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Academic Records Office

Public hours:
During AUGUST the office is closed.
- Monday: 15:00 - 18:00
- Tuesday, Wednesday: 8:30 - 12:00
- Thursday: 15:00 - 18:00
- Friday: 8:30 - 12:00

Info about:
  • Documents required for issuing diplomas
  • What types of educational documents can be issued
  • Information about Diploma Supplement
  • Issuing of study documents
  • Issuing of duplicate study documents
  • Recommendations
  • Fees

  • The Academic Records Office only releases BA/MA diplomas (accompanied by diploma supplement) obtained by Romanian-American University graduates.
    Romanian-American University students which did not yet graduate are kindly asked to address the school's secretariats for any other documents.

    The situation below refers to the study programs taught in English. For the situation of diplomas referring to the study programs taught in Romanian please check the dedicated page.
    = diplomas are available
    = diplomas are not yet available

    Study Program (organizing school) 2014 - 2016 2017 2018
    CSE (CSBM)
    IB (DIBBF)

    Study program (organizing school) 2016 2017 2018
    Computer Science for Business (CSBM)
    Finance (DIBBF)
    International Business & Entrepreneurship (DIBBF)
    Strategic Marketing (MM)

  • Documents required for issuing diplomas

  • - ID Card (valid, original) for Romanian citizens and valid passport for foreign citizens (valid, original); marriage certificate or other document attesting a name change, if this happened after the graduation moment.
    - In case the graduate cannot pick up the documents, these can be issued to an empowered, based on a proxy for this purpose, authenticated by a public notary
    - Receipt (where necessary, from the cashier desk, ground floor) representing the value of archiving academic record documents for diplomas not released after more than 2 years from the finalizing exam (see Fees section)

  • What types of educational documents can be issued here?

  • Academic records are official documents issued by the government, which confer to the holders an entire set of rights and obligations, coming from the Education Law no. 1/2011, with all subsequent modifications of the Government Resolution no. 44/03.02.2016, regarding the organization and functioning of the Ministry of National Education and Scientific Research, published in the Official Gazette of Romania, Part I, no. 99/09.02.2016, with all subsequent modifications, to the Order of the minister of national education no. 657/2014, for the approval of the Regulations regarding study documents regime in higher education system, published in the Official Gazette of Romania, Part I, no. 874/ 02.12.2014.
    The Academic records issued by the Romanian-American University are:
    - BA Diploma and Transcript or Diploma supplement (annex to the diploma)
    - MAS Diploma and Transcript or Diploma supplement (annex to the diploma)
    - Transcript / Diploma Supplement - Annex to diploma

  • Information about Diploma Supplement

  • According to the OMEC no. 4868 of 07.08.2006, regarding the Diploma Supplement, graduates that finished their studies starting with July 2006 receive the Diploma Supplement for free, as a mandatory annex to the BA Diploma.
    The newly introduced document is designed according to the European standards, being published both in Romanian and English, with rich information content. Among others, the document refers to: study domain, specialization, title awarded, status of the institution, study language, level of study, requirements of the study program, description of the study program, grading system and graduate ranking within his year, access to further studies, after graduation. The last page contains information about the national education system, a diagram of Romanian educational system and a description of the higher education system.

  • Issuing of study documents

  • Academic records are issued to the holder in person, in original, only once.
    If the owner of the records cannot come himself to pick up the documents, he can send an empowered, based on a proxy for this purpose, authenticated by a public notary from Romania or by the Romanian Consular Service in the country where the owner is located. In case that, after graduation, a name change occurs, the owner must also specify the name used during the study period. A copy of the owner's ID card must be annexed, and the empowered must present the ID specified by the proxy.

  • Issuing of duplicate study documents

  • In case of loss or partial or total destruction of academic records, or in case of a plastic coating of a document, duplicates can be issued, based on the following documents:
    - Application for duplicate, addressed to the RAU Rector
    - Affidavit, authenticated by a public notary, on the circumstances of the loss or partial/ total destruction of the original documents
    - Birth certificate, legalized copy OR original and a normal copy
    - Two recent photos, 3 x 4 cm, color, printed on photo paper. The owner should wear light color clothes and have a decent posture (photos are required only for diploma duplicates)
    - The Romanian Official Gazette, 3rd Part, original, with the publication of the announcement regarding the loss of academic records, or the academic record itself in case of deterioration only
    In case of loss, the announcement addressed to the Romanian Official Gazette must state: record type, full family and first name of the owner, as stated on the original document, year of issuance, series and number of the document, number and date of registration from the Academic Records Office log, name of the university, proof of payment of stamp duty for duplicate issuance. In case the owner does not possess a copy of the lost/destroyed document, the Academic Records Office can provide the information required by the Romanian Official Gazette, either directly or via email. The owner can receive the duplicate in one month after the application approval. The document is released for the owner or empowered, under the conditions stated above
    - Receipt for the duplicate fee paid at RAU cashier desk - (see Fees section).

    The duplicate of a study document is usually issued only once.

  • Recommendations

  • Keep the academic records in good conditions and avoid submitting them to different application cases. Do not use plastic coating for the documents, because authentication can become difficult.

  • Fees

  • All fees for academic records are to be paid at the RAU cashier desk, the equivalent in RON, at the exchange rate of the National Bank of Romania, from the payment day.
    The present fees are:
    - Release of Diploma and Diploma Supplement - FREE OF CHARGE (4 years from the finalizing exam)
    - Archiving of academic record (for diplomas not released after more than 4 years from the finalizing exam) - 50 euro
    - BA/MA Diploma issued under emergency situations - 60 euro
    - BA/MA Diploma, duplicate - 50 euro
    - Transcript/Diploma Supplement, duplicate - 50 euro

    All current RAU fees are available in the Fees section of our website.


    Romanian-American University
    Academic Records Office
    1B Bd. Expozitiei Blvd., Bucharest, sector 1, code 012101
    Ground Floor - Library entrance
    Phone: +4-0372-120.195

    © Universitatea Romano-Americana / Romanian-American University - Toate drepturile rezervate.

    Publicat la: 2014-10-01 (6244 citiri)

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