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Actualizare! Prelungirea suspendarii cursurilor fata-in-fata, incepand cu 18.05.2020
publicat: 2020-05-17

#StămAcasă - Sfaturi privind mişcarea şi nutriţia
publicat: 2020-04-14

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OFFICE 365 - @student.rau.ro
On-line accounts - RAU students

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CENTRAL ELEMENT for all on-line accounts
of RAU students!

FIRST MANDATORY STEP, is activating and checking access to the institutional email address @student.rau.ro!

At the beginning of each study program at RAU please access the corresponding account and activate all accounts IN THE EXACT ORDER THEY APPEAR BELOW.

The institutional on-line accounts available to RAU students are:
  1. The institutional email account / Office 365 incl. Teams - is the key element linking all on-line institutional accounts of RAU students, being used as user name or password recovery address, for receiving messages from the institution, for using on-line and off-line Microsoft Office apps licensed by RAU for the students. All accounts newly created at the beginning of a new academic year are activated after October 15, current year (at the exact moment of their becoming available for a new generation it is announced on www.rau.ro and all RAU media channels).

    Only through this account you can access the on-line video courses deployed at RAU. All details for TEAMS@RAU on-line video courses are available here:

    [email protected]

    Note 1: The characters XX are to be replaced with the last two digits of the calendar year in which the student has been enrolled in the 1st academic year, for the current academic program. You can always check the exact account names in the complete list published below. The characters set does not use diacritics.

    Ionescu M. Andrei-Florin, enrolled in the 1st academic year in October, 2099, has the following email: [email protected]

    Note 2: Students who temporarily study at RAU as incoming through the ErasmusPlus program have accounts in the format [email protected], characters XX are to be replaced with the last two digits of the calendar year during which the academic year started, for the time of the incoming student studying at RAU. You can always check the exact account names in the complete list published below. The characters set does not use diacritics.

    Michael Johnson, which has ErasmusPlus during 2nd semester, academic year 2098-2099, has the email: [email protected]

    The first-time password of your account your own CNP (Personal Numerical Code) or the passport number, for foreign students enrolled in English taught study programs (just the numbers, without any letters or 0 digits from the beginning). In case the initial password would have been shorter than 9 characters, the password is created by adding 0 digits at the end of the passport number up to the point that the password reaches the minimum required length of 9 characters.
    At first login you must choose a new password and confirm a mobile phone and another email address, details used for the ulterior password self-reset procedure, in case you forget it.

    All video on-line courses and official messages regarding events organized by/with the support of RAU, academic activity, study fees, exams, etc. - are sent only through your "@student.rau.ro" email account.

    In order to be permanently up to speed with all RAU announcements you can redirect the traffic of this institutional email address to a personal email address that you use more often (ex. [email protected], [email protected] etc.).
    The redirection is done very easily: connect with your browser to the institutional email account (at the web address: http://mail.student.rau.ro), choose from the upper-right side of the page Settings (visually, the cogwheel), from the new vertical menu click View all Outlook settings, then from the left of the page click Mail, then from the next column to the right click Forwarding, then from the third column check Enable forwarding and fill in with the address where you want your correspondence redirected.
    DO NOT FORGET to click Save, in the lower-right side of the page.

    Useful links:


    In case you lost your password for the "@student.rau.ro" email account (before confirming a mobile phone and another email address for such situations), or got a locked account (NOT temporarily locked - in such a case just try again after at least 60 minutes and the account will be unlocked), come to the IT&C Department (Building B, 1st floor, Office 119) with a valid ID/student card, between 8:30 - 16:30, from Monday to Friday (working days, excluding academic holidays).
    In case you can not make it to Office 119 in due time, contact us by email at [email protected], by sending the following mandatory information: an image of a valid ID/student card and the exact institutional email address that you cannot access (check the email address first, inside the above mentioned list).

    DO NOT write anything else inside the message (an automated signature, if setup for your account, is acceptable). The only text in the message must be your @student.rau.ro email address, for which you forgot the password. It is mandatory also to attach a clear picture of your valid ID document/student card.
    Your request will be automatically processed, so any disregard of the above requirements might impede on the result of the processing of your request.

    If you sent exactly the required information you will receive in maximum 48 working hours an email message, delivered to the email address that you used to contact us, mandatory different from the one you request a change of password for, with a new random temporary password (available for 5 days). When connecting with this random generated password you will be required to change it with a personal one. During the 48 hours, please check also the SPAM/JUNK folders of the email account you used to contact us.

  2. PaginaMea.rau.ro account for academic situation - for accessing teaching support materials, grades, school status, schedules etc. ATTENTION - this account is linked to the institutional email relevant to the academic cycle for which you want to access on-line materials. If you forgot the password, use the "Forgot password?" option and use the random password you received in your institutional email account - until that moment the PaginaMea account will be inactive.

    These accounts are activated after November 1st of the current year, starting from the moment of receiving the activation notification and the attached user guide in your relevant @student.rau.ro email.

    PaginaMea.rau.ro accounts are available exclusively for RAU fully registered students.

  3. Azure Dev Tools for Teaching (ADTT) account - for downloading Microsoft applications, completely free and legit, under academic license, for RAU students and faculty.

  4. Anelis Plus account - for accessing international research databases, based on subscription paid by the RAU for its students and faculty.

  5. OnTheHub by Kivuto account - free or reduced prices software titles for academic usage, based on subscription paid by the RAU for its students and faculty.

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Publicat la: 2012-11-13 (16212 citiri)

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