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Archive - 2011

Award won by the RAU team in the "Nicolae Titulescu" simulated trials competition

The Law School team, including the following students:
- Valentina Sandu
- Dan Voitases
- Bogdan Talvar
and coordinated by Professor Florian Coman PhD and TA Silvia Martis Tabusca PhD Candidate, has participated in the "Nicolae Titulescu" national simulated trials competition, winning the "CONSTANTIN CUNESCU" AWARD FOR BEST ORATOR - the only cash prize awarded in the competition.

Each year, during December 8-10, the Centre for Humanitarian Law Studies, in cooperation with UNHCR, Romanian National Society for Red Cross, National Comission for Humanitarian Law and Army's Humanitarian Law Center organizes the "Nicolae Titulescu" simulated trials competition - a nation wide competition on topics of International Humanitarian Law and Refugees Law, taking place in Bucharest with the participation of higher education institutions (law schools, military academies, police academies etc).

In 2010, the teams competition winner was the team from the Law School of the Bucharest University and the "CONSTANTIN CUNESCU" AWARD went to Bogdan Talvar - team of the Law School from the Romanian-American University.

Graduation Exams - February 2011

The RAU organizes the Graduation Exams, February 2011 Session:

Enrollments: January 23rd - February 6th, 2011
1st Exam - written test - February 7, 2011
2nd Exam - paper presentation - February 8-10, 2011

Exam fee: 700 lei.

For further details please check the www.rau.ro website section dedicated to the graduation exams[RO].
Distinction awarded by the "Romanian Scientific Society of Management"

The Management-Marketing Chair holder from the Romanian-American University, Professor Theodor Valentin Purcarea PhD, was awarded with the grade of "Honorary Member of the Romanian Scientific Society of Management" "for his remarcable scientific and managerial contributions as an initiator and promoter of new trends of competitive management and competitive culture in business organizations in Romania, as well as for his distinguished teaching, managerial and human skills dedicated to the developing and affirmation of Romanian higher education and scientific research in the international arena".

Courses held by professors from partner universities

During the second semester of the 2010-2011 academic year, the Romanian-American University organizes new English taught courses, held by foreign professor from partner universities.

Courses schedule:

  • Dr. Jan W. Duggar, Holy Family University
    March 7th-11th, 2011
    Course: Corporate Finance

  • Prof. Kristin WHITE and Prof.Taylor ROSE, Liberty University
    March 9th-15th, 2011
    Course: A Survey in Worldviews

  • Dr. Stephen BOWERS, Liberty University
    March 9th-16th, 2011
    Course: U.S. Constitutional Government and Free Enterprise

  • Dr. John SAEE, University of Technology, Sydney
    March 14th-18th, 2011
    Course: Managing Organizations in the 3rd Millennium

  • Dr. Douglas Michele TURKO, Drexel University
    March 21st-25th, 2011
    Course: Sport Event Tourism

  • Dr. James K. McCOLLUM, University of Alabama in Huntsville
    April, 2011
    Course: Applied Business Management

  • Dr. Matthew LEE, James Madison University
    May 1st-14th, 2011
    Course: Cultural Psychology

  • Details and registration:
    International Relations Office
    3rd Floor / 305
    Phone +4- / +4-0372.120.121
    E-mail: [email protected]

    Great scholarship opportunity: GE Foundation Scholar-Leaders Program

    Second-year undergraduate students will be awarded in the GE Foundation Scholar-Leaders Program at five selected Romanian universities including the Romanian-American University (see www.scholarshipandmore.org) in the fields of economics, management and technology.

    The award:

    - an 1500 Euro annual scholarship for two years (total of 3000 Euros)
    - the opportunity to participate in activities including a 3-day seminar on leadership (Leadership Development Program)
    - a work shadowing possibility with GE in Romania

    For more details and for the application form, please visit the program website:

    Application deadline: March 4, 2011

    If you have more questions after reading the webpage, for more information on the program, please contact:

    IIE European Office
    E-mail: [email protected]
    Phone: (+36 1) 472-2250
    Do not forget what the Holocaust meant

    The UN Information Center for Romania and the Romanian-American University held Saturday, January 29, 2011, the International Day of Commemoration of Holocaust victims, a viewing of the film "Dare to Resist".

    "Dare to Resist" is the story of three teenage girls: Faye Schulman - a photographer and partisan in the forests of Poland (now located on the territory of Belarus), Barbara Rodbell - a ballerina in Amsterdam who illegally provided subversive newspapers and food and transportation for Jews hiding from the Nazi regime and Shulamit Lack - who procured false documents and gave shelter to Jews wishing to flee Hungary.

    Through this event we intended to raise the participant's awareness of human rights, tolerance and discrimination, and also the effects of the violation of human rights. At the end of the movie, the participants were able to share their feelings about the movie, and to discuss in a relaxed atmosphere about this history lesson called the Holocaust.

    For additional information, visit http://www.un.org/en/holocaustremembrance

    InDRAGOBESTE-te si tu... celebrate Romanian's traditions!

    Students Club of the Romanian-American University (CS-URA) invites you to a party, "InDRAGOBESTE-te si tu", Dragobete Romanian celebration, the 2nd edition of Dragolentin festival.
    The party will be held on February 23rd at Silver Church Club, free entrance.
    Partners: Student Union of Romania, Bucuresti Culture House of Students, Church Silver Club.

    Bachelor Programs in English

    Starting with the 2011 - 2012 academic year, the Romanian-American University organizes two bachelor degree studies taught exclusively in English. Both programs are fully accredited by ARACIS:

    1. International Business, School of Domestic and International Commercial and Financial Banking Relations, full time attendance, 3 years
    2. Computer Science for Economics, School of Computer Science for Business Management, full time attendance, 3 years

    ARACIS validation available online:
    "Money, Security and Education" Debate

    The Murray Rothbard Center of Political Economy and Business organizes on Wednesday, March 2nd, at 10:00 in the Senate Hall the "Money, Security and Education" debate. The Murray Rothbard heritage versus the present socio-economic problems.

    With the same occasion, we invite you to attend other three events within the RAU campus:

  • Book launch "5 eseuri monetare in traditia Scolii Austriece"
  • Book launch "Liberalismul: adevarat si fals", by Murray Rothbard
  • Art exposition "Free market Art - Rothbard Day", an exhibition of nonconformist art for celebrating the Rothbard Day in a special imagistic way

  • "We love your ideas!" - we reward the good ideas!

    The Romanian-American University, in partnership with Financial Week, Financial and BRD Societe Generale, invites you on Tuesday, March 1st, at 10:30, in the Aula Magna.

    On this occasion we shall present the "We love your ideas!" contest, which brings the following prizes:

    - Excellency Scholarships - 300 Eur/month, for one academic year
    - Merit Scholarships - 200 Eur/month, for one academic year
    - Study Scholarships - 150 Eur/month, for one academic year

    Business Environment Representatives, guest speakers at RAU

    Miss Maria Grapini, President of the Board of PASMATEX GRUP Timisoara, has met RAU students on faculty on Friday, February 25. She presented her view on entrepreneurship and the its role in Romanian economy recovery, bringing forward her own management and business development model, in terms of professionalism, respect, fairness and ethics.

    We love your ideas!

    The Romanian-American University, in partnership with Financial Week, Financial and BRD Societe Generale, organized on Tuesday, March 1st, in the Aula Magna, the launching event of the "We love your ideas!" project.

    On this occasion the guests have presented the "We love your ideas!" concept, rules and the prizes:

    - Excellency Scholarships - 300 Eur/month, for one academic year
    - Merit Scholarships - 200 Eur/month, for one academic year
    - Study Scholarships - 150 Eur/month, for one academic year

    International Mobilities for Teaching Staff

    The EU Programs Office of the Romanian-American University has launched the selection process for the Erasmus scholarships for teaching staff. There are 10 places available, for the following destinations: Austria, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Iceland, Lithuania, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Slovakia and Turkey.

    Enrollments are opened from March, 2 to 22 and the selection contest takes place on Thursday, March 24, 2011 at 10:00 hours, in the Senate Hall.

    For further information please join us at Room 306, C Building or visit our EU Programs Office webpage [RO]
    Rothbard Day

    Wednesday, March 2nd 2011, the Murray Rothbard Center of Political Economy and Business of the Romanian-American University has celebrated the Rothbard Day, together with Society for Individual Freedom, Mises Institute, Center for Economics and Liberty and the Independent Centre for Studies in Economics and Law. The Rothbard Day comprised a series of events:

  • "Money, Safety and Education" Conference - Murray Rothbard's intellectual heritage against the current socio-economic problems
  • book launch - "5 Monetary Essays in the Tradition of the Austrian School"
  • book launch - "Liberalism: true and false", by Murray Rothbard
  • opening of "Art of the free market - Rothbard Day", an nonconformist exhibition designed to celebrate the Rothbard Day in a special way

  • Join us in Europe: Apply for an Erasmus Grant!

    Erasmus Grants available for Internship periods and Study grants abroad. Find out how:

  • Thursday, March 10, 2011, 12:00 at Hall 520 - Erasmus Info Session
  • On www.rau.ro, section "Departamente: Biroul de Programe Comunitare [RO]"
  • Office 306 - Biroul de Programe Comunitare [RO], C Building, 3rd Floor

  • Course Schedule - visiting professors

    Courses' schedules:

  • Course: Corporate Finance
  • Dr. Jan W. Duggar, Holy Family University, USA
  • Period: March, 7-11, 2011
  • Classroom: MBA Lab
  • Timetable: Monday - Friday, 9:00 - 11:50

  • Course: US Constitutional Government and Free Enterprise
  • Prof. Stehphen Bowers, PhD, Liberty University, USA
  • Perioad: March, 9-16, 2011
  • Classroom: Lecture Hall 1 - Library
  • Timetable: Monday - Friday, 9:00 - 11:50

  • Course: A Survey in Worldviews
  • Prof. Kristin White & Prof. Taylor Rose, Liberty University, USA
  • Period: March, 9-15, 2011
  • Classroom: MBA Lab
  • Timetable: Monday - Friday, 13:00 - 16:00

  • More information:
    International Relations Office
    3rd Floor / 305
    Phone +4- / +4-0372.120.121
    E-mail: [email protected]

    Jeffrey Miron - Director of Undergraduate Studies, Department of Economics - HARVARD UNIVERSITY

    Monday, March 14, 2011, at 18.00

    Jeffrey A. Miron

    Senior Lecturer and Director of Undergraduate Studies
    Department of Economics
    Harvard University

    On this occasion the Murray Rothbard Center of Political Economy and Business inaugurates the "Jeffrey Miron Lectures on Liberty" conference series.

    During the event, professor Jeffrey Miron will launch the Romanian translation of his book,

    "Liberalismul de la A la Z"

    Jeffrey A. Miron is Senior Lecturer and Director of Undergraduate Studies in the Department of Economics at Harvard University and a Senior Fellow at the Cato Institute. Miron has previously served on the faculties of the University of Michigan and Boston University; at the latter, he was Department chairman for six years.
    He has been the recipient of an Olin Fellowship from the National Bureau of Economic Research, an Earhart Foundation Fellowship, and a Sloan Foundation Faculty Research Fellowship. Miron holds a B.A. in economics, "magna cum laude", from Swarthmore College and a Ph.D. in economics from Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
    Miron's commentary on economic policy has appeared on CNN, CNBC, Bloomberg, and Fox television, BBC radio, and in dozens of other television, radio, and print media around the world.

    Miron's area of expertise is the economics of libertarianism. He has written extensively on the economic case against drug prohibition, and he has been a vocal critic of the Treasury bailout and the Obama administration's fiscal stimulus.

    Miron is also a star teacher. In four of the past five years, the Senior Class at Harvard has chosen him as one of their favorite teachers.

    Media Partners:Partner:

    Participarea pe baza de invitatie

    For further information:

    "Corporate Finance" Course Launch

    Monday, March 7, 2011, the R.A.U. has launched the "Corporate Finance" course, held by Professor Jan Duggar, PhD, Dean of the School of Business Administration of the Holy Family University, Philadelphia, USA.

    Russian Ambassador visits RAU

    His Excellency, Mr. Alexander Churilin, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Russian Federation in Romania, will visit the RAU and have a meeting on the topic of "Russian Federation Role in a Changing World".

    The event will take place on Wednesday, March 16 2011, inside the RAU's Senate Hall.
    Graduation of the "Corporate Finance" course

    Friday, March 11, 2011, the RAU hosted the Graduation Ceremony of the "Corporate Finance" course, held by Professor Jan Duggar, Dean of the School of Business Administration of Holy Family University, Philadelphia, SUA.

    RIUF 2011 - Bucharest

    On March 12 & 13, 2011, at the Palace Hall of Bucharest, the Romanian-American University has been present at the largest educational event in Romania and Eastern Europe.

    The RAU will also present its educational offer at the "RIUF 2011 - Timisoara" and "RIUF 2010 - Iasi" educational events.
    RAU has hosted Jeffrey Miron - Director of Undergraduate Studies, Department of Economics - HARVARD UNIVERSITY

    Monday, March 14, 2011 the RAU's Murray Rothbard Center of Political Economy and Business has inaugurated the "Jeffrey Miron Lectures on Liberty" conference series.

    During the same event, professor Jeffrey Miron has launched the Romanian translation of his book,

    "Liberalismul de la A la Z"

    Jeffrey A. Miron is Senior Lecturer and Director of Undergraduate Studies in the Department of Economics at Harvard University and a Senior Fellow at the Cato Institute. Miron has previously served on the faculties of the University of Michigan and Boston University; at the latter, he was Department chairman for six years.
    He has been the recipient of an Olin Fellowship from the National Bureau of Economic Research, an Earhart Foundation Fellowship, and a Sloan Foundation Faculty Research Fellowship. Miron holds a B.A. in economics, "magna cum laude", from Swarthmore College and a Ph.D. in economics from Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
    Miron's commentary on economic policy has appeared on CNN, CNBC, Bloomberg, and Fox television, BBC radio, and in dozens of other television, radio, and print media around the world.

    Graduation Ceremony for the "A Survey in Worldviews" Course

    Tuesday, March, 15, 2011, the RAU hosted the Graduation Ceremony of the "A Survey in Worldviews" course. The course was delivered by professors Kristin WHITE and Taylor ROSE, from Liberty University, USA.

    Russian Federation Ambassador visits RAU

    His Excellency, Mr. Alexander Churilin, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Russian Federation in Romania, held a conference in the RAU's Senate Hall on the topic of "Russian Federation Role in a Changing World".

    The event was part of the RAU's social communication project "The Economic and Financial Crisis and its Impact on Redefining the Economic Power Poles".

    "U.S. Constitutional Government and Free Enterprise" Course Graduation

    Wednesday, March 16, 2011 the RAU hosted the Graduation Ceremony of the "U.S. Constitutional Government and Free Enterprise" course. The course was delivered by professor Stephen Bowers, PhD, from Liberty University, USA.

    "Honorary Member of SSMAR" Diploma for professor John Saee, PhD

    Wednesday, March 16, 2011, the RAU's Senate Hall hosted the Honorary Member of theScientific Society for Management in Romania (SSMAR) Diploma Award Ceremony for professor John Saee, Phd, Chief of Global Division of the Management Association and of the International Management Association from USA and chief editor of the "Journal of Management Systems" magazine from the USA.

    Professor Saee has published over 200 scientific papers and articles in the field of management, is member of the "Intellectual Capital, Knowledge Management and Organizational Learning" International Conference Board and winner of an award for best research work by the prestigious Emerald Group Publishing, USA.

    "Managing Organizations in the 3rd Millennium" Course Graduation

    Friday, March 18, 2011, the RAU hosted the Graduation Ceremony of the "Managing Organizations in the 3rd Millennium" course, delivered by professor John Saee, PhD, from Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne, Australia.

    Students' Scientific Communications Session

    Friday, March 18, 2011, the Romanian-American University has organized the Annual Session of the Scientific Students' Clubs - 2011.

    The event comprised differents sections, according to the papers topics and the undergraduate or master level of the authors.
    This year, as every other previous editions in fact, there were several hundreds papers, with very valuable scientific results at both theoretical and applied level.

    "The National Trade Register Office's Role in the development of commerce and business activities" Conference

    Wednesday, March 23, 2011, the RAU will host the "The National Trade Register Office's Role in the development of commerce and business activities" Conference, held by Ms. Adriana Iacob, Director of the National Trade Register Office.

    The event takes place in the Senate Hall, at 15:00.
    Meeting with Lucian Anghel, Chief-Economist of BCR

    Come meet Lucian Anghel, Chief-Economist of BCR and find out how should a businessman read the economic news!

    You will find out what should an entrepreneur watch, how to separate the significant information from the "noise" and how to interpret it in order to grow his business even during these times of crisis.

    The meeting takes place on Tuesday, March 22, between 16:00 and 17:30, at the RAU's Amphitheater 1.
    "Between Emotional and Legal" Conference

    Thursday, March 24, 2011, the Romanian-American University will host the "Between Emotional and Legal" conference, held by Mr. Cristian Andrei, Founding- President of the Institute of Human Relations.

    The event takes place in the Senate Hall, starting at 9:00.
    Success of the Law School students in the International Student Conference "Constant 2011"!

    The RAU's Law School students won two awards in the International Student Conference "Constant 2011": Ms. Carmen-Maria Macarie (3rd year), in the Private Law Section, won the Third Place with the "Family Enterprise" study and Ms. Oana Gogu (3r year), in the Public Law Section, won the Second Place with the "In Dubio Pro Reo Principle Efficiency" study.

    Throughout the competition, all studies presented by our Law School students have been greatly appreciated: Alexandra Alexa, Anca Dumitrescu, Raluca Dumitrescu, Bogdan Cheran and Catalin Marin.

    The International Student Conference "Constant 2011", organized during March 25-26 2011, was attended by participants from "Nicolae Titulescu" University from Bucharest and Miskolc University from Hungary, co-organizers of the event, Romanian-American University, Bucharest University, "Valahia" University from Targoviste, "Titu Maiorescu" University, "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" Police Academy, "1 Decembrie" University from Alba Iulia, "Dimitrie Cantemir" Christian University, Pitesti University, Academy of Economic Studies etc.
    "Sport Event Tourism" Course Graduation

    Friday, March 25, 2011, the RAU hosted the Graduation Ceremony of the "Sport Event Tourism" course, delivered by professor Douglas Michele Turko from Drexel University, USA.

    2 Years of Performance Magazine!

    On the occasion of the 2 years anniversary, since March 2009, the Performance Magazine, one of the best RAU Students Club projects, has launched its 18th issue, following an ever ascending trajectory during these two years of its existence.
    Celebrating this anniversary, the March issue brings a design facelift and lots of very interesting articles.

    We welcome you to read the latest issue of Performance:

    • Main competitors on the mobile devices advertising field
    • RAU Basketball Team wins the Universitary Basketball Championship - Bucharest Area
    • Success through personal motivation
    • Interview with your preferred teacher: Valeriu Potecea, PhD
    • Tips & Tricks about "How to look taller"

    ...and many more!

    Enjoy your reading!
    Two Free Invites for RAU students at Nick Vujicic conference

    For the first time in Bucharest, NICK VUJICIC, the most charismatic motivational speaker of the moment, will be present for the "100% INSPIRATION. How to live a limitless life" conference, a fascinating story and a speech that will change your life.

    The event will take place on April 11, starting at 18:00, in the Aula Magna of the Romanian-American Unviersity.

    During the conference you will find out:
    • How to change perspective and see beyond circumstances
    • How to transform the barriers into opportunities
    • How to reach your full potential
    • How to identify your aspirations, objectives and the path to success
    • How to be happy
    Conference host: ROBERT TURCESCU

    Because we understand the value of these extraordinary life stories and of leadership, we offer two free invites for our students.

    In order to participate in the contest for the twoo free invites all you have to do is:
    - give a Like to our RAU Facebook page.
    - motivate your desire to participate in the conference by filling THIS form.

    The winner will be announced on Friday, April 8th, on the social-media channels of the RAU (Blog, Facebook, Twitter).

    Austrian Economics Summer School

    Center for Political Economy and Business "Murray Rothbard", of the Romanian-American University, in partnership with:

    • International Society for Individual Liberty;
    • The CATO Institute;
    • Atlas Economic Research Foundation;
    • Institutul de Studii Liberale;
    • The Economic Way of Thinking;
    • ACTON Institute;
    • Grassroot Institute of Hawaii;
    • Foundation for Economic Education;
    • Institute for Economic Affairs,
    organizes the "Romania Austrian Economics Summer School" between June 8th to 12th, 2011.

    The goal of the project is to educate the public in understanding economic phenomena and the importance of institutions that encourage development and prosperity. To promote the ideas of liberty, to help people learn a fundamental way of thinking about a free society which can be applied to every aspect of decision making for professional and private life.

    Participants will have the opportunity to appreciate how the economy works using the principles discovered and refined for generations by the members of the Austrian School of Economics. They will acquire a solid foundation for explaining human action, interpreting and anticipating the effects of policy measures.

    The school will be a great academic experience for a further reason. The participants will have the opportunity to meet, study and discuss with prestigious free market thinkers and great pedagogical talents. Among them, Ken Schoolland, the author of the famous book popularizing economic insights, "The Adventures of Jonathan Gullible: A Free Market Odyssey" ("Aventurile lui Jonathan Gullible"), a worldwide bestseller, published in 45 languages.

    More information: http://austrianeconomics.rau.ro/
    New Awards for RAU students

    At the end of February 2011, BRD-Groupe Societe Generale together with Financial Week have launched the We love your ideas!" contest. The main objective of the competition was to colect, select and reward original and innovative ideas related to banking services and products.

    The competition involved students from several universities in Romania. After the evaluation of the projects, two RAU students have been chosen among the ten finalists, winning the 5th place - Alin Remus Lazar, and the 10th place - Andreea Emilia Ene.
    Both winners are undergraduate students, in the 3rd year at the School of Domestic and International Commercial and Financial Banking Relations.
    "Applied Business Management" Course

    Professor James K. McCollum, Ph.D, from University of Alabama in Huntsville, USA, will teach to the Romanian-American University students during April 11 - 22, the course of "Applied Business Management".

    Schedule: Monday-Friday, 9:00-11:50

    Room: MBA Lab

    More details available here:
    RAU won the Bucharest University Basketball Championship

    The RAU's basketball team is the new Bucharest University Basketball Championship Winner, winning the first place against other Bucharest universities such as ASE, Politehnica University, Dimitrie Cantemir University, "Carol Davila" Medicine and Pharmacy University or "Ion Mincu" University of Architecture and Urbanism.

    The 2011 Bucharest University Basketball Championship was one of the most difficult competitions of the last years and the 3 teams that topped the table were:

    First Place - Romanian-American University
    Second Place - Academy of Economic Studies
    Third Place - "Carol Davila" University of Medicine and Pharmacy

    During April 8 - 10, 2011, with the help of the Romanian Education, Research, Youth and Sport Ministry, all zonal champions will meet in the National Finals of the University Basketball Championship 2011. The students will play in Arad, at the "Aurel Vlaicu" West University, and the girl teams will move to Cluj-Napoca for the finals organized by "Babes- Bolyai" University.

    Throughout the competition our team was supported by a faithful gallery, faculty, students and members of CS-URA, who made alltogether a spectacular atmosphere and raised the morale of the players during hard times. This support was especially welcomed during the match against ASE, won by RAU with 64-59; our players said that the gallery was really felt like a sixth player on the field.


    Bronze Medals for our Basketball Team in the National Finals of the Universities Basketball Championship

    The basketball team of the Romanian-American University, Bucharest University Basketball Championship Winners, has won in Arad the BRONZE MEDALS of the National Finals of the Universities Basketball Championship 2010-2011. Our team won the 3rd place final against Lucian Blaga University from Sibiu.


    "Innovation in Business" Debate

    Monday, April 11th, within the calendar of events dedicated to the RAU's 20th Anniversary, the Senate Hall hosted the "Innovation in Business" debate.
    The guest speaker of the event was Ms.Stefania Popp, CEO of Junior Achievement Romania.

    About the Work and Travel Program. Students ask, specialists answer

    Monday, April 11th, within the calendar of events dedicated to the RAU's 20th Anniversary, the Amphitheater I hosted the meeting of RAU students with representatives of the US Embassy in Bucharest.
    The meeting was focused on the presentation of the Work and Travel 2011 program. After the initial presentation the US Embassy representatives answered questions and debated the issues raised by our students.

    100% INSPIRATION. How to live a life without limits

    On the evening of April 11th the Romanian-American Unviersity hosted the 100% INSPIRATION. How to live a life without limits conference, held by the most charismatic motivational speaker of the world, Nick Vujicic.

    The fascinating speech, the extraordinary life story and the leadership and motivational models that Nick Vujicic shared with his audience inside the RAU's Aula Magna made the public both laugh and cry during the event and raised a standing round of applause at the end, the public appreciating the unique moments offered by this exceptional event.

    Book Launch - "Marketing"

    Tuesday, April 12th, within the calendar of events dedicated to the RAU's 20th Anniversary, the Senate Hall hosted an event dedicated to the launch of the book Marketing, (english version), written by a group of authors under the coordination of the late RAU President and Founder, Professor Ion Smedescu, PhD.

    The book was published in the ProUniversitaria Publishing House and the event was attended by well known specialists in the field of marketing, such as professor Valerica Olteanu (co-author) or professor Virgil Balaure, by US guests such as professor Kent Zimmerman or professor Bijan Saadatmand and other education field prominent figures such as professor Ovidiu Folcut, President of RAU, Mr. Nicolae Cirstea - CEO of the publishing group "Universul Juridic - Pro Universitaria" and many others.

    Microsoft Innovation Center Day

    Tuesday, April 12th, within the calendar of events dedicated to the RAU's 20th Anniversary, the Amphiteatre 1 hosted the Microsoft Innovation Center Day.

    On this occasion, the Microsoft representatives demonstrated and presented to students, faculty and guests all the latest technologies and proposals backed by the famous american company.

    Festive Senate Meeting

    Wednesday, April 13th, within the calendar of events dedicated to the RAU's 20th Anniversary, the Senate Hall hosted a festive meeting, dedicated to granting several diplomas of gratitude from our academic community for outstanding personalities which, over the 20 years of RAU's existence, have been close to us and have been integrated into the Romanian-American University family.

    "Your Personal Brand 2.0." Conference

    Wednesday, April 13th, within the calendar of events dedicated to the RAU's 20th Anniversary, the Senate Hall hosted a festive meeting, dedicated to granting several diplomas of gratitude from our academic community for outstanding personalities which, over the 20 years of RAU's existence, have been close to us and have been integrated into the Romanian-American University family.

    "The Future is Mine!" Conference

    Wednesday, April 13th, within the calendar of events dedicated to the RAU's 20th Anniversary, the Aula Magna hosted the third edition of "The Future is Mine!" conference.
    The event was organized in partnership with ISMB and has enjoyed an audience from numerous faculty, students, pupils and guests from both educational and business fields.

    The Alumni Association - Meeting at 20 years!

    Wednesday, April 13th, within the calendar of events dedicated to the RAU's 20th Anniversary, the Senate Hall reunited the members of the RAU Alumni Association. The event provided a new opportunity for our ex-students to remember about the university days, about their friends and collegues but also to present numerous future plans and activities that would benefit the current generations of university students and graduates.

    "American Experience in Romanian Business Environment" Debate

    Thursday, April 14th, within the calendar of events dedicated to the RAU's 20th Anniversary, the Senate Hall hosted the debate entitled "American Experience in Romanian Business Environment", a partnership project between RAU and the American Chamber of Commerce.

    The special guest of the event was Mr. Cristian Colteanu, President and CEO of General Electric Romania.

    Doctor Honoris Causa Award to professor Iftekhar Hasan, Ph.D.

    Thursday, April 14th, within the calendar of events dedicated to the RAU's 20th Anniversary, the Senate Hall hosted the ceremony dedicated to granting the title of "Doctor Honoris Causa" to Hasan Iftekhar, Ph.D., Cary L. Wellington Professor of Finance, Director of the International Center for Financial Research, Dean of the Lally School of Management & Technology of the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, New York, USA.

    "Financial stability - condition for sustainable economic growth" Conference

    Thursday, April 14th, within the calendar of events dedicated to the RAU's 20th Anniversary, in the Aula Magna took place the "Financial stability - condition for sustainable economic growth" conference. The event was organized in partnership with CFA, RAFA and DOFIN-AES and was attended by well known specialists of the financial field, master students and faculty.


    Friday, April 15th 2011, the Aula Magna hosted the ceremony of 20 Years Anniversary of the Romanian-American University.

    On this anniversary the whole family of the RAU, together with its guestes from the Romanian and American Higher Education environment, has honored the memory of the great man that was Professor ION SMEDESCU, Founding-President and Rector of the Romanian-American University between 1991 and 2008.

    Distinguished guests, faculty, students and our alumni have shared the excitement of celebrating the jubilee age following a presentation of the history of the institution. The speeches of the guests, public figures and graduates have developed emotional moments, moments that tighten the ties between all members of our academic community, between the members of this family that reunites friends of the RAU from all continents of the world.

  • Messages

  • Awards

  • Open Doors Day!

    Thursday, April 16th, within the calendar of events dedicated to the RAU's 20th Anniversary, the Romanian-American University organized an Open Doors Day. During this day high school pupils and their faculties from Bucharest, Buzau, Dambovita, Dolj, Giurgiu, Gorj, Ilfov, Olt, Prahova, Neamt, Teleorman and Tulcea have visited the campus.

    The educational offer presentation was accompanied by a debate on the topic of career guidance and counseling, event attended as guest speakers by professor Bijan Saadatmand, Ph.D., James Madison University, USA and professor Iftekhar Hasan, Ph.D., Dean of Lally School of Management & Technology from the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, New York, USA..

    "Psychology of Culture" Course

    Professor Mathew Lee, Ph.D, from James Madison University, USA, will teach to the Romanian-American University students within May 2-13, the course of "Psychology of Culture".

    Monday-Friday, 9:00 - 11:50

    Lecture Hall:
    MBA Lab

    Further information:
    Romanian EILC in Autumn 2011

    RAU invites Erasmus exchange students to learn the Romanian Language and Culture in September 2011!

    Organised in the framework of EILC (Erasmus Intensive Language Course), the September module for beginers will be held on the Romanian-American University premises, from 12th September 2011 till 29th September 2011.

    Students will be awarded 4 ECTS.

    Application deadline: 1st of June 2011

    For further information please check the Office for European Programmes section on our website.
    "Strategic Management" Course

    Professor John Stanton, Ph.D, from Saint Joseph's University, USA, will teach to the RAU students within May 9 - 13, 2011 the course of "Strategic Management".

    Schedule: Monday - Friday, 9:00 - 11:50

    Room: RAU Library - Lecture Hall

    Enrollment & information: International Relations Office [RO]

    "Leadership and Ethics within the Justice System" Conference

    Wednesday, May 4th, 16:00

    • jud. Horatiu Dumbrava, President of the Supreme Council of Magistracy
    • jud. Cristi Danilet, member of the Supreme Council of Magistracy
    • jud. Adrian Neacsu, member of the Supreme Council of Magistracy
    • Andrei Rigu, President of LiderJust Association
    • Dan Stoica, initiator of the national program "Leaders for Justice"
    • Corina Rebegea, Project Coordinator, "Rule of Law" Program, Konrad Adenauer Foundation
    Senate Hall, 1st Floor, Romanian-American University

    The Romanian-American University, LiderJust Association and the Supreme Council of Magistracy invite you, on the 4th of May 2011, to attend a debate on the topic of "Leadership si Etica in Justitie".

    This conference represents a first debate about the leadership challenges within the justice system from a series of such events organized by the LiderJust Association in the near future.
    Organized as a debate, the event is targeted at the academic environment, young lawyers starting their careers and students of the law field.
    Success for the CSBM students at the National Economics Students Olympics

    During April 28 and, 2011, at the Babes-Bolyai University, School of Economic Sciences and Business Management, took place the National Economics Students Olympics - Cybernetics, Statistics and Economic Informatics Section.

    The School of Computer Science for Business Management of the Romanian-American University participated at the Economic Informatics specialization with 3 teams, one for the Undergraduate subsection and two for the Master subsection. All of the teams have made a very good impression presenting their work.

    The students Plugaru Valentin and Radut Razvan, 2nd year of undergraduate studies, have won the IIIrd Prize for their project "Developing a multiplatform application for estimating evolutionary characteristics of stock exchange bonds".

    For further details: http://www.econ.ubbcluj.ro/olimpiada2011

    Congratulations to the winners!

    Congratulations to all participants for their work!
    School of European Economic Studies Days

    We are pleased to invite you to attend our special events organised for the Days of the School of European Economic Studies!

    Graduation Festivity - School of Computer Science for Business Management

    Wednesday, May 11th 2011, 12:00 you are all invited to attend the Graduation Festivity of the School of Computer Science for Business Management, Year of 2011, for both bachelor and master studies.
    The event will take place in the Aula Magna of the RAU.

    You are all welcome to join us!
    IATA/UFTAA Foundation Courses at the Romanian-American University

    The Romanian-American University, from Bucharest, is the only higher education institution in Romanian authorized as ATC (AUTHORIZED TRAINING CENTER) by IATA Montreal, for delivering the IATA/UFTAA Foundation & EBT course.

    After the IATA accrediation, the RAU organizes a second session of IATA/UFTAA Foundation & EBT courses during September 26 - October 12, 2011.

    What are the main advantages of graduating the IATA / UFTAA Foundation & EBT course?
    1. IATA/UFTAA Diploma have international recognition
    2. The diploma is required for employees of tourism agencies in order to receive the IATA accreditation, according to the specific criteria established by IATA Romania. Tourism agencies must employ, with full time and permanent contract, at least one IATA/UFTAA Foundation & EBT Diploma holder, agent capable of selling, issuing and reporting the GDS activities through the BSP system.

    Course length: 3 weeks / 15 working days (7 hours/day)
    Schedule: Spetember 26 - october 12, 2011
    Teaching languages: Romanian and English
    Location: Romanian-American University
    Class size: 15 students
    Price: 2900 lei (payment in RON; payment in full at the contract signing or in two parts: 2000 RON at contract signing, up to June 30 and 900 RON up to September 23, 2011)
    Exam period: December 5 - 9, (exam invite will be sent with approx. 2 weeks before the mentioned period of time).
    Enrollments: May 16 - June 30, 2011

    Contact: Camelia Gheorghe
    Phone: +4-0372-120.267

    For further information please access the folowing paper:
    "IATA/UFTAA Foundation & EBT" courses at RAU [RO]
    Diploma Award Ceremony for Professor John L. Stanton

    Wednesday, May 11, 2011, the Romanian-American University's Senate Hall hosted the ceremony of diploma awards to professor John L. Stanton, Chair, Department of Food Marketing (the first endowed chair in food marketing in the USA), Saint Joseph's University's, Philadelphia, founding editor of the "Journal of Food Products Marketing". He is a food marketing practitioner, with positions held in different companies' boards, an expert and expert witness to may food and beverage companies, regularly quoted in the news media including CNN, the Today Show and NBC Nightly News and also quoted in Forbes, Fortune, Advertising Age, Brand Week, New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and many others; he hosted an episode of the History Channel's Modern Marvels, entitled "The History of the Supermarket".

    Professor Stanton was awarded three diplomas for his prestigious activity:
    - "Special Academic Merit" - by the Romanian American University,
    - "Honorary Member" - by the Romanian Scientific Society of Management - SSMAR,
    - "Honorary Member" - by the Romanian Distribution Committee.

    "Strategic Marketing" Course Graduation

    Professor John L. Stanton, PhD, Chair - Department of Food Marketing (the first endowed chair in food marketing in the USA) at Saint Joseph's University's, Philadelphia, USA and founding-editor of the "Journal of Food Products Marketing", has delivered the "Strategic Marketing" course to the RAU students during 9 -13 of May, 2011.

    "Cultural Psychology" Course Graduation

    Professor Matthew Lee, PhD, from James Madison University, USA, has delivered the "Cultural Psychology" course to the RAU students during 2 - 13 of May, 2011.

    Partnership Agreement between RAU and CFAR

    Graduates of the Business Management and Audit master program of the School of Domestic and International Commercial and Financial Banking Relations (starting with the 2011) will receive a diploma that will ensure their direct access, without any other exam, to the auditor training program, according to the legal provisions of CFAR. This fact is a result of the partnership agreement between RAU and the Chamber of Financial Auditors of Romania, signed in May 2011.
    Gabriel Florea's success at the Student of the Year Gala

    The Romanian-American University is both happy and proud for Gabriel Florea (3rd year, School of Domestic and International Commercial and Financial Banking Relations, specialized in Financial Banking) and congratulates him for being a finalist at the "Student of the Year Gala", organized by Volunteers for Ideas and Projects (VIP Romania) .
    Gabriel Florea won the 2nd Place for the Economics Category - awarded to him by Mr. Bogdan Olteanu - Vice-governor of the Romanian National Bank.
    International Summer School in partnership with University of Alabama

    The Romanian-American University in partnership with University of Alabama in Huntsville, USA organizes during June 13 - 24, 2011, the international summer school "BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT IN THE CONTEXT OF EUROPEAN INTEGRATION AND GLOBALIZATION".
    • Open to all upper level undergraduate and graduate students
    • Inter-active classes delivered by USA and Romanian professors
    • Work in student teams
    • Certificates of Completion
    • World Economy
    • International Trade and Policies
    • European Monetary Policy
    • International Business Management
    • Project Management
    • Service Marketing
    • International Law
    Lectures and workshops:
    • Globalization
    • Negociation and International Business
    • Business Ethics
    - Monday - Friday, 9:00 - 11:50 si 13:00 - 14:50

    - MBA Lab

    Application deadline:
    - June 7th, 2011

    For further information:
    Romanian-American University
    International Relations Office - Room 305
    +4-021-202.95.09 | +4-0372-120.121 | + 4+0374-158.121
    [email protected]

    The 2011 graduates of the School of European Economic Studies has the pleasure to invite you to attend their Graduation Ceremony on 5th of May, 2011, 10:30. The event will take place in the RAU's Aula Magna.

    During the festivities there will be moments dedicated to the school's key transfer from the graduating year to the second year and to the awarding of diplomas alongside messages of encouragement for the new aprt of life that the graduates start from now on.

    Book Launch - Great European Economists

    The event will take place on Monday, 30th of May, 2011, in the RAU's Senate Hall.

    Participants: Presidential Advisor Leonard Orban (author of the preface), Aurel Iancu - member of the Romanian Academy (Roegen study author), professor Nita Dobrota, professor Ovidiu Folcut, professor Ion Bolborea, professor Theodor Purcarea (about Stefan Zeletin), Octavian Dragomir Jora, professor Alexandru Popovici, professor Bogdan Glavan (about Friedrich Hayek), professor Cristian Paun (about Maurice Allais), Ionela Baltatescu (about Bohm-Bawerk), Tudor Smirna (contribution of L.w.Mises), professor Dumitru Miron, professor Gheorghe Hurduzeu and associate professor Mihai Opritescu.

    The Great European Economists volume, produced by the RAU's Center for European Studies and Research, has been published by the Romanian-American University Publishing House, 2011, ISBN 978-606-92399-6-4.

    "Fiscal Liberty Day" Round Table

    Centrul de Economie Politica si Afaceri Murray Rothbard din cadrul Universitatii Romano-Americane, in parteneriat cu Societatea pentru Libertate Individuala si Centrul pentru Economie si Libertate va invita luni, 30 Mai 2011, ora 14:00 in Sala Senatului Universitatii Romano-Americane, pentru a celebra "Ziua libertatii fiscale".

    "Ziua libertatii fiscale" este un indicator care ilustreaza in mod sugestiv povara fiscala dintr-o tara. El pune in relatie ponderea cheltuielilor publice in PIB si numarul zilelor din an, ajutand publicul sa inteleaga mai bine dimensiunea statului in economie. Acest indicator a fost inventat de Tax Foundation din SUA; in Romania, evenimentul a fost celebrat pentru prima data de Centrul Independent de Studii in Economie si Drept (CISED).

    • Bogdan Glavan: Ce trebuie sa stim despre fiscalitate? 10 ani de literatura NBER
    • Cristian Paun: Fiscalitatea impovaratoare a muncii in Romania. Adevar sau provocare
    • Gabriel Staicu: Fiscalitate - oferte politice si optiuni electorale
    • Claudiu Nasui: Schimbarea Constitutiei? Observatii pe marginea unor propuneri fiscale recente

    Professor Bernd Hallier - Guest of the RAU

    Professor Bernd Hallier, PhD, Managing Director EHI Retail Institute din Koln (formerly known as EuroHandelsInstitut), President of EuCVoT (European Competence Center for Vocational Training for Retail), President of European Retail Academy - ERA, President of EuroShop ("world's largest capital goods show in the retail sector") will participate to a series of events organized by the Romanian-American University.

    • "Introduction of the European Retail Academy" - 31.05.2011, 9:00 - 10:30, MBA Lab
    • "Branding: the successful example of EuroShop" - 31.05.2011, 11:00 - 12:30, MBA Lab
    Round Table:
    • "The intertwine of Culture and Trade" - 30.05.2011, 16:30, Senate Hall
    • "Environmental Retail Management" - 1.06.2011, 11:00, Senate Hall

    For further details:
    Romanian-American University
    International Relations Office - room 305
    +4-021-202.95.09 | +4-0372-120.121 | + 4+0374-158.121
    [email protected]

    Book launch - Great European Economists

    The volume Great European Economists, realized by the European Studies and Documentation Center from Romanian-American University was published by Romanian-American University Publishing, 2011, ISBN 978-606-92399-6-4.
    The event took place on Monday, the 30th of May 2011, at 11 o'clock in the Senate Hall of the Romanian-American University in Bucharest.

    Attendants: Leondard Orban (ex-European Comissary), Ovidiu Folcut (Rector, Romanian-American University), Alexandru Butiseaca (coordinator the European Studies and Documentation Center), Nita Drobota (ASE professor), Ionela Baltatescu (researcher, World Economy Institute), Octavian-Dragomir Jora (senior editor The Economist), Cristian Paun (executive director Romanian Economy Society), Bogdan Glavan (director, Murray Rothbard Centre of Political Economy and Business), Alexandru Popovici(professor, Romanian-American University), Tudor Smirna (researcher, Ludwig von Mises Institute Romania) and Moisa Altar (professor, ASE and RAU).
    Fiscal Liberty Day 2011

    Debate organized at the Romanian-American University in the Senate Hall, on Monday, 30th of May 2011, 2 P.M., by the Murray Rothbard Centre of Political Economy And Business in partnership with the Society for Individual Liberty and Economy and Liberty Centre.

    Key speakers:
    • Bogdan Glavan - What do we need to know about fiscality? 10 years of NBER literature
    • Cristian Paun - The burdensome fiscality of work in Romania. Truth or dare
    • Gabriel Staicu - Fiscality: political offers and electoral options
    • Claudiu Nasui - Changing The Constitution? Observations on recent fiscal proposals
    • Iulian Tanase - Fiscal Responsibility's Charter

    Moderating: Lauretiu Rosoiu (Forbes Romania)

    Attendants: Valentin Ionescu, Costea Munteanu, Tudor Smirna, Ionela Baltatescu and ARSIT (Association for Reformation of Excises and Taxes) members.
    Professor's Bernd Hallier visit

    Thursday, 2nd of June 2011, the RAU organized a ceremony for diploma awards to the participants in professor's Bernd Hallier activities at RAU.

    With the same occasion, in the RAU's Senate Hall, took place the ceremony of awarding the RAU's Diploma for Special Academic Merit to professor Bernd Hallier, PhD, Managing Director EHI Retail Institute din Koln (formerly known as EuroHandelsInstitut), President of EuCVoT (European Competence Center for Vocational Training for Retail), President of European Retail Academy - ERA, President of EuroShop ("world's largest capital goods show in the retail sector").

    International Summer School - 2011

    During the period June 13-24, the Romanian-American University provides courses within the International Summer School program organized in collaboration with the University of Alabama in Huntsville.

    The Summer School brings together undergraduate and graduate students from USA, Lithuania, Moldova Republic and Romania who will take benefit of a rich study program and of cultural and tourist activities.
    Courses and lectures held by professors from the two universities and by Romania specialists in Economics approach topics on "Business Development in the context of European Integration and Globalization": International Trade & Policies, World Economy, International Business Management, European Monetary Policy, Project Management, International Law, Globalization, etc.

    Admissions at RAU

    The Romanian-American University has launched the admission procedure for bachelor and master degree studies!

    Applications can be submitted either online or directly to our headquartes in Bucharest.

    For further details please visit our website www.rau.ro, ADMISSION section.

    We remind you that, starting with the 2011 - 2012 academic year, the Romanian-American University organizes two bachelor degree studies programs taught exclusively in English. Both programs are fully accredited by ARACIS:
    • Computer Science for Economics - School of Computer Science for Business Management, full time attendance, 3 years
    • International Business - School of Domestic and International Commercial and Financial Banking Relations, full time attendance, 3 years

    ARACIS validation available online:

    For further information on this topic please visit our website www.ro-am.ro

    We look forward to see you.
    "Inspiring Bucovina 2011" Creativity Summer Camp

    The Romanian-Japanese Studies Center in partnership with Free Spirit trip agency organizes between 10th and 17th of August "Inspiring Bucovina" summer camp.
    This year RJSC wants to encourage creative behavior, following the last year's summer school which was developed starting from the concept of harmony (http://www.csrj.ro/CSRJen/summerschool.html).

    The summer camp will be held in ancient Bucovina, the place of old monasteries, a perfect environment for the participants to be creative. There will be both academic activities and recreational ones, such as classes related to the Japanese business and cultural environment, aikido practice, swimming and parties.

    Location: Pensiunea Bogdaneasa, Gura Humorului

    Graduation of the International Summer School

    Friday, June 24th, 2011, took place the graduation ceremony of the international summer school "BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT IN THE CONTEXT OF EUROPEAN INTEGRATION AND GLOBALIZATION".
    For two weeks participants from USA, Lithuania, Republic of Moldavia and Romania have studied, built projects together and interacted on both educational and socio- cultural level.

    After attending the classes and debates held by wellknown USA and Romanian faculty - on topics of international trade, world economics, international business management, monetary policies, international finance, project management, international law and globalization - all participants have received Graduation Diplomas.

    Mugur Isarescu, RNB Governor - Doctor Honoris Causa of the Romanian-American University

    On the occasion of its 20th anniversary, the Romanian-American University decided to give the title of Doctor Honoris Causa to a number of outstanding personalities from both Romania and the United States of America.

    The Senate of the Romanian-American University has decided to award the title of Doctor Honoris Causa to professor Mugur Constantin Isarescu, PhD, academician, Governor of the Romanian National Banca, as a token of appreciation for professional value, academic value and scientific prestige.
    The official ceremony took place in the Aula Magna, with the participation of numerous elite representatives of the Romanian higher education environment, the Ministry of Education, Research, Youth and Sports, ARACIS, Romanian Academy, business environment, banking systems and diplomatic environment.

    Summer School "Romanian Law Reform by Way of New Codes"

    Romanian law stands in a historical moment in which, the doctrinal and jurisprudential accumulation combined with the necessity to modernise and standardise the European laws, have generated its reform by way of new codes.

    Focused on knowledge, understanding and correct application of the new codes, the Romanian-American University organise the first Summer School dedicated to discussions of the new Civil Law and the new Criminal Law.

    The interactive lectures will focus on both, overall and precisely, sides of the New Romanian Civil and Criminal Law updates which will be supported by practitioners from civil law, criminal law, commercial law and family law.

    Through the generosity of the speakers and of the Romanian-American University, all the lectures are free of charges.
    Participants from other cities, with priority given to students, will be accommodated on request, in the hostel of the Romanian-American University campus, 1B Expozitiei Blvd., sector 1, Bucharest.

    Registration is made online until 3rd of September 2011, to the email address:

    For further details on registration and lectures:
    Project coordinator: Luminita Tuleasca

    scoaladevaradrept.rau.ro [RO]

    New Courses delivered by the CED

    Within the RAU's Continuous Education Department the university will deliver a new series of courses for the management field.

    Information about the courses:

    1. Enrollment: September 15th - 30th, 2011
    2. Duration: October 15th - 30th, 2011
    3. Course structure:
         a. 24 hours - theoretical part
         b. 40 hours - practical training
    4. Course accreditation: CNFPA authorized
    5. Fee: 1.200 RON

    For further information please click on the official poster [RO].
    IATA/UFTAA Foundation Courses at the Romanian-American University

    The Romanian-American University, from Bucharest, is the only higher education institution in Romanian authorized as ATC (AUTHORIZED TRAINING CENTER) by IATA Montreal, for delivering the IATA/UFTAA Foundation & EBT course.

    After the IATA accrediation, the RAU organizes a second session of IATA/UFTAA Foundation & EBT courses during September 26 - October 12, 2011.

    What are the main advantages of graduating the IATA / UFTAA Foundation & EBT course?
    1. IATA/UFTAA Diploma have international recognition
    2. The diploma is required for employees of tourism agencies in order to receive the IATA accreditation, according to the specific criteria established by IATA Romania. Tourism agencies must employ, with full time and permanent contract, at least one IATA/UFTAA Foundation & EBT Diploma holder, agent capable of selling, issuing and reporting the GDS activities through the BSP system.

    Course length: 3 weeks / 15 working days (7 hours/day)
    Schedule: Spetember 26 - october 12, 2011
    Teaching languages: Romanian and English
    Location: Romanian-American University
    Class size: 15 students
    Price: 2900 lei (payment in RON; payment in full at the contract signing or in two parts: 2000 RON at contract signing, up to July 30th and 900 RON up to September 23, 2011)
    Exam period: December 5 - 9, (exam invite will be sent with approx. 2 weeks before the mentioned period of time).
    Enrollments: May 16 - July 30, 2011

    Contact: Camelia Gheorghe
    Phone: +4-0372-120.267

    For further information please access the folowing paper:
    "IATA/UFTAA Foundation & EBT" courses at RAU [RO]
    RAU's Continuous Education Department

    The Continuous Education Department of the RAU has launched it's new online presence!

    formare.rau.ro [RO]

    All of RAU's Master Programs are backed by the MECTS

    All master degree programs organized by RAU are approved by the Ministry of Education, Research, Youth and Sports.

    New courses held by visiting professors from partner universities

    The Romanian-American University organizes new courses held by visiting professors from partner universities within the USA.

    • Course: American Culture and Civilization & Business English
      Period: October, 3 - 12, 2011
      Schedule: Monday - Friday, 9:00 - 11:50
      Room: MBA Lab

    • Course: Project Management
      Period: October, 24 - November, 4, 2011
      Schedule: Monday - Friday, 9:00 - 11:50
      Room: MBA Lab

    • Info and Enrollments:
      International Relations Office
      3rd Floor 3 / Room 305
      Phone +4- / +4-0372.120.121
      E-mail: [email protected]


      IATA/UFTAA Foundation Courses at the Romanian-American University

      The Romanian-American University, from Bucharest, is the only higher education institution in Romanian authorized as ATC (AUTHORIZED TRAINING CENTER) by IATA Montreal, for delivering the IATA/UFTAA Foundation & EBT course.

      After the IATA accrediation, the RAU organizes a second session of IATA/UFTAA Foundation & EBT courses during September 26 - October 12, 2011.

      What are the main advantages of graduating the IATA / UFTAA Foundation & EBT course?
      1. IATA/UFTAA Diploma have international recognition
      2. The diploma is required for employees of tourism agencies in order to receive the IATA accreditation, according to the specific criteria established by IATA Romania. Tourism agencies must employ, with full time and permanent contract, at least one IATA/UFTAA Foundation & EBT Diploma holder, agent capable of selling, issuing and reporting the GDS activities through the BSP system.

      Course length: 3 weeks / 15 working days (7 hours/day)
      Schedule: Spetember 26 - october 12, 2011
      Teaching languages: Romanian and English
      Location: Romanian-American University
      Class size: 15 students
      Price: 2900 lei (payment in RON; payment in full at the contract signing or in installments, up to September 23, 2011)
      Exam period: December 5 - 9, (exam invite will be sent with approx. 2 weeks before the mentioned period of time).
      Enrollments: September 1st - 16th, 2011

      Contact: Camelia Gheorghe
      Phone: +4-0372-120.267

      For further information please access the folowing paper:
      "IATA/UFTAA Foundation & EBT" courses at RAU [RO]
      Japanese language courses

      Romanian-Japanese Studies Center organizes Japanese language courses for beginners, intermediates and advanced users.
      The course takes place over an academic year under the guidance of two teachers, one romanian and the other, a native speaker.

      Study fee: 100 Euro/year

      Registration September 1st - October 14th

      For further details please contact us by e-mail address: [email protected]
      Ikebana courses

      Romanian-Japanese Studies Center organizes ikebana courses (floral arrangement) unde the guidance of Ms. Sanda Lazur.
      During the 14 courses (every Friday from 17.30) you will discover the secrets of the Japanese floral arrangements.

      Study fee: 550 RON, payable in two installments

      Registration September 1st - October 14th

      For further details please contact us by e-mail address: [email protected]
      Aikido classes

      The Romanian-Japanese Studies Center together with R.A.U. Fitness and Cavaler Aikido Club organizes Aikido courses.

      Aikido is a Japanese martial art that uses throws, holds and hits, and also fighting procedures with weapons (sticks, knives, swords). Aikido is very similar to ju-jitsu, the martial art from which it stems. Aikido is a method of physical, mental, moral and spiritual education.

      The courses will be organized for two groups as follows:
      - Tuesday and Thursday, from 11:00 to 12:00
      - Wednesday and Friday, from 19:30 to 20:30

      Study fee: 300 RON/module (3 months)

      Registration September 1st - October 14th

      For further details please contact us by e-mail address: [email protected]
      "Personal Brand - 5(+1) steps" Course

      The RAU's Continuous Education Department organizes, starting with September, the course entitled "Personal Brand - 5 (+1) steps", held by Gabriel Avacaritei.

      For further details and enrollment please access:
      http://formare.rau.ro/index.php/cursuri/77-articole-postate/86-brand-personal [RO]
      "Education - PRIVATE vs. PUBLIC and HOMESCHOOLING" Conference

      The Romanian-American University and "Murray Rothbard" Center for Political Economy and Business have the pleasure of inviting you on the 26th of September, at 9:30 a.m., in the Senate Hall, to the "Education - PRIVATE vs. PUBLIC & HOMESCHOOLING conference, a topic of general interest held by Lawrence W. Reed, President of the FEE (Foundation for Economic Education).

      For further information you can access the "Murray Rothbard" Center for Political Economy and Business website:
      rothbard.rau.ro [RO]
      Opening of the 2011-2012 Academic Year

      The Official Ceremony of the 2011-2012 Academic Year Opening will take place on October 3rd, 10:00 hours, inside the Aula Magna.

    • Schedule of the schools' festivities [RO]

    • Joachim Mayer will present to RAU students the "Erasmus Studies Grants" at FH Worms

      On September 26th, 2011, at 12:00, Mr. Joachim Mayer, Manager of the International Relations Department at Fachhochschule Worms from Germany, will deliver a presentation on studying opportunities within the Lifelong Learning Programme, scholarships being organized under the agreement between RAU and FH Worms.

      The presentation will be organized in the RAU's Senate Halland it addresses all students interested in Erasmus Studies Grants for the 2011-2012 academic year.
      "Information Security" Course

      The Continuous Education Department of the RAU organizes, starting with October, the course entitled "Information Security [RO]", taught by professor Neculae Nabarjoiu, PhD.

      For further information and enrollments please check our dedicated website:
      http://formare.rau.ro/index.php/cursuri/77-articole-postate/90- securitatea- informatiilor [RO]
      "Great Books" Seminar

      Center for Political Economy and Business "Murray Rothbard" organizes a new study group within the Great Books Program.
      Those interested are invited to send a written request at: [email protected]

      The Great Books Program is structured into a series of seminaries having four levels of difficulty. During these seminaries, the students are reading and discussing some of the most influential and challenging books of economics, philosophy and literature.
      No lectures will be held during the meetings. The role of the professors will be to coordinate the debates, to raise questions, moderate the discussion, and clarify different points of view. The students directly discover the great ideas that have changed the World, learn how to link those ideas, analise and assess. In the end they will be able to understand the way the Economy and Society work, better then by way of conventional education. The participants will aquire superior cognitive abilities, which are helpful for any careear they choose.

      Attendance fee for the first level (for one year) is 300 RON, payable in three installments.

      Details about the Great Books Program can be found on our website: http://rothbard.rau.ro [RO]
      "American Culture and Civilization & Business English" Course

      Professor Donald E. CORBIN, Ph.D. from James Madison University - USA will be teaching the course of "American Culture and Civilization & Business English", within October 3rd - 12th, 2011.

      - Monday, October 3rd, 2011: 2:00 - 3:30 p.m.
      - October 4th-12th, 9:00-11:50 a.m.

      Classroom: MBA Lab

    RAU leads the student mobility rankings

    ANOSR (National Alliance of Student Bodies in Romania), based on the data used by the Ministry of Education, Research, Youth and Sport for the university classification process and for the study programs ranking, published a report regarding the Student mobility situation 2010-2011.
    The student mobility process refers to the possibility of the students to study abroad for a certain period of time, in order to enlarge their perspectives related to their position in society and study field.

    In the report's rankings the RAU leads in both abroad mobilites and foreign students studying in Romania - related to private universities in Romania.

    The report underlines the first place of RAU in abroad mobilities for its students, with a percentage of 32% out of the total mobilities of the private higher education system, as well as the same position for the criteria of foreign student coming to study in private universities in Romania - with a percentage of 41% of the total.

  • ANOSR Report regarding student mobility 2010-2011 [RO]

  • IATA/UFTAA Foundation Courses - new session

    Due to the high number of enrollment applications reject for the first two sessions of the IATA/UFTAA Foundation courses organized by the RAU because of the limited number of places available, the university launches a new session of these courses.

    The Romanian-American University, from Bucharest, is the only higher education institution in Romanian authorized as ATC (AUTHORIZED TRAINING CENTER) by IATA Montreal, for delivering the IATA/UFTAA Foundation & EBT course.

    The RAU organizes a new session of IATA/UFTAA Foundation & EBT courses during October 15 - November 18, 2011.

    What are the main advantages of graduating the IATA / UFTAA Foundation & EBT course?
    1. IATA/UFTAA Diploma have international recognition
    2. The diploma is required for employees of tourism agencies in order to receive the IATA accreditation, according to the specific criteria established by IATA Romania. Tourism agencies must employ, with full time and permanent contract, at least one IATA/UFTAA Foundation & EBT Diploma holder, agent capable of selling, issuing and reporting the GDS activities through the BSP system.

    Course length: 15 working days (7 hours/day)
    Period: October 15 - November 18, 2011
    Schedule: first 5 weekends of the period + daily between 14 - 18 November
    Teaching languages: Romanian and English
    Location: Romanian-American University
    Price: 2900 lei
    Exam period: December 5 - 9, (exam invite will be sent with approx. 2 weeks before the mentioned period of time).
    Enrollments: October 5 - 12, 2011

    Contact: Camelia Gheorghe
    Phone: +4-0372-120.267

    For further information please access the folowing paper:
    "IATA/UFTAA Foundation & EBT" courses at RAU [RO]
    Commemorative Senate Session

    The University Senate commemorated Wednesday, October 5th 2011, 9:00, three years from the death of Professor Ion Smedescu, PhD, Founding President and Rector of RAU, renowned marketing specialist, creator and promoter of the private higher education system in Romania.

    Professor Ovidiu Folcut, PhD

    Professor Ana-Maria Preda, PhD

    Professor Maria Moise, PhD

    Opening Ceremony of the 2011-2012 Academic Year

    The auditorium of the Romanian-American University of Bucharest became overcrowded today, October 3, 2011, at the opening ceremonies of the academic year 2011-2012.

    Important guests, representatives of academia and business in Romania and the United States of America, such as Prof. Emil Constantinescu, PhD, former president of Romania, Prof. Radu Ghetea, PhD, president of the Bankers Association of Romania, Prof. Dumitru Miron, PhD, vice-rector of the Academy of Economic Studies, and currently president of the Romanian-American Foundation for the Promotion of Education and Culture, Gilda Lazar, corporate affairs manager at JTI or Prof. Donald Corbin, PhD, from James Madison University - Virginia have been acclaimed by more of the 500 students of the Romanian-American University after their speech, which has focused on the opportunities that higher education offers young people nowadays.

    "Being aware of the competitive pressures triggered by the fact that we operate on a national market with over 100 higher education institutions and an European market with over 4,000 higher education institutions preparing millions of students, we propose, in the academic year 2011 - 2012 (...), for the leading strategic objectives to aim at increasing the international exposure of the University and at appropriating, based on coherent partnership grounds, the business environment, the employers, in their entirety" said Prof. Ovidiu Folcut, PhD, Rector of the Romanian-American University, in his speech at the opening ceremony of the academic year.

    The internationalization of education is not an empty concept, said Prof. Ovidiu Folcut, PhD, proof in this respect being the large number of partnerships entered into, over time, by the institution with prestigious universities in the U.S. and Europe. "Over one third of the mobility enjoyed by private universities in Romania, in European programs, belongs to the Romanian-American University, and we believe this is not an accident, and on the other hand, the presence in the academic year of 2010-2011of renowned professors from top universities (and I would like to name here Prof. Jeffrey Miron - Director of Undergraduate Studies, Department of Economics - HARVARD UNIVERSITY) and constant collaborators in the last 20 years of the University, such as Prof. James McCollum of the University of Alabama in Hunstville, or Prof. Bijan Saadatmand from James Madison University, to name just two of the dear friends of this University, are a direct confirmation that internationalization is not a concept without coverage as regards our University", remarked Rector Folcut.

    Moreover, the hierarchy of universities in Romania, per areas of study, conducted by the Ministry of Education, Research and Youth, recently released, places the Romanian-American University on a leading position.

    "The hierarchy per areas (...) proves that in the eight fields of study that the University covers under its educational offer, two programs are on the podium, other 5 rank on the 6th and, respectively 16th position, one program, which we haven't offered in the last two academic years, is to be terminated, being on a less favorable position, namely 38. Of course, our objective is to rank an increasing favorable position in any top to be released, but we deem that the most appropriate assessment of our work’s outcomes, respectively our graduates' quality, will always be made by employers", said Rector Ovidiu Folcut.

    Our collaborations entered into in the previous academic year with top companies and financial-banking institutions such as Microsoft, JTI, Toyota, GE, Procter & Gamble, Henkel, Honda, Renault, BRD, BCR, CEC, Unicredit Tiriac Bank or ING and with other leading entities in their fields of operation, such as American Chamber of Commerce or Junior Achievement, are proof of the employers' favorable position towards the students and graduates of the Romanian-American University.

    In his turn, the former president of Romania, Prof. Emil Constantinescu, PhD, expressed the emotion caused by his participation in the opening ceremonies of the academic year in an institution that brought to mind one of the most remarkable experiences he had. "Twenty years ago, I attended, as a professor, the opening of the academic year at Duke University, one of the most prestigious U.S. universities", President Constantinescu said. "Today, I chose to be here, and I preferred the Romanian-American University, at the expense of my own university, because the Romanian-American University represents, for Romania, the challenge with a university such as Duke University which, for me, was a second significant experience of my life" added President Emil Constantinescu.

    In his message to students, Radu Ghetea, president of the Association of Bankers of Romania, noticed the large number of the Romanian-American University's graduates, who are today, his workmates, as employees of the Romanian banking system, and underlined the importance of attitude and manner in which young people must be prepared in universities.

    Gilda Lazar, former journalist, now corporate affair manager of the JTI, a supporter of several projects initiated by the Romanian-American University, sent students a message to keep learning because "a degree does not help, attitude does ... To want to do, that's what counts", said Gilda Lazar.

    Stand out of the crowd!

    The Romanian-American University's Students' Club is looking for talented, passionate and remarkable students who are interested in their personal and professional development and are willing to carry on the values that they've acquired in time.

    If you consider yourself one of the above, we invite you to the INFO SESSION, Tuesday, 18th of October, at 13:20 p.m., in the Jean Monnet Amphitheatre (3rd floor) to know each other better and to talk about what it means to be a member of CS-URA and how the experience gained with us can help you in your future.

    If you wish to be one of us, download the APPLICATION FORM, available starting with with October 10 on:

    - RAU's website, "Student Life" Section - CS-URA [RO]
    - RAU's blog [RO] (http://blog.rau.ro/)

    ... fill it and send it to the following address: [email protected]

    *If you any troubles with the application form (display, layout, office application type etc.), please contact us on the same e-mail address and we'll try to solve it!

    For more details please contact us on our Facebook Page!

    How not to feel useless?

    "Murray Rothbard" Center for Political Economy and Business and the European Research and Documentation Center is inviting you on October 20th, 2011, between 12 and 14 PM, in the Senate Hall of the Romanian-American University, to attend the lecture of the renowned reviewer and essayist Dan C. Mihailescu, who will talk about "How not to feel usless?"

    "Personal Brand - 5(+1) steps" Course

    The RAU's Lifelong Learning Department organizes, starting with October, the course entitled "Personal Brand - 5(+1) steps", held by Gabriel Avacaritei.

    For further details and enrollment please access:
    http://formare.rau.ro/index.php/cursuri/77-articole-postate/86-brand- personal [RO]
    International Award for the Center for Political Economy and Business "Murray Rothbard"

    The Center for Political Economy and Business "Murray Rothbard" has won the prestigious TFA - "Special Achievement for a University-Based Center" award.

    The Scientific Council which evaluated the applications included an impresive number of world reknowned professors, including Nobel Prizes winners - James Buchanan - George Mason University, Robert Barro - Harvard University, Mary Glendon - Harvard University, Stephen Goldsmith - Harvard University, Chandran Kukathas - London School of Economics, Deepak Lal - UCLA, Nathan Rosenberg - Stanford University, Vinay Samuel - Oxford, Peter Boettke - George Mason University or Sam Peltzman - University of Chicago, and many others.

    For this year's contest the council received 183 applications from 48 countries. Only 16 institutions were awarded. The Center for Political Economy and Business "Murray Rothbard" won the prize due to its broad range of activities, such as: conferences held by Jesus Huerta de Soto and Jeffrey Miron, many workshops and events as "Mastering Economic Journalism" and "Tax Freedom Day", the educational program "Great Books" and, not least, the "Romania Austrian Economics Summer School 2011".
    Start of a new "Project Management" course

    Within October 24th - November 4th, Prof. James McCollum, Ph.D., from University of Alabama in Huntsville, will be teaching the course of "Project Management", in the MBA Lab.


    - Monday, Wednesday, Thursday: 2:00 - 4:50 PM
    - Tuesday, Friday: 9:00-11:50 AM
    "Ideologies in International Relations" Course

    Within November 07-18, 2011 Professor Taylor Rose, from Liberty University - USA, will be teaching the "Ideologies in International Relations" course.

    - Monday, Wednesday, Thursday: 2:00 - 4:50 PM
    - Tuesday, Friday: 9:00 - 11:50 AM

    Class-room: MBA Lab

    Info and Enrollments: International Relations Office
    3rd Floor 3 / Room 305
    Phone +4- / +4-0372.120.121
    Join us in Europe: Apply for an Erasmus Grant!

    Erasmus Grants are available for studies at other European universities in the academic year 2011-2012, in the second semester and they are financed with monthly scholarships between 400 and 500 euros.

    For further information please contact us:
    Office for European Programmes (C Building, 3rd Floor, office 306)
    Phone +4-0372.120.115 | +4-0374.158.115
    "The Tragedy of the EURO" - conference by Philipp Bagus

    The Center for Political Economy and Business "Murray Rothbard, within the Romanian-American University, invites you to attend "The Tragedy of the Euro" conference, on Saturday, October 22nd, 2011, 12:00 hours.

    Professor Philipp Bagus, PhD, from the "Rey Juan Carlos" University of Madrid, is one of the leading members of the young generation of Austrian Economics School followers. He studied under the guidance of Jesus Huerta de Soto, one of the most important contemporary leaders of this school. This year, he published The Tragedy of the Euro book, a title already translated in 7 languages. He is also co-author (together with David Howden) of another book about the international financial crisis, "Deep Freeze: Iceland's Economic Collapse". He also wrote a lot of articles, especially on monetary topics, in Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics, Review of Austrian Economics, Journal of Business Ethics, Journal of Libertarian Studies and Economic Affairs.

    "How not to feel useless", with Dan C. Mihailescu

    Thursday, October 20th, 2011, the famous literary critic and essayist Dan C. Mihailescu, producer of the PRO TV show "The man that brings the book", was invited in the RAU's Aula Magna. Dan C. Mihailescu talked to the students about "How not to feel useless. The guest managed to create a worm and relaxed atmosphere, arousing great interest and a strong emulation with the audience, receiving a lot of questions and answering all the public's interpellations.

    RIUF 2011 - October

    On October 23rd and 24, 2011, the Romanian-American University participated in a new edition of the Romanian International University Fair - RIUF, organized in the Palace Hall in Bucharest.

    The educational offer of the RAU, comprising a large number of various majors for bachelor and master studies, both in Romanian and English was welcomed, rising a genuine interest among the event's guests.

    Also during RIUF-2011, on Sunday, October 23rd, professor Taylor Rose from Liberty University - USA, held a lecture on the topic of "The American Education System: Theory versus Reality". Professor Rose teaches an extracurricular course for the RAU students, entitled "Ideologies in International Relations".

    The Romanian-American University will also present its educational offer at the RIUF 2011, October - Cluj, organized in the Students' Culture House, October 25th.
    "Portugal's experience during the post-accession to the EU period: Recommendations for Romania in the context of the economic crisis" Conference

    The RAU's School of European Economic Studies, together with the EC Representation in Romania, invite you on Tuesday, October 25th, 9:00 hours, in the Senate Hall to attent the "Portugal's experience during the post-accession to the EU period: Recommendations for Romania in the context of the economic crisis" conference.

    The conference will be held by Mr. Francisco Sarsfield Cabral, economic analyst and political journalist, with a deep knowledge and technical experience in the european affairs environment.
    Open Doors Day at the RAU!

    Saturday, October 22nd, the Romanian-American University launched a new edition of the social communication project "Open Doors Day", already a tradition. During these events highschool pupils accompanied by teachers and parents, together with business environment and public institution representatives are welcomed to our campus to debate with the university's top management team the topic of career counseling.

    The topics of self-knowledge, knowledge of the development environment, defining an expectations horizon related to the individual potential, creation and development of a modern society way of thinking, are just a few of the specific objectives of this RAU's project.

    During this edition, the guests were addressed by professor Taylor Rose, Liberty University - USA, who teaches an extra-curricular cours for the RAU"Ideologies in International Relations".
    Costin Murgescu Contest for Economic Research

    The Bank Deposit Guarantee Fund is launching the first edition of the Costin Murgescu Contest for Economic Research.

    The contest is open to Romanian students interested in macroeconomics and borderline disciplines, enrolled in an university from Romania or aboard. The winner will be chosen by a jury selected from Romanian and foreign universities and research institutes. The prize equals 3.000 Euros.

    The contest supports young Romanians interested in the analysis of the contemporary economic evolutions and is willing to promote their research.
    Bearing the name of Professor Costin Murgescu, the contest encourages new ideas in macroeconomics, cross-disciplinary interpretation and the analysis of phenomena seeking financial and economic stability. Beside novelty, the jury will note the originality of the subject or of the perspective, the logic of arguments and style.
    Candidates should be students under 31. Essays shall be written in English. Applications are accepted until 1 December 2011, essay's submission deadline is 31 March 2012 and the winner will be announced on 16 July 2012.

    Details for application can be found in the contest regulation:

    Preselection for Miss Freshmen's Ball 2011

    The Romanian-American University and the CS-URA Students' Club invite you to the Preselection for Miss Freshmen's Ball 2011!.
    We are waiting for you on Thursday - 27.10.2011, 18:00 hours, at the RAU Fitness (the fitness hall of the Romanian-American University) to show us that you are the best suited candidate for Miss Freshmen's Ball 2011.

    For any firther details please contact us by phone: 0723-53.59.97.

    US Internship Opportunities

    The Romanian-American University and Precision Marketing Group, LLC invite you to attend a presentation of internship opportunities in the US. The presentation will take place on Wednesday, November 2nd, at 10:00 hours, in Hall 017.

    The Precision Marketing Group, LLC provides students with meaningful twelve month Business English and Leadership Internships in Austin, Texas that is designed to facilitate the following areas of development:
    - Business Fundamentals
    - Business English Development
    - Interpersonal Communication Skills
    - Cross-Cultural Competence
    - Personal Leadership Skills

    The company provides corporate housing, transportation to and from work sites, a base salary per month plus performance incentives. After careful review of this internship, we feel this opportunity is not only an outstanding educational opportunity, but an important practical work experience also. It is specifically this type of work experience that will allow you to better prepare yourself to be of value in today's global economy.

    Joseph Barclay, representative of Precision Marketing Group, LLC will provide students with a brief presentation with more information detailing the internship.

    For any futher information please check the website: www.precisionmarketinggroupllc.com
    "Entrepreneurship with Fiat Property and Fiat Money" Conference

    The Murray Rothbard Center for Political Economy and Business of the Romanian-American University, in partnership with Ludwig von Mises Institute - Romania, would like to invite you on Thursday, November 10th 2011, at 18.00 in Aula Magna to attend the conference "Entrepreneurship with Fiat Property and Fiat Money", by Hans-Hermann Hope - Professor Emeritus of Economics, University of Nevada, Las Vegas and Distinguished Fellow at the Mises Institute, Auburn.

    Please confirm you participation until November 7th.
    For confirmation and further information contact us by:
    e-mail: [email protected]
    Phone: +4-0723-177.820
    Lecture on "Internet Marketing"

    Thursday, October 27th, starting at 18:00, the Romanian-American University's students attended a lecture on the topic of "Internet Marketing". The guest lecturer was professor William Pertulla, USA.

    "Prospects for a New European Economic Governance. Stability and Growth Pact" Conference

    Friday, October 28th, the Center for European Studies and Research of the RAU organized the conference called "Prospects for a New European Economic Governance. Stability and Growth Pact".

    Among the special guests of the event were well-known economic analysts such as Bogdan Chireac and Ilie Serbanescu.

    US Studies Scholarships

    The Romanian-American University, in cooperation with two of its US partners, the American University, from Washington DC and James Madison University, from Virginia, offers scholarhip programs at the partner institutions.

    For the "Washington Semester Program", of the American University, application are received for the 1st semester, 2012-2013 academic year, with March 1st, 2012 as deadline.
    For the James Madison University scholarships applications are received for the entire 2012-2013 academic year, with December 15th, 2011 as deadline.

    Info and applications:
    International Relations Office
    3rd Floor / Room 305
    Phone +4- / +4-0372.120.121

    European Day of Civil Justice

    With the occasion of the Romanian-American University's 20 years celebration, the RAU, in partnership with the Ministry of Justice, has sponsored the dedicated issue of stamps dedicated to the "EUROPEAN DAY OF CIVIL JUSTICE".

    Trials for the Cheerleading Team

    The Romanian-American University organizes trials for the Cheerleading Team, which supports our sports teams participating at national and international competitions.

    The trials are organized in the RAUFitness Club, following the schedule:
    - Wednesday, November 9th, 10:00 - 11:30
    - Friday, November 11th, 12:00 - 13:30

    For further information please contact the organizers at:
    [email protected]

    Awards Ceremony for the participants at the Summer School: Bucovina - Inspiration Source

    On November 2nd 2011, in the RAU Senate Hall took place the awards ceremony for the participants at the Summer School: Bucovina - Inspiration Source, organized by the Center for Japanese Studies, in partnership with the Azerbaidjan Embassy in Romania, with the help of J-Wind Creative Consultants, Free Spirit and Aikido Chevalier Association.

    Win 5 invites at the "The Power of Storytelling" Conference

    The Romanian-American University, in partnership with Decat o Revista (DoR), organizes an online contest for the students, with the possibility of winning 5 invites to "The Power of Storytelling" Conference, the first narrative journalism conference in Romania.

    Among the guest speakers of the conference we can mention:
    - Jacqui Banaszynski (Pulitzer Prize Winner)
    - Pat Walters (radio producer for a Peabody Award Winner radio station)
    - Alex Tizon (Pulitzer Prize Winner)
    - Laurie Hertzel (Senior Editor for the Minneapolis Star Tribune books)

    The conference will take place on November 26th, 2011 - 9:00 hours, in the Aula Magna of the Romanian-American University.

    Students wishing to participate in the contest should send an original picture or a set o pictures at the email address [email protected] - up to November 23rd, 2011 (mentioning name and school). The image should "tell" the story of one's student life (experiences, failures, success, mistakes etc).
    The best 5 images will win a free invite to the conference and will be published on the RAU's blog and Facebook account.
    MIC-RAU - Publish applications and win a smartphone

    The Romanian-American University and Microsoft Romania launch the competition "Publish applications in Windows Phone Marketplace", on Wednesday, November 9th, at 3:00 p.m. in Lecture Room 523.

    You can win one of the LG Quantum smartphones available for the winners or vouchers for the applications in Marketplace. All the vouchers are offered by the Microsoft Innovation Center - RAU for the students of the Romanian-American University.

    Join MSP, the first step towards the community of IT professionals

    Microsoft Student Partners is a program organized annually. Its goal is to select and certify some of the most skilled students, taking into account their participation and qualifications in Microsoft academic programs. This program focuses on the access to technology and use, innovation and experience exchange between the academic environment and the industrial one. MIC-RAU and Microsoft Romania is currently recruiting members for the MSP organization of the Romanian-American University.
    Students interested in the matter are invited to attend the Microsoft Innovation Center - RAU event on Wednesday, November 9th 2011, at 3 p.m., in the Lecture Room 523.

    For further details, you can send an e-mail to George Carutasu, Microsoft Innovation Center - RAU Manager ([email protected]) or to Alex Bogdan, Microsoft Academic Developer Evangelist (a- [email protected]).
    Study and get a certification in IT

    The Romanian-American University offers its students the possibility to get a free certification in IT through the Certiport Testing Center founded by the Romanian-American University - MTA certificates(Microsoft Technology Associate) .

    For further details, you can send an e-mail to George Carutasu, MIC-RAU Manager
    [email protected]

    Freshmen Ball 2011

    The Romanian-American University and CS-URA Students' Club invite you to the Freshmen Ball 2011, which will take place on November 15, 2011, starting from 20:00 in The Player Hall of Fame Club.

    Special guests: Guess Who and Dj Rynoo & Sylvia.

    Entrance fee: 25 lei. Tickets are available at info-desk-ul inside the RAU's main entrance hall and at the RAUFitness Sports Center.
    For table reservation please contact the organizers at: 0767-338.442 - Alexandru Porancia

    The 21st century student - the 21st century man?

    The Romanian-American University and Noah's Community
    Partnership for Young Art

    The Romanian-American University, through the School of Domestic and International Tourism Economy, and Noah's Community - the Bucharest Amateur Theater is opening the series of cultural events The 21st century student - the 21st century man? with a debate on "Personalities, not Person-nul- ities".
    The event, which will take place on Wednesday, the 16th of November 2011, starting with 6:00 p.m. in the University Senate Hall, will concretize in a dialogue between the students of the Romanian-American University and Alexandru Nagy, the founding president of Noah's Community, actor and the vice president of the Romanian cultural association "QUO VADIS ROMANIA".
    Also, within the series of events "The 21st century student - the 21st century man?", on the 7th of December, respectively, on the 14th of December, 2011, the Aula Magna of the Romanian-American University will host the preview and the premier of the theater play "Fooling around under the moonlight", adapted from Theodor Mazilu. The show, performed by students of the School of Domestic and International Tourism Economy from the Romanian-American University, will be directed by Alexandru Robert Nagy, a UNATC student in the Acting section, the directing assistant of the famous actor Horatiu Malaele, and Daniel Ionescu, a UNATC student in the Acting section, a graduate of the Romanian-American University. The event has charitable aims.

    These manifestations are the result of a cultural partnership between the Romanian-American University and Noah's Community - The Amateur Theater, aiming to promote art among the members of the young generation.
    The Amateur Theater (TAM) was set up in 2006, and, throughout the years, it has been awarded numerous prizes in national and international festivals for its cultural projects. The theater has managed the promotion of art and culture among high school and university students. The Amateur Theater, together with The Independent Professionals Theater, medi@art - The National Theater Festival with Digital Decor and YabuHaha - a comedy project for You Tube, form Noah's Community.

    Exchange of experience with universities from Moldova Republic

    Monday, November 14th, 2011, the RAU has received a delegation from the Moldova Republic, comprising representatives from the Ministry of Education and from higher education institutions. The visit was part of an exchange of experiences regarding universitary management practices in the field of European studies in Romania.

    URAgans vs. Dimitrie Cantemir

    The basketball team of the Romanian-American University - the URAgans, ZONA CHAMPIONS - BUCHAREST 2011 and Bronze Medal Winners at the National Universitary Basketball Championship 2011, invites you to support them!

    The first game of the new Universitary Basketball Championship 2012 will take place on Wednesday, November 16th, 17:15, in the UNEFS Sports Hall (140 Constantin Noica Street).
    Our team meets the Dimitrie Cantemir University team and needs YOUR help, the CS-URA fans and the support of our cheerleading team to demonstrate that we can keep up at the same exceptional level displayed during the last season!

    Business Environment Personalities - guest speakers at RAU

    Wednesday, November 16th 2011, at 18:00, in Lecture Room 117, Mr. Elan Schwarzenberg will talk to the RAU students, within a special program organized by the university in order to close and familiarize the students with the realities of the business environment. The guest speaker is a famous business personality, majority shareholder of Realitatea Media Trust.

    Mr. Elan Schwarzenberg comes back to the academic community to debate alongside the RAU students some of the most important issues of today's Romanian business environment.
    Great jobs abroad for School of DITE

    If you are a student of the School of Domestic and International Tourism Economy - is a plus but not a must, we invite you on Wednesday, November 23rd, in the Senate Hall from 12:00 to find out how to find a job in one of the most famous international hotels from some of the most exciting and exotic places. The jobs are ofered through ITN Romania.

    Come support the URAgans!

    Our basketball team, ZONAL CHAMPIONS - BUCHAREST 2011 and Bronze Medal Winners at the National Universitary Basketball Championship 2011, has began the new season with a win.
    We have beaten the rivals from "Cantemir"... now we are waiting for the "Medicine"!

    Come support us on Friday, November 25th, 18:00 hours in the "Medicine Sport Center", at the UMF Carol Davila university, behind the Universitary Hospital.
    Your support will surely help us and you will experience unique moments and an extraordinary atmosphere together with our players, the cheerleaders and fans.

    Personal Brand - 5(+1) steps

    The RAU's Lifelong Learning Department organizes, in December, the course entitled "Personal Brand - 5(+1) steps", held by Gabriel Avacaritei.

    For further details and enrollment please access:
    IATA/UFTAA Foundation Courses - new session

    The IATA/UFTAA Foundationcenter of the RAU launches a new session of courses.

    The Romanian-American University, from Bucharest, is the only higher education institution in Romanian authorized as ATC (AUTHORIZED TRAINING CENTER) by IATA Montreal, for delivering the IATA/UFTAA Foundation & EBT course.

    The IATA/UFTAA Foundation & EBT courses are scheduled during January 26th - February 12th, 2012.

    What are the main advantages of graduating the IATA / UFTAA Foundation & EBT course?
    1. IATA/UFTAA Diploma have international recognition
    2. The diploma is required for employees of tourism agencies in order to receive the IATA accreditation, according to the specific criteria established by IATA Romania. Tourism agencies must employ, with full time and permanent contract, at least one IATA/UFTAA Foundation & EBT Diploma holder, agent capable of selling, issuing and reporting the GDS activities through the BSP system.

    Course length: 15 working days (7 hours/day)
    Period: January 26th - February 12th, 2012
    Schedule: daily classes, from Monday to Saturday
    Teaching languages: Romanian and English
    Location: Romanian-American University
    Price: 2900 lei
    Exam period: June 2012 (exam invite will be sent with approx. 2 weeks before the mentioned period of time).
    Enrollments: November 28th, 2011 - January 15th, 2012

    Contact: Camelia Gheorghe
    Phone: +4-0372-120.267

    For further information please access the folowing paper:
    "IATA/UFTAA Foundation & EBT" courses at RAU [RO]
    URAgans - on a winning series!

    Our basketball team, ZONAL CHAMPIONS - BUCHAREST 2011 and Bronze Medal Winners at the National Universitary Basketball Championship 2011, has excellently began the new season!
    We have beaten the rivals from "Cantemir" and "Medicine"... now we are waiting for the "University of Bucharest"!

    Come and join us on Wednesday, November 30th, 17:00 hours in the "UNEFS Sports Hall" (140 Constantin Noica str.).
    Together we can win this third game too. Your enthusiasm will surely help us and you will meet a unique atmosphere together with our team, the cheerleaders and fans.

    Mini-holiday - December 1 and 2

    The Romanian-American University announces all students and partners that on December 1 and 2 the institution is closed.

    All students are kindly asked to consult the timetables in order to find out the schedule for the recuperation of the classes of December 2nd.

    We wish you all "Happy Birthday!" for December 1st - National Day of Romania.
    In the Name of Solidarity

    On Wednesday, December 7th, 2011, in the RAU's Aula Magna, students of the School of Domestic and International Economy of Tourism organize a theatre play called "Fools under the moonlight", adaptation after Teodore Mazilu, charitable event for fund raising in order to support two of their colleagues diagnosed with life-threatening diseases.

    One of them is Monica (21 years old), student at the "Universitatea de Petrol si Gaze" from Ploiesti, who was diagnosed with a fluid bag on the brain and needs an urgent expensive surgery procedure.
    Andrei (21 years old), although student at the "Universitatii de Petrol si Gaze" from Ploiesti, is diagnosed with severe A type haemophilia and needs a very expensive treatment with Factor 8, the price of one bottle being 200 lei. Any trivial situation, like a simple cut, might be fatal for Andrei. Factor 8 helps the blood coagulation. Untreated, the disease affects the joints and leads to muscle atrophy.

    Everyone willing to help them can donate in the ROCECEC001946269157211 bank account, in lei, opened at CEC Bank.

    Contact person
    Patricia Dodu
    Phone: +4-0722-547.662

    Come back to the game!

    Our basketball team "URAgans", ZONAL CHAMPIONS - BUCHAREST 2011 and Bronze Medal Winners at the National Universitary Basketball Championship 2011, has started the new season with three wins in a row!
    The first ones that have fallen were the rivals from "Cantemir", then came the "Medicine" and then the "Bucharest University"... now we are up agains the "Police Academy" and the "University of Constructions"!

    Come back to join us on Wednesday, December 7, 16:00 hours in the "LEU Sports Hall" for the game against "Police Academy" and then on Friday, December 9, 16:30 in the "Architecture and Urbanism University Sports Hall" for the game against the "Constructors"!

    Together we have shown that we can win against anyone!
    Your support - the fans, the CS-URA, the teachers and students and last but not least the cheerleading team - everyone that came to cheear for us during the last game, was extraordinary!
    Your enthusiasm will surely help us win again and you will find the same unique and electrifying atmosphere!

    "Occupy Wall Street" Debate Demonstration

    The Romanian-American University, in cooperation with the Romanian Association of Debate, Oratory and Rhetoric (ARDOR) Muntenia, would like to invite you to the "Occupy Wall Street" debate demonstration, held on Friday (09/12/2011) at 10:30, inside the RAU's Amfitheater 1.

    "Debate" is a structured form of educational argumentation, composed of equally staffed teams. They are placed in a position to highlight the "pros" and "counter" arguments for both sides of various issues on which people, though well intentioned, can disagree.

    To what end does a University need a Debate Club?
    First, to learn argumentation. This is the primary reason and by itself, it could be considered sufficient. Whether the approach on the topic is practical or theoretical, reasoning is vital to decide in many situations that arise differences of opinion, questions or uncertainties. The ability to work in a team, to make rigorous documentation, identify credible sources of information, the ability to create powerful public speeches, to sharpen your humor and fair play, could be other gains. Such facts, and many more we invite you to join us on our path of discovery.

    This initiative represents the first step for the creation of a new Debate Club within the Romanian-American University. You will have the opportunity to see professional debaters in action.

    We are waiting for you!

    "Business Negociations Techniques. Japanese Experience"

    We invite you on Monday, December 12, 11:00 hours, in the RAU's Senate Hall, for the conference entitled "Business Negociations Techniques. Japanese Experience". The conference main speaker is Ms. Diaha Tihan, IInd Secretary at the EU Department of the Foreign Affairs Ministry.

    Theatrical Premiere at the RAU

    On Wednesday, December 7th, 2011, in the RAU's Aula Magna, students of the School of Domestic and International Economy of Tourism organized a theatre play called "Fools under the moonlight", adaptation after Teodore Mazilu, charitable event for fund raising in order to support two of their colleagues diagnosed with life-threatening diseases.

    The performance was a great success, the audience that filled the Aula Magna to the brim giving a standing ovation, at the end, for the talented actors and directors and for all those involved in the team that made possible the production of this special event.

    Last game of the group stage - NUBC-2011

    Our basketball team "URAgans", ZONAL CHAMPIONS - BUCHAREST 2011 and Bronze Medal Winners at the National Universitary Basketball Championship 2011, has won the fourth game in a row!

    R.A.U. vs. Police Academy 69 : 39

    Come join us too on Friday, December 9, 16:30 in the "Architecture and Urbanism University Sports Hall" for the game against the "Constructors"!
    It is the last game of the group stage and we have the opportunity to end this stage undefeated!

    The wonderful support of the fans, the CS-URA, the teachers and students and last but not least the cheerleading team will be at maximum again!

    Your enthusiasm will surely help us win again and you will find the same unique and electrifying atmosphere!

    5 victories in a row in Group A - NUBC-2012

    Our basketball team "URAgans", ZONAL CHAMPIONS - BUCHAREST 2011 and Bronze Medal Winners at the National Universitary Basketball Championship 2011, finished first in Group A of the new season of the National Universitary Bascketball Championship, Bucharest Zone. Our team won all five games in a row, beating all adversaries from this stage of the competition.

    "R.A.U." - "Dimitrie Cantemir" 55 : 49

    "R.A.U." - "Medical School" 58 : 46

    "University of Bucharest" - "R.A.U." - 51 : 77

    "R.A.U." - "Police Academy" - 69 : 39

    "Constructions" - "R.A.U." - 54 : 58

    Thank you all - fans, the CS-URA student club, teachers, students and our cheerleading team - for your extraordinary support and enthusiasm that gave wings to the "URAgans!
    "The end of complexity. A mathematician's view on the economic crisis" Conference

    Murray Rothbard Center of Political Economy and Business has the pleasure to invite you on Wednesday, December 14th, 18:00, to take part in our latest event, Mr. Dan Selaru's lecture on "The end of complexity. A mathematician's view on the economic crisis". The lecture will be held at the Senate Room of the Romanian- American University.

    Mr. Dan Selaru has a PhD in Mathematics and is working at the Institute of Space Studies. He has also published over 20 scientific articles in specialized journals, on topics such as celestial mechanics, differential equations, deterministic chaos.

    "Fools under the moonlight" - theatre in Aula Magna

    On Wednesday, December 14th, 2011, in the RAU's Aula Magna, students of the School of Domestic and International Economy of Tourism invite you to a new theatrical representation of the play called "Fools under the moonlight", adaptation after Teodore Mazilu, charitable event for fund raising in order to support two of their colleagues diagnosed with life-threatening diseases.

    The premiere, exactly one week ago, was a great success, the audience that filled the Aula Magna giving a standing ovation for the entire team that made the event possible.

    CS-URA "Give from the Heart" Christmas Campaign

    Because we are close to the Winter Holidays and the CS-URA Student Club has a yearly laudable initiative, the "Give from the Heart" Christmas Campaign, this year they want, of course with your our and your help together, to collect as many funds, toys and clothes in order to donate them to two children's homes from the cities of Faurei and Gaesti.

    Santa's elves can be found Monday to Friday, from 9:00 to 19:30, in the RAU's main groundfloor lobby, where you can donate money, clothes and toys up to December 19th, 2011.

    The CS-URA also organizes a Christmas Party ("Santa's Elves Party"), which will take place on December 19, 2011 (Monday), from 21:00 inside the Club Maxx.
    The entrance fee is 10 lei and all the money will be donated to the two forementioned children's homes.

    Career opportunities in the legal field

    The Law School of the Romanian-American University invite you to the public debate "Career opportunities in the legal field", organized on Thursday, December 15th, between 15:00 - 16:30 in the Senate Hall.
    The debate is part of an ample project regarding career guidance and counseling issues for the Law School students.

    Special guest of the event is Ms. Laura Badiu, vice-president of the Chamber of Public Registrars - Bucharest

    Winners of the "Debate Romania" competition

    The Romanian-American University congratulates its students Eliza Chirila, Daria Mateescu and Cristian Retegan who, together with Paul Ardeleanu and Christian Negoescu from the Academy of Economic Studies have teamed up to form the "Students without borders" team and won the "Debate Romania 2011" competition - third edition. The team made history, being the first to obtain more than 200 points throughout all the previous editions of the competition.

    We would also like to congratulate the CS-URA Student Club for their presence at the finals and the enthusiastic support of the "Students without borders" team!

    Christmas Parties and Carols at the RAU

    We are close to the Winter Holidays and the RAU organizes four special events during the next week:

  • Monday, December 12, 10:00 - "Christmas Party" organized in the RAU's main lobby, Santa will bring gifts to the all faculty's and employee's children

  • Monday, December 12, 17:00 - "Christmas Tree Night & Carols Concert" organized by the RAU's music band "Atalantis" together with a carols singing group from the School of Orthodox Theology, in the RAU's main lobby. At the end we welcome you to the HotPot cafeteria for a glass of champaigne

  • Monday, December 12, 21:00 - "Santa's Elves Party" organized by the CS-URA Student Club, in Club Maxx

  • Thursday, December 22, 19:00 - "Christmas Party" organized by the Romanian-Japanese Studies Center, in Veda Lounge

  • We have proof! - Santa is already here

    On Monday, December 19th, inside the RAU's main lobby a remarkable event took place - Santa Claus came to bring lots of gifts for the youngest members of the great RAU family.

    In order to prepare for his arrival, Santa sent ahead several representatives - clowns, painters and even magicians - to entertain and build up the special feeling which comes with giving gifts to all good children... and... even though Santa tried he could not find any bad child there! All present children were very good and received lots of well deserved gifts.

    © Universitatea Romano-Americana / Romanian-American University - Toate drepturile rezervate.

    Publicat la: 2012-01-10 (23781 citiri)

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