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Archive - 2012


"Information Security" course - a new edition

The Continuous Education Department of the RAU organizes, starting with February 2012, a new session of "Information Security course [RO]", taught by professor Neculae Nabarjoiu, PhD.

For further information and enrollments please check our dedicated website:
http://formare.rau.ro/index.php/cursuri/77-articole-postate/90- securitatea-informatiilor
"How to Get Your Paper Published?" Workshop

On Friday, January 13th 2012, starting from 9:00 o'clock, the RAU's Senate Hall hosted a workshop on the topic "How to Get Your Paper Published?" (Setting the Scene; Important Functions of Research; Profile of Management Researchers; Publication Motivations; Manuscript Review Process; Criteria for manuscript acceptance/rejection; Research Assessment in the UK; Opportunities beyond the boundaries).

The guest lecturer was Mr. Levent Altinay, Professor of Strategy and Entrepreneurship, Research Area Leader - from Oxford School of Hospitality Management, Faculty of Business, Oxford Brookes University, UK.
Oxford Brookes University is a premier learning and teaching institution with an outstanding research record, and is the only UK modern university to have achieved 24 subjects rated as excellent for teaching, having a longstanding reputation for employability, and being host to two national centres of excellence in teaching and learning.

Professor Levent Altinay was awarded two diplomas for his prestigious activity:
  • "Special Academic Merit" - diploma awarded by the Romanian-American University
  • "Honorary Member" - diploma awarded by the Romanian Distribution Committee

  • Japanese Language Courses 2012

    Starting with the second Semester (February 2012), the Romanian-Japaneze Studies Center organizes Japanese language courses, the next module.
    The courses will take place over the entire academic year under the guidance of two teachers, one Romanian - Sandra Istrate PhD Lecturer, and the other, a native speaker - Professor Yasuhiro Marui.

    Study fee: 100 EURO/year.

    For registration, open up to February 17, 2012:
    [email protected], or
    Romanian-Japanese Studies Center (room 322, 3rd floor).

    Persons on the waiting list will have priority.

    Japan in the current economic climate. Prospects of relations with Romania

    The RAU's Romanian-Japanese Studies Center organizes, in partnership with the Romanian Academy, the National Institute of Economic Research - Institute of World Economics, a conference entitled "Japan in the current economic climate. Prospects of relations with Romania".

    The conference will be held by His Excellency, Mr. Ambassador Aurelian Neagu on Monday, 23rd of January 2012, 11:00 a.m., at the Senate Hall of the Romanian- American University.

    FEBRUARY 2012

    Microsoft Innovation Center - URA organizes MTA certficate exams

    Microsoft Innovation Center - Romanian-American University announces the organization of a session for MTA certification exam only for Romanian-American University students, Thursday, February 9, 2012, between 10:30 and 14:30, lab 517.
    More details regarding MTA certificates you can find on http://www.microsoft.com/learning/en/us/certification/mta.aspx

    Learning and review resources:
  • MTA Student Study Guides
  • MTA Exam Review Kits

  • The students interested are asked to enroll first on www.certiport.com and then at [email protected] for one of scheduled exams: 10:30-11:30, 11:30-12:30, 12:30-13:30 sau 13:30-14:30.
    New courses taught by US professor invited at RAU

    The Romanian-American University offers its students the possiblity to attend a new series of courses taught by well-known professors from partner universities from the US.

      Professor: Stephen BOWERS, PhD - Liberty University, Virginia
      Schedule: 7 - 15 martie 2012
      Timetable: 09:00 - 11:50, Laborator MBA

    • Course: WORLDVIEWS
      Professor: Kyle STATHAM, Megan Lauren MURKLI, Timothy Daniel PETTMAN - Liberty University, Virginia
      Schedule: 7 - 15 martie 2012
      Timetable: 13:00 - 15:50, Laborator MBA

      Professor: James McCOLLUM, PhD - University of Alabama in Huntsville
      Schedule: 19 - 30 martie 2012
      Timetable: 09:00 - 11:50, Laborator MBA

      Professor: Douglas TURKO, PhD - Drexel University
      Schedule: 28 - 30 martie 2012
      Timetable: 13:00 - 15:50, Laborator MBA

      Professor: Nicholas DIMA, PhD - James Madison University
      Schedule: 2 - 13 aprilie 2012
      Timetable: 09:00 - 11:50, Laborator MBA

      Professor: Matthew LEE, PhD - James Madison University
      Schedule: 30 aprilie - 11 mai 2012
      Timetable: 09:00 - 11:50, Laborator MBA

    Information and enrollment: International Relations Office
    3rd Floor / Room 305
    Phone +4- / +4-0372.120.121
    E-mail: [email protected]

    Microsoft MTA certifications at the RAU

    Romanian-American University organized, through the Microsoft Innovation Center - Romanian-American University established inside the School of Computers Science for Business Management, for its students, an exam session for MTA certification, Thursday 9th of February 2012, between 10:30 and 14:30, lab 517.

    The certification exams covered the following areas:

    1. Developer exams
  • Software Development Fundamentals
  • Windows Development Fundamentals
  • Web Development Fundamentals
  • Database Administration Fundamentals
  • Microsoft .NET Fundamentals
  • Mobile Development Fundamentals
  • MTA: Gaming Development Fundamentals

  • 2. IT professional exams
  • Networking Fundamentals
  • Security Fundamentals
  • Windows Server Administration Fundamentals
  • Windows Operating System Fundamentals

  • At this session we had 35 students, obtaining 23 certificates that attest the skills in the above mentioned areas. Certification vouchers and certification exams were offered for free by Microsoft Innovation Center - Romanian-American University.
    The next exam session will be organized in April 2012.

    More details regarding MTA certificates you can find on

    Learning and review resources
  • MTA Student Study Guides
    http://www.certiport.com/Portal/desktopdefault.aspx? page=common/pagelibrary/MTA_study_guides.html
  • MTA Exam Review Kits

  • Novancia - Entrepreneur Boot Camp "Summer School in Paris"

    Advancia-Negocia (NOVANCIA) has the pleasure to announce the launch of the Entrepreneur Boot Camp: "Summer School in Paris", in July 2012.

    NOVANCIA, situated in the heart of Paris, provides the perfect setting for a multicultural summer school experience. The offer comprises a two-week camp of highly interactive sessions in English that will provide the students with the tools and techniques required to make their entrepreneurial vision a reality. The Boot Camp is co-financed by the European Social Fund (ESF).
    The program is taught by a team of experienced faculty and successful entrepreneurs, a combination of conferences, workshops, and guest speakers. It is focused on bringing together students with brilliant ideas from universities around the world with faculty, entrepreneurs and venture capitalists for an intensive learning experience.

    Period: Two weeks (July 1st to July 13th, 2012)
    Target group: Highly motivated international students, regardless of their prior experiences

    Course aims:
    - To provide students with the tools and techniques required to formulate a new venture
    - To ensure that from day one they have the resources and connections required to make their entrepreneurial vision a reality
    - To clarify own values, learn self-motivation but also how to harness the support of others to help achieve goals
    - To inspire and to empower students to achieve their entrepreneurial vision, original cultural activities are designed for this purpose in Paris and in Reims
    - To learn Business French, daily interactive sessions to give participants essential vocabulary for the workplace

    Credits: 12 ECTS credits
    Study load: 120 hours face-to-face courses and personal/group work

    Course fee for non-European students:
    - either 1300 Eur (Boot Camp workshops without lodging)
    - or 2 300 Eur (Boot Camp workshops and lodging)

    What is not included: cost of visas, travel expenses, health insurance, meals, public transportation tickets in Paris and personal expenses.

    Course fee for European students (thanks to financial support from the EU/ESF):
    - either 715 Eur (Boot Camp workshops without lodging)
    - or 1265 Eur (Boot Camp workshops and lodging)

    What is not included: travel expenses, health insurance, meals, public transportation tickets in Paris and personal expenses.

    The course fee for the Romanian-American University students is free of charge. However given that this facility is expected to attract numerous requests, we will treat them on the basis first come, first served.
    What is not included: lodging, cost of visas, travel expenses, health insurance, meals, public transportation tickets in Paris and personal expenses.

    Application dead-line: April 30th, 2012.

    Further information and contact:
    * Dominique Loizance-Lemoine
    [email protected]
    Tel.: +33 1 55 65 56 84

    * Before writing to Dominique, please contact the European Programmes Office (Biroul de Programe Comunitare – Camera 306): [email protected] or phone +4-0372.120.115.
    "Nicomachean Ethics - Aristotle" Seminar

    The seminar is organized by the Murray Rothbard Center of Political Economy and Business of the RAU and is focused on the Nicomachean Ethics of Aristotle". This seminar is a follow up of the last year program: "Rothbard, Aristotle's ethics and tradition.

    The seminar started on Friday (February 10, 2012) and is coordinated by Dan Cristian Comanescu. The sessions are attended by researchers and faculty from the Romanian American University, Academy of Economic Studies, World Economy Institute of the Romanian Academy, Bucharest University and from the L.w. Mises Romania Institute and Society for Individual Liberty - SoLib.

    Portuguese Language Courses

    During the second semester of the academic year (starting in March 2012), the Romanian-American University in cooperation with the Portuguese Embassy, Camoes Institute and with the help of Martifer Group, launches a Portughese Language Course!

    Level: the classes are designed for beginner level; at the end of the course the students shall gain A2/B1 competencies, according the the European Reference Framework for Foreign Languages.

    Opportunities: getting to know the professional environment of Portuguese companies, both in Romanian and Portugal.

    Duration: the module has 40 hours, 2 classes of 2 hours weekly.

    Fee: 490 lei normal fee; 245 lei special fee for Romanian-American University students and Martifer Group employees.

    Registration: February 20 - March 7 2012, Room 306 (European Programs Office - ERASMUS), 3rd floor, or online at
    [email protected]

    Professor Philip Genty from Columbia University teaches to RAU students

    Within the "Invited professors" program of the Romanian-American University, the RAU's School of Law has the privilege to host, in March 2012, professor Philip Genty from Columbia Law School - New York, an Ivy League school ranked 4th in the US Law Schools ranking for 2012, one of the most appreciated teachers of the Columbia faculty.

    On this occasion, 30 students of the RAU will attend the intensive course entitled "Legal Ethics and Professional Responsibility", held by the invited professor, winner of the TOP TEACHING AWARD - Bestows Willis L.M. Reese Prize in 2008.
    The students will study and practice different aspects regarding responsibility and ethics within the legal field, through the use of pilot cases and role playing.

    Schedule: 12 - 16 martie
    Timetable: 9:00 - 11:50
    Location: Lecture Hall 1 - Library
    February 22nd - March 5th
    International Relations Office
    3rd floor, Room 305
    Tel. +4- | +4-0372.120.121
    E-mail: [email protected]

    We highly encourage students from the School of Law to attend, English language speakers and highly motivated to take part in extra-curricular activities.
    For further information:
    dr. Silvia Tabusca (Martis)
    [email protected]

    GE Foundation Scholar-Leaders Program

    Second-year undergraduate students will be awarded in the GE Foundation Scholar-Leaders Program at five selected Romanian universities (including the Romanian- American University) in the fields of economics, management, engineering and technology.

    The award:
    - a 1500 Euro annual scholarship for two years (total of 3000 Euros)
    - the opportunity to participate in activities including a 3-day seminar on leadership (Leadership Development Program)
    - a work shadowing possibility with GE in Romania

    For more details and for the application form, please visit the program website: www.scholarshipandmore.org/cee.
    The program has a Facebook page as well.

    Application deadline: March 5, 2012

    If you have more questions after reading the webpage, for more information on the program, please contact:
    IIE European Office
    E-mail: [email protected]
    Tel.: (+36 1) 472-2250
    Do you want to go to Europe with Erasmus?

    Find out how:

  • Wednesday, March 7, 11:00 hours at Classroom 522 - Erasmus Info Session
  • On the webpage www.rau.ro, section "Office for European Programs - ERASMUS"
  • Room 306 - Office for European Programs - ERASMUS

  • Erasmus Placement Grants are free grants, available for the 2012 June - September perioad and are financed with 600 to 800 Euro/month.

    Erasmus Study Grants are free grants, available for the 2012-2013 academic year and are financed with 400 to 500 Euro/month.

    For further information:
    - Office for European Programs - ERASMUS (C Building, 3rd floor , Room 306)
    - Phone +4-0372-120.115 | +4-0374-158.115
    - Email: [email protected]
    IATA/UFTAA Foundation Courses

    The Romanian-American University, from Bucharest, is the only higher education institution in Romanian authorized as ATC (AUTHORIZED TRAINING CENTER) by IATA Montreal, for delivering the IATA/UFTAA Foundation & EBT course.

    What are the main advantages of graduating the IATA / UFTAA Foundation & EBT course?
    1. IATA/UFTAA Diploma have international recognition
    2. The diploma is required for employees of tourism agencies in order to receive the IATA accreditation, according to the specific criteria established by IATA Romania. Tourism agencies must employ, with full time and permanent contract, at least one IATA/UFTAA Foundation & EBT Diploma holder, agent capable of selling, issuing and reporting the GDS activities through the BSP system.

    Enrollments: March 1st - April 30, 2012
    Schedule: June 5 - 24
    Course length: 3 weeks / 15 working days (7 hours/day)
    Teaching languages: Romanian and English
    Location: Romanian-American University
    Fee: 2900 lei
    Exam period: September 2012, (exam invite will be sent with approx. 2 weeks before the mentioned period of time).

    Contact: Camelia Gheorghe
    Phone: +4-0372-120.267

    "Rothbard Day" Celebration

    Murray Rothbard Center for Political Economy and Business celebrates on Friday, March the 2nd, Rothbard Day. This event consists of a conference and an international artwork exhibition.

    Details on www.rothbard.rau.ro/rd2012
    MARCH 2012

    Crossing Boundaries in Culture and Communication - Journeys from Europe to Other Continents and Back, May 11-12, 2012

    The Department of Foreign Languages of the Romanian-American University organises on the 11th and 12th of May 2012 the second international conference "Crossing Boundaries in Culture and Communication - Journeys from Europe to Other Continents and Back".

    The conference languages are: Romanian, English, French, Spanish, German or Italian and presentations are invited in the following sections:
  • linguistics / applied linguistics
  • literature
  • cultural studies
  • translation studies
  • education research
  • communication, journalism and media

  • For further information please contact:

    Role Models for YOUth!

    In Romania, in 2011, is quite difficult for any young person to find out and develop his own path in life, taking into consideration the most notorious "success" stories presented constantly on the media channels.

    Role Models for YOUth is an event which promotes the true Romanian role models for the young people, through a series of conferences where the young can meet and learn from them.
    The Role Models for YOUth project wants to be the most powerful source of inspiration, ideas and motivation for the most valuable Romanian young people. The project is one of the most ambitious projects of the CS-URA Student Club and we believe in its success and in the impact that it can have on the young generation.

    We bring face to face authentic Romanian success stories with young people of 18 – 25 of age in order to help them find their own example of a life or career path to follow. We want them to do this through exchanging ideas, knowledge and experiences with prestigious speakers.
    We live in a society where young people complain about the lack of role models but, most of the time, they do not look them up where they should. We want to help you with this search and bring you closer to a few authentic role models. So, we invite you to the first edition of the Role Models for YOUth, event which:

  • has as guest speakers: Doru Octavian Dumitru, Marian Stas and Crina "Coco" Popescu
  • takes place on March 14th, 2012
  • is hosted by the Aula Magna of the RAU
  • starts at 18:00 hours

  • For further information please follow the project's Facebook page - for both this first event as well as for the following ones!

    Basketball Game: URAgans vs. ASE

    Come and support our basketball team, URAgans, come and live the thrill and passion of the game!

    Our team, Municipal Champions 2011, plays on Thursday, March 15th, 19:30 against our rivals from ASE, on their own court (ASE Sport Hall). Last year we won and we hope that this year we shall also have a great game and win.
    CS-URA fans, the cheerleading team, students and faculty will be once more besides those that represent us with pride and success in the National Universitary Basketball Championship.

    "Christianity in East Asia" Conference

    The Romanian-Japanese Studies Centre invites you on the 15th of March, 2012, at the "Christianity in East Asia" conference starting from 10.30.
    The conference will be held by Professor Shiro Kosaka from the Osaka State University at the Senate Hall of the Romanian-American University.

    "Business Intelligence" Course

    Only until March 23rd you can register for the Business Intelligence course!
    The Continuous Learning Department of the Romanian-American University organizes during March 23 - June 9, 2012, the Business Inteligence course, held by Catalin Harnagea.
    The participants will learn how to get and disseminate the information needed for the decision making process and for the evaluation of the decisions' efficiency.

    For further information and registration please access:
    http://formare.rau.ro [RO]

    Phone: 0371.120.109 | 0372.120.111
    E-mail: [email protected]

    RAU master students get a fee waiver for 20%.

    Graduation of the "Legal Ethics & Professional Responsibility" course held by Philip Genty from the Columbia University

    WIthin the "Invited Professors" program of the Romanian-American University, our Law School had the privilege to organize the course entitled "Legal Ethics and Professional Responsibility", held by professor Philip Genty from the Columbia University's Law School of New York, institution ranked 4th in the 2012 law schools top.

    Professor Philip Genty is one of the most appreciated teachers of the Columbia academic body, prominent member of the Columbia Law School and member of the Columbia University Senate.

    The Romanian-American University students were very enthusiastic about this intensive course and have left a very good impression at its end. The graduates have also received attendance diplomas.

    Graduation Ball - 2012

    The Romanian-American University invites you to the Graduation Ball - 2012.

    The event is scheduled for June 2nd, Parliament Palace, starting at 20:00.

    Why should you go?

  • Because an important part of your life is ending and this thing must be celebrated accordingly
  • Because you never saw you teachers... dancing
  • Because on this special moment you can meet all you colleagues in one place

  • Contacts:

  • LS - Asaftei Laurentiu - 0748.079.979
  • CSBM - Irofte Claudiu - 0749.035.325
  • MM - Smedescu Gabriela - 0762.161.994
  • DICFBR - FB - Deliu Alexandru - 0763.174.762
  • DICFBR - IB and AAI - Nastasia Diana - 0766.587.220
  • EES - Seciu Emilia - 0749.509.734

  • For further details please follow the event's Facebook page:

    RAU Distinction at RIUF-2012 Bucharest

    The Romanian-American University was once again present at the RIUF - Romanian International University Fair. Our team, comprising faculty and students, answered the numerous questions of fair's visitors regarding the RAU's educational offer, for the undergraduate and graduate programs, for the Romanian and English taught programs and for the large number of extra-curricular activities promoted within the RAU academic community (cultural and sport events, summer schools, conferences, symposiums etc.).

    On the occasion of this anniversary RIUF, Xth Edition, five higher education institutions have been distinguished as special partners in the Romanian educational market.
    We are glad that the Romanian-American University is among those prestigious institutions and has received a special distinction from the RIUF-2012 organizers.

    On March 22nd the Romanian-American University will participate at the RIUF-2012 Iasi in order to promote its educational offer for the 2012-2013 academic year in the Moldova region.
    Participation at the Romanian Tourism Fair

    During March 15 - 18, 2012, the School of Domestic and International Economy of Tourism of the RAU participated at the Romanian Tourism Fair, prestigious event with a great tradition in the field of tourism.

    Faculty and students have experienced the direct contact with the business environment, both for learning from the experience of the more than 200 companies from over 25 countries present at the fair and also for presenting the educational offer of the School of Domestic and International Economy of Tourism of the RAU.
    Participations at such events is in line with the university's main concept of being always in contact with real economy field specialists, in order to develop partnerships with the employers and prestigious companies of the specific fields - all these elements coming together to ensure a greater level of compatibility between the RAU's educational offer and the real expectations and requests on the labour market.

    For the distinguished presence and for the real interest shown by the visitors, the organizers awarded the RAU a diploma as a sign of appreciation for the achievments of the university's tourism field program studies, managed by the School of Domestic and International Economy of Tourism.

    General Assembly of the Employees

    In accordance with the laws in force, inside institutions that do not have organized unions that are representative according to the law, the employees' interest might be promoted and defended by their representatives, elected and mandated to this purpose.

    As a consequence, Friday, 23rd of March 2012, in the Aula Magna, will be held the General Assembly of the Employees of the Romanian-American University from Bucharest, with a unique agenda item - Election of the employees' representatives and their mandate according to the law.

    The presence of the RAU employees is mandatory!
    General Assembly of the Employees

    During the General Assembly of the Employees of the Romanian-American University from Bucharest, on March 23rd 2012, the following candidates had been elected as representatives of the employees, in accordance with the laws in force:

    1. Professor Florian Coman, PhD
    2. Associate Professor Monica Paula Ratiu, PhD
    3. Associate Professor Nicoleta Rossela Dumitru, PhD
    4. Associate Professor Oana Preda, PhD
    5. Lecturer Mariana Coanca, PhD
    6. Assistant Professor Mihaela Darzan
    7. Nicoleta Achim
    8. Constantin Mihaila
    Moot Court Competition on Commercial Law

    The Moot Court Competitions are already a tradition in the US and many European countries. Their goal is to help complete the legal education of the Law School students by placing them in a role that requires them to apply theoretical knowledge, oratorical skills and technical argumentation.

    On April 28 2012 a new Moot Court Competition on Commercial Law is set to start, for the IIIrd academic year students of Law Schools from all over Romania.

    The competition will take place in the courtroom of the Civil Section (special panel) of the Bucharest Court of Appeal and it will be supervised by professors from the universities involved in the competition.

  • Participants:
  • - IIIrd academic year students of Romanian Law Schools
    - team members: one judge and a team of two lawyers, chosen within the internal stages of the competition by each university; there is an option to also choose two substitutes, one for each of the two lawyers

  • Jury:
  • - the event will be judged by university professors, each of the universities involved have one representative within the jury

    - online, to one of the following addresses:
    [email protected]
    [email protected].

    For further information please access the following document: Detalii - Concurs de Procese Simulate pe Drept Comercial [RO].
    ERASMUS - Teaching Mobilities

    In the context of ERASMUS funding availability for teaching activities, the Romanian-American University organizes a selection session for the faculty interested in these kind of activities. Further information is available on our website, inside the Office for European Programs - ERASMUS section.
    Way to the top... for women!

    On March 28th, 15:30, the Romanian-American University hosted the workshop entitled "Way to the top... for women!", event dedicated only for women.
    The guest speakers of the event - Adina Buzatu (stylist), Victoria Burton (contractor), Nicoleta Munteanu (contractor), Elena Tiuca (contractor) si Raluca Anton (Corporate Sales Manager - World Class Romania) - have shared their key to success with our academic community.

    APRIL 2012

    Demonstration of Japanese calligraphy

    On April 5th 2012, the RAU Senate Hall hosted a Demonstration of Japanese calligraphy held by Ms. Kudo Chie.
    The event was accompanied by an exhibition consisting of works of the artist. Among the honored guests of the event was His Excellency, Mr. Natsuo Amemiya, Japanede Ambassador in Bucharest and the Romanian-American University's Rector, Professor Ovidiu Folcut. The hall was overcrowded with numerous students, members of the Center for Romanian-Japanese Studies and Japanese culture fans.

    "The art of networking" Conference

    On Monday, April 9th 2012, the well known professor Filipe Carrera held the conference entitled "The art of networking". The event started at 10:30, inside the RAU's Senate Hall.

    Filipe Carrera is a university professor, expert in e-business and marketing, public speaker, trainer and consultant. He is author of one of the best selling books in Portugal, "Digital Marketin in the Web 2.0" and was awarded the title of best trainer of 2008 by the "World Conference Junior Chamber" from New Delhi. Filipe Carrrera has also impressed the Romanian market by launching his translated volume, "Networking - Ghid de supravietuire pentru profesionisti".

    He is university professor specialized in Marketing Managemen at the Higher Institute of Economics and Management from Lisbon (within the Technical University of Lisbon), but he also teaches for the Portughese Institute of Administration and Marketing from Lisbon and is coordinator of the post-universitary courses in Digital Marketing.
    As a trainer in the field of "networking" he attended events in over 40 countries, on 4 continents.

    Tennis Championship - "RAU Trophy"

    The Center for Romanian-Japanese Studies of the Romanian-American University, with the support of Pescariu Sports&Spa, organized on April 7th and 8th 2012 the first edition of the RAU Tennis Trophy.

    The competition had 16 teams at the start, each comprising one student and one member of the faculty.
    The first rounds took place on Saturday and the semi-finals and final on Sunday. The tournament was won by the Andrei Costica (CRJS) - Bogdan Andrii (master student with the DICFBR School) team.

    We would like to thank all the participants and their supporters.

    "THE PANGEA OF DEMOCRACY" International Project

    The Law School of the Romanian-American University announces the approval of the financing for "THE PANGEA OF DEMOCRACY" international project (Turkey, June 30th - July 8th) - the project is financed by the EU through the "Youth in Action" program.

    The participants will be students from the Law School of the Romanian-American University.
    A team of 6 students and 2 teachers will be selected to participate in this project (more information here). The interested students have to send a letter of intent, in English, no later than April 15th 2012 to the following email:
    [email protected]

    For any further information please do not hesitate to contact us:

    - Silvia Tabusca
    - Anca Balasoiu
    "Is a Great Stagnation overtaking the Global Economy?" Conference

    The Romanian-American University would like to invite you on Monday, May the 14th 2012, at 18.00 in Aula Magna to attend the conference entitled "Is a Great Stagnation overtaking the Global Economy?", held by Tyler Cowen, Professor at George Mason University, Director of the Mercatus Center.

    Tyler Cowen occupies the Holbert C. Harris Chair of economics as a professor at George Mason University. In 2011 he was included in "Top 100 Global Thinkers" by "Foreign Policy Magazine" and was designated as "America's Hottest Economist" by the Bloomberg Business Week. According to The Economist, Tyler Cowen is one of the most influential economists in the last decade, and his blog, "The Marginal Revolution" is placed by Times Magazine on the 3rd position in Top 25 Best Financial Blogs.

    Please confirm your participation on the conference until May 10.

    For confirmation and further information:
    E-mail: [email protected]
    Phone: +4-0372-120.265
    Windows Phone Applications delivered by MIC-RAU

    The first results of the Microsoft Student Partner teams from the School of Computer Science for Business Management, developed within the Microsoft Innovation Center - Romanian-American University, are now available for download inside the Microsoft Marketplace, as applications for mobile phones using Windows Phone.

    You can help the authors by downloading and testing the applications here:

    Romanian EILC in Autumn 2012

    RAU invites Erasmus exchange students to learn the Romanian Language and Culture in September 2012 as well as in february February 2013!

    Organised in the framework of EILC (Erasmus Intensive Language Course), the September module for beginers will be held on the Romanian-American University premises, from 10th of September 2012 until 28th of September 2012.
    The winter module is going to be organised between January 28th 2013 and February 15th 2013.

    Students will be awarded 4 ECTS.

    Application deadline for autumn course: 1st of June 2012.

    EILC application should be sent by e-mail to the following address:
    [email protected]

    Forms: Links:
    RAU Anniversary


    Can we speak of a history of the Romanian-American University? Of course, there is a history of the beginnings, a history of the people and their struggle, a history of the accreditation, of the international relations, which our institution continuously developed and strengthened, a history of the students and alumni, of the scientific research, of the financial resources needed to build a modern campus, a history of its making…

    In 1991, when most people retire, professor Ion Smedescu initiated, with determination and courage, the most ambitious and precious project of his life - the set-up of a strong and stable establishment of education, science and culture. Thus, he had the opportunity to put into practice his vast managerial and pedagogic expertise: he carried out tens of investment projects, managed huge fund volumes, performed activities of domestic and international trade, set up and organized many economic units and was a professor in the higher education system for over 30 years. According to his own confessions, he completed these with "strong will, courage, perseverance, ambition, but also well-defined strategic goals and a consistent financial policy".

    From 1991 and until the end of his life, on October 5, 2008, professor Smedescu identified his destiny with the existence of the Romanian-American University. Here, he worked both as professor Ph.D. for Marketing, and Founding President and Rector of the University.
    The foundation of the Romanian-American University relied on the ambition of combining pragmatism and tradition in a private academic system. It was developed after the model of the pragmatic and efficient American education and the sublime traditions of the Romanian spirit, which holds learning in high esteem and which is endowed with outstanding intelligence.
    Right from the outset, the University management encouraged a dynamic and participative training system, where the professor-student relation is as close as possible to the spirit of American universities. Another basic feature of the Romanian-American University is that it set to be competitive and to display excellent quality. Special attention was paid, during this period, to the quality of teaching staff and members of the University Senate, by attracting the most valuable teachers from the state education system, with large national and international recognition, as well as the best practitioners - specialists in each scientific domain. They had lectures within the following schools: The School of Medicine and Public Health, The School of Design, The School of Domestic and International Commercial and Financial Banking Relations, The School of Management-Marketing, The School of Domestic and International Economy of Tourism, The School of Computer Science for Business Management and the School of Law.
    Since the first year of its establishment, the Romanian-American University has organized an entrance examination for bachelor studies, for all schools and forms of study. Here are a few guidelines specified by Rector Ion Smedescu: "We will always focus on the student's general behavior and professional training, starting with their entrance and finishing with their degree examination. Our purpose is to form intellectuals who are able to think beyond their professional limits, to discern and understand the variety of human values, to make the right decisions related to issues of everyday life. We are determined to train specialists who honor the business card of this University".

    The accreditation of all schools and the establishment under the law was the next major goal pursued by the Romanian-American University. In April 1999, based on the proposals of the Ministry of National Education and CNEAA, the Romanian Government submitted to the Parliament the Bill regarding the foundation of the Romanian-American University and the accreditation of all its schools. The Government had proposed the foundation of 10 universities, out of which the Romanian-American University was the only one which had all its schools proposed for accreditation.

    However, this long and difficult accreditation process of the University's schools did not stop the institution; it continued to adjust its educational offer to current and future requirements of the labor market, transition, Romania's integration into European and Euro-Atlantic structures. Thus, in 2000, in view of Romania's EU accession, the Romanian-American University set up a new economic school, suggestively called The School of European Economic Integration.
    After the enactment of Law 274/2002 on the establishment of the Romanian-American University, with its six accredited schools - The School of Domestic and International Business, The School of Domestic and International Commercial and Financial Banking Relations, The School of Management-Marketing, The School of Domestic and International Economy of Tourism, The School of Computer Science for Business Management, The School of Law and The School of European Economic Integration, the institution integrated organically into the national education system, with all the rights and obligations in its charge.
    "The ratification of the University" - Rector Ion Smedescu said - "is the most important event of its becoming (n.n. the University), and it officially acknowledges our efforts throughout these 11 years of activity".
    Scientific research has developed in the Romanian-American University since its first year of existence. The Romanian-American University has established the Department of Research in February 1992 and research groups at the level of the Chairs and Schools. There were created four research centers, namely: The Centre for Research in Information Technology and Communications & Artificial Intelligence, The Center for Economic Research, The Center for Research, Consultancy and Training in Economic Computer Science and Information Technology and the Center for Political Economy and Business "Murray Rothbard." Besides these research centers, in the University there are: 2 Centers for Studies (The Romanian-Japanese Studies Center and The Center for European Studies and Documentation) and five laboratories (The Laboratory of Applied IT, The Laboratory of Criminalistics and Criminology, The Research Laboratory for the Development of Human Resources, The Laboratory of Tourism and The Financial-Banking Relations Laboratory).
    Results of scientific research: the Romanian-American University conducted over 400 research contracts, 1500 publications with national and international publishers, over 4000 articles published in internationally recognized journals, BDI or ISI ranked, in the volumes of international conferences and/or those organized by international professional organizations, 4 scientific journals nationally recognized and the organization of 20 editions of student scientific events where students presented over 16.000 papers.
    International relations represent for the Romanian-American University a strategic objective aimed at developing collaboration relations with specialized institutions from the developed countries, in order to integrate our university, into the European and world higher education system.
    Spring 1992 represents the start of collaboration with James Madison University (JMU).
    What followed after May 1992, in the 20 year history of the relationship between James Madison University (JMU) and Romanian-American University? A series of events, mostly on a fixed date (such as the presence of a representative of JMU on the official opening of the Romanian-American University academic year) or periodically (such as the courses held by JMU professors on our university, or the scholarships offered to Romanian students by JMU). In November 1992, Professor George Blomstrom visited for the first time Romanian-American University, to teach the "Entrepreneurship" course, in 1993, JMU offered the first two scholarships for the Romanian-American University students ("in-state" scholarships), in May 1994, the first group of 10 American students visited our university accompanied by Dr. Stephen Bowers.

    Over the years our University developed many solid connections and partnerships with universities, departments, professors and students from different European, north-American or Latin American countries. In 2003 the Romanian-American University was included on the list of eligible universities for the Erasmus/Socrates program and in March 2004 the European Commission granted the University the University Erasmus Charter - EUC.
    Starting with 2006, upon the initiative of Professor PhD. James K. McCollum from the University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH) and of Rector Ion Smedescu, the International Summer School was organized every year in June. In 2007 in partnership with DeSales University of Pennsylvania our University initiated the first MBA in Project Management, all the courses being held only by American professors.

    Starting with 1991 one of the strategic objectives pursued by the management of the Romanian-American University ever since its foundation has been to ensure optimal conditions for the educational process. The final objective was to build our own modern and functional campus, 34.515 square meters and its inauguration was in October 2003.
    On May 28 2007 His Beatitude Patriarch Teoctist, accompanied by a synod of priests consecrated the Chapel from the precincts of the Romanian-American University ("Saint John the Baptist"), built, according to the Founding Rector Ion Smedescu. Upon the same occasion, the Senate of the Romanian-American University decided to grant its first Doctor Honoris Causa title to His Beatitude Teoctist, Patriarch of the Romanian Orthodox Church.
    The year 2008 was marked by numerous events for the Romanian-American University. Firstly, in April 2008 academic elections took place, Professor Ion Smedescu being re-elected as Rector of the Romanian-American University. It was for the first time when in the newly elected management structures, as well as in the team assigned by the rector - when it presented his 2008-2012 Managerial program - a lot of young teaching staff emerged from our own university as a result of our training. Another dream came true, built thoroughly, with care and perseverance, by a man of vision, the Founding President of our University. Then, on the 1st of October 2008, the University Senate decided to grant the title of Doctor Honoris Causa of the Romanian-American University to Ronald E. Carrier, the President Emeritus of James Madison University - former Rector of that University for 27 years in a row, one of the most skillful managers and mentors of the North-American academic community.

    On the 5th of October 2008, the University was grieving the loss of its Founding President, Professor Ion Smedescu. Many days of mourning followed, during which the academic community honored the memory of the late great man and braced up to continue his work, which he left as legacy to posterity.

    In December 2008, the Senate of the Romanian-American University elected as Rector Professor Ovidiu Folcut, vice-rector in charge of education matters, who was confirmed through Ordinance no. 6413/19.12.2008, of the Ministry of Education and Research.
    After more than 2 years of assessment for provisional accreditation, on October 1, 2009 the Romanian-American University had a rich educational offer. Thus, all conditions for the passage to the last phase of this regular external assessment process (taking place every 5 years), respectively institutional accreditation were met. The Internal Assessment Report for the institutional accreditation of the Romanian-American University was submitted to ARACIS in March 2010, the visit from the expert committees took place in May 2010 and on the 22nd of July 2010 the ARACIS Council granted the Romanian-American University the High Degree of Confidence Qualification, the highest appreciation regarding the quality of the provision of educational services..

    April 17, 2012…

    It is a special moment in the life of the university, filled with satisfaction and hopes: satisfaction based on the publicly acknowledged accomplishments and hope, generated by the belief in the correctness of the chosen path, and self-confidence. The time elapsed from the foundation and the experience accumulated during these years, reinforce the belief in the future of our university, the path towards the future being a projection of our ability to understand the world around us, but not without paying a tribute to an accomplished dream, and not without understanding that the real responsibility is based on building and respecting a system of professional, moral, ethical and social values that will enable the understanding of the real history, characterizing our past and defining our identity…!

    Intensive course "Human Trafficking as Modern-Day Slavery"

    The Romanian-American University students have the opportunity to attend the intensive course on "Human Trafficking as Modern-Day Slavery", held by professor Dr.iur. Roza Pati, Executive Director of the LL.M/J.S.D. Intercultural Human Rights Program of the St.Thomas University School of Law, Florida, USA and Director of Human Trafficking Academy.

    The course addresses mainly the School of Law students but any other RAU students that want to enlarge their perspective on the subject are welcome.

    Schedule: 14 - 18 mai, 2012
    Timetable: 9:00 - 11:50
    Lecture hall: MBA Lab

    International Relations Office
    3rd Floor, Room 305
    Phone +4- | +4-0372.120.121
    E-mail: [email protected]

    Paid internships for RAU students

    The School of Computer Science for Business Management is glad to announce that our students are offered an opportunity to attend a paid internship at Gameloft Romania.

    This is made possible by the agreement signed between the Romanian-American University and Gameloft Romania. This opportunity is especially interesting for CSBM students in their second year of studies (both bachelor and master programs), as this internship is offered as an alternative to the mandatory internship (practice stage) found in their curricula.

    The selection of candidates will be taking place between 24th and 27th of April 2012.

    For further details please see the poster below.

    MAY 2012

    Award for the best "judging team" at the Inter-Universitary Moot Court Contest on Commercial Law 2012

    Romanian-American University students attended the 2012 edition of the Inter-Universitary Moot Court Contest on Commercial Law, organized on April 28th at the Bucharest Appeal Court, Istrate Micescu Hall.

    For the second year in row, the RAU's Law School Team, coordinated by Luminita Tuleasca, PhD Lecturer, won the award for the best team of judges. The members of the RAU's team:

  • Judges:
    - Dumitrascu Sorin Ioan - holder
    - Dragomir Gabriel Catalin - substitute
  • Defense attorneys:
    - Botocan Mihnea Cristian - holder
    - Parvu Doru Mihai - substitute
  • Prosecution lawyers:
    - Ionescu Vladimir Mihai - holder
    - Ghita Ioana - substitute

  • Simulating real trials, in the distinctive ambiance of a real trial court, students were placed in a position to apply theoretical concepts, check their oratorical skills and techniques of argumentation and, especially, they had a unique experience in the legal profession.

    Winners received diplomas and prizes in books.

    New success for our Basketball Team - "hURAcanes!"

    The RAU's Basketball Team won, in Arad, the BRONZE MEDALS at the Finals of the National Universitary Bascketball Championship 2011-2012 by winning against the team of Transilvania University from Brasov, score 70:67.


    Japanese Culture Days at the Romanian-American University

    The Japanese Culture Days took place at the Romanian-American University between the 7th and the 11th of May, 2012. The event, organized by the Romanian-Japanese Studies Centre of the Romanian-American University, with the support of JTI was designed to promote the Japanese culture and traditions.

    The series of events started on Monday, the 7th of May, with one of the most spectacular Kimono parades that ever took place in Romania, organized with the support of Radacini Culturale Association.
    On Tuesday, the 8th of May, the anime fans were introduced by Professor Mirela Murgescu into the fascinating world of Satoshi Kon.
    The 3rd day of the Japanese Culture was dedicated to martial arts. In the Aula Magna of the Romanian-American University, the attendants witnessed a demonstration of Ninjutsu, Karate, Kempo and Aikido.
    On Thursday, 10th of May, the Romanian-Japanese Studies Centre celebrated the 7 years anniversary from its establishment . The moment was highlighted with a manga workshop held by the Radacini Culturale Association and Haramichi-RO.
    The anniversary continued in the Aula Magna of the Romanian-American University with the Romanian-Japanese Studies Centre Award Ceremony. The event was hosted by Sebastian Muntean and Iulia Tucma.
    The series of events ended on Friday, 11th of May. The Romanian-Japanese Studies Centre and Hot Pot helped the attendants discover the wonders of the Japanese Cuisine, together with Marui Sensei, at 12.00.
    At 16.30, in the Senate Hall of the Romanian-American University, Mr. Stefan Liiceanu held a conference entitled "Japanese Buddhism. From beginning to present day".

    International Summer School 2012

    The Romanian-American University organizes a new edition of the International Summer School "Business Development in the Context of European Integration and Globalization".
    The summer school has reached its 7th edition as a joint academic, social-cultural and tourist program aimed to contribute to the strengthening of ties among the international students' home countries.

  • World Economy
  • International Trade and Policies
  • European Monetary Policy
  • International Business Management
  • Project Management
  • Service Marketing
  • International Law

  • Lectures and workshops:
  • Globalization
  • Negotiation and International Business
  • Business Ethics
  • Guest speakers

  • Faculty: Dr. Valeriu Potecea - Summer School Manager, Dr. Florin Bonciu, Dr. Dumitru Miron, Dr. Mihai Sebea, Dr. Charles Hickman, Dr. James K. McCollum and other prestigious guests from both academic and business environment.

    Schedule: June 11-22, 2012
    Fee - 850 Eur, covers the following:
    - study fee
    - ground transportation to and from the airport
    - board and lodging in the modern Romanian-American University campus
    - organized visits at cultural and business sites in Bucharest and around
    - a weekend trip to the mountains (Prahova Valley, Sinaia, Bran, Rasnov, Brasov) - meals, lodging and recreational activities
    - organized visits at Bran Castle (Dracula's Castle) and Rasnov Fortress

    IATA/UFTAA Foundation Courses

    The Romanian-American University, from Bucharest, is the only higher education institution in Romanian authorized as ATC (AUTHORIZED TRAINING CENTER) by IATA Montreal, for delivering the IATA/UFTAA Foundation & EBT course.

    What are the main advantages of graduating the IATA / UFTAA Foundation & EBT course?
    1. IATA/UFTAA Diploma have international recognition
    2. The diploma is required for employees of tourism agencies in order to receive the IATA accreditation, according to the specific criteria established by IATA Romania. Tourism agencies must employ, with full time and permanent contract, at least one IATA/UFTAA Foundation & EBT Diploma holder, agent capable of selling, issuing and reporting the GDS activities through the BSP system.

    Enrollments: up to June 1st, 2012
    Schedule: June 5 - 24
    Course length: 3 weeks / 15 working days (7 hours/day)
    Teaching languages: Romanian and English
    Location: Romanian-American University
    Fee: 2900 lei
    Exam period: September 2012, (exam invite will be sent with approx. 2 weeks before the mentioned period of time).

    Contact: Camelia Gheorghe
    Phone: +4-0372-120.267

    JUNE 2012

    "Business Development in the Context of European Integration and Globalization" - International Summer School

    During the period of June 11th - 22nd, the Romanian-American University provides courses within the International Summer School program organized in collaboration with the University of Alabama in Huntsville.

    The International Summer School brings together undergraduate and graduate students from USA and Romania who will take benefit of a rich study program and of cultural and tourist activities.
    The courses and lectures, held by professors from RAU, UAH and by Romanian specialists in Economics, approach topics on "Business Development in the Context of European Integration and Globalization": International Trade & Policies, World Economy, International Business Management, European Monetary Policy, Project Management, International Law, Globalization etc.

    Join us in Europe: Apply for an Erasmus Placement Grant!

    Erasmus Placements Grants are available for this summer and give you the opportunity to undertake an internship in United Kingdom, Portugal or Spain financed through the Lifelong Learning Programmes of the European Union!

    For more information you can find us at:

    - Office for European Programmes (office 306, floor 3)
    - phone: +(4)-0372.120.115
    - email: [email protected]
    End of the International Summer School

    Friday, 22nd of June 2012, took place the ceremony of graduation for the International Summer School "BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT IN THE CONTEXT OF EUROPEAN INTEGRATION AND GLOBALIZATION", organized by the Romanian-American University in cooperation with University of Alabama in Huntsville.

    For two weeks, students from the US and Romania have studied, participated at lectures and debates, finalized team-work projects and interacted on both educational and socio-cultural levels.
    The classes have been delivered by well known faculty from the US, Turkey and Romania (prof.dr. James McCollum, prof.dr. Charles Hickman, prof.dr. Bulent Acma - Anadolu University, prof.dr. Dumitru Miron, prof.dr. Florin Bonciu, prof.dr. Gabriela Dragan, conf.dr. Mihai Sebea and prof.dr. Valeriu Potecea, manager of the Summer School) and have been focused in international trade, world economics, business management and international negociations, monetary policies, international finance, project management international law and globalization.
    During these two weeks, the students had the opportunity to meet important personalities of the Romanian society:
    • Dan Pascariu, President of the Supervisory Board of UniCredit-Tiriac Bank,
    • Leonard Orban, European Affairs Minister,
    • business environment representatives: Mr. Alexandru Badea, CEO Brenntag Romania, Mrs. Claudia Perjeru, Deputy Manager Brenntag Romania, Mr. Cristian Colteanu, President & CEO GE Romania, Mrs Luminita Dinca, HR Operations Manager GE Romania).
    After the successful completion of the courses, the students have received graduation diplomas.

    Graduation Ceremonies - 2012

    The Romanian-American University announces the schedule of the graduation ceremonies for the graduates of bachelor and master studies - year 2012:

    • MM - 25.06.2012 - 12.00
    • ETII - 27.06.2012 - 11.00
    • RCFBII - 30.06.2012 - 12.00
    • SEE - 02.07.2012 - 11.00
    • IM - 04.07.2012 - 10.30
    • DR - 06.07.2012 - 10.00

    The package for the graduation ceremony can be bought starting from June 22nd, 2012, from the RAU Bookstore (Hostel, Groundfloor - A Building) and comprises:
  • Robe (lease)
  • Personalized scarf
  • Graduation diploma
  • Faculty invites
  • Foto disc
  • Film disc
  • Rose
  • Champagne and biscuits
  • The price of the package is 55 lei.
    JULY 2012

    Class of 2012 - Graduation for Master Studies (RCFBII)

    The GRADUATION CEREMONY OF THE CLASS OF 2012 of the School of Domestic and International Commercial and Financial Banking Relations , MASTER studies, will take place on July 7th (Saturday), at 11:00, in the Aula Magna of the Romanian-American University.
    Outstanding results of Romanian students at Imagine Cup 2012

    Petru Ticlea wins the first place of the IT Challenge section

    Romanian students obtained excellent results, again, at the Imagine Cup 2012 competition, the most popular technology competition with over 331.000 students enrolled within 8 sections. This year's finals took place in Sydney, Australia, between 6-11 of July. More than 350 competitors from 75 countries attended. The 2012 topic was "Imagine a world where technology helps solving the most difficult problems of our society".
    Romania had, same as last year, 4 teams in the finals and was ranked second as number of teams in the finals, together with France, surpassed only by Brazil with five team. The four teams from Romania were:

  • Petru Alexandru Ticlea (Romanian-American University, Bucharest) - IT Challenge section - I-st place, 8000 USD
  • Complex ("Babes-Bolyai" University and Technical University, both from Cluj-Napoca) - Windows Azure Challenge section - II-nd place, 4000 USD
  • AVe ("A.I. Cuza" University from Iasi) - Game Design: Phone section - among top 10
  • IQube ("Politehnica" University from Timisoara) - Software Design section - among top 20

  • "Is an experience that changed my vision about profesionalism and the importance of IT infrastructures in our society. I am glad that I was able to bring Romania's name as high as possible and, in the same time, to motivate future students to follow their dreams - mine was to win the Imagine Cup and I did it!"
    Petru Alexandru Ticlea
    Student, School of Computer Science for Business Management
    Romanian-American University, Bucharest

    GE Foundation Scholar-Leaders Program Winners

    For the third time in a row since the Romanian-American University joined the "Institute of Internationa15:51 26-Jul-12l Education", supported by GE Foundation, our students have outstanding results.

    Ms. Roxana Elena Pelin, RAU student of the School of Domestic and International Economy of Tourism, became one of the 8 winners of the presigious "GE Foundation Scholar-Leaders Program", 2011-2012 edition.
    The ceremony of awarding the diplomas took place within an event organized by the "Institute of International Education".

    Summer School "Current Issues of Business Law"

    The Romanian-American University invites you, between September 12 - 16, 2012, at the Summer School and conference entitled "Current Issues of Business Law".
    The classes and interactive conferences are focused on actual topics of interest from the field of business law, generated by the Romanian Legal system reform through the New Codes. The event involves well known specialists from the field: professors, magistrates, lawyers, bankers, insolvency practicians.

    The event targets law practitioners and students.
    Application period: July 9 - September 5, 2012

    Applications are received only on-line, through the form available at the following locations:
  • scoaladevaradrept.rau.ro - official website [RO]
  • www.juridice.ro - media partner website [RO]

  • Korean Language Courses

    Starting with October 2012, the Department of Asian Studies within the Romanian-American University invites you to participate in Korean language classes.
    The classes will be held by professor Ha Young Sun, two hours every week, throughout an academic semester.

    For further details and applications please contact us at the following email:

    IATA Courses

    The Romanian-American University organizes during November 26th - December 14th 2012 a new edition of the IATA/UFTAA Foundation Courses.
    Applications can be submitted during July 1st - August 31st, 2012. For further information please visit the IATA Authorized Training Center website.
    AUGUST 2012

    SEPTEMBER 2012

    Moments from the 2012-2013 academic year opening ceremony

    Yesterday, the 1st of October 2012, in the Aula Magna of the Romanian-American University, hundreds of students and members of the teaching staff attended the opening ceremony of the academic year 2012-2013 that was put under the emblem of professional, moral and social responsibility.

    "The essential challenge for a university is not only that of providing an opportunity for enthusiastic young people to study and later become graduates, but also, especially (…) expressly emphasizing professional, moral and social responsibility" said Professor Ovidiu Folcut, PhD, the Rector of the Romanian-American University in his opening speech for the new academic year. This principle is evoked this year anew through the constant preoccupation with the improvement of "the university's capacity to provide its students with knowledge and necessary competences to rapidly become valuable as potential employees in their fields of study, their training being achieved in correlation with the exigencies and expectations of national and international top employers" the Rector Ovidiu Folcut added.

    The Romanian-American University has become prominent, in its more than 20 years of existence, not only as an institution of high education, but also as an active promoter of collaborations with the social and economic environment that offers direct feedback regarding the quality of the educational service. Hence, the University holds from now on traditional partnerships with important economic and finance-banking institutions such as: Microsoft, JTI, Toyota, General Electric, Procter & Gamble, BRD, BCR, CEC, Unicredit Tiriac Bank or ING.
    "The fact that, according to a survey made by a German institute, the Romanian-American University graduates need around 3.7 months from their graduation to find a work place that is remunerated in agreement with their expectations and which is in their field of study says a lot about the results of our work" Professor Ovidiu Folcut, PhD, the Rector of the Romanian-American University also mentioned.
    The participants had the privilege of finding out about the future initiatives for this academic year, namely: the development of learning programs in collaboration with the University of Siena – one of the most prestigious universities in Italy, with a seven-century-long history; the implementation of new partnerships with important economic and finance-banking institutions from the country and from abroad; the continuation of collaboration programs with American universities.

    Next to students and members of the teaching staff, various representatives of the business and academic environment from the country and from abroad attended the opening ceremony. Among these, Radu Gratian Ghetea, the President of the Romanian Banking Association and of CEC Bank, George Pristavu, Developer & Platform Evangelism Lead at Microsoft, Professor Angelo Riccaboni, PhD., the Rector of the University of Siena and Professor Donald Corbin, PhD., from James Madison University, USA shared to the young people in the Aula Magna from their opinions and personal experiences concerning the role of universities and the future of their graduates in the context of globalization.

    "Architecture and Interior Design in Romania and Japan" Course

    The Department of Asia Studies within the Romanian-American University organizes "Architecture and Interior Design in Romania and Japan" courses.
    The classes begin on November 7, 2012, 18:00 hours.

    Study fee: 170 lei/module

    For registration and information please contact us at: [email protected]

    IN MEMORIAM - ION SMEDESCU. Commemorative Senate

    The Senate of the Romanian-American University will commemorate on Friday, October 5, 2012, 13:00 hours, four years since the passing into eternity of professor ION SMEDESCU, PhD, Founding-President and Rector of the Romanian-American University, outstanding personality of the Romanian academic life, renowned specialist in marketing, creator of school and promoter of private higher education.

    ION SMEDESCU - Remember

    The Senate of the Romanian-American University commemoratet on Friday, October 5, 2012, four years since the passing into eternity of professor ION SMEDESCU, PhD, Founding-President and Rector of the Romanian-American University, outstanding personality of the Romanian academic life, renowned specialist in marketing, creator of school and promoter of private higher education.

    Romanian EILC in Spring 2013

    The Romanian American University (RAU) kindly invites Erasmus students to enrol in the Romanian language and culture course, organised as Erasmus Intensive Language Course (EILC)!
    Organised in the framework of EILC (Erasmus Intensive Language Course), the Spring module for beginers will be held on the Romanian American University premises, from 28th January 2013 until 15th February 2013.

    Students will be awarded 4 ECTS.

    Application deadline for Spring course: 31st of October 2012
    EILC application should be sent by e-mail to the following address: [email protected]

    Usefull documents:
    IATA/UFTAA Foundation Course

    The Romanian-American University, through the RAU's IATA ATC, organizes during November 26 - December 14, 2012 a new IATA/UFTAA Foundation course.

    Applications are received between October 10 - November 4, 2012, subject to availability.

    For further information please check the RAU's IATA ATC website.
    "Financial Management" Course - organized with University of Michigan

    The Romanian-American University organizes a new course taught by international faculty from partner universities in the U.S.A..
    During December 10th-14th, 2012, Mr. Seyed Mehdian, Professor of Finance at the School of Management, University of Michigan-Flint, will teach the course entitled "Selected Topics in Financial Management".

    Course schedule: Monday - Friday, 9:00-11:50 a.m.
    Classroom: MBA Lab

    Info & applications:
    International Relations Office
    3rd Floor / Room 305
    Phone +4- / +4-0372.120.121
    E-mail: [email protected]
    Web: http://guestcourses.rau.ro

    RIUF 2012

    The Romanian-American University presents its educational opportunities at the Romanian International University Fair (RIUF), event organized in Bucharest, at the Palace Hall during October 20-21 and in Cluj, at the Student's Culture House on October 23rd.

    Among the workshops of RIUF, the Romanian-American University organizes a meeting entitled "Study an international program at home!" - presentation by Mr. Lucian Botea, PhD Lecturer, Vice-Dean of the School of European Economic Studies and coordinator of the activities of the Office for International Students.

    Whether you choose to study in Romanian or English, at RAU the educational process is done by combining European and US models. Students have the opportunity to study a semester abroad, both in Europe and the U.S. through partnerships concluded by the University. The curriculum is designed taking into consideration the business environment recommendations, with a strong influence of the U.S. system in terms of applicability, practical activities and internships. During the studies, students may attend free courses delivered by American professors in the RAU campus. Learn more about the amazing RAU international experience by participating in the workshop.
    Trials for "URAganii" Basketball Team!

    The "URAganii" Basketball Team organizes a trial for selecting new players.
    Come join us, come to the winning team!

    The URAganii are a respected team, with tradition and outstanding results:
    • Bucharest Zonal Universitary Champions 2010-2011
    • Bronze Medals at the National Universitary Basketball Championship Finals 2010-2011
    • Romania's Representatives at the European Universitary Basketball Championship 2010-2011
    • Bronze Medals at Bucharest Zonal Universitary Championship 2011-2012
    • Bronze Medals at the National Universitary Basketball Championship Finals 2011-2012

    We are waiting for you on Friday, October 26th, 16:30, at the Aurel Vlaicu Highschool Gym.

    For further information:
    Ciprian Telinoiu, 0743-027.777

    RIUF-2012 Bucharest

    The Romanian-American University presented its educational opportunities at the Romanian International University Fair (RIUF) 2012, event organized in Bucharest, at the Palace Hall during October 20-21.

    The Romanian-American University also organized a workshop entitled "Study an international program at home!" - presentation by Mr. Lucian Botea, PhD Lecturer, Vice-Dean of the School of European Economic Studies and coordinator of the activities of the Office for International Students.

    RJSC Courses

    The Romanian-Japanese Studies Center, part of the Romanian-American University's Department of Asian Studies, organizes courses of "Introduction to Japanese Film History" and "Design and Architecture in Japan".

    The "Introduction to Japanese Film History" course will be taught by Mrs. Mirela Murgescu, professor of the History Faculty from the University of Bucharest. The fee for this course is 170 RON for 7 classes that will be held every 2 weeks.
    The "Design and Architecture in Japan" course will be taught by Mrs. Dana Oprisan, architect. The fee for this course is 170 RON for 5 classes which will be held every 2 weeks.

    For further information and registration please e-mail us at: [email protected]

    Chinese Language Courses

    In October 2012, at the Department of Asian Studies from the Romanian-American University, the Japanese and Korean Language courses had begun. Starting with November, we are pleased to announce the opening of the Chinese Language course, taught by Mrs. Ileana Hogea Veliscu, Ph.D. and Sinologist, having a great experience in teaching Chinese Language. The course's duration will be one academic year.
    Study Fee: 125 eur/year
    For further information and registration please e-mail us at: [email protected].

    "Success for Romania" Conference

    Come and find your way to success!
    November 17th, 2012 - Crystal Palace Ballrooms

    - You are young and have a great business idea you want to put into practice;
    - You want to discover the ingredients for success in business;
    - You have already a startup and looking for new ideas;
    - You are passionate about personal development;
    - You want to be part of the community of young professionals who write the history of Romanian entrepreneurship;

    For YOU, we have brought together big names in motivational management, successful entrepreneurs and personalities to the greatest business environment for youth entrepreneurship conference - SUCCESS FOR ROMANIA.
    Rucsandra HUREZEANU, Marius GHENEA, Peter BARTA and Sergiu BIRIS will share with you their experience in the Romanian business environment, and more, will answer any questions you have. Also, we will have as special guest Nader ASHCHI, a motivational coach of world-class experience with thousands of hours of motivational seminars. After wandering major world capitals, Nader ASHCHI comes in Bucharest on November 17th to share with you the ingredients for success - not only in business but also in everyday life!

    Don't miss the chance to meet your SUCCESS! Sign up NOW!

    [email protected]

    DFL courses opening

    The Department of Foreign Languages of the Romanian-American University announces the official opening of the:

    - English language intensive course (beginner and intermediate level) - on Friday, November 2nd, 2012, 6.00 PM, room 326 (3rd floor)
    - German language intensive course - on Monday, November 5th, 2012, 4.30 PM, room 316 (3rd floor).
    Study in the USA

    STUDY in USA


    - Applications for 1st semester, 2013-2014 academic year
    Deadline: March 1st, 2013
    - Application for 2nd semester, 2013-2014 academic year
    Deadline: October 15th, 2013


    - Applications for 2013-2014 academic year
    Deadline: December 15th, 2012

    Information and applications:
    Office for International Relations
    IIIrd floor/305
    Phone +4-021-202.95.09 | +4-0372.120.121

    RAU Students' Scientific Communications Session

    On December 12, 2012 will take place the Students' Scientific Communications Session. For registration, students are asked to contact the faculty corresponding to the disciplines that thay wish to address with thei papers.
    NOVEMBER 2012

    Romanian Ecotourism Destinations

    The National Ecotourism Conference: Romanian Ecotourism Destinations (launch of the evaluation criteria and the Romanian ecotourism destinations network) took place on Friday, November 2nd, 2012, at the new headquarters of the National Library in Bucharest. The conference was organised by the Association of Ecotourism in Romania (AER), in collaboration with the National Institute of Research Development in Tourism (INCDT) and was part of the Plug to Nature - Strategies of Regaining the Urbanity series of events, organised by the Ivan Patzaichin - Mila 23 Association.
    Representatives from the School of Domestic and International Economy of Tourism, from the Romanian-American University also took part in the event - Mrs. Daniela Firoiu, PhD Professor and Mrs. Ioana Patrichi, PhD Lecturer, together with Ioana-Aurelia Batea (second year), Ana Camerzan (second year), Voicu Calin (second year), Adina-Gabriela Croitoru (first year, Master of Business Administration in Tourism), Andrei Cristian Dan (first year, Master of Business Administration in Tourism), Darius Flaviu Duca (first year, Master of Business Administration in Tourism), Stefania Lacustoiu (second year) and Teodora Taranu (second year). Taking part in the conference helped to a better understanding of the ecotourism phenomenon, both global and national, and also represented the opportunity to take part in the official launch of the evaluation criteria for designating Romanian ecotourism destinations. In the end of the conference, they attended the launch of the "ecotourist dinghy" concept and the presentation of a project consisting in transforming the area between the National Library and the Unirii Bridge into an Eco-Urban Culture Center.
    School of Domestic and International Economy of Tourism at the most awaited hospitality industry event of the year

    The fourth edition of the Hospitality Trends Bucharest Conference took place on Wednesday, November 14th, 2012, at the Radisson BLU Hotel in Bucharest. This is the most important hospitality industry event organised in South-Eastern Europe. The Hospitality Trends Conference represents a dialogue opportunity between the leading industry representatives and was organised by Trend Hospitality Consulting & Management, under the patronage of the Ministry of Regional Development and Tourism and in collaboration with the Institute of Innovation and Entrepreneurship of Ecole Hoteliere de Lausanne (INTEHL).

    Representatives from the School of Domestic and International Economy of Tourism, from the Romanian-American University also took part in the event - Mrs. Daniela Firoiu, PhD Professor, together with four of the first year Master students (Master of Business Administration in Tourism): Adina-Gabriela Croitoru, Patricia Ciobanu, Ana-Maria Neagu and Oana Daniela Sotir. The conference not only represented the great opportunity of taking part in a long awaited hospitality industry event, but also the chance to spend an entire day among industry professionals. Among them, there were representatives from some of the most well-known consulting companies (STR Global, Christie + Co, KPMG), personalities from some of the world’s most important hotel groups' top management (Hyatt International, Wyndham Hotel Group International, Hilton Worldwide, ACCOR, Starwood Hotels, Intercontinental), representatives from the famous École Hôtelière de Lausanne and others. Moreover, taking part in the conference meant developing knowledge in the hospitality sector, due to the presentation of the most recent information and statistics regarding the sector and also of the 2013 trends, both global and European and, thus, for Romania.
    Master Students from the School of Domestic and International Economy of Tourism promoting Romania's most beautiful villages at the Romanian Tourism Fair

    The Fall edition of the Romanian Tourism Fair took place between November 14th and November 18th, 2012, being organised by Romexpo in partnership with the Romanian Chambers of Commerce and Industry, the Romanian National Association of Travel Agencies (ANAT), the Federation of the Patronages in the Romanian Tourism (FPTR), the National Association of Rural, Ecological and Cultural Tourism in Romania (ANTREC) and the National Organization of Spas in Romania (OPTBR).

    As an exhibitor, the Ministry of Regional Development and Tourism promoted the country's most important destinations and forms of tourism. The first five destinations from the 2012 edition of the European project EDEN (European Destinations of Excellence) were also present at Romania's desk. Among them, there were the villages of Cirlibaba and Dragus, thanks to "The Most Beautiful Villages of Romania" Association. The two villages were promoted, throughout the entire Fair period, by four of the first year Master students (Master of Business Administration in Tourism, School of Domestic and International Economy of Tourism, from the Romanian- American University): Adina-Gabriela Croitoru, Patricia Ciobanu, Ana-Maria Neagu and Oana Daniela Sotir. The Master students' participation at the Romanian Tourism Fair represented not only the opportunity of promoting some of the country's most beautiful destinations, but also the chance to understand the importance of Romania's tourism industry development in another way, a more practical one. Moreover, interacting with the public at the Fair, mostly potential tourists or travel agencies' representatives, meant the possibility of using and applying knowledge acquired in school.
    "Models for YOUth!" Conference

    The "RAU's Student Club" - CS-URA organizes the third edition of the conference "Models for YOUth!" - Youth employability and career success.

    The event will take place on Wednesday, November 7th, 2012, in the Senate Hall, from 18:00 hours and will have as special guests:
    - Marius Ghenea - business angel
    - Bogdan Daradan - journalist
    - Alex Dinu - Trainer & sales specialist
    - Mihail Musat - Founder & Mintal fitness trainer at WhichWay

    Cooperation with Cervantes Institute

    The Romanian-American University and Cervantes Institute from Bucharest have made an agreement giving our students access to courses, exams and library services provided by the institute.
    Cervantes Institute from Bucharest offers special conditions for RAU students for the following:

    Courses taught on university premises
    General Spanish Course (minimum 6 participants) 581 RON / 40 hours
    Special Courses (legal, commercial, business, tourism, medical etc) (minimum 6 participants) 376 RON / 20 hours
    On-line AVE Courses (Spanish Virtual Aula)
    On-line 3 months course (eg. A2.2 or B2.1) 138 RON
    2 on-line courses of 6 months - of the same level (eg. B1.1 and B1.2 or B1.3 and B1.4 or B2.1 and B2.2) 230 RON
    On-line course for 1 year - level A1+A2 or B1 or B2 or C1 460 RON
    On-line course for DELE exam preparation (Official Spanish Language Diploma) 160 RON

    For further information access the complete offer [RO].
    Partnership with the Business Environment

    Roxana Pelin, winner of the GE Scholar Leaders scholarship, speaks for Money Magazine about her experience with the opportunities provided by the Romanian-American University through its strategic partnership with Romania's business environment leaders.

    click to read the article in Money Magazine [RO]

    HULT PRIZE Competition

    Bitdefender at RAU

    On Tuesday, November 20th, 2012, the Romanian-American University in cooperation with Bitdefender will host the event "Security Threats, Evolution and Case Studies".
    All students and faculty are welcomed to attend, especially members of the School of Computer Science for Business Management.

    World recongnized specialists from Bitdefender - one of the best performers of Romanian IT field and global market leader for IT security solutions, will deliver presentations and case studies, will interact with participants and will offer prizes at the end of the event.

    Freshman's Prom 2012

    The Romanian-American University invites you to the Freshman's Prom 2012!
    The event will take place on Monday, November 26th, starting with 20:30 in Player Hall of Fame Club (Primo Nebiolo Str., No.5)

  • Special guests: Anda Adam and Maximilian... and many more surprises :)

  • Ticket: 25 lei (available at the stand inside the RAU main lobby or in room 304, 3rd floor, C Building)
    Table reservations: Room 304, 3rd floor, C Building, Monday - Friday, 10:00-16:00.

    For further information: 0725-433.796

    International Human Rights Day at the RAU

    The Romanian-American University, One World Romania Association and Rule of Law Program - South-East Europe of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation invites you to celebrate together with us the International Human Rights Day. The event will feature a special projection of the DUPA REVOLUTIE (After the Revolution) documentary by Laurentiu Calciu.
    Presented during the 2011 edition of the International Festival on Human Rights Documentary - One World Romania, the movie present the situation in Bucharest during the first 6 months after the 1989 revolution in Romania.

    Come and join us in the Romanian-American University's Aula Magna, on December 10th, 18:00 PM - free entrance.

    The projection will be followed by an interactive debate between the special guests and the public - Andrei Muraru - Executive President of the Institute for Investigation of Communism Crimes and the Memory of the Romanian Exile, Dragos Ghitulete and Liviu Mihaiu - journalists.

    The event is organizat with the help of Alliance for a Clean Romania - ARC, Society for Justice - SoJust, Leaders for Justice Association - LiderJust, Romanian Association for Debate, Oratory and Rhetoric - ARDOR, Center for Legal Resources - CRJ, European Law Students Association - ELSA, Romanian-American University's Student Club - CS-URA and Radio Guerrilla.
    "European Forum" Debate

    The Romanian-American University together with the European Commission Representation in Bucharest organizes a debate on economics within the "European Forum" campaign. The event will take place on Wednesday, November 21st, in Amphitheater 1, betweem 10:30 - 12:30.
    The special guests of the debate are Mr. Niculae IDU, Chief of the European Commission Representation in Bucharest, and Mr. Daniel Apostol, Director of The Money Channel.

    Together with this campaign there will be an essay contest with prizes for BA and MA students of the schools with economics or foreign relations specific.
    Please read the competition rules [RO] - we wish you good luck!

    Trip to Poiana Brasov!

    The School of Domestic and International Commercial and Financial Banking Relations, School of Computer Science for Business Management and the School of Law have the peasure to invite all our faculty and students to join us to a trip to Poiana Brasov!
    The winter season is coming and we can celebrate together the National Day of Romania, December 1st through this 3 days trip to one of the most beautiful and well known mountain resorts in Romania.

    Schedule: November 30th - December 2nd
    Fee: 300 lei
    The fee includes half-board service and coach transport to Monterai Resort.
    The places should be reserved up to November 26th.

    For further information and reservations:
    DICFBR - asist.drd. Alina OPRESCU
    CSBM - asist.drd. Alin JOITA
    LAW - asist.drd. Anca BALASOIU

    Offer a book!

    A simple gesture helps a child to discover the world! Donate a book, give hope!

    The CS-URA, in partnership with the RAU's School of Law, starts a campaign of donating books for the rural libraries in Romania.
    Students and faculty are invited to donate books that are to be sent to rural libraries in villages or small towns.

    Books can be received during November 21st - November 30th, 2012, at the stand in the main lobby of the Romanian-American University, in 1B Expozitiei Bd., Monday to Friday, 10:30 - 18:00.
    A group of passionate students will welcome you to the stand that is specially arranged to collect the books that are going to be sent to the schools with books deficit.

    Va invitam sa aducem impreuna un zambet pe chipurile scolarilor de la sate!

    "Fiscal Reform Proposals" Debate

    The "Murray Rothbard" Center for Political Economy and Business within the Romanian-American University invites you on Thursday, November 22nd, starting from 18:00 in the Senate Hall in order ta participate at the "Fiscal Reform Proposals" debate.

    The main topics of the event are to be introduced by:
    - Florin Cita - Fiscal Policy which promotes economic growth
    - Gabriel Biris - Unique contribution for social security
    - Bogdan Glavan - Towards a Fiscal Constitution

    Among the discussants we mention Dan Schwartz (RMS Scot) and Mihaela Mitroi (PwC).

    Blood Donation Campaign

    The Health Ministry, Hematology Institute of Bucharest and Blood Transfusion Center of Bucharest invite you to join the blood donors.
    The campaign will start on Wednesday, November 28th, betwee 8:00 - 12:00, inside the medical practice of the Romanian-American University, 5th floor, B Building.

    We thank in advance to all those that will contribute to saving human lives!

    Contact: Andreea Vatavu - 0743.759.098

    BAT - testing session at RAU

    The Romanian-American University and Doctoral School of Finance and Banking (DOFIN), in partnership with Bloomberg, have offered 60 BA and MA students the chance to take the Bloomberg Assessment Test (BAT) FREE of charge.

    The testing session took place on Sunday, November 25th, at the Romanian-American University.

    Taking the BAT offers the possibility to enroll in the database of the Bloomberg Financial Institute (Bloomberg Institute Talent Search).
    This database os frequently used by the world's top financial employers which, based on BAT scores, can recruit skilled and talented employees ready for different positions in the financial business environment.

    Among the companies that have been using the "Bloomberg Institute Talent Search" particularly actively we can mention:
    - Bloomberg, Deutsche Bank, Goldman Sachs, Getco, SJ Securities, Ameropa, Burren Capital, Societe Generale, Credit Agricole, AIG, Guggenheim Partners, Fitch Ratings, The European Commission and Willis.

    How to measure the socio-economic impact of a business?

    The Romanian-American University and Coca-Cola Romania invite you on Wednesday, December 5th, starting at 10:00, in the Senate Hall. We shall debate about the local business environment and its socio-economic impact - case study "The socio-economic impact of the Coca-Cola System in Romania".

    Guest speakers:
    - Willem Ruster, representative of Steward Redqueen, author of the case study
    - Miruna Smeureanu, Communication Director of Coca-Cola Romania
    - Marian Naiman, Quality Director of Coca-Cola Romania

    DECEMBER 2012

    Security Seminar organized by Bitdefender for the students of the Romanian-American University

    BUCHAREST, November 22, 2012 - Bitdefender, the local market leader in the domain of Antivirus, in collaboration with the Romanian-American University organized the seminar Security Threats Evolution and Case Studies - Information threats, evolution and case studies, which brought together nearly 100 students and teachers.

  • Bitdefender Official Press Release

  • "European Union - Where to?" Conference

    Thursday, November 29th, 2012, 10:00 am, at the RAU's Senate Hall, under the auspices of the Law School, took place the debate on the topic "European Union - Where to?".

    Among the participants there were many specialists in the fields of international and EU law, which debated on interesting topics related to the present and the perspectives of the European Union.
    We can mention some of the participants: His Excellency ambassador Dumitru Maziliu, PhD Professor; Honorary Consul of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, av. Mihai Ferariu; C.N.R.R. president Nicolae Carcu; Nicoleta Diaconu, PhD Professor; Nicolae Purda, PhD Professor; Doinita Ciocarlan, PhD Professor; Pruna Mihaela, PhD Associate Professor; Ion Necsulescu, PhD Associate Professor; Cristian Jura, PhD Associate Professor; Gabriel Ispas, PhD Associate Professor; Gabriel Moinescu, PhD Associate Professor; Oana Ispas, , PhD Lecturer; Adrian Lazaroia, PhD and Sergiu Vasile, PhD Candidate as FRONTEX experts; Vlad Carmen, teaching assistant, PhD Candidate and Andrei Constantin, teaching assistant.

    The event was organized by Coman Florian, PhD Professor, vice-dean of the Law School, together with Cristian Zaharie, PhD Candidate Lecturer and Silvia Tabusca, PhD, Teaching Assistant.

    "Give from your Heart!" Campaign

    December is probably the most beloved and joyous month of the year because it brings snow, Christmas lights, presents and lots of traditions. It's a time when we gather around the Christmas tree with friends and family, exchange gifts and have fun. Unfortunately, not everybody can take part in these joys alongside their families. In Filipesti de Targ, a group of about 50 red cheeked children from the local orphanage are wondering if Santa will come visit them this year.

    The Romanian-American University's Students' Club (CS-URA) wants to make sure that these wonderful children will receive Santa's presents and that's why they need your help.
    Give a toy, some clothing, a few pennies or any other gift you think will bring a smile on these children's faces and make their holidays brighter. We are gladly waiting for you:
    • at the stand in the Romanian-American University's hallway ( Expozitiei Boulevard, Nr. 1B, Bucharest)
    • Monday to Friday
    • from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.

    This campaign will last until December 17th.

    It is the fifth consecutive year in which we bring joy to those less fortunate than us, so please help us continue this tradition!

    Round table "The new criminal legislation - aplication frame"

    Wednesday, December 5th 2012, in the Senate Hall of the RAU we invite you to a round table dedicated to the topic of "The new criminal legislation - aplication frame".
    The event will take place between 12:00 - 15:00.
    Speakers: Ilie Pascu, PhD Professor and Constantin Duvac, PhD Associate Professor.

    Day Off - December 10th, 2012

    Due to the election process which will take place in Romania on December 9th, on Monday, December 10th, 2012, all didactic and administrative duties will be postponed.

    We ask all BA and MA students to follow the "Timetable" section of our website for the reschedule of these activities.
    "The new criminal legislation - limits of application" Conference

    On the 5th of December 2012, between 12:00 and 15.00, at the RAU's Senate Hall, took place, under the authority of the Faculty of Law, the Conference called "The new criminal legislation - limits of application", from the series of Conferences: The new Romanian legislation.

    At the above mentioned event, moderated by Mr. Mihai Olariu PhD Lecturer, have lectured: Mr. Ilie Pascu PhD Professor, at the Eco University of Bucharest, member of the Commission for preparing the draft of the 2009 Criminal code, author of numerous works of literature in the field of criminal law; Mr. Constantin Duvac, PhD Associate Professor, at the Agora University in Oradea, editor-in-chief of the magazine by criminal law, coordinator, author and co-author of 16 books and more than 80 articles, studies in the field of criminal sciences.
    The opening word of the conference belonged to Mr. Ovidiu Folcut, PhD Professor, Rector of the Romanian-American University.

    At the conference also attended other personalities of the law sciences: Mr. Valerica Lazar PhD Associate Professor, Mr. Ionita Iulian PhD Lecturer, Niculae Gament Lecturer, assist. Mihaita Mitroi; asist. Mihaela Matache, asist. Florian Kamen, asist. Simona Tache, and students of the Faculty of Law, as auditors.
    The event was organized by Mrs. Mihaela Pruna, PhD Associate Professor - Dean of the Law School, Mrs. Oana Ispas, PhD Lecturer, Legal Sciences Department Director, Mr. Mihai Olariu PhD Lecturer and Cristian Zaharie, PhD Candidate Lecturer.

    "Managing Your Hospitality Career" Debate

    On Wednesday, the 12th of December 2012, at 13:30 pm, room 426, the School of Domestic and International Tourism Economy will host a debate on the topic of "MANAGING YOUR HOSPITALITY CAREER".

    Our special guest is GEORGE CRISTEA.

    The possessor of numerous international certifications and of a considerable experience of almost 10 years on the hotel market, George Cristea is now an authentic role model of a successful entrepreneur through the promotion of his own brand - "HOSPES" – for four-star hotels in Romania.

    Chair: Prof. Daniela Firoiu, PhD.
    Great scholarship opportunity: GE Foundation Scholar-Leaders Program

    Second-year undergraduate students will be awarded in the GE Foundation Scholar-Leaders Program at five selected Romanian universities, including the Romanian-American University (http://www.scholarshipandmore.org/cee), in the fields of economics, management and technology.

    The available awards:
  • an 1500 Euro annual scholarship for two years (total of 3000 Euros)
  • the opportunity to participate in activities including a 3-day seminar on leadership (Leadership Development Program)
  • a work shadowing possibility with GE in Romania

  • For more details and for the application form, please visit:
    - website: www.scholarshipandmore.org/cee
    - Facebook page

    Application deadline: December 17th, 2012
    We remind you that RAU's students have an outstanding record regarding the GE Foundation Scholar-Leaders Program - during the last three years RAU students have always been among the winners of the competition. We wish you good luck!

    If you have more questions after reading the webpage, for more information on the program, please contact:

    IIE European Office
    E-mail: [email protected]
    Phone: (+36 1) 472-2250
    Student Scientific Communications Session

    On Wednesday, December 12th 2012, the Romanian-American University organizes a new edition of the Student Scientific Communications Session.
    The event is organized on different sections, according to topics and study programs of the authors.

  • Session Schedule [RO]

  • "Croatia - the 28th member of the EU" - event presented by the Croatian Ambassador in Romania

    The School of European Economic Studies in partnership with the European Institute in Romania organizes on Wednesday, December 12th, 2012, starting from 12:00 am, in the Senate Hall, a meeting with Her Excellency Ms. Andrea Gustovic-Ercegovac, Croatian Ambassador in Romania. The ambassador will have a presentation entitled: "Croatia - the 28th member of the EU".
    Spring School on Human Trafficking, Public Health and Law

    The Romanian-American University, in partnership with St.Thomas University (USA), Technische Universitat Dresden (Germany), Siena University (Italy) and Masaryk University (Czech Republic) organizes a Spring School on "Human Trafficking, Public Health and the Law".
    The spring school will take place in Siena, Italy, between 4th - 16th of March, 2013.

    Fee is 30 euro/day - includes trasportation by airplane, accomodation, meals, tuition fee.
    Application deadline: December 16th, 2012.

    Country coordinator for Romania:
    Silvia Tabusca, [email protected]

    For further information:

    Christmas Carols Concert

    The Cristmas atmosphere is everywhere and it has just landed in RAU too!

    The Student Club, CS-URA, invites you on Thursday, December 13th, starting from 18:00 hours, in the main lobby of the university to join us for a Christmas Carols Concert.
    On the sounds arrangements directed by the teachers Emanuela Avram and Ioan Iacob, we invite you to share our joy for this magic time of the year.

    The funds raised on this occasion will be directed to the children from Popesti Leordeni and Filipestii de Targ, within the CS-URA's Christmas Campaign!

    PS: We have prepared many sweet surprises for the carols' singers, things that you do not want to miss!
    We are waiting for you!

    "Traditional Dances in South Korea and Romania" Debate

    The debate regarding "Traditional Dances in South Korea and Romania" took place on the 11th of December 2012. The event was organized by the Romanian-Korean Studies Center of the Romanian- American University in partnership with Open Bridge Consortium.

    The presentations have been held by Ms. Alina Zaharia who talked about Kommu and Salpuri dances and Mrs. Adriana Manda who introduced us the Calusari dance. Last but not least Mrs. Ha Young Sun presented us Ganggangsullae and Buchae chum dances.
    Between the participants we were honored to welcome students from the Korean Language Course, enthusiasts of the Korean culture and the management of the Asian Studies Department of the RAU - professor Mihai Sebea and Mr. Serban Georgescu.

    Christmas Party - Santa is coming here for the children of our academic community

    The Romanian-American University invites all the children of our community to join us on Monday, December 17th, from 10:00 o'clock, in the main lobby of the RAU.
    Come to wait with us, next to the superb Christmas Tree, decorated by the CS-URA Student Club members, for Santa!. He promised to be there, loaded with gifts for all the young ones. Veniti alaturi de superbul brad de Craciun, impodobit de studentii din Clubul Studentilor CS-URA, sa il asteptam impreuna pe Mos Craciun! A promis ca vine sigur, incarcat cu o multime de cadouri pentru toti cei mici.

    Charity Party organized by CS-URA

    The last event of the CS-URA Christmas Campaign, before surprising the children from Filipestii de Targ and Popesti-Leordeni, will be the Charity Party for Christmas (Saturday, 15th of December), at Zoom Cafe,starting from 21:00 hours.

    Among the special guests we mention:
    - Robert Reamzy - participant at Romania's Voice
    - Cristi Nistor - participant at Romania's Voice
    - Kaira and Saya

    It is the "gift month", so join us to fill the Santa's backpack with the help of the entrance fee of 10 lei, and on the basis on this ticket you can also participate at our raffle.

    Outstanding Results for the students of the Law School

    At the Humanitarian and Refugee Law Multinational Moot Court Competition, our team, representing the School of Law of the Romanian-American University, has won two of the most important awards:

    • the team prize for " THE BEST TEAM IN COMPETITION ON REFUGEES' LAW", awarded by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees and Humanitarian Law Research Centre "Nicolae Titulescu", International Humanitarian Law Centre of the Romanian Army, the National Commission on Humanitarian Law, National Red Cross Society.
    • the individual prize "Constantin Cunescu", won by Adrian Manole for the "BEST STUDENT IN COMPETITION".
    We congratulate all the team members:
    - Diana Stoica,
    - Adrian Manole,
    - Teodor Comaneanu,
    for the results and the succesful representation of the School of Law at this prestigious and traditional competition. The competition was attended by law schools' team from Romania and Republic of Moldavia, as well as teams from the army and police academies. The competition was focused on five subjects: International Criminal Law, Legal Protection of Human Rights, Refugee Law, Humanitarian Law and International Law.

    The team was coordinated by professor Florian Coman, PhD and Silvia Tabusca, PhD.

    International Recognition for the ATC IATA RAU

    In less than two years since its founding, the ATC RAU IATA centre has taken an important step in gaining the international performance recognition. Thus, in early December, IATA Montreal made public the announcement that Ms. Simona Iordache, alumni of the course IATA/UFTAA Foundation in Travel and Tourism at the ATC RAU centre, has been awarded with the September 2012 exam session Best Performer recognition.
    This award represents the best performance of a student at the international level.

    The IATA ATC RAU centre was established in the spring of 2011, and its activity is organized and coordinated by Mrs. Camelia Gheorghe, Ph.D., professor at the School of Domestic and International Economy of Tourism, the teaching activity being supported by Mrs. Adina Paun, IATA trainer with over 9 years of experience.
    Currently, the centre boasts 6 series of students, is preparing the 7th series and, in the same time, the launch of the module IATA/UFTAA Travel and Tourism Consultant.

    "Cultural and Spiritual Values of the Old Bucharest" Project

    Sunday, December 15, 2012, the students from the School of Domestic and International Economy of Tourism, coordinated by Mrs. Camelia Gheorghe PhD, launched the project "Cultural and Spiritual Values of the Old Bucharest". Through the project, it was organized a tour of Interwar Bucharest, in which the third year students have played an essential role as guides and brought to life the stories that made it known as Little Paris. The route checked some of the most iconic sights of the capital, real cultural, spiritual and architectural jewels, including the Romanian Athenaeum, the Royal Palace, Central University Library, the headquarters of the Union of Architects of Romania, Casa Capsa, Sutu Palace, the National Bank of Romania. They visited the National Art Gallery and the temporary exhibitions "Testimonials. Arges Monastery Frescoes" and "The National Myth: Visual Arts and Romanian Identity" at the National Museum of Art of Romania and the CEC Palace.

    The students Mirela Matei, Raluca Tudor, Florentina Trasca, Vlad Rusu, Andrei Troasca, Octaviana Popa, Roxana Pelin, Simona Rontescu and Andrei Stoica invited Mika Yoshida from Waseda University (Japan), Elena Grozavu from the Romanian-Japanese Studies Centre, Flavius Streianu and Aiste Razinskaite from the Office for European Programs - ERASMUS. Among the teachers who supported the initiative and participated at the event were Mrs. Cristina Maniu, Mr. Marian Busuioc and Mr. Cezar Mihalcescu, Director of the Department of Touristic Services Management and also Mr. Mihai Sebea, European Programmes Coordinator.

    The developed program completes the teaching activity done in the first semester of academic year 2012-2013, representing in the same time a practical connection with the studied subjects. The tour could become in the future an event to be held regularly.

    Santa was here!

    Monday, December 17th, the Romanian-American University has been visited by Santa, himself!

    All the children of our academic community came next to the superb Christmas Tree, decorated by the CS-URA Student Club members, and waited for Santa!. He came, helped by his aids and preceded by magicians and clowns. He broght a lot of gifts for everyone and a lot of joy for the youngest of us.

    © Universitatea Romano-Americana / Romanian-American University - Toate drepturile rezervate.

    Publicat la: 2013-01-01 (22050 citiri)

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