Exista in mod curent, 61 vizitator(i).
Bachelor Exam - Methodology 2019-2020
- Enrollment period:
to be determined
- Daily program for applications:
to be determined
Rules and regulations for the organization of the bachelor degree examination
Examination fee: 250 Euro
- Documents required for the bachelor examination degree:
- standard application form;
- the bachelor project, accompanied by the scientific coordinator's report (standard form);
- anti-plagiarism report (created, printed and signed by the coordinator);
- standard form for confirmation of the upload of the bachelor project into the online institutional database (standard form *);
- birth certificate, copy with the conformity to the original certification made by the RAU clerk based on the original, which will be returned to the candidate;
- marriage certificate, copy with the conformity to the original certification made by the RAU clerk based on the original, which will be returned to the candidate (if applicable);
- handwritten statement on the originality of the bachelor project (standard form);
- baccalaureate diploma or equivalent, original;
- university certification of the student's position as graduated, mentioning the year of graduation, major, period of studies, form of studies (RAU graduates receive this automatically);
- certificate of language proficiency (RAU graduates receive this automatically);
- diploma supplement issued by the university (RAU graduates receive this automatically)
- 3 color photos of 3x4 cm, printed on matte paper;
- receipt of the examination fee payment;
* - the form is printed by the student, at the end of the upload process, at the E-Library Room (B Building, ground floor).
The bachelor project must be comprised into 1 single file, maximum size of 50MB (cover page, first page, table of contents, paper, bibliography, annexes). We recommend the use of pdf type files (doc, docx or rtf files are also usable). Database upload is done through the institutional webpage web.rau.ro, section
"Bachelor Exam->Electronic format upload".
The upload is open only after the finishing of the summer exam session, for the current academic year.
Documents are presented in cardboard envelope file.
© Universitatea Romano-Americana / Romanian-American University - Toate drepturile rezervate. Publicat la: 2013-11-05 (4894 citiri) [ Inapoi ] |