.ro accounts and will visit the Microsoft booth will although receive prizes and vouchers.
    The "GE Foundation" - "Scholar Leaders" awards

    Bucharest, June 10, 2009 - The GE Foundation and the Institute of International Education (IIE) announced the Romanian winners of its regional Scholar-Leaders university scholarship program for the third year. The public ceremony was held at the Romanian-American University in Bucharest.
    The awards were presented by Cristian Colteanu, GE Regional Executive for Romania, Bulgaria and Moldova, and Wagaye Johannes, Assistant Director of the IIE European Office.
    Distinguished speakers also included Ovidiu Folcut, the Rector of the Romanian-American University, and Julie O'Reagan, the Cultural Affairs Officer of the US Embassy in Bucharest, and Sorin Mandrutescu, President of the American Chamber of Commerce in Romania.

    At the same event, the Romanian-American University and the GE Foundation have signed an official cooperation agreement.

    Romania within the economic and financial crisis environment

    The Romanian-American University continues the debates and scientific analyses related to the national and international present context, hosting some of the most well known personalities of the business and public institutions fields.

    Friday, 12th of June 2009, 11:00 hours, the Senate Hall has been the host of a new round table - "Romania within the economic and financial crisis environment", the main guest being Mr. Nicolae Vacaroiu, President of the Romanian Court of Auditors.

    International Summer School "Business Development within the Context of EU Integration and Globalization"

    Monday, 15th of June 2009, has marked the official launch of a new edition of the International Summer School "Business Development within the Context of EU Integration and Globalization", organized by the RAU together with the University of Alabama in Huntsville.

    "The Financial Crisis Effects in Romania" Conference

    The European Studies and Research Center and the International Relations Department have organized on the 19th of June 2009, in the Senate Hall of the Romanian-American University, the "The Financial Crisis Effects in Romania" conference - moderated by the National Bank of Romania's vice-governor, Eugen Dijmarescu.

    The conference was attended by students from the International Summer School organized in partnership by the RAU and the University of Alabama in Huntsville and students of Advancia Negocia.

    JULY 2010

    AUGUST 2010

    SEPTEMBER 2010

    New International Perspectives - cooperation with the National University of Singapore

    Friday, 4th of September 2009, a delegation from the National University of Singapore, led by Professor Amirthalingam Kumaralingam, PhD - Vice-Dean for International Programmes of the Faculty of Law and Director of the Asian Law Institute, has visited the Romanian-American University.
    The two universities are prepared to close a partnership in order to increase the quality of the educational services and research activities in the field of law.

    The Opening Ceremony for the 2009-2010 academic year

    The Opening Ceremony of the new 2009-2010 academic year will take place in the RAU campus, on the 1st and 2nd of October.

  • Festivities Schedule [RO]

  • Romanian-American University in the Romanian Universities Top

    The "University Ranking" study, made by the German company Kienbaum Management Consultants in cooperation with Capital Magazine, has taken into account the educational offer of the Romanian universities from the points of view of the graduates and of the business environment.

    The Romanian-American University is ranked 7th in the economics studies field.

  • Romanian Universities Ranking - economics studies field

  • Ikebana Courses

    Friday, 16th of October, 17:00 hours: Ikebana Courses Opening, Miss Sanda Lazur.
    Enrollment: September, 15th - October, 15th 2009, at CSRJ location.

    OCTOBER 2010

    Opening Ceremony of the 2009-2010 Academic Year

    On Thursday, October 1-st, in the Big Auditorium, The Romanian-American University students together with personalities from Romania and USA, master students, graduates and faculty members attended the Opening Ceremony for the academic year 2009-2010.

    "We open today a new academic year, ascending one more step on the endless time stairs and we embark with dignity, hope and trust upon a new road of deeper opening of the Romanian higher education towards the external environment", mentioned the Romanian-American University Rector Dr. Ovidiu Folcut in his introductory speech at the Opening Ceremony.

    With reference to the ended academic year, Rector Ovidiu Folcut asserts that it scored a real success within the University evolution by "completing the accreditation process for all the bachelor study programs (curricula) by the Romanian Agency for Granting the Quality in the Higher Education, and by the creation and accreditation of 6 new master programs, as well". In his opinion, "in order to meet the requirements of a global society, with a culture based on the democracy values, a higher education institution has to assimilate the concept of quality, granting the fulfillment of some minimal standards for each activity carried out considering their continuous improvement and aiming to excellence. The quality of the academic training becomes a subject of utmost importance not only because the labor market enforces new demands but also because a certificate acquired by the graduate does not vouch for his employment in his study area".

    The event was attended by personalities from the academic and business environment from Romania and USA, such as:

  • Ronald E. Carrier,Ph.D, President Emeritus of James Madison University-USA
  • Dr. Radu-Gratian Ghetea, President of The Romanian Bank Association
  • Gabriel Liviu Ispas, General Manager, The Legal and Control Department, Ministry of Education, Research and Innovation

  • The partnership established with James Madison University has represented an important step within the strategic development of the Romanian-American University, through the adaptation and implementation of the educational values of the American higher education, through the carrying out of mobility programs for students and academic staff, through the organization of on-line courses, through the bilateral transfer of knowledge and instruction techniques.

    A new edition of the US faculty taught courses

    October 26 - November 6, 2009
    9:00 - 11:50 hours


    Professor: JAMES Mc.COLLUM, PhD
    University of Alabama in Huntsville, SUA


    * 2nd or 3rd year student
    * master student
    * advanced English language level
    * completed academic year(s) average - at least 8.00

    Enrollments: 09.10. - 22.10.2009

    For further details and enrolments:
    International Relations Office - C Building, 3rd Floor / Room 305

    European Legal Counsellors Association Meeting

    Friday, October 9 2009, the Romanian-American University has hosted the European Legal Counsellors Association Meeting.

    Among the guests we can mention Alain - Marc Irissou, President of the Association Francaise des Juristes d'Entreprise, Paul de Jonge - Executive Director of AFJE, Dan Stoica - Romania's representative to the ECLA and President of the Legal Counsellors Forum "EFCcons", together with representatives from Germany, Belgium, Italy, Norway, Ireland, Bulgaria, etc.

  • Media Coverage [RO]

  • Economics Students Olimpics, 2009 Edition, Marketing Section


    Within November 20-22, 2009, The School of Management-Marketing from the Romanian-American University and the Association of Faculties of Economics from Romania (AFER) organize the IV-th edition of the Economist Student Olympiad, Marketing section.

    Detailed information: The School of Management-Marketing from the Romanian-American University organizes within November 20-22, 2009 the national stage of the Economist Student Olympiad, Marketing section. On this occasion, we invite you to participate with works of interest in the Marketing field.


    October 1-16, 2009 registration of paper-works in competition
    October 17-25, 2009 e-sending of paper-works
    October 26-31, 2009 confirmation of the paper-work acceptance, the schedule publication
    November 20-22, 2009 competition carrying-on

    The paper communication competition is carried on the following subsections:

    1. Marketing Research
    2. Online Marketing
    3. Marketing Policies and Strategies


    Who can participate in this competition?

    - Faculty selected students in the local stage. The faculty certifies the student registration for the national stage, indicating the title of the paper-work, the major, the training level( bachelor or master) and the year of study;
    - Other students from the faculties member AFER who individually express their intention to participate and who will get the approval of the organizing faculty;
    - Students from the faculties non-member AFER , only if their faculty expresses by writing , before the competition, the desire to become a member AFER;
    - Students from the similar faculties abroad who propose works in compliance with the section profile , on condition that they pay a participation fee;
    - Faculties participate with the most two students on each subsection.

    REGISTRATION OF PAPER-WORKS at the Economist Student Olympiad, Marketing section

    The paper-work competition consists of sending a research work which will be publicly sustained in front of the Jury Commission.
    In order to be admitted in the competition, the paper-works have to meet the above- mentioned editing criteria and be sent to the organizers at the following e-mail address:
    [email protected]

    The last registration date for the Olympiad is October 19, 2009, and the last date for sending the paper-works is October 25, 2009.


    Paper-work editing must be done in compliance with the following demands:
    1. The paper-works can be individual or team works, on maximum 15 pages, edited in Microsoft Word 2003;
    2. An A4 page layout with the margins : 2,5cm left and 2cm up, down and right;
    3. The title of the work: font Times New Roman, size 14, bold, centered, capital letters; titles of the chapters and subtitles: Times New Roman, size 12, bold, centered;
    4. The author: font Times New Roman, size 12, bold; space between the work title and the author's name;
    5. Abstract: maximum 300 words; font Times New Roman, size 10; space between the author's name and the abstract;
    6. Key words: maximum 6, font Times New Roman, size 10; space between the abstract and the key words;
    7. The work content: font Times New Roman, size 12, spacing 1,5;
    8. Tables and graphics will be numbered and inserted within the text;
    9. Conclusions: font Times New Roman, size 12;
    10. Bibliography will be placed at the end of the work.


    As a result of the work evaluation and presentation on the basis of AFER Regulations established criteria, the Jury Commission will award:
    - Great prize "CONSTANTIN FLORESCU" - in value of 2000RON (one price awarded on each section);
    - Special prize "Prof.univ.dr.ION SMEDESCU"-in value of 1500RON(one price awarded on each section);
    - I,II,III prizes- in value of 1300, 1000, 700RON( awarded on each subsection);
    - Mention- in value of 500RON( awarded on each subsection);
    - Prizes in objects (books, calculation and office equipments, CDs, etc) are awarded on each subsection.


    - In compliance with the Olympiad Regulations, The Jury Commission will be established by the AFER Leadership in October 2009.
    - The paper-works sustained during the Olympiad will be published in the conference volume: entirely published-those that have been awarded a prize; only abstract published-the others;
    - The participants' board and lodging expenses will be in the organizers' charge;
    - Detailed information on the Olympiad carrying-on and the participation conditions are on the web-sites of AFER (www.afer.ase.ro) and School of Management-Marketing (www.mm.rau.ro)

  • Invite [RO]

  • Program [RO]

  • Contact

    Olympiad secretary: Dr. Costel Negricea, University Lecturer
    School of Management-Marketing
    1B Expozitiei Blv., 1-st district, Bucharest
    Phone: 0372 120 133
    Email: [email protected]
    Web: www.afer.ase.ro, www.rau.ro

    Lecture Group - "Defending the Undefendable"

    Wednesday, 14th of October, 16:30, Room 223 - the first meeting of the Lecture Group for the new academic year - debating "Defending the Undefendable".
    15 American Students have traveled to Romania to study business

    Press release for the UAHuntsville campus magazine with reference to the participation of a group of American students to the International Summer School organized at the Romanian-American University,in June 2009.

  • Original press release inside the UAHuntsville campus magazine

  • Basketball Team Preselection

    We invite you on the 23rd of October 2009, 15:30, at the Aurel Vlaicu Highschool Gym for the basketball team preselection.


  • Lecturer, PhD Candidate, Serban Georgescu - 0372.120.185, Room 322
  • Team Coordinator: Igor Roznovschi - 0723.583.871

  • Poster [RO]
    The Faculty of Domestic and International Economy of Tourism at the National Tourism Fair

    Willing to be always around the field specialists, the Faculty of Domestic and International Economy of Tourism has honored the Romanian Tourism Employers Federation invite to attend the National Tourism Fair, organized between 15.10 - 18.10.2009 inside Romexpo Bucharest. The event has been attended by the most important providers of touristic services all over Romania.

    The Faculty of Domestic and International Economy of Tourism stand has attracted young visitors willing to improve their knowledge of the field and specialists interested in the development of different kinds of partnerships - practice, internships or research. We have to mention the involvment of the Faculty of Domestic and International Economy of Tourism students - they have successfully represented the image of the Romanian-American University.

    Foreign Languages Courses

    Would you like to learn a new language?

    The Foreign Languages Department offers English, French, German and Spanish courses.
    Advanced, Intermediate and Beginner levels.

    Duration: 3 months
    Schedule: November, 14th 2009 - January, 30th 2010
    Setup: 40 hours, 4 hours every Saturday, between 9:00 - 13:00
    Fee: 350 lei
    Certification: Certificate of Completion

    Enrollments can be done between 26th of October 2009 - 13th of November 2009 at the Foreign Languages Department - Building C, Room 310 - with the payment confirmation from the pay desk.

    The initial test for language level determination is scheduled for the 6th of November 2009, 18:00 hours, room 310

    NOVEMBER 2010

    Scholarships at James Madison University, Virginia, USA

    James Madison University
    Virginia, SUA
    2010-2011 Academic Year

    Number of scholarships: 5

    - 2nd year students
    - English Language - Advanced
    - 1st year graduation average - at least 8

    Enrollments: 2.10.2009 - 20.01.2010

    For enrollments and details:
    Foreign Relations Department
    3rd Floor / Room 305, Ms.Despina Barbieru

    "Halloween" Workshop

    The purpose:
    To develop extra-curricular activities and promote western values within the Romanian-American University.

    - Introduction: Eduard Lazarescu (3rd year student)
    - Short presentation of this event in Europe: Irina Popescu (2nd year student)
    - Particularities of Halloween in Romania: Andreea Capatana (third year student)
    - Halloween in USA: James McCollum
    - Exercise: carving pumpkins
    - Social networking

    - History of this celebration
    - Symbols
    - Particularities in Europe and Romania
    - Games and other activities during Halloween

    Informing a number of about 60 students about Halloween and how it's celebrated around the world.

    CS-URA(Romanian-American University Students Club)

    Ikebana Classes

    The Romanian-Japanese Studies Center organizes weekly ikebana classes, using modern teaching methods and equipment.
    The classes are supervised by Ms. Sanda Lazur (Sogetsu style) each Friday, starting at 17:00, at the RJSC location.

    We are waiting for you!

    Graduation Ceremony for the "Project Management" Course held by professor James McCollum, PhD

    Friday, 6th of November, the RAU has organized the Graduation Ceremony for the "Project Management" course held by James McCollum, PhD, University of Alabama in Huntsville, SUA.
    The graduates have received Graduation Certificates.

    International Symposium "Performance, Tendencies and Risks in International Tourism"

    Friday, 6th of October, the Domestic and International Economy of Tourism Faculty has organized the IV-th edition of the international symposium "Performance, Tendencies and Risks in Internatinoal Tourism".
    The topics of the symposium have covered a large area of problems, targeting mainly the issues of performance and risks at the international tourism level and among the participants there were numerous field specialists.

    "The Legal Force of the Decisions Passed in the Appeal in the Interest of Law" National Conference

    On Friday, November 6, 2009, the Romanian-American University hosted the national conference "The legal Force of the decisions passed in the appeal for the law interest".

    The event was attended by judges, lawyers, law advisors and other professionals.
    Conference moderator: Dr. Andrei Savescu, Romanian-American University.

    The scientific moderator of the event was judge Florin Costiniu, the President of the Civil Section of the Higher Court of Cassation & Justice.

    Among the participants to the event: judge Lidia Barbulescu, President of the Higher Court of Cassation & Justice, judge Gabriela Birsan, President of the Administrative Solicitor Section of the Higher Court of Cassation & Justice, judge Anton Pandrea, President of the Criminal Section of the Higher Court of Cassation & Justice, prosecutor Tiberiu Nitu, first deputy Attorney General of Romania, judge Dr.Constantin Branzan - Higher Court of Cassation & Justice, Manager of the National Institute of Magistrature, lawyer Dr.Traian Briciu, Manager of the National Institute for Training Lawyers, Dr. Mihai Sandru, President of the Society for Legal Studies.

    Presentations by: judge Lidia Barbulescu, judge Dr. Dan Lupascu, member of The Supreme Council of Magistrature, judge Dragos Calin-The Bucharest Court of Appeal, judge Dr. Marius Andreescu - The Pitesti Court of Appeal, lawyer Cristina Duvlea - The Bar of Gorj.

    Speeches, addresses and replies have shaped a lively and interesting meeting, which lasted long after the scheduled hour.


    In order to participate at the MISS & MISTER FRESHMAN 2009 preselection contest please fill in the online form!

    Enrollments are received until Wednesday, 18.11.2009, 10:00 hours - only ONLINE.
    The preselection will take place on Wednesday, 18.11.2009, 12:00 hours, Room 017.

    For further details please follow the online news and the printed posters throughout the campus!

    Did you make up your mind? ... Te-ai hotarat sa vii la preselectie? ...

    "The Next 100 Years. Predictions for the XXI Century" Debate

    The European Studies and Research Center invites you on the 17th of November, 15:00 hours, room 223, for "The Next 100 Years. Predictions for the XXI Century" Debate, moderated by professor Florin Bonciu.
    The debate is targeted on the topics of the main major changes that will take place in the 21st century - according to the predictions of George Friedman, head of the geopolitics analysis agency STRATFOR.

    CS-URA STUDENT CLUB gives you access! Contact them!

    Infodesk - B Building, Groundfloor

    Table reservations: 175 lei
    Contact person: Natalia Pirlog
    Phone: 0724-503.657 | 0766-470.087

    "AIR AND SPACE - a projection of tomorrow's world (Toyota Motor Corporation’s adjustment strategies)"

    On December 2nd, 2009, between the 10:30 and 12:00, in the Aula Magna of the Romanian-American University will take place the "AIR AND SPACE - a projection of tomorrow's world (Toyota Motor Corporation's adjustment strategies)" conference, held by Mr. Tetsuya Kaida, General Manager of Corporate Value Development Project Department, Toyota Motor Corporation (Japan), event included within "Japan-Danube Friendship Year 2009".

    Mr. Tetsuya Kaida is well known for his talent of incorporating philosophic concepts in the final design of his projects. He brought innovative ideas to the Corporate Value Development Project Department, pleading for models inspired by the Japanese culture based on the harmony between human and nature. Mr. Tetsuya Kaida presents the way Toyota includes life, culture and soul.

    For additional information you may contact the Romanian-Japanese Studies Center
    e-mail: [email protected]
    phone: +4-0372.120.185
    "Globalization's and Romania's EU Integration Implications on the Financing and Development of Foreign Trade" Conference

    The School of Domestic and International Commercial and Financial Banking Relations has organized on Friday, 20th of November 2009, the international symposium "Globalization's and Romania's EU Integration Implications on the Financing and Development of Foreign Trade", IIIrd edition.

    National Economics Students Olimpics, 2009 Edition, Marketing Section

    Within November 20-21, 2009, The School of Management-Marketing from the Romanian-American University and the Association of Faculties of Economics from Romania (AFER) have organized the IV-th edition of the National Economist Student Olimpics, Marketing Section.

    With this occasion the Romanian-American University has awarded the Special "Ion Smedescu" Prize, in the memory of the RAU's Founding-President.

  • The official opening ceremony

  • The presentations and debates

  • The awards ceremony

  • Freshmen's Ball pictures

    The Romanian-American University has organized the 2009 Freshmen's Ball, on the 24th of November, at Fratelli Studios Club.

    Partners: Orange, Ambition, Radio 21, Music Channel
    Guests: Simplu, Alex, The Kittens
    Presenters: Cristi Stanciu and Marian Soci, Radio 21

    Adelina-Ioana Bisca and Ciprian Hutanu

    Elena Prodanescu and Andreea Casaro

    Alexandra Marin and Cristian Virtejaru

    Luana-Evelina Runceanu and Sebastian George Padure

    Alexandra Erbatu and George Alexandru Deliu

    DECEMBER 2010

    AIR AND SPACE - a projection of tomorrow's world - Toyota Motor Corporation's adjustment strategies

    On December 2nd, 2009, between the 10:30 and 12:00, in the Aula Magna of the Romanian-American University took place the "AIR AND SPACE - a projection of tomorrow's world (Toyota Motor Corporation's adjustment strategies)" conference, held by Mr. Tetsuya Kaida, General Manager of Corporate Value Development Project Department, Toyota Motor Corporation (Japan), event included within "Japan-Danube Friendship Year 2009".

    Mr. Tetsuya Kaida is well known for his talent of incorporating philosophic concepts in the final design of his projects. He brought innovative ideas to the Corporate Value Development Project Department, pleading for models inspired by the Japanese culture based on the harmony between human and nature. Mr. Tetsuya Kaida presents the way Toyota includes life, culture and soul.

    Christmas Campaign "Give from your heart!"

    A project launched by the Student Club - CS-URA of the RAU, dedicated to the children with special needs from orphanages.

    If you want to get involved...
    - look out for the "Give from your heart!" urns
    - contact a member of CS-URA
    - participate at the special events

    Economic and financial crisis and its impact on redefining the economic power poles

    The Romanian-American University launches a large-scale project of social communcation, centered on the vision of diplomacy over the future of the global economy.
    The project launch took place on Wednesday, December 9, at the Senate Hall in the presence of Mr. LIU ZENGWEN, Chinese Ambassador in Bucharest.

    Winter Holidays Magic

    The Romanian-American University has organized Thursday,
    December 17th, a series of events dedicated to the winter holidays.
    All members of our academic community, together with their families, were welcomed to wait for Santa!

    © Universitatea Romano-Americana / Romanian-American University - Toate drepturile rezervate.

    Publicat la: 2010-01-04 (19574 citiri)

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