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Archive - 2014


Microsoft Tech Fest

Microsoft Tech Fest, the festival of technology fans, comes now to the Romanian-American University!

Join us to find out more about the evolution of Windows on different displays, about Office and Windows in Cloud, about the opportunities provided by Microsoft and many more things.
As a bonus, we will be waiting with a lot of cool prizes!

Do not forget:
March 11, from 9:00 to 13:00, Lecture Room 017, Romanian-American University.
Debate: "The Philosophy of Natural and Social Sciences"

The Center for Political Economy and Business "Murray Rothbard" of the Romanian-American University, together with the Center for International Economic Relations Research (BUES) and Romanian Econometrics Association organizes on Friday, 14th of March 2014, inside the RAU's Senate Hall, starting with 16:00 hours, the debate "The Philosophy of Natural and Social Sciences".

The event is part of an entire series entitled "Ideas in Debate" and the guest speaker is Mr. Alexandru A. Popovici, PhD Professor.

Click the image for a larger version

Documentary Film Festival on Human Rights

The Romanian-American University in partnership with One World Romania, invite you on Wednesday, 19th of March 2014, starting at 11:45 am, to attend the special film projection of the documentary "The Unknown Known".
The event is organized within the framework of the Documentary Film Festival on Human Rights which takes place in Bucharest during March 17-23, a respected and traditional festival supported actively and constantly by the RAU.

The documentary projectd in the Aula Magna of the Romanian-American University presents key aspects unknown to the general public, regarding some USA decisions on war policy. At the end of the film, the participants are invited to debate the topic together with widely recognized public personalities in the field of Human Rights.
We are waiting for you to join us.

Click the image for the enlarged version

Debate "NATO - 15 years since the first expansion to the East"

On Wednesday, 12th of March 2014, inside the RAU's Senate Hall we will host the debate entitled "NATO - 15 years since the first expansion to the East".


  • 9:45 - 10:00: Registration

  • 10:00 - 11:30: Welcome speeches

  • Ovidiu Folcut, PhD, Rector of the Romanian-American University

    Special guests:
    Marek Szczygiel, Ambassador of Poland in Romania
    Mircea Geoana, senator, President of Aspen Institute Romania
    Leonard Orban, President of the Administration Board - European Institute in Romania, ex EU Commissioner and Minister of European Affairs

    Gabriela Dragan, PhD, Dean of the School of European Economic Studies - Romanian-American University, General Director of European Institute in Romania

  • 11:30 - 12:00: Interventions, comments, debates

  • Click the image for an enlarged version

    FEBRUARY 2014

    Courses with professors from partner universities

    The Romanian-American University offers its students the opportunity to attend a new series of extracurricular courses, held exclusively in English and taught by well known professors from prestigious partner universities in the USA and Europe.

      Professor: Hans Zwaga, Senior Lecturer on Marketing, Management and International Trade - Kemi-Tornio University of Applied Sciences, Finland
      Time frame: February 24 - March 7, 2014
      Schedule: 16:30 - 19:30, MBA Lab

      Professor: Hans Zwaga, Senior Lecturer on Marketing, Management and International Trade - Kemi-Tornio University of Applied Sciences, Finland
      Time frame: March 3 - 14, 2014
      Schedule: 9:00 - 12:00, MBA Lab

      Professor: Seyed Mehdian, Professor of Finance - University of Michigan-Flint, SUA
      Time frame: March 3 - 9, 2014
      Schedule: 09:00 - 12:00, Lecture Room 328

      Professor: Stephen Bowers, PhD - Liberty University, SUA
      Time frame: March 3 - 12, 2014
      Schedule: 9:00 - 12:00, Lecture Room 1 (Library)

      Professor: Nicholas DIMA, PhD, Professor of Geography,Geopolitics and International Studies - James Madison University, SUA
      Time frame: March 17 - 28, 2014
      Schedule: 09:00 - 12:00, Lecture Room 1 (Library)

    • Course: The WORLD in the ERA of GLOBALIZATION
      Professor: Nicholas DIMA, PhD, Professor of Geography,Geopolitics and International Studies - James Madison University, SUA
      Time frame: March 31 - April 11, 2014
      Schedule: 09:00 - 12:00, Lecture Room 1 (Library)

      Professor: James McCollum, PhD, Emeritus Professor of Management - University of Alabama in Huntsville, SUA
      Time frame: April 7 - 18, 2014
      Schedule: 09:00 - 12:00, MBA Lab

      Professor: Matthew Lee, Professor of Psychology - James Madison University, SUA
      Time frame: May 5 - 16, 2014
      Schedule: 09:00 - 12:00, MBA Lab

      Professor: William Perttula, Emeritus Professor of Marketing - San Francisco State University, SUA
      Time frame: May 5 - 9, 2014
      Schedule: 09:00 - 12:00, Lecture Room 1 (Library)

      Professor: Roza Pati, PhD, Professor of Law, Executive Director of the Graduate Program in Intercultural Human Rights, Director of the Human Trafficking Academy, Member of the Vatican's Pontifical Council of Justice and peace - St. Thomas University, SUA
      Time frame: May 12 - 16, 2014
      Schedule: 09:00 - 12:00, Lecture Room 1 (Library)

      Professor: Daniel G. Gallacher, Professor of Marketing - James Madison University, SUA
      Time frame: May 19 - 23, 2014
      Schedule: 09:00 - 12:00, MBA Lab

    For further information check out dedicated website:

    Info & applications:
    Office for American Programs
    3rd Floor / Office 305
    Phone +4- / +4-0372.120.121
    E-mail: [email protected]

    Free training "How to fish a JOB in a jiffy"

    The Center for Counseling and Carreer Guidance (CCOC) invites you to attend the free training seminar entitled "How to fish a JOB in a jiffy" - a very useful training for any BA or MA student or graduate in order to better identify and occupy a working place.

    The training takes place in Room 017, starting at 15:00 pm, on February 26, 2014 and March 3, 2014.

    Trainer: Monica Rosu
    Special guest: Angela Sabaru - Joint HR

    Click on the image for an enlarged version

    Portuguese Language Courses

    During the 2013-2014 academic year the Romanian-American University, in partnership with the Portuguese Embassy / Camoes Instituto da Cooperaçao e da Língua is going to launch a new edition of Portuguese Language Classes!

  • "Beginner" level:
  • At the end of the module graduates will have achieved A1/A2 level, according to the European Framework of Reference for Languages.

  • "Intermediate" level:
  • At the end of the module, graduates will have achieved A2/B1 level, according to the European Framework of Reference for Languages.

    Opportunities: get to know the professional environment of Portuguese companies in Romania and Portugal (including the possibility to intern in Portugal).

    Duration: each module has 44 hours, 2 classes of 2 hours each week, between 11.03.2014 - 30.05.2014

    - "Beginner" level - Tuesday and Thursday, 18.30 - 20.30, RAU campus
    - "Intermediate" level - Wednesday and Friday, 18.30 - 20.30, RAU campus

    Study fee:
    - 530 lei;
    - 350 lei for RAU students

    17.02.2014 - 10.03.2014, Office for European Programmes - ERASMUS (Room 306, 3rd floor, C building) or by email: [email protected]

    For further information please visit the Office for European Programmes - ERASMUS section.

    Click the image for a larger picture

    Internships available through Erasmus Placements!

    Find out how:

    - Monday, 10th of March 2014, 12:00 hours at Classroom 017 - Erasmus Info Session
    - On the webpage www.rau.ro, in the section "Office for European Programs - ERASMUS"
    - Room 306 - Office for European Programs - ERASMUS

    Erasmus Placement Grants are free grants available for the 2014 June - September period and are financed with 500 to 850 Euro/month.

    For further information:
    - Office for European Programs - ERASMUS (C Building, 3rd floor, Room 306)
    - Phone +40(0)372.120.115
    - Email: [email protected]
    Opening of Intensive Language Courses

    The Department of Foreign Languages of the Romanian-American University announces the official opening of the following extracurricular, intensive language courses:

  • English language - Tuesday, March 4, 2014, 4.30 PM, room 213 (2nd floor)
  • German language - Tuesday, March 4, 2014, 4.30 PM, room 328 (3rd floor)

  • Bucharest Stock Exchange - events in partnership with RAU

    The Romanian-American University in partnership with the Bucharest Stock Exchange organizes on Tuesday, March 4, 2014, the launching of the book "Economia pe intelesul tuturor" (Economics for everyone), author Lucian Anghel, PhD followed by the round table conference "The Bucharest Stock Exchange - Viable financing alternative of Romania".

    The events will benefit from the presence of the representatives of the Bucharest Stock Exchange, Mr. Lucian Anghel, President of the Board of Governors and Mr. Ludwik Sobolewski, CEO.

    The two events will take place in the RAU's Senate Hall. Please register for the two events until Friday, February 28, 2014 by sending a confirmation to:
    [email protected]

    The number of attendants is limited. You can also sent questions to the guests, using the above email address.

    Click the image for a larger version

    Meeting with the representative of Franklin Templeton Investments

    The Romanian-American University and Franklin Templeton Investment Management invite you to attend the conference entitled "Franklin Templeton in Romania - Fondul Proprietatea management and investment opportunities".
    The event will take place on March 3rd, 2014, starting at 15:00 pm, in the Senate Hall.

    Special guest:Mr. Grzegorz Konieczny, Executive Vice President, Templeton Emerging Markets Group.

    Click the image for a larger version

    MARCH 2014

    Microsoft Tech Fest

    Microsoft Tech Fest, the festival of technology fans, comes now to the Romanian-American University!

    Join us to find out more about the evolution of Windows on different displays, about Office and Windows in Cloud, about the opportunities provided by Microsoft and many more things.
    As a bonus, we will be waiting with a lot of cool prizes!

    Do not forget:
    March 11, from 9:00 to 13:00, Lecture Room 017, Romanian-American University.
    Debate: "The Philosophy of Natural and Social Sciences"

    The Center for Political Economy and Business "Murray Rothbard" of the Romanian-American University, together with the Center for International Economic Relations Research (BUES) and Romanian Econometrics Association organizes on Friday, 14th of March 2014, inside the RAU's Senate Hall, starting with 16:00 hours, the debate "The Philosophy of Natural and Social Sciences".

    The event is part of an entire series entitled "Ideas in Debate" and the guest speaker is Mr. Alexandru A. Popovici, PhD Professor.

    Click the image for a larger version

    Documentary Film Festival on Human Rights

    The Romanian-American University in partnership with One World Romania, invite you on Wednesday, 19th of March 2014, starting at 11:45 am, to attend the special film projection of the documentary "The Unknown Known".
    The event is organized within the framework of the Documentary Film Festival on Human Rights which takes place in Bucharest during March 17-23, a respected and traditional festival supported actively and constantly by the RAU.

    The documentary projected in the Aula Magna of the Romanian-American University presents key aspects unknown to the general public, regarding several USA decisions on war policy. At the end of the film, the participants are invited to debate the topic together with widely recognized public personalities in the field of Human Rights.
    We are waiting for you to join us.

  • Special guest: Octavian Manea, winner of the 2013 award Young journalist of the year - foreign policy section

  • Click the image for the enlarged version

    Debate "NATO - 15 years since the first expansion to the East"

    On Wednesday, 12th of March 2014, inside the RAU's Senate Hall we will host the debate entitled "NATO - 15 years since the first expansion to the East".


  • 9:45 - 10:00: Registration

  • 10:00 - 11:30: Welcome speeches

  • Ovidiu Folcut, PhD, Rector of the Romanian-American University

    Special guests:
    Marek Szczygiel, Ambassador of Poland in Romania
    Mircea Geoana, senator, President of Aspen Institute Romania
    Leonard Orban, President of the Administration Board - European Institute in Romania, ex EU Commissioner and Minister of European Affairs

    Gabriela Dragan, PhD, Dean of the School of European Economic Studies - Romanian-American University, General Director of European Institute in Romania

  • 11:30 - 12:00: Interventions, comments, debates

  • Click the image for an enlarged version

    Join us in Europe: Apply for an Erasmus+ Study Grant!

    Find out how:

    - Monday, 10th of March 2014, 12:00 hours at Classroom 017 - Erasmus Info Session
    - On the webpage www.rau.ro, in the section "Office for European Programs - ERASMUS"
    - Room 306 - Office for European Programs - ERASMUS

    Erasmus+ Study Grants are free grants available for the 2014-2015 academic year and are financed with 450 to 500 Euro/month.

    For further information:
    - Office for European Programs - ERASMUS (C Building, 3rd floor, Room 306)
    - Phone +40(0)372.120.115
    - Email: [email protected]
    Legal Careers: Role Models to Follow!

    The Romanian-American University together with its partners Juridice.ro and ELSA Bucharest, with the help and support of Tuca Zbarcea & Asociatii, Savescu & Asociatii Litigators, Dobrinescu Dobrev SCA and DLA Piper, organizes a new event in the Legal Careers: Role Models to Follow! series of events.

    We invite you on Tuesday, 18th of March 2014, starting at 16:00 hours, inside the RAU's Senate Hall, to attend the round table "Admission to the Legal Profession".

  • Agenda [RO]

  • Click the image for a larger version

    Round Table "The Path to Success at Feminine"

    The event "The Path to Success at Feminine" aims to offer women role models for the young students, models which can help them build their own path towards personal and professional success, by combining the needed qualities:
    - solid professional training,
    - initiative,
    - intelligence,
    - charisma,
    - diplomacy.

    As another objective, the event tries to initiate a broader discussion related to the women's statute within the contemporary society and economy, together with the issues of young women's access to the labour market.

    Click the image for a larger version

    D.A.R.E. Conference

    The European Centre for the Rights of Children with Disabilities (ECRCD) together with its partners Romanian-American University and Center for Legal Resources invite you to attend the conference entitled "D.A.R.E. - Dignity Access Respect Education".

    The event coincides with the International Day of the Down Syndrome and will take place on March 21, 2014, inside the Romanian National Library, Mircea Vulcanescu Hall, between 10:00 - 12:30.

    Coming to the aid of the children with disabilities, TVR and ECRCD started the media campaign TVRNews - Isolated among us. On this occasion, each evening of March 2014, in prime-time, the national television will broadcast documentaries and video recordings regarding the rights of children with disabilities.

  • Agenda of the event [RO]

  • Click the image for the enlarged version

    Debate "KAWAII - cuteness, art, kitsch?"

    The Romanian-Japanese Studies Center "Angela Hondru", part of the Romanian-American University's Department of Asian Studies, invites you on Thursday, 20th of March 2014, to participate in the debate entitled "KAWAII - cuteness, art, kitsch?".

    Special guests:
    - Silviu Dancu
    - Bogdan Opreanu

    - Mirela Murgescu
    - Serban Georgescu

    Click the image for a larger version

    Moot Court Competition on Commercial Law

    The School of Law of the Romanian-American University, in partnership with Society of Legal Sciences (SSJ) organizes a new edition of the Moot Court Competition on Commercial Law.
    The contest, already at the V-th edition, will take place on Aprile 12, 2014, inside the court room of the Bucharest Court of Law and is aimed at the 3rd year students of the RAU's School of Law.

    Applications: 19.03.2014 - 25.03.2014
    Enrolments are made directly to the project coordinator - Ms. Luminita Tuleasca, PhD Lecturer or to Ms. Claudia Son, TA.

    The winners of the competition will gain not only a great experience but also scholarships and internships. They will also represent RAU at the Inter-university Moot Court Competition on Commercial Law, held on May 10, 2014, at the Bucharest Court of Appeal.

    We wish you all good luck!
    Role Models for YOUth! - 7th edition

    CS-URA invites you on Wednesday, April 2, 2014, starting at 18:00 hours, to attend sa 7th edition of the conferences series entitled "Role Models for YOUth!".

    The present edition is dedicated to the business environment, having as special guests:

  • Dragos Anastasiu - CEO Euroline & TUI Travel Romania
  • Radu Manolescu - Managing Partner at KM Trust & Partners
  • Oana Nastase - Director Corporate Affairs at Rompetrol, Managing Director at Bucharest Running Club Association & Fun Activ Ltd.
  • Mihai Lungeanu - CEO Pygmalion Advertising, Public Advisors & Cocoa Platypus
  • Octavian Pantis - Trainer & Managing Director at TMI Training and Consulting

  • The event will take place inside the RAU's Senate Hall and it will be moderated by Tony A. Romani.

    Participants are asked to register first, by emailing a message to:
    [email protected]

    More information about the event is available on the dedicated webpage:

    Click the image for a larger version

    Start Your Career, 2nd edition - "Start-up vs. Corporate"

    The second edition of this event focuses on the topic "Start-up vs. Corporate", bringing to the students information about employment opportunities and the steps to follow in order to build you own start-up.
    The organizers aim to bring face-to-face out students with people able to emulate the necessary motivation for taking the first steps towards their dream job, people able to help them get out of their confort zone.

    - March, 27: conference
    - March, 28: 3 workshops

    The conference will be held inside the RAU's Senate Hall, starting at 18:00 hours, having as special guests: Dragos Stanca - ICEE Fest Manager (the largest business event in Romania, dedicated to online industry), prof. Bogdan Glavan, PhD, Radu Iftode – Strategic Consultant for UniCredit Tiriac Bank, Silvia Mogos and Anca Tapai.

    The workshops are scheduled in the Acuarela Teahouse (str. Polona, nr. 40), from 12:30 hours, on the following topics "Nonverbal behavior and aspects of personal branding", "Happiness at work", "Employment opportunities", "List of firms seek employees" and "First steps to a successful career: internship programs, trainee vs. Job".
    We are waiting for many active participants, able to interact harmoniously with the guests.

    Applications to attend should be sent by email:
    [email protected]

    Click the image for a larger version

    EURAXESS Roadshow

    The Executive Unit for Funding the Higer Education, Research, Development and Innovation(UEFISCDI), as national coordinator of the EURAXESS network, supports the pan-European innitiative of promoting the EURAXESS portal and the facilities it offers, within the EURAXESS Roadshow.
    During March - April 2014 representatives of the European Commission travel by coach, within the EURAXESS Roadshow campaing, approximately 10.200 km going through 29 cities of the 22 EURAXESS partner countries.

    In Romania, the EURAXESS Roadshow will be present on March 26, 2014, starting at 10:00 hours, in the parking lot in front of the Politehnica Bucuresti University's Rectorate.

    Click the image for a larger version

    Romanian Government Internship Program

    The Romanian Government has launched the second edition of its Internship Program for the public administration. The same as for the first edition, during two months (July 15 - September 15), the selected candidates will take part in the activities of the Prime Minister Office and the Government's General Secretariat.
    A novelty introduced this year is represented by the extension of the program at the level of all of the Executive's ministries and departments. This year, students and young graduates can choose from more than 170 available internship positions.

    Candidates must meet the following general conditions:
    - to be Romanian citizens;
    - to be no more than 24 years old at the start of the program (July 15th, 2014);
    - to be students of young graduates of BA programs;
    - to know at least one foreign language of international circulation;
    - to have basic computer skills.

    These criteria can be complimented by specific requirements by each ministry or department.

    Applications are to be sent exclusively online, the deadline being May 31, 2014.
    More information is available on the official webpage of the program:
    "Intercultural Day" at the Romanian-American University

    The RAU Student Club (CS-URA), in partnership with the Department of Asian Studies and Performance Magazine, have the distinct pleasure to invite you to attend the Intercultural Day, on April 9, 2014, between 10:30 - 13:30, at the Romanian-American University.

    The Intercultural Day is part of the extended program of the Cultural Week which aims to promote art, culture and volunteering in the ranks of young highschool and BA students. The program of Wednesday, April 9 comprises the following events:
    1. Romanian-Japanese Studies Center. Origami, shodo (Japanese calligraphy), manga, kimono and yukata (Japanese traditional clothes)
    2. Romanian-Korean Studies Center. Hanbok (Korean traditional clothes), calligraphy, Korean games
    3. Romanian-Azerbaijani Studies Center. Azerbaijani language workshop, traditional clothes and food
    4. Romanian-Chinese Studies Center. Exhibition of traditional Chinese objects and Chinese language workshop
    5. Presentation booth of CS-URA
    6. Presentation booth of Performance Magazine, the RAU students' magazine
    7. Booth of the Erasmus students, with presentations about Lithuania, Portugal and Turkey (traditions, language, culture)
    8. Booth of ASA USAMV (photo exhibition, hand-made, Romanian traditional clothes and dances - 11:50 hours)
    9. Booth of AIESEC. Austria, Italy, Egypt, Brazil, Russia - opportunities of internships and intercultural projects
    10. Booth of ASLS - Portuguese workshop, video projections: "European Culture and Youth" and "Dream Map - The World We Want", Spanish workshop
    11. Taiko demonstration (Japanese traditional drums), 10:30 hours
    12. Pottery workshop free for all participants, 10:30 - 13:30 hours
    13. Aikido workshop, sensei Sabin Dumitrescu, 10:30 - 12:00 hours
    You are welcome to join us!

    Contact person for confirmations:
    Eliza Chirila, President of CS-URA
    Phone: 0768-857.726

    Romanian-American University is situated on 1B Expozitiei Blvd. postal code 012101
    The events are scheduled inside the Main Lobby - Ground floor, B Building.

    Click the image for a larger version

    General knowledge competition - 3rd edition

    Do you think you know a lot of things? Do you want to show us that you know? Do you really want to test your knowledge?

    We are waiting for you on Tuesday, 8th of April 2014, at 12:00 hours, in Lecture Room 017 (Ground floor B Building) to demonstrate that you really have what it takes to win the first prize.

    The general knowledge competition addresses to everyone that wants to test their knowledge in different areas.
    The questions will be from a very large spectrum of fields, such as: music, language and literature, history, geography and many more. Each participant can also choose his favourite filed of knowledge.

    - directly at the competition start
    - by phone, call: 0730-986.713

    Click the image for a larger version

    Internships available through Erasmus Placements!

    Erasmus Placement Grants are free grants available for the June - September, 2014 period and are financed with 500 to 850 Euro/month.

    The deadline for applications is April 14, 2014.
    For further information about these opportunities you can contact us at:
  • Office for European Programs - ERASMUS (C Building, 3rd floor, Room 306)
  • phone: +4-0372-120.115
  • web: www.rau.ro, ERASMUS section
  • email: [email protected]

  • Conference "The Political Economy of Taxes from a Free-Market Perspective"

    The Center for Political Economy and Business "Murray Rothbard" of the Romanian-American University, together with its partners Economistul, HotNews.ro, European Institute of Romania, Energy Report, Romanian Economist Students Association and As Invest invite you to attend the conference entitled "The Political Economy of Taxes from a Free-Market Perspective".

    The event will take place on the 8th of April, 2014, starting at 18:00 hours, inside the RAU's Aula Magna, on 1B Expozitiei Blvd., sector 1, Bucharest.

    The conference will be held by Mr. Gene Epstein, Economics Professor, Economics Editor of the famous Barron's magazine, for which he writes since 1993. He has a sustained activity within the public international arena: National Public Radio, CNBC, CNN, BBC TV and FOX. He is the author of the book "Econospinning: How to Read Between the Lines When the Media Manipulate the Numbers", Wiley, 2006.
    Gene Epstein was Senior Economist of the New York Stock Exchange and professor at St. John's University and City University of New York.

    Participation is free of charge. All those interested can apply, up to April 5, by writing to the email address:
    [email protected]

    Click the image for the enlarged version

    Conference "Entrepreneurship in the Hospitality Industry"

    The Babes-Bolyai University in Cluj-Napoca, in partnership with the Romanian-American University in Bucharest and the Stefan cel Mare University in Suceava organize, between October 9th - 11th, 2014, the 3rd edition of the "Entrepreneurship in the Hospitality Industry" International Conference - "Trends in Hospitality".

    The purpose of the conference is to offer the necessary support in exchanging information and experience in the hospitality industry among university faculty, researchers and practitioners, consultants, experts in the industry, PhD students and any other categories interested in the hospitality industry and tourism development.

    For further details, we invite you to access the official conference website:

    Daniela Firoiu, PhD Professor, Romanian-American University, Bucharest
    Phone: +4-0722-95.35.14
    e-mail: [email protected]
    Debate "UE Budget - Instruments of Economic Growth and Development within Member States"

    The European Parliament Department of Public Information in Bucharest, with the support of the European Studies and Research Center of the Romanian-American University, invite you to attend the debate on the topic "EU Budget - Instruments of Economic Growth and Development within Member States".
    The event moderator is Constantin Rudinschi, journalist.

  • Ovidiu Folcut, PhD Professor - RAU's Rector
  • Victor Bostinaru - representative in the European Parliament
  • Theodor Stolojan representative in the European Parliament
  • Bogdan Barla, European Parliament Department of Public Information
  • Cristian Paun, PhD Professor - Bucharest University of Economic Studies
  • Mihai Vladimir Topan, PhD Lecturer - Bucharest University of Economic Studies

  • The event will take place on April 14th, 2014, starting at 11:00 a.m., inside the RAU's Senate Hall, on 1B Expozitiei Blvd, sector 1, Bucharest.

    Click the image for a larger version

    Conference "The Role and Position of the Federal Republic of Germany within the Global Economy"

    The Romanian-American Univeristy together with the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in Romania invite you to attend the conference entitled "The Role and Position of the Federal Republic of Germany within the Global Economy".
    The event will take place on 16th of April, 2014, starting at 15:00, in the RAU's Senate Hall.

    The main guest of the conference is His Excellency Mr. Werner Hans Lauk, Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany in Romania.

    For further information and reservations:
    [email protected]

    Click the image for a larger version

    APRIL 2014

    Hospitality International Summer School

    The 2nd edition of the "Hospitality International Summer School", with the topic "The Hospitality Industry Stakeholders: Influences and Perspectives" will take place between July 21st and July 28th, 2014.

    "Hospitality International Summer School" is an intensive training programme, offered to BA and MA students for professional development, through the partnership between the Romanian-American University in Bucharest - School of Domestic and International Economy of Tourism, the Babes-Bolyai University in Cluj-Napoca - School of Business and the Stefan cel Mare University in Suceava - School of Economic Sciences and Public Administration.

    The programme's coordinates are as follows:
    • Period: July 21st - July 28th, 2014;
    • Location: The Economic Sciences and Public Administration Faculty of the Stefan cel Mare University, Suceava;
    • Duration of the programme: 63 hours, out of which 20 hours of classes, 10 hours of seminars and practical work, 24 hours of individual study and 9 hours Project Portfolio;
    • Finalization form of the programme: Project Portfolio presentation;
    • The programme includes specific course modules related to the hospitality industry.
    • Study visits, cultural and social activities are also included in the programme.
    • Participation fee: 380 lei.
    Daniela Firoiu, PhD Professor, Romanian-American University, Bucharest
    Phone: +4-0722-95.35.14
    E-mail: [email protected]
    Internship @EXPLORATIST

    The Romanian-American University brings a new opportunity for the students of the School of Domestic and International Business, Banking and Finance, School of Domestic and International Economy of Tourism and School of Management-Marketing. They can apply for an INTERNSHIP with the EXPLORATIST company:
    1. Office & Finance Specialist (RCFBII) - click here for details
    2. Travel & Innovative Events Specialist (ETII si MM) - click here for details
    The internship programs are schedules for a duration of 1 year (5 hours/day), the interns having the opportunity to get involved in projects with financial benefits.

    In order to apply you have to send a letter of motivation of maximum 100 words at the email address [email protected], in which you have to argument why the company should choose you for the respective position.

    Further information:
    www.exploratist.ro | www.exploratist.com | www.yme.ro
    Graduation Prom - RAU 2014

    The GRADUATION PROM - RAU 2014 will take place on the 22nd of May, 2014 at Ghika Palace, starting with 20:00 hours.
    The event is organized by CS-URA.

    Address: 5 Doamna Ghica Street
    Price: 290 RON

    For further information and reservations:
    • 0749-524-780 (DIBBF)
    • 0745-862-116 (MM)
    • 0724-269-721 (LAW)
    • 0742-522-606 (DIET)
    • 0760-243-410 (EES)
    • 0724-007-730 (CSBM)

    Click the image for a larger version

    IELTS Exams at RAU - Info Session

    Romanian-American University in partnership with British Council, invites you to the information session on IELTS courses and examinations organized at the Romanian-American University.

    The event will take place on Tuesday, the 15th of April, 2014, at 12:00, in room 520.

    Our guest is Ms. Ioana Serbanescu, IELTS and Cambridge presenter and examiner at British Council.

    For further details: [email protected]

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    International professors - Law Courses

    The Romanian-American University, together with its partners Columbia Law School (USA), St. Thomas University's School of Law (USA) and Department of Law within University of Siena (Italy), invite you to attent a series of elite intensive courses held by world known international professor.

    Classes are offered FREE to all students and graduates of the Romanian-American University.
    * For the BA students of IIIrd and 4th academic year with the School of Law, participation in ANY TWO COURSES out of the three presented here is considered equivalent to the mandatory internship stage.

    Info & applications:
    International Relations Office
    3rd Floor, Room 305
    Phone +4- | +4-0372.120.121
    E-mail: [email protected]

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    Workshop "The Future Impact of Disruptive Technologies on Traditional Industries"

    During May 6-7, 2014 we invite you to participate to an intensive workshop focused on The Future Impact of Disruptive Technologies on Traditional Industries and Solutions with an Italian Company as Live Case Study, Pigna Ltd..
    The workshop coordinator is Ms. Joanna Symms, Senior Partner - Fraser Lloyd & Partners LLP, UK.

    Info & registrations:
    American Programs Office
    C Building, Room 305, 3rd floor
    Phone: +4- | +4-0372.120.121
    email: [email protected]
    Conference "How To Talk with A Socialist About the Free Market"

    The Center for Political Economy and Business "Murray Rothbard" within the Romanian-American University, with the support of The Money Channel, invite you to attend the conference on the topic "How To Talk with A Socialist About the Free Market".
    The host of the event will be the journalist Bogdan Mugescu.

    The event will take place on April 10, 2014, starting at 11:00, inside the RAU's Senate Hall, 1B Expozitiei Blvd., sector 1, Bucharest.

    The conference wi The conference will be held by Mr. Gene Epstein, Economics Professor, Economics Editor of the famous Barron's magazine, for which he writes since 1993. He has a sustained activity within the public international arena: National Public Radio, CNBC, CNN, BBC TV and FOX. He is the author of the book "Econospinning: How to Read Between the Lines When the Media Manipulate the Numbers", Wiley, 2006.
    Gene Epstein was Senior Economist of the New York Stock Exchange and professor at St. John's Universityand and City University of New York.

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    RAU Student Scientific Circles Session - April 2014

    The RAU Scientific Student Circles Session, for the second semester, will take place on April 16, 2014.

    Detailed informations on the sections, schedule and places will be published on Tuesday, April 15, 2014.
    Debate "Development Path. Failures and Successes in Overcoming Economic Discrepancies. Romania and Japan"

    The Romanian-Japanese Studies Center "Angela Hondru", part of the Romanian-American University's Department of Asian Studies, invites you on Monday, April 14th, 2014, starting at 18.00 in the RAU's Senate Hall to attend the debate entitled "Development Path. Failures and Successes in Overcoming Economic Discrepancies. Romania and Japan"

    Special guests of this event are: Bogdan Murgescu, PhD Professor (University of Bucharest) and Florin Bonciu, PhD Professor (Romanian-American University).
    The hosts of the event are: Mirela Murgescu si Serban Georgescu.

    The event is part of a series called "Meetings at a Japanese Green Tea", organized in partnership with Otaku Festival and with the support of JTI and Lipton.

    We are waiting for you!

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    "Travel Mates" Tourism Club

    Easter traditions vary around the world, from dramatic religious celebrations to spectacular carnivals, from dyeing eggs to dancing around them. In Romania, Easter is associated to egg painting, tradition still kept in most of the regions, but especially in Bucovina.
    Which is the religious meaning of egg painting and which are the techniques that made the peasants of Bucovina undisputed artists by turning a simple egg in an amazing piece of art? What are their patterns inspired by and how did a simple tradition become a form of art recognized internationally?

    To find the answers to all these questions, The Tourism Club "Travel Mates" is inviting you to the egg painting workshop: "Easter - religion, tradition, art", taking place on Tuesday, 15th of April, 11.00 am in the main hallway of the Romanian-American University.

    The Easter traditions in our country as well as the secrets of the egg-painting craft will be presented by a team of ethnologists from the Village Museum and by traditional artists from Bucovina.

    We are waiting for you to join us!
    "EGGlympic" Games 2014

    Are you ready to face the Easter challenge in Herastrau park?
    The "Travel Mates" Tourism Club invites all RAU students that want to feel the Easter spirit to compete in the "EGGlympic Games"!

    Come to RAU main lobby at 12:00 a.m. on Wednesday, 16th of April 2014, and prepare for fun!

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    RAU International Week

    The European Programs Office ERASMUS is very pleased to invite you to join us for our International Week (with a focus on Japanese Culture) which will be held between 5th and 9th of May, 2014.

    It will be a very useful multicultural experience for both Romanian and International Students!

    We will be waiting for you!

    RAU IELTS Courses

    Romanian-American University, in partnership with the British Council, organises Courses of English to prepare candidates for IELTS examinations, at the Romanian-American University.

  • The courses take place between May 5 and June 5, 2014 in 2 weekly sessions of 3 hours each.
  • The test at the Romanian-American University on June 28, 2014 can result in an IELTS CERTIFICATE for you.
  • The price of the course amounts to RON 500, payable at the Romanian-American University cashier's desk, Building B, ground floor.

  • Further information:
    [email protected]
    Department of Foreign Languages, third floor, room 310, +4-0372-120.168

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    RAU at the University Fair in Pitesti

    The Romanian-American University has participated on April 10, 2014 at the "University Fair", organized inside Euromall, Pitesti, the education offer of RAU being successfully promoted by RAU BA and MA students.

    The event was organized by the Arges Students County Council, with the help of Arges County Department for Sport and youth, Arges County School Inspectorate and Euromall Pitesti. The event was accompanied by the III-rd editiona of the "Arges High Schools Parade" and the "NGOs Fair".

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    ONV LAW scholarships for students who are passionate about performance

    ONV LAW together with the School of Law of the Romanian-American University invite you to show your passion for performance in law. First, second and third year students can apply by sending an email at [email protected]. Submissions must include the following:
  • a one page personal statement outlining what performance in law means for you;
  • a legal essay on one of the following topics:
    - The role and the importance of case law as part of the Romanian legal system (1st year of study),
    - The theory of frustration – legal challenge during an economic crisis (2nd year of study),
    - Special issues regarding the works contract according to the New Romanian Civil Code (3rd year of study);
  • evidence of academic record for the last year of study (for 1st year students - 1st semester grades).
  • Drafting requirements for the legal essay:
    When drafting the legal essay, all legal notions will be analysed in accordance with the legislation currently in force. Students will necessarily use Romanian doctrine and case law (foreign doctrine and case law are optional).
    Students will use footnotes to mention doctrine and case law sources. At the end of the paper, students will write a bibliography, listing all the materials they have used or referred to. Each legal essay will end with conclusions.

    Applications deadline is May 12, 2014. Candidates who have submitted the best papers will be invited to our office on May 19th, 2014, for the final phase, the interview.

    Selected winners will have their 2014-2015 tuition fees paid and will also be offered an internship at ONV LAW.

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    Romanian-American University
    April 17th
    1991 - 2014

    The Romanian-American University celebrates today its 23rd anniversary!

    Founded on the 17th of April 1991, the Romanian-American University is and will remain in history directly linked to the name of its founder, the late Professor Ion SMEDESCU, who used to say: "...we have created (the University) with all our mind and soul, in order to promote the educational values of the American system, amid the rich traditions of Romanian education", adding, "How right was Victor Hugo when he said: There is a force more powerful than all the armies of the world and this is an idea whose time has come. And indeed , the time has arrived. The University is a living reality, which ranks in the elite of Romanian higher education.".

    Today, after 23 years of existence, the Romanian-American University finds itself at a time full of satisfactions and hope. The satisfactions are based on the publicly recognized accomplishments and hope is generated by faith in the fairness of the road chosen and self-confidence. The time which elapsed since its establishment, the experience gained during these years reinforces this confidence in the future of our university, the road to the world of tomorrow is definitely designed by our ability to see and understand the world around us, but not without bringing tribute of a dream come true, not without understanding that the true responsibility is based on building and complying with a system of professional, moral, ethical and social values enabling the understanding of real history that characterizes our past and defines our identity!
    RAU Job Fair 2014

    Over 20 top companies from the fields of tourism, finance, banking, IT and legal services are waiting for you on the 13th of May 2014, between 10:00 - 17:00, in the main lobby of the Romanian-American University in order to participate in the RAU JOB FAIR 2014.

    Participation is COMPLETELY FREE OF CHARGE!

    The event also comprises several themed workshops. You can apply to them by means of email addressed to [email protected]. The series of workshops already confirmed :

    11:00 hours:
    - "Audit is an art" (EY, Alina Gheorghe, Manager Assurance Department Laura Mazilu, Senior Assurance Department)
    - "Business Intelligence" (HP, Adina Dragulin, Manager BI Customer Insights & Innovation; Irina Dima, Manager Global Operations & Support; Cristian Baba, Team Leader User Experience & Mobile BI)
    - "Promoting tourism on a blog" (drumliber.ro, Florin Arjocu, blogger)

    12:30 hours:
    - "IT Development in Tourism" (Online Marketing Consult SRL, Giani Holban, Online tourism consultant for development and marketing)
    - "Blue Internship Experience" (IBM, Cristina Secu, Recruitment Specialist)
    - "A successful career starts with volunteering!" (AIESEC, Stefania Diaconu, Vicepresident for Internships)

    14:00 hours:
    - "Where I Belong! - the new generation (Y) of employees" (JW Marriott, Cristina Dragan, Training Coordinator)
    - "5 AVANTAJes to build a career in Web Design!" (AVANTAJ Consulting, Ionut Boicu, trainer)
    - "Microsoft Innovation Center" (Microsoft, Andreea Popescu, Talent Sourcer)
    - "First Steps in Your Career" (APT, Ioan Poclitaru, Marketing Manager; Tiberiu Focica, Sales Manager; Slavita Carmazan, Developer Manager; Veronica Stoica, Recruitment Manager)

    15:30 hours:
    - "Importance of personal brand for recruiting and selection: practical advice for candidates" (Complete Training, Adela Marin, General Manager)
    - "Welcome to our world!" (G2Travel, Elena Gamulea, HR Manager; Andrew Dixon, General Manager)
    - "Doing Business with Japan" (Department of Asian Studies, Serban Georgescu, Director)

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    Further details and info:

    The event is organized by the 2nd year MA students of AAT (Business Administration in Tourism), in cooperation with the RAU Students Club (CS-URA), Counselling and Career Orientation Center (C.C.O.C.) and the PR and Communications Department of the Romanian-American University.

    We will be waiting for you at RAU, with a printed!

    "Promoting Democracy and the Rule of Law" - conference in partnership with US Embassy in Bucharest

    The Romanian-American University, together with the US Embassy in Romania, invite you to attend the conference on the topic of "Promoting Democracy and the Rule of Law".

    Promoting Democracy and the Rule of Law represents one of the key aspects of US foreign policy at global level. Within the partnership and alliance frameworks that both countries share, USA fully supports Romania regarding the issues of attaining and maintaining these goals, things that are mandatory for any civilized state of the XXI-st century.

    We invite you all on Wednesday, May 14th, 2014, starting with 12:00, inside the RAU Senate Hall, to debate the topic with recognized public figures of the field.

    The main guest speaker of the conference is Ms. Marisa MacIssac - Political Officer of the US Embassy in Bucharest.

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    MAY 2014

    RJSC-AH, 9 years anniversary

    We have the distinct pleasure to invite you to attend the 9 years anniversary of the Romanian-Japanese Studies Center - "Angela Hondru", on Thursday, 8th of May 2014, in the RAU's Aula Magna, between 19:00 - 20:30.

    The event will be attended by: His Excellency Ambassador of Japan in Romania, representatives of the Japanese business environment in Romania, professors, RJSC-AH students, Japanese culture fans.
    Japanese music, traditional drums, but also the eagerly expected student awards will not be absent from our schedule. The Great Award, offered by JTI company as usual, for the winner of the "Kazuko Diaconu" Excellence Prize, consists of a 12 days trip to Japan.
    Many other suprise prizes, equally important, are ready for out students.
    The event will be closed by a cocktail party.

    We are waiting for you confirmation by means of email to: [email protected]
    "Negotiation Strategies in Intercultural Context" Workshop

    On May 14th, 2014, starting at 11.00, the Domestic and International Business, Banking and Finance of the Romanian-American University organizes the event entitled "Negotiation Strategies in Intercultural Context".
    The topic of the event will be brought into the light in a dynamic manner, the speakers offering real live cases from the company experience and using a Q&A session style.
    The main guests of the event are Christoph Sikora - Regional Leader - Central & Eastern Europe, Dow Chemical and Claudiu Tuncu - Country Manager - Dow Chemical Romania.

    The meeting will take place inside the Protocol Conference Room of the Romanian-American University and is meant for BA and MA students, as well as for faculty and other specialists in the field.
    Success for the RAU's School of Law Team at the University Moot Court Competition on Commercial Law

    Following the tradition, at the IV-the edition of the University Moot Court Competition on Commercial Law, the RAU's School of Law student team has won the award for best judges: Lorena Schadi and Cristina Gavriloiu, and also a special jury award for best plaintiff lawyer: Eugen Sarbu.
    The coordinator of the team was Ms. Luminita Tuleasca, PhD Lecturer.

    Sincere congratulations to the winners, as well as for the entire team!

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    The Book Nook - Get Hooked!

    The Department of International Affairs and the Department of Foreign Languages invite you to visit "The Book Nook" - a charming and varied collection of books in English. It's bookalicious!
    If you want to give your English skills a boost or just like to read, visit office 306 and browse our little library!

    From Aristotle to "The Hunger Games" - books are waiting for you!

    The complete list can be found on this link:

    More information:
    Office 306,
    [email protected]
    Employment opportunities with SIE

    The Foreign Intelligence Service (SIE) organizes on the 12th of June 2014, starting at 17:00, inside the Protocol Room of the Romanian-American University a presentation of employment opportunities offered by the institution.

    We invite mainly BA and MA students of last academic years, with good and very good academic results, knowing at least one foreign language, stress resistant, with a good handling of physical and intellectual efforts and who desire a special career.
    The SIE representatives will answer questions and offer details related to the opportunities of career development inside their institution.

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    Round Table "Sustainability beyond borders: Aviation & Tourism setting together the global (travel) scene"

    As a consequence of the constant evolution of technology, the fields of aviation and tourism have become more interconnected than ever before. Living in the "age of sustainability" amplifies the necessity of an intelligent approach and a better future inter-field cooperation leading to sustainable aviation and tourism.

    The Romanian-American University (RAU) in partnership with Manchester Metropolitan University (MMU) organizes the Round Table "Sustainability beyond Borders: Aviation & Tourism setting together the Global (Travel) Scene" in order to highlight the current opportunities and challenges of sustainable aviation and tourism and to project future innovative approaches.
    The event will take place on June 4th, 2014, starting with 9:30, inside the RAU Senate Hall.

    The event will gather both professionals from the academic fields of tourism and aviation and representatives from business operating in these areas, with the aim of developing new perspectives from both theoretical and practical point of view.
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    Trained and motivated for the labor market in the tourism industry!

    Starting June 15th, 2014, the Romanian-American University, through the Department of Continuous Education, will organize training and specialization courses in tourism, thus meeting the current legislation on employment in hotel units, travel agencies, and in other industry segments as well.
    Through the designed educational offer, the Romanian-American University supports all those who wish to activate in the tourism industry, offering the possibility of obtaining qualifications and specializations according to the national occupational standards. This way, training/specialization certificates for Receptionist, Travel Agent-Tour Guide, Manager in Tourism Activity can be obtained.

    Information about enrolling in the courses can be obtained at:
    Phone: 0372-120.109; 0722-953.514
    E-mail: [email protected]

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    Anunt ACHIZITII - Proiect POSDRU/156/1.2/G/134518

    Universitatea Romano-Americana, in calitate de beneficiar in cadrul contractului de finantare pentru proiectul POSDRU/156/1.2/G/134518, "Asigurarea competentelor corespunzatoare cerintelor pietei muncii prin programe de studii de excelenta cu dimensiune internationala", anunta demararea procesului de achizitie pentru servicii de consultanta juridica, in cadrul proiectului mentionat.

    Publicate in 23.05.2014:
  • Anunt achizitie - servicii de consultanta juridica
  • Documentatie pentru ofertanti - servicii de consultanta juridica

  • POSDRU/156/1.2/G/134518 Project - Acquisition Announcement

    The Romanian-American University, as beneficiary of the POSDRU/156/1.2/G/134518 "Asigurarea competentelor corespunzatoare cerintelor pietei muncii prin programe de studii de excelenta cu dimensiune internationala (Ensuring Appropriate Skills Requirements for theLabor Market through Excellence Education Programs of International Dimension", announces the start of the acquisition process for legal advice services within the afore mentioned project.

    Published on May 23, 2014:
  • Announcement - legal advice services [RO]
  • Bid Documentation - legal advice services [RO]

  • POSDRU/156/1.2/G/132920 Project - Acquisition Announcement

    The Romanian-American University, as beneficiary of the POSDRU/156/1.2/G/132920 "SCOALA PRACTICA: Inovare in invatamantul superior si succes pe piata muncii (PRACTICAL SCHOOL: Higher Education Innovation and Success on the Labour Market)", announces the start of the acquisition process for legal advice services within the afore mentioned project.

    The procedures start today, the 25th of May 2014, and are scheduled during:
    May 26 - June 3, 2014

    In order to consult the acquisition documentation please access the project's website:
    send an email to the following address:
    [email protected]

    JUNE 2014

    Graduation Ceremonies - 2014

    The Romanian-American University congratulates all its graduates and invite you to attend the graduation festivities that mark a milestone for their personal and professional development.
    The festivities will reunite both BA and MA graduates of the specific schools.

    Graduation Ceremonies Schedule
    • School of Domestic and International Commercial and Financial Banking Relations - Monday, June 30, 11:00, Aula Magna

    • School of European Economic Studies - Tuesday, July 1, 10:00, Aula Magna

    • School of Computer Science for Business Management - Tuesday, July 2, 13:00, Aula Magna

    • School of Domestic and International Economy of Tourism - Wednesday, July 2, 11:00, Aula Magna

    • School of Management-Marketing - Thursday, July 3, 10:00, Aula Magna

    • School of Law - Friday, July 4, 10:00, Aula Magna

    Come and join them!
    "Economic Sciences Philosophy - Austrian, Neo-Keynes and Neo-Marxist Schools" Debate

    The RAU's Center for Political Economy and Business "Murray Rothbard", the Center for Research in International Economic Relations (ASE) and the Romanian Econometrics Society organizes on Friday, June 6, 2014, starting at 16:00 hours, the debate entitled "Economic Sciences Philosophy - Austrian, Neo-Keynes and Neo-Marxist Schools", inside the RAU's Senate Hall.

    The event is part of a series called "Ideas in Debate" and is held by Alexandru A. Popovici, PhD Professor Mathematician.

    Referents: Ion Pohoata, PhD Professor and Costea Munteanu, PhD Professor

    Moderator: Vasile Macoviciuc, PhD Professor

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    RAU International Summer School - 2014

    The Romanian-American University and the University of Alabama in Huntsville (USA) organize the International Summer School 2014 on the topic of "Business Development in the Context of European Integration and Globalization", during June 9 - 20, 2014.

    Click for the enlarged version

    Round Table "Information and Communication Technology - Gateway to New Perspectives in Tourism"

    Competitiveness, risk, uncertainty and intelligent business development represent nowadays the main preoccupations of organizations in all fields of activity. In the new world economic context, information and communication technology has a major impact on the dynamics and performance of the global market, directly influencing communication with clients, service provision efficiency and service customization. In terms of intelligent business development, these days we are talking about a "knowledge-based society", being aware of customer needs, relating to these and creating the right product at the right time.

    Starting from these assumptions, the Department of Tourism Services Management from the School of Domestic and International Economy of Tourism of the Romanian-American University of Bucharest is organizing a round table on the topic of "Information and Communication Technology - Gateway to New Perspectives in Tourism", hosting business environment specialists, teaching staff members, BA and MA students.

    The event will take place in the Senate Hall at the Romanian-American University, on Wednesday, July 11, 2014, starting with 9:30.

    Click for the enlarged version

    POSDRU/156/1.2/G/134518 Project - Acquisition Announcement

    The Romanian-American University, as beneficiary of the POSDRU/156/1.2/G/134518 "Asigurarea competentelor corespunzatoare cerintelor pietei muncii prin programe de studii de excelenta cu dimensiune internationala (Ensuring Appropriate Skills Requirements for theLabor Market through Excellence Education Programs of International Dimension", announces the start of the acquisition process for catering services within the afore mentioned project.

    Published on June 3, 2014:
  • Announcement - catering services [RO]
  • Bid Documentation - catering services [RO]

  • POSDRU/156/1.2/G/132920 Project - Acquisition Announcement

    The Romanian-American University, as beneficiary of the POSDRU/156/1.2/G/132920 "SCOALA PRACTICA: Inovare in invatamantul superior si succes pe piata muncii (PRACTICAL SCHOOL: Higher Education Innovation and Success on the Labour Market)", announces the start of the acquisition process for accounting services within the afore mentioned project.

    The procedures start today, the 4th of June 2014, and are scheduled during:
    June 4 - 11, 2014

    In order to consult the acquisition documentation please access the project's website:
    send an email to the following address:
    [email protected]
    POSDRU/156/1.2/G/132920 Project - Acquisition Announcement

    The Romanian-American University, as beneficiary of the POSDRU/156/1.2/G/132920 "SCOALA PRACTICA: Inovare in invatamantul superior si succes pe piata muncii (PRACTICAL SCHOOL: Higher Education Innovation and Success on the Labour Market)", announces the start of the acquisition process for financial audit services within the afore mentioned project.

    The procedures start today, the 4th of June 2014, and are scheduled during:
    June 4 - 11, 2014

    In order to consult the acquisition documentation please access the project's website:
    send an email to the following address:
    [email protected]
    Round Table "Sustainability beyond Borders: Aviation & Tourism setting together the Global (Travel) Scene"

    On June 4, 2014, the Senate Hall of the Romanian-American University gathered researchers and professionals from the academic fields of sustainable tourism and aviation and representatives from business operating in these areas, for the international round table "Sustainability beyond Borders: Aviation & Tourism setting together the Global (Travel) Scene".

    Organized by the Romanian-American University in partnership with Manchester Metropolitan University, the event highlighted the necessity of a sustainable approach, regardless of the business it applies to, but particularly in the fields of tourism and aviation.

    Representatives of Manchester Metropolitan University, IATA, Regional Airport Services, ABC Aviation, TAROM, Aviation East, University Politehnica of Bucharest - Faculty of Airspace Engineering, PZP Arhitectura, Bucharest Airports contributed to the interactive debate and shared their ideas and approaches in order to figure out the best solutions for a sustainable tourism, aviation and education.

    The necessity of collaboration, transfer knowledge and sharing expertise were the key elements of the debates. Particularly focusing on Romania, a challenge was set: collaborating to find a sustainable development strategy in Danube Delta, taking into consideration the Tulcea Airport. The reaction of the group of guests was positive and open to a further cooperation and in the nearest future, the project is scheduled to start.

    Another major issue debated during yesterday's event, once again in the context of collaboration and sharing expertise, was the necessity of a closer cooperation between the academic field and the business environment. The business representatives explained how a well trained staff is mandatory for their companies, while students and academic professionals highlighted the importance of internships in order to achieve the required knowledge.

    All the guests agreed on the necessity of cooperating in order to balance business necessities with academic knowledge and willingly embraced this approach.

    Post-event echo - "Information and Communication Technology - Gateway to New Perspectives in Tourism" Round Table

    Competitiveness, risk, uncertainty and intelligent business development represent nowadays the main preoccupations of organizations in all fields of activity. In the new world economic context, information and communication technology has a major impact on the dynamics and performance of the global market, directly influencing communication with clients, service provision efficiency and service customization. In terms of intelligent business development, these days we are talking about a "knowledge-based society", being aware of customer needs, relating to these and creating the right product at the right time.

    Starting from these assumptions, the Department of Tourism Services Management from the School of Domestic and International Economy of Tourism at the Romanian-American University organized, on the 11th of June 2014, the round table on the topic of "Information and Communication Technology - Gateway to New Perspectives in Tourism".

    The event hosted business environment specialists: tourism agencies (Loredana Stanciu from Accent Travel, Madalin Mancila from Happy Tour Group), hotels (Stefan Balaur from Continental Hotels, Gratiela Badicu from Le Boutique Hotel Moxa), specialists from national organizations (Dragos Raducan - FPTR, Camelia Rogojanu - ANPM), consultancy firms (Cristian Micut from Trend Hospitality, Irina Besciu from Young Skal), representatives of virtual media/bloggers with experience in online tourism (Petrus Lungu - gtd20.ro, Florin Arjocu - drumliber.ro, Carmina Nitescu - Tourism Market, Raluca Muresan - triptoromania.ro, Georgiana Velea - blogdecalatorii.ro), as well as teaching staff members, undergraduate students and master students from the School of Domestic and International Economy of Tourism. The discussions touched upon various topics, from trends in digital tourism to the influence of social media in the choice of a holiday destination, and were chaired by Doina Grigoras (Business Development Manager, TEZ TOUR).

    As a consequence of these debates, new project ideas were outlined to be pursued as a collaboration between the staff members of the Department of Tourism Services Management and representatives of the business environment, projects that mainly aim at the integration of new information and communication technologies both in the academic curricula and practice. These projects will include a component referring to social media communication between businesses, teaching staff from our school and students.

    From the vantage point of new trends in the field, the dimension of e-tourism is, in the specialists and practitioners' view, an incommensurable one, generating in the near future radical changes on the tourism and travel industry market, changes that will impact not only the relational component (tourist service provider - consumer), but also that of margin achieved by economic agents in the field.

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    POSDRU/156/1.2/G/134518 Project - Acquisition Announcement

    The Romanian-American University, as beneficiary of the POSDRU/156/1.2/G/134518 "Asigurarea competentelor corespunzatoare cerintelor pietei muncii prin programe de studii de excelenta cu dimensiune internationala (Ensuring Appropriate Skills Requirements for theLabor Market through Excellence Education Programs of International Dimension", announces the start of the acquisition process for financial audit services within the afore mentioned project.

    Published on June 11, 2014:
  • Announcement - financial audit services [RO]
  • Bid Documentation - financial audit services [RO]
  • Technical Specifications - financial audit services [RO]

  • POSDRU/156/1.2/G/134518 Project - Acquisition Announcement

    The Romanian-American University, as beneficiary of the POSDRU/156/1.2/G/134518 "Asigurarea competentelor corespunzatoare cerintelor pietei muncii prin programe de studii de excelenta cu dimensiune internationala (Ensuring Appropriate Skills Requirements for theLabor Market through Excellence Education Programs of International Dimension", announces the start of the acquisition process for accounting services within the afore mentioned project.

    Published on June 11, 2014:
  • Announcement - accounting services [RO]
  • Bid Documentation - accounting services [RO]
  • Technical Specifications - accounting services [RO]

  • Debate: "The Philosophy of Multilevel Reality and its application to Economy."

    The Center for Political Economy and Business "Murray Rothbard" of the Romanian-American University, together with the Center for International Economic Relations Research (BUES) and Romanian Econometrics Association organizes on Tuesday, 24th of June 2014, inside the RAU's Senate Hall, starting with 16:00 hours, the debate "The Philosophy of Multilevel Reality and its application to Economy".

    The event is part of an entire series entitled "Ideas in Debate" and the guest speaker is Mr. Alexandru A. Popovici, PhD Professor.

    Click for the enlarged version

    Echoes of the International Summer School - 2014

    A group of students from the University of Alabama in Huntsville's College of Business Administration have participated to the International Summer School, the 10th edition, organized through a partnership between UAHuntsville and the Romanian-American University.

    The American students joined by Romanian students, worked in teams and travelled together on excursions. During the two-week program, the students studied international finance and monetary policy, international business negotiation, and services marketing, world economy, international law, international business.

    In addition to classroom activities and guest speakers from business, the students were immersed in the Romanian culture. They travelled to Sinaia and Brasov. Some of the visits along the way included: Bran Castle, Peles Castle, Rasnov Fortress, the Romanian Parliament and attended the violin concert "In the Mood for Prokofiev" performed by Alexandru Tomescu and Eduard Kunz, event organized under the auspices of the project "Romanian National Bank Cultural Days - 2014".

    All the students expressed high praise for what they learned in the classroom and for the cultural experience acquired. At the end of the summer program the American and Romanian students got more knowledge, memories and friends.

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    Summer School and National Conference on Business Law

    The School of Law of the Romanian-American University in partnership with the School of Law of the Nicolae Titulescu University organizes the Summer School and National Conference on Business Law - "Reform of the Business Law through the new codes", III-rd edition.

    The even will take place inside the Romanian-American University campus, in Bucharest, during September 11 - 14, 2014.

    The annual event aims to answer the requests of the law field specialists to be up to date with the new information regarding legislative, doctrinal and jurisprudential updates, and also to keep track of the best practices in the field of business law.
    The focus of the debates will be on the New Codes and the Insolvency Code.

    The guests and speakers are well known Law specialists, professors, magistrates, researchers, lawyers, arbiters, insolvency practitioners and trainers. During the three days of the event, they will present and discuss themes of interest for the business law field.

    The event is dedicated to both Law professionals and students.

    Applications: June 23 - September 5, 2014
    The application has to be filled in (click here to download) and then submitted to the following email address: [email protected]

    - 200 lei/person
    - 150 lei/person for students

    - Gabriela Fierbinteanu, PhD Teaching Assistant - 0722.241.980
    - Claudia Son, Teaching Assistant - 0722.779.090

    Project managers:
    Luminita TULEASCA, PhD Lecturer
    Mihaela PRUNA, PhD Associate Professor
    Vasile NEMES, PhD Associate Professor

    Sponsor: Societatea de avocatura Nemes & Asociatii

    Partners: Editura Universul Juridic, Editura Wolters Kluwer, Asociatia Romana de Drept si Afaceri Europene

    For complete information, please visit our dedicated website:

    For the first time, the Romanian-American University organizes a GRADUATION CONCERT, besides the established and traditional Graduation Ceremonies for each School.

    The 2014 graduates (BA and MA) will celebrate this special moment in any student's life together with our special guests!


    WHEN? Friday, July 4th, from 17:30

    GUESTS: Connect-R, DJ Sava & Raluka

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    JULY 2014

    NEW! - Local Admission Centers

    In order to accommodate the candidates that wish to apply for the Romanian-American University study programs - for BA or MA studies, taught in Romanian or taught exclusively in English - we have launched this summer 8 Local Admission Centers.

    National College "Vasile Alecsandri"
    37 Vasile Alecsandri str. (secretariat)
    Contact: 0740-771.653

    National College "Ionita Asan"
    39 Nicolae Titulescu str (ground floor, Office 3)
    Contact: 0743-611.074

    National College "Mircea cel Batran"
    14 Nicolae Iorga str.
    Contact: 0723-212.300

    National College "Alexandru Ioan Cuza"
    47 Cuza-Voda str. (ground floor, Room A2)
    Contact: 0721-710.480

    National College "Petru Rares"
    4 Stefan cel Mare str. (library)
    Contact: 0740-771.653

    National College "Mircea cel Batran"
    41 Carol I str. (secretariat)
    Contact: 0744-873.106 | 0746-511.483

    Economics College "Ion Ghica"
    223 Calea Domneasca str. (secretariat)
    Contact: 0743-611.074

    Theoretical High School "Spiru Haret"
    53 Maria Cebotari str., Chisinau - Republic of Moldova (ground floor)
    Contact: 00373-69.893.913

  • Research positions - project PN-II-ID-PCE-2011-3-1054

    The Research Department of the Romanian-American University announces the opening of the following research positions, in order to join the PN-II-ID-PCE-2011-3-1054 "Uncertainty, Complexity and Financial Stability" project team - led by Professor Iftekhar Hasan, PhD:

  • Publication date: July 18th, 2014

  • - 2 positions of scientific researcher (Post-Doctoral Researcher)
    - 2 positions of research assistant (PhD Student)

    The contract will be signed for a determined period of time, related to the necessities of the project's stages.
    The project spans over October 10, 2011 - October 1, 2015.

    In order to apply please study the detailed announcement presented below:
  • Detailed announcement for applicants

  • Admission 2014 - SEPTEMBER SESSION

    The Romanian-American University starts the application process for the SEPTEMBER 2014 SESSION, for the available places.

  • ADMISSION 2014 - September

  • Tuition fees - for July Admission Session

    The Romanian-American University, according to the Senate Decision of August 30th, 2014, announces that candidates admitted in the 2014 July Session, can pay their tuition fee, in full or the first instalment, without penalties.

    AUGUST 2014

    SEPTEMBER 2014

    2014-2015 Academic Year - Opening Festivities

    The Romanian-American University is honoured to invite you to attend the opening festivities of the new academic year 2014-2015.

    The festivities are scheduled:

    Wednesday - 1.10.2014
  • 10:00 - Official University Opening, in Aula Magna
  • 13:00 - School of Management-Marketing, in Aula Magna

  • Thursday - 2.10.2014
  • 10:00 - School of Domestic and International Economy of Tourism, in Aula Magna
  • 12:00 - School of Law, in Aula Magna

  • Friday - 3.10.2014
  • 10:00 - School of Domestic and International Business, Banking and Finance, in Amphitheatre 1
  • 11:00 - School of European Economic Studies, in Jean Monnet Amphitheatre
  • 12:00 - School of Computer Science for Business Management, in Amphitheatre 2

  • We invite to join us all our BA and MA students, graduates and their families, faculty, administrative staff, representatives of social partners in education, business environment and mass media.

  • Official Schedule of the Opening Festivities [RO]

  • Extracurricular Courses Held by Professors from Partner Universities Abroad and Business Environment Specialists

    The Romanian-American University, as always during the academic year, offers completely free of charge for its BA and MA students a broad array of extracurricular courses held by reputed professors from USA and Europe partner universities as well as by prestigious specialists of the business environment, which are employed by prominent companies both in Romania and abroad.

    The first set of such courses to be held during the I-st semester of the 2014-2015 academic year comprises:

    Professor: Stephen BOWERS
    Professor of Government - Liberty University, USA
    Schedule: October 6 - 15, 2014

    Professor: Joana SYMMS
    Senior Partner - Fraser Lloyd & Partners LLP, UK
    Schedule: October 13 - 17, 2014

    Professor: James McCOLLUM
    Emeritus Professor of Management - University of Alabama in Huntsville, USA
    Schedule: October 20 - 31, 2014

    Professor: Seyed MEHDIAN
    Professor of Finance - University of Michigan-Flint, USA
    Schedule: November 3 - 7, 2014

    Professor: Donald CORBIN
    Professor of French & Italian - James Madison University, USA
    Schedule: November 17 - 28, 2014

  • For further information please visit our website dedicated to extracurricular courses:

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    "The Way of the Samurai Today" Debate

    On Wednesday, the 17th of September at 7:00 PM we invite you to join us at the Humanitas from Cismigiu Library (Regina Elisabeta Blvd, No. 38) for a debate about the fascinating book of Yukio Mishima, "The Way of the Samurai", together with His Excellency, Mr. Kanji Tsushima, Mrs. Elisabeta Lasconi, Mrs. Mirela Murgescu, Mr. Gabriel Liiceanu, Mr. Stefan Liiceanu and the moderator Mr. Serban Georgescu, Director of the Department of Asian Studies within the Romanian-American University.
    The discussion will be focused on the contribution of the samurai to defining the Japanese identity and their role in the contemporary Japanese society.

    Yukio Mishima wrote "The Way of the Samurai" 3 years before his dramatic suicide. The volume contains a personal interpretation of the Hagakure, the classic code of ethics and conduct of the samurai. The book became a best seller in Japan immediately after Mishima's death, both the supporters and contenders of his political views referring to it in order to understand the final drama and the off stage details of Mishima's suicide in 1970.

    Hagakure, in its original version, contains the teachings of the samurai-monk Jocho Yamamoto (1659 - 1719), gathered and edited by his student, Tsuramoto Tashiro. The Code was available to the general public only during the Meiji Era, when its principles of loyalty were interpreted in the sense of loyalty to the emperor and the Japanese nation.

    "Mishima underlines the role that Hagakure had in his progress during the war and after it, presenting the likenesses between his own critic of the materialistic post-war Japan and the critics of Jocho to the high decadence of his contemporaries. Mishima is very close to Jocho in terms of personal morale views. The two of them seem to be fundamentally unsocial if we take into account the urgency in their seek for spiritual and physical perfection of self; they are both interested in the personal motivation and in how a person acts rather than what he/she achieves. The accent is always on the individual, whose ultimate goal is self-cultivation, instead of on the contribution that he/she has in the society.
    The genius of Mishima was to apply the most severe social critic of the samurai ethics emanant from the Hagakure to the modern society. His fictional work often discusses the atomization of the modern society and the impossibility of the spiritual and emotional communication between people. But, in his late works, together with the desperation of the individual's isolation there is also the exaltion of the self-complacency. A hero of Mishima can do anything he want by himself, without any help and carrying about somebody else might think. This kind of attitude found its final fulfilment in Mishima's suicide for an emperor who did not care about his fate, for a cause that he knew he could not help with anything - and by his own hand.
    " (Kathryn Sparling, Colombia University)

    Kimitaka Hiraoka was born in Tokyo, in 1925. His education was highly influenced by his patern grandmother, practitioner of the samurai way: self-discipline and full control over mind and body. When he first published in a magazine, at the age of 16, he chooses the pseudonym Yukio Mishima. In 1943 he starts studying law and in 1944 publishes his first book even though, because of the war, the Japanese state rationalizes the use of paper. During the first week it sells 4000 copies. Mishima was, at the time, a young intellectual who has a lungs' condition and is not conscripted to fight in the first line of the war. This is a shame that will haunt him for the rest of his life. His first novel, "Confessions of a Mask" (Romanian Translation: Humanitas, 2003; Humanitas Fiction, 2011), makes out of him the most well-known writer of the young generation and his fame grows with every published book. In 1952 he visits Greece and discovers in the god Apollo the ideal of beauty, health and strength. He wants to become like a Greek statue and starts working his body. His thundering career is doubled by the obsessive interest in the code of samurai, which will push him to the demonstrative suicide from 1970. Yasunari Kawabata, the Japanese writer who was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1968, the one who supported Mishima while he was young, said: "Mishima has an extraordinary talent, he is not just a Japanese talent, he is an universal one. He is that kind of genius that arises once in 300 years. In terms of talent, Mishima is way ahead of me." Yukio Mishima remains one of the most interesting, but also controversial, Japanese writers of the 20th century.

    The event will be held in partnership with the Romanian-Japanese Studies Center "Angela Hondru" and with the support of the Romanian-American University.

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    Korean Cultural Festival & Korean Culture School

    The Korean Cultural Festival will take place on September 20, 2014, in the Aula Magna of the Romanian-American University, starting with 10:00 AM.
    The participants will be able to watch demonstrations of traditional fans dance, dancing with drums and dancing with masks, as well as a small concert with Korean songs.

    Click for an enlarged version

    The Korean Culture School takes place between September 17 - 20, 2014 inside the Romanian-American University Campus, organized Korean World Missions Association, Hansarang Association and the Romanian-Korean Studies Center, with the help and support of the Ministry of Culture, Sport and Tourism of Korea, the Korean Embassy in Romania and the Romanian-American University.
    Among the activities that will take place during the Korean Culture School are: manner courses, calligraphy, Korean songs, pottery and traditional fans dance, dancing with drums and dancing with masks.

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    IATA Courses - Schedule Modification

    The IATA Foundation Course organized by the ATC RAU, will NOT be held between October 15 - 30, the course has been rescheduled for October 9 - 25, 2014.

    We are sorry for any inconvenience.
    English, French, German, Italian and Spanish Language - Intensive Courses

    The Department of Foreign Languages of the Romanian-American University organizes intensive foreign language courses in English, French, German, Italian and Spanish.

  • "Beginner" level: at the end of the module graduates receive A1/A2 level competencies, according to the European Framework of Reference for Languages.
  • "Intermediate" level: at the end of the module graduates receive B1/B2 level competencies, according to the European Framework of Reference for Languages.

  • Duration: each module has 40 hours, 2 classes twice a week between November 3rd, 2014 - January 30th, 2015.

    Study fee: 400 lei.

    Applications: October 1st - 31st, 2014, at the Department of Foreign Languages (room 310, 3rd floor, C building) or by email [email protected].

    For further information please contact The Department of Foreign Languages.

    Apasati pentru o imagine mai mare

    National Conference on Insolvency

    During October 3 - 4, 2014, the National Institute for Training of Insolvency Practitioners (INPPI), in partnership with the Romanian-American University, organizes the second edition of the NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INSOLVENCY.

    The event aims to bring to focus the theoretical and practical sides of the already famous Law 85/2006 and of the long awaited Insolvency Code, meaning Law 85/2014.
    Over the two days, well known field specialists, professors, magistrates, insolvency practitioners, lawyers and economists will lecture on topics of maximum interest.

    The conference is open for insolvency practitioners, professional of law and economics field, but also to all representatives of the business environment.

  • Conference Program [RO]
  • Application and Info available on the INPPI website [RO]

  • OCTOBER 2014

    IN MEMORIAM - Commemorative Senate

    The Senate of the Romanian-American University will commemorate on Wednesday, October 8th 2014, 10:00 a.m., six years from the passing into eternity of Professor ION SMEDESCU, PhD, Founding-President and Rector of the Romanian-American University, outstanding personality of Romanian academic life, renowned specialist in marketing, creator of school and promoter of private higher education.
    Ensuring competences adequate to the labour market requirements through study programs of excellence with an international dimension - Asigurarea competentelor corespunzatoare cerintelor pietei muncii prin programe de studii de excelenta cu dimensiune internationala - POSDRU/156/1.2/G/134518

    Click for the enlarged version

    We have the pleasure to invite you to participate in the activities of the project entitled "Ensuring competences adequate to the labour market requirements through study programs of excellence with an international dimension", Contract Code: POSDRU/156/1.2/G/134518, implemented by Romanian-American University in partnership with the "Babes-Bolyai" University from Cluj and "Constantin Brancusi" University from Targu-Jiu.

    The project is co-financed by European Social Fund through the Sectoral Operational Programme Human Resource Development 2007 - 2013.

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    PRACTICAL SCHOOL: Innovation in Higher Education and Success on the Labour Market - POSDRU/156/1.2/G/132920

    At the beginning of the new academic year 2013-2014, we invite you to take part in the activities organized within the framework of the project "PRACTICAL SHOOLSC: Innovation in Higher Education and Success on the Labour Market - POSDRU/156/1.2/G/132920".

    Click for the enlarged version

    The project's activities are addressed directly to the students, at both BA and MA levels, and are organized through five thematic centers:

  • Center for Human Rights and Migration
  • Center for Negotiation and Mediation
  • Center for Oratory and Debate
  • Center for Domestic and International Financial Markets
  • Center for Communications and Information Technology

  • For further information you can access the project website:
    contact the center directors:
  • Silvia TABUSCA - [email protected] - Center for Human Rights and Migration
  • Georgiana SURDU-NITU - [email protected] - Center for Negotiation and Mediation
  • Emanuel BETERINGHE - [email protected] - Oratory and Debate
  • George IONESCU - [email protected] - Center for Domestic and International Financial Markets
  • Dragos POP - [email protected] - Communications and Information Technology

  • The project is implemented by the Romanian-American University in partnership with Center for Legal Resources.
    The project is co-financed from the European Social Fund through the Sectoral Operational Programme Human Resource Development 2007 - 2013.

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    Interactive Course on Business and Ethics Topics - POSDRU/156/1.2/G/132920

    The Center for Oratory and Debate of the Romanian-American University, center developed within the framework of the project "PRACTICAL SCHOOL: Innovation in Higher Education and Success on the Labour Market - POSDRU/156/1.2/G/132920", organizes during this academic semester, in partnership with Umanager, an interactive course on business and ethics topics.

    The first meeting takes place on October 8th, 2014, from 15:00 hours, at the Senate Hall. The guest of this introductory course is Mr. Wargha Enayati, founder of the Private Health Network "Regina Maria".

    "Umanager" is a project aiming to promote business ethics and improve the level of confidence of the new entrepreneurs into their partners and the domestic business environment.
    The founders of "Umanager" are: Steven van Groningen, Silviu Hotaran, Septimiu Postelnicu and Wargha Enayati, four of the best known representatives of the business community in Romania.

    Each of these founders have brought to the "Umanager" program their experience, accumulated in various business organizations and professional associations.
    Septimiu Postelnicu is Vice-President of the Global Banking Services Division of UniCredit Tiriac Bank.
    Wargha Enayati is the founder of the Private Health Network "Regina Maria".
    Steven van Groningen is President and CEO of Raiffeisen Bank, president of the Foreign Investors Council.
    Silviu Hotaran is Managing Director of GKTI Semper Human, former CEO of Microsoft Romania, with a large experience inside the Romanian-American Chamber of Commerce, AmCham.

    The "Umanager"program is organized as a series of interactive workshops, held by well known business man and entrepreneurs which built sound businesses in Romania or that managed to be successful even during the crisis.
    The project aims to coagulate a community that uses business ethics as a landmark of their professional activity, addressing both business man and students interested into building a successful business career.
    Opportunities offered by the Department for SMEs, Business Environment and Tourism

    All the BA and MA students and graduates of the Romanian-American University are invited to check the opportunities for professional development offered by the Department for SMEs, Business Environment and Tourism of the Romanian Government.

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    IN MEMORIAM Senate Meeting

    Click for the enlarged version

    The Romanian-American University Senate commemorated on Wednesday, October 8th of 2014, starting at 10:00 a.m, six years since the passing into eternity of ION SMEDESCU, PhD Professor, Founding-President and Rector of the Romanian-American University, outstanding personality of the Romanian academic environment, highly reputed marketing specialist, creator of school and promoter of the private higher education system.
    Conference "Management, Leadership and Innovation Towards a Better Changing World"

    The Romanian-American University invite you to attend the conference "Management, Leadership and Innovation Towards a Better Changing World", 2014 edition.
    The conference will be held during November 5-6, 2014.

    For further details access the conference website:
    Japanese traditional music concert

    The Romanian-Japanese Studies Center "Angela Hondru" invites you to on Saturday, October 25th 2014, starting at 7.00 PM, inside the Aula Magna of the Romanian-American University, to attend a concert of Japanese traditional music by Prof. Takeshi Yamakawa, Mrs. Kazuko Yanase and Mrs. Hiroko Yamamoto.
    The instruments of the concert are shakuhachi, koto and shamisen.

    The entrance is FREE, access will be granted based on the online reservation made to:
    [email protected]

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    Are you a CHESS fan? You can prove it now!

    The Students Club of the Romanian-American University in partnership with the Romanian Youth Sports Association and Romanian Chess Federation, organizes the third edition of the KING ATTACK - CHESS CUP.
    The event will take place on Wednesday, October 23rd, in the Protocol Hall of the Romanian-American University.

    Applications: http://bit.do/sah
    Participation fee: 10 lei
    Deadline for applications: October 20th

    Surprize Prizes!

    We are waiting for you!

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    Preselection for the URAganii! Basketball Team

    Did you play basketball in highschool? Do you want to compete against Romania's best basketball student players and eventually play in the European Student Basketball Championship?

    Come join our basketball team, the URAganii!

    The preselection is organized, starting from 12:00, in Rapid Sports Hall, during the following days:
  • Tuesday - 21.10.2014
  • Thursday - 23.10.2014

  • For any other information please contact the coordinator of the basketball team, Ms. Ruxandra VILAG:
    Phone: +4-0721-613.346
    E-mail: [email protected]

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    Trained and motivated for the labor market in the tourism industry!

    Starting November 10th, 2014, the Romanian-American University, through the Continuous Education Department, will organize training and specialization courses in tourism, thus meeting the current legislation on employment in hotel units, travel agencies, and in other industry segments as well.

    Through the designed educational offer, the Romanian-American University supports all those who wish to activate in the tourism industry, offering the possibility of obtaining qualifications and specializations according to the national occupational standards. This way, training/specialization certificates for Receptionist, Travel Agent-Tour Guide, Manager in Tourism Activity can be obtained.

    Information for applications and courses:
    0372.120.111, 0722.953.514
    [email protected],
    [email protected]

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    "Understanding Disabilities within Human Rights Area - from Concept to Militant Practice" - POSDRU/156/1.2/G/132920 activity

    The Center for Human Rights and Migration invite you to attend an activity organized under the auspices of the project PRACTICAL SCHOOL: Innovation in Higher Education and Success on the Labor Market - POSDRU/156/1.2/G/132920.

    Madalina Turza - Understanding Disabilities within Human Rights Area - from Concept to Militant Practice
    Date: October 21st, 2014
    Time: 12:00 hours
    Location: Amphitheatre I
    Contact: Silvia TABUSCA

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    Romanian-American University, in partnership with Capital Magazine and Nadia Comaneci Foundation, launches the project "Think Straight. Get Informed!"

    The Romanian-American University is a partner of Capital Magazine and Nadia Comaneci Foundation within the framework of the project "Think Straight. Get Informed!".

    Students passionate about journalism are invited to participate, starting from Monday, October 20th, at the program organized by the financial magazine Capital and Nadia Comaneci Foundation, together with their partners.
    Ambitious and talented young people have the opportunity to become famous economic journalists by doing the first steps towards this goal
    The program takes place between October 20th, 2014 - March 20th, 2015 and includes a set of 7 different economics topics which are to be announced during these timeframe.

    What do you have to do?

    To enter the competition, students have to write an article on the topic chosen by the Capital journalists: Pentru a intra in competitie, studentii interesati, trebuie sa scrie un articol cu prima tema propusa de jurnalistii Capital: "20.000 Euros for investment. Best ways to use the money for three years to earn profit".
    The article is to be submitted to the email address [email protected], up to November 17th. The text should obey the topic and must be between 4000 - 6000 characters, including spaces.
    If you want to send articles to all the topics proposed within the program, follow the Capital magazine and find out the next topics. Students can send articles for the 7 different topics chosen by Capital.

    The best materials from the students are to be published in the printed edition of Capital magazine, starting from November 10th.
    Moreover, those that will read their article in the printed edition of Capital will receive, each of them as a reward, sets of 12 business books. Among the most appreciated titles from our collection we have Donald Trump's How to Get Rich, Peter Drucker's About Decision and Efficacy or Richard L. Brandt's The Google Guys.
    At the end of the competition, the best article will be awarded a Dual Sim Smartphone and the winner will gain an internship inside the Capital editorial office, to learn from the best journalists. The article will be selected on March 23rd, by Ciprian Mailat, Deputy Chief-Editor of Capital, reputed economic journalist.

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    Learn to Create Your Job: Sign-up is open for SMARTUp Challenge Competition

    Students can apply up to November 30 to the SMARTUp Challenge, a learning by doing program which develops the abilities to create your own job through your skills and resources.

    SmartUp Challenge offers young students (18-26 years) from Bulgaria, Hungary, Romania and Slovakia:
    - the required abilities to create their own desired jobs, in the field of their studies or connected
    - mentorship, training and support to develop a business project
    - the opportunity to participate in the Summer School SMARTUp Challenge 2015, which will reunite the best competitors from the 4 countries.

    Further information is available on this link.

    You can participate as representative of the Romanian-American University by enrolling up to November 30, 2014 to the coordinating professor:
    Lect.univ.dr. Georgiana Surdu, Director of the Center for Negotiations and Migration.

    SmartUp Challenge is implemented by Junior Achievement Romania and Citi Foundation during October 2014 - November 2015.
    IATA Courses

    The IATA Center - ATC RAU of the Romanian-American University announces new specialized courses

    Course: IATA Foundation
    Schedule: Janury 19 - February 4, 2015
    Application deadline: November 25, 2014

    For further information please check out dedicated website:
    Halloween Workshop

    The RAU Student Club - CS-URA invites you on Wednesday, October 29th, starting from 18:00 hours, inside the RAU cafeteria - AmericanPoint to join them for the Halloween thrill!

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    Course "Competition or Cooperation? Equilibrium Theory and its Applicability in Solving Conflicts through Alternative Methods" - POSDRU 132920

    Would you like to know more about mediation? Would you like to make the first steps on this path?

    The Center for Negotiations and Mediation organizes on Wednesday, October 29th, 2014, starting from 13.30, in Lectura Hall 223, the course ebtitled "Competition or Cooperation? Equilibrium Theory and its Applicability in Solving Conflicts through Alternative Methods", held by Ms. Katalin Kibedi.

    Click for the enalrged version

    Training Soft Skills - POSDRU 132920

    Do you want to learn to work in teams? Do you want to improve you communication skills? Do you want to know how to handle the key questions during an interview?

    The Center for Human Rights and Migration invite you to participate in a training program for "SOFT SKILLS", held by Mihai Achimescu at the Romanian-American University, in Bucharest.
    The activity is comprised within the frameworl of the project POSDRU/156/1.2/G/132920 - PRACTICAL SCHOOL: Innovation in Higher Education and Success on the Labor Market.

    The training is scheduled for Firday, October 31st, November 7th and November 14th, 2014.

    14:00 - 15:30
    - Welcome & Opening, Program Introduction (Dev. Inst. Overview), Communication Process - Perceptions and Barriers, Types of Communication Process, Positive Attitude & Assertiveness in Different Levels of Communication Process
    15:30 - 16:00
    - Coffee-break
    16:00 - 17:30
    - Persuasion & Acceptance Process, Building up Credibility, Developing Interpersonal Relationships, Probing & Listening, The Art of Asking Pertinent Questions & Active Listening
    17:30 - 18:00
    - Program Evaluation, Feedback, Wrap-up

    For applications please send you CV up to October 30th, 2014, to the email address:
    [email protected]

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    Interactive course on business and ethics - POSDRU/156/1.2/G/132920

    The Center for Oratory and Debate of the Romanian-American University, center developed within the framework of the project "PRACTICAL SCHOOL: Innovation in Higher Education and Success on the Labour Market - POSDRU/156/1.2/G/132920", organizes during this academic semester, in partnership with Umanager, an interactive course on business and ethics topics.

    This second meeting takes place on October 28th, 2014, from 18:00 hours, at the Senate Hall. The guest of this course is Silviu Hotaran, Managing Director GKTI Semper Human, ex-CEO Microsoft Romania, with a broad experience within the Romanian-American Chamber of Commerce (AmCham).

    "Umanager" is a project aiming to promote business ethics and improve the level of confidence of the new entrepreneurs into their partners and the domestic business environment.
    The founders of "Umanager" are: Steven van Groningen, Silviu Hotaran, Septimiu Postelnicu and Wargha Enayati, four of the best known representatives of the business community in Romania.

    Each of these founders have brought to the "Umanager" program their experience, accumulated in various business organizations and professional associations.
    Septimiu Postelnicu is Vice-President of the Global Banking Services Division of UniCredit Tiriac Bank.
    Wargha Enayati is the founder of the Private Health Network "Regina Maria".
    Steven van Groningen is President and CEO of Raiffeisen Bank, president of the Foreign Investors Council.
    Silviu Hotaran is Managing Director of GKTI Semper Human, former CEO of Microsoft Romania, with a large experience inside the Romanian-American Chamber of Commerce, AmCham.

    The "Umanager" program is organized as a series of interactive workshops, held by well known business man and entrepreneurs which built sound businesses in Romania or that managed to be successful even during the crisis.
    The project aims to coagulate a community that uses business ethics as a landmark of their professional activity, addressing both business man and students interested into building a successful business career.
    Courses with guest professors: get new skills for your successful career!

    We are pleased to invite you to participate in the courses taught by Guest Professors, scheduled to take place in November.
    The courses are aiming key skills frequently required by the business environment: creativity and innovation, communication skills, networking techniques, entrepreneurial skills.

    For further details please visit the project website - http://spredi.rau.ro/, section COURSES (http://spredi.rau.ro/?page_id=201).

    Contact Person:
    Ramona GRIGORE - Awareness expert, target group recruitment (Romanian American-University), telephone: 0372.120.121, e-mail: [email protected].

    Courses are organized within the project entitled "Ensuring competences adequate to the labour market requirements through study programs of excellence with an international dimension", Contract Code: POSDRU/156/1.2/G/134518, implemented by Romanian-American University in partnership with the "Babes-Bolyai" University from Cluj and "Constantin Brancusi" University from Targu-Jiu.

    The project is co-financed by European Social Fund through the Sectoral Operational Programme Human Resource Development 2007 - 2013.

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    AmericanDay - First Edition!

    The Center for Human Rights and Migration, of the Romanian-American University, invites you to a premiere:

    at RAU

    When? November 6th, 2014, 10:30 am
    Where? Amphitheatre 1

    Special guest: Marisa Mac Isaac, Rule of Law Officer - US Embassy in Bucharest

    Specialists, students and guests will debate and have a dialogue on hot topics related to constitutional issues - based on the US Constitution.

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    The event is organized within the framework of the project "PRACTICAL SCHOOL: Innovation in Higher Education and Success on the Labour Market", POSDRU/156/1.2/G/132920, implemented by the Romanian-American University in partnership with Center for Legal Resources.
    The project is co-financed from the European Social Fund through the Sectoral Operational Programme Human Resource Development 2007-2013.
    Opening of he RAU Debate Club

    The Center for Oratory and Debate, of the Romanian-American University, invites you to attend the launching of the Debate Club!

    The event is scheduled for Wednesday, November 5th, starting at 15:00, in Amphitheatre 2.
    We are waiting for you to join us for a demonstrative debate with some of Romania's best experts in the field.

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    The event is organized within the framework of the project "PRACTICAL SCHOOL: Innovation in Higher Education and Success on the Labour Market", POSDRU/156/1.2/G/132920, implemented by the Romanian-American University in partnership with Center for Legal Resources.
    The project is co-financed from the European Social Fund through the Sectoral Operational Programme Human Resource Development 2007-2013.

    NOVEMBER 2014

    Intensive English Courses

    The Department of Foreign Languages of the Romanian-American University announces the beginning of the first intensive courses for this semester (candidates enrolled between October 1-31, 2014):

  • ENGLISH Language - beginners
  • - 10th of November 2014, 16:30 hours, room 326.
    Workshop "The Importance of Negotiation in Entrepreneurial Activities"

    Do you wish to improve you real-world skills related to the negotiation process - especially at small and medium enterprise level?
    Join us on Wednesday, 12th of November 2014, starting at 13:30, in room 223, for the workshop entitled "The Importance of Negotiation in Entrepreneurial Activities".

    The workshop is coordinated by two prestigious entrepreneurs with extensive practical experience: Ms. Cristina Chiriac - President of the Romanian National Association of Entrepreneurs and Mr. Ciprian Trandafirescu - Rosentall Founding Partner.

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    The event is organized within the framework of the project "PRACTICAL SCHOOL: Innovation in Higher Education and Success on the Labour Market", POSDRU/156/1.2/G/132920, implemented by the Romanian-American University in partnership with Center for Legal Resources.
    The project is co-financed from the European Social Fund through the Sectoral Operational Programme Human Resource Development 2007-2013.
    Courses with guest professors: get new skills for your successful career! (POSDRU/156/1.2/G/134518)

    We are pleased to invite you to participate in the courses taught by Guest Professors, scheduled to take place in the next period. The courses are aiming key skills frequently required by the business environment: creativity and innovation, communication skills, networking techniques, entrepreneurial skills.
    For further details please visit the project website - http://spredi.rau.ro/, section COURSES (http://spredi.rau.ro/?page_id=201).

    Contact Person:
    Ramona GRIGORE - Awareness expert, target group recruitment (Romanian American-University), telephone: 0372.120.121, e-mail: [email protected]

    Courses are organized within the project entitled "Ensuring competences adequate to the labour market requirements through study programs of excellence with an international dimension", Contract Code: POSDRU/156/1.2/G/134518, implemented by Romanian-American University in partnership with the "Babes-Bolyai" University from Cluj and "Constantin Brancusi" University from Targu-Jiu. The project is co-financed by European Social Fund through the Sectoral Operational Programme Human Resource Development 2007 - 2013.

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    From November 10 to 21, Guest Professor HANS ZWAGA will taught the course REALITY - TEST LABS for ENTREPRENEURIAL IDEAS.

    For further details please visit the project website - http://spredi.rau.ro/, section COURSES (http://spredi.rau.ro/?page_id=201).

    Contact Person:
    Ramona GRIGORE - Awareness expert, target group recruitment (Romanian American -University), telephone: 0372.120.121, e-mail: [email protected]

    The course is organized within the project entitled "Ensuring competences adequate to the labour market requirements through study programs of excellence with an international dimension", Contract Code: POSDRU/156/1.2/G/134518, implemented by Romanian-American University in partnership with the "Babes-Bolyai" University from Cluj and "Constantin Brancusi" University from Targu-Jiu.

    The project is co-financed by European Social Fund through the Sectoral Operational Programme Human Resource Development 2007 - 2013

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    Receptionist, Travel Agent-Tour Guide, Manager in Tourism Activity training courses

    Starting this year, the Continuous Education Department from the Romanian-American University will organize training and specialization courses in tourism, thus meeting the current legislation on employment in hotel units, travel agencies, and in other industry segments as well.

    Registration until November 30th, 2014.

    Information about enrolling in the courses can be obtained at:
    Phone: 0372.120.111, 0722.953.514
    Email: [email protected]
    Email: [email protected]
    Legal Clinic "Respecting the rights of institutionalized persons with mental disabilities"
    (POSDRU 132920)

    Students interested in the topic of the rights of institutionalized persons with mental disabilities are invited on Monday, 10th of November 2014, at the Romanian-American University, starting with 14:00, in Room 223, to get involved in the activities of the LEGAL CLINIC "Respecting the rights of institutionalized persons with mental disabilities", coordinated by Georgiana PASCU.

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    Activities within the clinic:

  • trainings for students in the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, Optional Protocol to the Torture Convention and other relevant internal documents in the matter of respecting the rights of institutionalized mentally disabled persons;
  • sessions focused on the instruments used for documentation of potential cases of human rights violations;
  • Strategic Litigation vs. Advocacy. How do we help in respecting human rights in custodial institutions;
  • documentation and preparation of a monitoring visit, analyse relevant case law, a report of the visit, interview-based documentation of violations of the rights of institutionalized persons with intellectual disability/mental illness, etc.
  • involvement in the preparation of the first national advocacy campaign for the rights of institutionalized mentally disabled persons.

  • The clinic is open FOR ALL STUDENTS, regardless of their school or university.

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    The event is organized within the framework of the project "PRACTICAL SCHOOL: Innovation in Higher Education and Success on the Labour Market", POSDRU/156/1.2/G/132920, implemented by the Romanian-American University in partnership with Center for Legal Resources.
    The project is co-financed from the European Social Fund through the Sectoral Operational Programme Human Resource Development 2007-2013.
    Program Against Human Trafficking
    (POSDRU 132920)

    The Program Against Human Trafficking, developed by the Center for Human Rights and Migration of the Romanian-American University, invites you to attend on Tuesday, 11th of November, starting from 12:00, inside the Amphitheatre I a presentation on "Realities of Human Trafficking in Romania" with Iana Matei.

  • Video clip - Iana Matei

  • Click for the enlarged version

    The event is organized within the framework of the project "PRACTICAL SCHOOL: Innovation in Higher Education and Success on the Labour Market", POSDRU/156/1.2/G/132920, implemented by the Romanian-American University in partnership with Center for Legal Resources.
    The project is co-financed from the European Social Fund through the Sectoral Operational Programme Human Resource Development 2007-2013.
    ATC RAU Training Center Courses

    ATC RAU Training Center will organize between the 19th of January and the 4th of February 2015 a new IATA/UFTAA Foundation Course.

    This course should be attended by students in the tourism field, but also by others interested in working in travel agencies, airlines, call centers and achieving an international recognition. The diploma is required for employees of tourism agencies in order to receive the IATA accreditation, according to the specific criteria established by IATA Romania.

    In order to enrol for the examination scheduled for March 2015, it is necessary to submit the application before the 25th of November.

    You may find further details on:
  • our website http://iata.rau.ro
  • our Facebook page:

  • For enrolment, kindly contact us at:
    Phone: +40 767 452 382
    E-mail: [email protected]
    Montreal Room (427), 4th floor, Building B.
    Workshop "Web Design - new trends in UI/UX"
    (POSDRU 132920)

    The Center for IT & Communications invite you on Saturday, 15th of November 2014, starting at 10:00 to attend the workshop entitled "Web Design - new trends in UI/UX".

    The activity will take place inside the MBA Lecture Room, inside the RAU campus.

    The activities require the next software applications installed: Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Fireworks. articipants, please bring your own laptops.

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    The event is organized within the framework of the project "PRACTICAL SCHOOL: Innovation in Higher Education and Success on the Labour Market", POSDRU/156/1.2/G/132920, implemented by the Romanian-American University in partnership with Center for Legal Resources.
    The project is co-financed from the European Social Fund through the Sectoral Operational Programme Human Resource Development 2007-2013.
    Conference "Management, Leadership and Innovation towards a Better Changing World"

    On the 5th and the 6th of November, the Romanian-American University hosted for the second year the International Conference "MANAGEMENT, LEADERSHIP AND INNOVATION TOWARDS A BETTER CHANGING WORLD".
    The event gathered representatives of the academic field from Romania, Norway, Finland, USA and also experts from the business area and professional associations, which discussed the new existing trends in aviation, tourism, entrepreneurship.

    The first day of the conference was dedicated to scientific research, the participants and the guests presenting the results of their studies and debating on it. The main topics of the research were sustainability, innovative techniques of data analysis, negotiating techniques, alternative tourism etc.
    Professor Peter Fischer (The Arctic University of Norway), Oana Diaconu-Tigau (Recrutare Turism & Training) and Dorin Ivascu (Regional Air Support) were the key-note speakers focusing on aviation - highlighting its progress in the past and emphasizing on its further development, the recruitment process in the tourism industry - or how the entry level employees of today represent the high values of the companies in the future and the importance of innovation and new approaches for a transition from "competition" to "coopetition".

    The second day of the event continued with a dynamic panel discussion on entrepreneurship. Lilian Onescu (Secretary General of the Ministry of European Funds), Cristian Laudoniu (Hub Romania) and Cristian Nicolae (John Maxwell Romania) debated topics as the importance of entrepreneurship, the necessary characteristics of an entrepreneur and the opportunities and subventions that can be accessed in this field.
    The panel discussion was followed by 2 parallel workshops. "Continuous Innovation - Entrepreneurship as method", moderated by Professor Peter Fischer, aimed to develop the creativity of the participants and to find new innovative approaches for the future young entrepreneurs. The second workshop, "Sectors of the labor market in tourism. Where do I fit?", was conducted by Oana Diaconu Tigau, who highlighted the importance of aligning different professional and personal skills with specific jobs requirements in the industry and gave helpful advices on how to approach a job interview.

    The event gathered around 100 participants from the academic field, the business environment, as well as students and graduates.

    Course "The Art of Networking - Be a Best Performer"

    From November 18 to 28, Guest Professor FILIPE CARRERA will taught the course THE ART OF NETWORKING - BE A BEST PERFORMER.

    For further details please visit the project website - http://spredi.rau.ro/, section COURSES (http://spredi.rau.ro/?page_id=201).

    Contact Person:
    Ramona GRIGORE - Awareness expert, target group recruitment (Romanian-American University), telephone: 0372.120.121, e-mail: [email protected]

    The course is organized within the project entitled "Ensuring competences adequate to the labour market requirements through study programs of excellence with an international dimension", Contract Code: POSDRU/156/1.2/G/134518, implemented by Romanian-American University in partnership with the "Babes-Bolyai" University from Cluj and "Constantin Brancusi" University from Targu-Jiu.

    The project is co-financed by European Social Fund through the Sectoral Operational Programme Human Resource Development 2007 - 2013

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    Scholarships for RAU students in South Korea

    Dankook University from South Korea offers scholarships for the students of the Romanian-American University.

    Application file:
    - Application form
    - Copy of the Identity Card
    - Europass curriculum vitae with picture (in English)
    - A recommendation letter
    - Language proficiency certificate

    Evaluation criteria:
    - Academic performances
    - ability to communicate in English
    - ability to communicate in Korean
    - extra-curricular activities
    - earnest, credibility, motivation
    - team spirit

    Eligibility criteria:
    - Undergraduate students who have a GPA over 7,50 and have passed all the exams.

    The deadline for sending the applications is 28th of November, 2014 (Friday).
    For enrolment and other information please visit the Asian Studies Department (room 322, 3rd floor).
    Course COMMUNICATING IN THE 21ST CENTURY (POSDRU/156/1.2/G/134518)

    From November 24 to December 04, 2014, Guest Professor FILIPE CARRERA will taught the course COMMUNICATING IN THE 21ST CENTURY.

    For further details please visit the project website - http://spredi.rau.ro/, section COURSES (http://spredi.rau.ro/?page_id=201).

    Contact Person:
    Ramona GRIGORE - Awareness expert, target group recruitment (Romanian-American University), telephone: 0372.120.121, e-mail: [email protected]

    The course is organized within the project entitled "Ensuring competences adequate to the labour market requirements through study programs of excellence with an international dimension", Contract Code: POSDRU/156/1.2/G/134518, implemented by Romanian-American University in partnership with the "Babes-Bolyai" University from Cluj and "Constantin Brancusi" University from Targu-Jiu.

    The project is co-financed by European Social Fund through the Sectoral Operational Programme Human Resource Development 2007 - 2013

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    Basketball: RAU vs. Agronomie

    The basketball team of the Romanian-American University, URAcanes!, meets on Thursday, 27th of November 2014, at 20:15, the similar team of the University of Agronomical Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Bucharest. The game takes place in Sala Agronomia.

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    School of DIET at the Romanian Tourism Fair

    During November 13-16, 2014 Romexpo hosted the Romanian Tourism Fair.
    Keeping the tradition of the last years, the Romanian-American University, represented by the School of Domestic and International Economy of Tourism, was present with a stand for all the four days of the event. Students and faculty have been actively involved in the activities at our stand. The students had also a great opportunity to get in touch with possible employers (tourism agencies, hotels etc.).

    The RAU's stand attracted the guests' attention, especially the younger ones, eager to follow BA or MA studies in this field. The specialists of the tourism field offered there advice and knowledge whenever possible.
    The participating students have had the unconditional support of the university management, especially of the Rector, professor Ovidiu Folcut PhD, and of the Dean of the School of DIET, Associate Professor Emilia Gabroveanu PhD.

    Interactive class "The role of emotional intelligence in solving conflicts"
    (POSDRU 132920)

    The Center for Negotiations and Mediation of the Romanian-American University invite you to attend the interactive class "The role of emotional intelligence in solving conflicts", course focused on the mediation component of the center.

    The class will take place on Wednesday, 26.11.2014, between 12:00 - 15:00 in Room 223, being held by Ms. Katalin Kibedi, expert of the center and reputed specialist with a vast experience in the field (23 year as prosecutor and 4 years as Secretary of State in the Ministry of Justice).

    Besides the very interesting knowledge that you will accumulate, the Center for Negotiations and Mediation offers you also a certificate of attendance in order to enrich you CV.

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    The event is organized within the framework of the project "PRACTICAL SCHOOL: Innovation in Higher Education and Success on the Labour Market", POSDRU/156/1.2/G/132920, implemented by the Romanian-American University in partnership with Center for Legal Resources.
    The project is co-financed from the European Social Fund through the Sectoral Operational Programme Human Resource Development 2007-2013.
    "Asylum Seekers Rights in Romania" - interactive class
    (POSDRU 132920)

    The Center for Human Rights and Migration invite you on Tuesday, 2nd of December 2014, starting from 12:00 hours, in Amphitheatre 1 to attend the interactive course held by Ms. Cristina Bunea, Coordinator of the Legal Department of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees in Romania.

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    The event is organized within the framework of the project "PRACTICAL SCHOOL: Innovation in Higher Education and Success on the Labour Market", POSDRU/156/1.2/G/132920, implemented by the Romanian-American University in partnership with Center for Legal Resources.
    The project is co-financed from the European Social Fund through the Sectoral Operational Programme Human Resource Development 2007-2013.
    "Corruption - a Challenge for the Rule of Law" - event from the AmericanDay! series
    (POSDRU 132920)

    The Center for Human Rights and Migration invites you on Thursday, 4th of December 2014, from 10:30 AM, in the Senate Hall to attend the event "Corruption - a Challenge for the Rule of Law" - event organized within the AmericanDay! at RAU series.

    The honorary guest of the event is Ms. Marisa MacIssac, Rule of Law Officer at the U.S. Embassy in Bucharest.
    Her previous postings include Skopje (Macedonia) and Hyderabad (India). Prior to joining the State Department, Marisa founded a tour business on the small Maine island where her family resides. She holds a Bachelor of Humanities and Arts in 20th Century Visual Culture from the prestigious Carnegie Mellon University and a Masters of European Studies from the Zentrum für Europaische Integrationsforschung at the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms Universitat in Bonn, Germany. She speaks German, Czech and Macedonian.

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    The event is organized within the framework of the project "PRACTICAL SCHOOL: Innovation in Higher Education and Success on the Labour Market", POSDRU/156/1.2/G/132920, implemented by the Romanian-American University in partnership with Center for Legal Resources.
    The project is co-financed from the European Social Fund through the Sectoral Operational Programme Human Resource Development 2007-2013.
    "The idea of Rechtsstaat compared with the Rule of Law" - round table
    (POSDRU 132920)

    The Center for Human Rights and Migration invites you on Monday, 8th of December 2014, from 10:30 AM, in the Senate Hall to attend the round table "The idea of Rechtsstaat compared with the Rule of Law".

    The special guest of the event is Mr. Thorsten Geissler, Director of the Rule of Law Program South East Europe, Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung .

    Thorsten Geissler is a German lawyer and has been head of the Rule of Law Program South East Europe of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation since December 2010. He had an extensive political career in Germany, where he served as Senator for Environment, Security, and Public Order and Second Deputy Mayor of the Hanseatic City of Lubeck, Member of the Schleswig-Holstein State Legislature, and City Councillor of the Hanseatic City of Lubeck. His expertise is in German Constitutional Law, environment law, internal affairs and judicial appointments.

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    The event is organized within the framework of the project "PRACTICAL SCHOOL: Innovation in Higher Education and Success on the Labour Market", POSDRU/156/1.2/G/132920, implemented by the Romanian-American University in partnership with Center for Legal Resources.
    The project is co-financed from the European Social Fund through the Sectoral Operational Programme Human Resource Development 2007-2013.
    Interactive Course on Business and Ethics Topics

    The Center for Oratory and Debate of the Romanian-American University, center developed within the framework of the project "PRACTICAL SCHOOL: Innovation in Higher Education and Success on the Labour Market - POSDRU/156/1.2/G/132920", organizes during this academic semester, in partnership with "Umanager", an interactive course on business and ethics topics.

    The third meeting takes place on November 26th, 2014, from 17:00 hours, at the Senate Hall. The special guest of this course is Mr. Steven van Groningen, president and CEO of Raiffeisen Bank Romania, one of the largest banks in the country.

    The "Umanager" program is organized as a series of interactive workshops, held by well known business man and entrepreneurs which built sound businesses in Romania or that managed to be successful even during the crisis.
    The project aims to coagulate a community that uses business ethics as a landmark of their professional activity, addressing both business man and students interested into building a successful business career.

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    The event is organized within the framework of the project "PRACTICAL SCHOOL: Innovation in Higher Education and Success on the Labour Market", POSDRU/156/1.2/G/132920, implemented by the Romanian-American University in partnership with Center for Legal Resources.
    The project is co-financed from the European Social Fund through the Sectoral Operational Programme Human Resource Development 2007-2013.
    A first winner of the contest "Think Straight. Get Informed!". The contest continues!

    The Romanian-American University is a partner of Capital Magazine and Nadia Comaneci Foundation within the framework of the project "Think Straight. Get Informed!".
    Ambitious and talented young people have the opportunity to become famous economic journalists by doing the first steps towards this goal. The program takes place between October 20th, 2014 - March 20th, 2015 and includes a set of 7 different economics topics which are to be announced during this timeframe.

    We have the pleasure to congratulate a young economic journalist, Mr. Razvan Petru Munteanu, MA student with the Enterprise Strategic Management program of the Romanian-American University.
    His article "I have 20.000 Euro. How should I investe them?" [RO] was among the best in contest, being published in the electronic edition of the Capital Magazine [RO].

    The second topic within the contest is:
  • "Romania Accession to the EURO Zone. What do you think the effects will be, difficulties or challenges of the European unique currency adoption by our country"

  • Articles must be sent to the email address: [email protected], up to the 8th of December 2014.

    DECEMBER 2014

    Interactive Course "Emotional intelligence in Handling Conflicts. Three Working Tools" (POSDRU 132920)

    The Center for Negotiation and Mediation organizes on Wednesday, December 3rd, 2014, between 12:00 - 15:00, in Lecture Room 223, the course entitled "Emotional intelligence in Handling Conflicts. Three Working Tools", held by Mr. Daniel Vieru, mediator and psychotherapist.
    The course is focused on practical applications and it will be concluded by a certificate of attendance.

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    The event is organized within the framework of the project "PRACTICAL SCHOOL: Innovation in Higher Education and Success on the Labour Market", POSDRU/156/1.2/G/132920, implemented by the Romanian-American University in partnership with Center for Legal Resources.
    The project is co-financed from the European Social Fund through the Sectoral Operational Programme Human Resource Development 2007-2013.
    Online Financial Trading Competition
    (POSDRU 132920)

    The Center for Domestic and International Financial Markets (http://pietefinanciare.rau.ro) organizes a ONLINE FINANCIAL TRADING COMPETITION, held exclusively on the world wide web platform, during December 10, 2014 - January 10, 2015.

    The event is aimed at all BA and MA students, regardles of the university or school they belong to.

    Participation in the ONLINE FINANCIAL TRADING COMPETITION is free of any charge.

    The ONLINE FINANCIAL TRADING COMPETITION is a simulated transactions process on international financial markets, through the use of the online trading platform Startrade 360 (demo version), belonging to SSIF Tradeville S.A..
    The competition takes place in one stage, the participants ranked in the first 4 positions at the end of the competition will receive, each, prizes in the amount of 1.250 lei (prize awarded in money).
    At the opening of their transactional accounts all participants will receive a virtual amount of 20.000 EUR. They are required to use this amount as a financing source for transactions on the financial markets inside the platform. The participants target is to obtain the highest value individual portfolio up to the end of the transactional period.
    The Jury of the Competition will comprise three prestigious specialists from the financial-banking field.
    The ranking of the participants will be made in decreasing order of their individual portfolio values, thus resulting the final ranking of the contest.
    The total amount of the awarded prizes in 5.000 lei.

    After opening their trading account, participants have to fill in the APPLICATION FORM [RO].
    After filling in the application form, the participant has to come to the Romanian-American University location, in 1B Expozitiei Blvd., sector 1, Bucharest, B Building, 1st floor, room 119, to sign the required documentation for certification that he/she is part of the target-group, according to the standard requirements of the OIPOSDRU (Target-group form, Formular inregistrare grup-tinta, Declaration of consent, BA/MA student certificate for students outside the RAU, ID copy).
    By signing up for the competition, the participant agrees to have read, understood and agreed with the terms and conditions of the CONTEST METHODOLOGY [RO].

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    The event is organized within the framework of the project "PRACTICAL SCHOOL: Innovation in Higher Education and Success on the Labour Market", POSDRU/156/1.2/G/132920, implemented by the Romanian-American University in partnership with Center for Legal Resources.
    The project is co-financed from the European Social Fund through the Sectoral Operational Programme Human Resource Development 2007-2013.
    Commercial Law Student Circle

    Monday, December 8, 2014, 18:00 hours, room 211, the Commercial Law Student Circle will proceed to its first meeting during this academic year.

    Topic of the debates: The Corporate Veil or the role of the legal personality of companies.
    Application Interview - Key to Success in Your Career!
    (POSDRU 132920)

    The Center for Domestic and International Financial Markets invites you on Tuesday, 9.12.2014, between 15:00 - 18:00, in Room 017, to attend the training entitled "Application Interview - Key to Success in Your Career!", held by Gabriel Chicioreanu, Founder and Trainer 4CAREER.

    The event is FREE OF CHARGE and focuses on BA and MA students, regardless of their university or school
    Applications are reveived up to Sunday, 7.12.2014, through the online form:

    Gabriel Chicioreanu is a GCDF certification holder (Global Career Development Facilitator) and active member of the Department of Career Counselling and the Department of Ethics, Standards and Supervision within the Romanian Counsellors Association (ACROM).

    What will you learn in this training:
    - Successful key steps for an interview!
    - Possible questions and answers during an interview!
    - What are you NOT supposed to do during an interview!
    - Basic principles for a good CV!
    - Mistakes to be avoided in a letter of intent!

    As a result of the self-knowledge exercises and practising what you learn here, you will never say again:
    - "I have experience on a similar position and they did not even read my CV".
    - "I was at an interview and I got no answer from the company, they must have hired somebody else".
    - "I asked for a too large salary and that is why they did not hire me".

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    The event is organized within the framework of the project "PRACTICAL SCHOOL: Innovation in Higher Education and Success on the Labour Market", POSDRU/156/1.2/G/132920, implemented by the Romanian-American University in partnership with Center for Legal Resources.
    The project is co-financed from the European Social Fund through the Sectoral Operational Programme Human Resource Development 2007-2013.
    Finals of the Debate Champions' Tournament
    (POSDRU 132920)

    We have the pleasure to invite you to attend the Finals of the Debate Champions' Tournament, event organized in partnership by ARDOR and Center for Oratory and Debate of the Romanian-American University.
    The event takes place on Monday, December 8, from 18:00 hours, inside the Aula of the "Carol I" University Library in Bucharest, (88 Calea Victoriei).

    Debate Champions' Tournament reunites the best 8 student debating teams in Romania, which for 2 days are going to debate on actual topics of politics, economy or society.
    The topic of the Finale, taking place between the best 4 teams, in "Parliamentary immunity should be revoked".

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    The event is organized within the framework of the project "PRACTICAL SCHOOL: Innovation in Higher Education and Success on the Labour Market", POSDRU/156/1.2/G/132920, implemented by the Romanian-American University in partnership with Center for Legal Resources.
    The project is co-financed from the European Social Fund through the Sectoral Operational Programme Human Resource Development 2007-2013.
    Training Session - Online Databases Access and Tools

    The Romanian-American University invites you on Monday, 12th of December 2014, inside the Lecture Hall, for a training session regarding the content, way of use and tools offered by each online documentation resource available through ANELISE PLUS (Romanian Association of Universities, Research&Development Institutes and Central University Libraries).

    The topic of this session is "Electronic Access to scientific literature for promoting the Romanian research and education system".

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    Interactive Course "Negotiation, taught using practical applications and games" (POSDRU 132920)

    BA and MA students that wish to accumulate new knowledge about the mediation process in an interactive manner, are invited to participate on Wednesday, 10th of December 2014, between 13:30 - 15:30, in the interactive course entitled "Negotiation, taught using practical applications and games".

    The course will be taught by Mr. Valeriu Potecea, PhD Professor, Dean of the Domestic and International Business, Banking and Finance within the Romanian-American University. For participating in the class, the Center for Negotiation and Mediation offers the possibility to obtain an attendance certificate that can improve your CV.

    Click for the enlarged version

    The event is organized within the framework of the project "PRACTICAL SCHOOL: Innovation in Higher Education and Success on the Labour Market", POSDRU/156/1.2/G/132920, implemented by the Romanian-American University in partnership with Center for Legal Resources.
    The project is co-financed from the European Social Fund through the Sectoral Operational Programme Human Resource Development 2007-2013.
    Yale University School of Decision-Making and its Research Methodology
    (POSDRU 132920)

    The Center for Human Rights and Migration of the Romanian-American University organizes the workshop entitled "Yale University School of Decision-Making and its Research Methodology".

    The meeting takes place at the Romanian-American University campus, inside the Senate Hall, on the 12th of December 2014, starting at 15:30 hours.

    The event approaches the 8 human values that the NHS promotes, as well as the 5 steps used for decision-making and research. The activity will be held in English, participants are highly encouraged to take part to the debates, after consulting the bibliography available in the center's online library.
    It is said that the "secret" that keeps, for over 300 hundred years, this university in top is the Hew Haven School itself.

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    The event is organized within the framework of the project "PRACTICAL SCHOOL: Innovation in Higher Education and Success on the Labour Market", POSDRU/156/1.2/G/132920, implemented by the Romanian-American University in partnership with Center for Legal Resources.
    The project is co-financed from the European Social Fund through the Sectoral Operational Programme Human Resource Development 2007-2013.
    Demo Debate - the winners of the prestigious international competition OXFORD IV – 2014!
    (POSDRU 132920)

    The Center for Oratory and Debate, within the Romanian-American University, invites you to attend a new demonstrative debate!

    The event takes place on Tuesday, 9th of December 2014, at 10:30, in Room 117.

    The demo debate benefits from the presence of the winners of the prestigious international competition OXFORD IV – 2014!

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    The event is organized within the framework of the project "PRACTICAL SCHOOL: Innovation in Higher Education and Success on the Labour Market", POSDRU/156/1.2/G/132920, implemented by the Romanian-American University in partnership with Center for Legal Resources.
    The project is co-financed from the European Social Fund through the Sectoral Operational Programme Human Resource Development 2007-2013.
    Together Against Human Trafficking: Challenges and Practical Lessons

    The European Center for Legal Education and Research together with Friedrich Ebert Romania Foundation - with the support of Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany, Embassy of the Netherlands and the Romanian-American University - organizes the first edtion of the event "Together Against Human Trafficking: Challenges and Practical Lessons", taking place at the conference room in hotel Crowne Plaza, Bucharest, on the 10th of December 2014, starting with 9:00 am.

    The event targets the challenges faced by the main actors involved in prevention and fighting the human trafficking or the victims' protection in Romania, Germany and Netherlands.

    Participants are encouraged to take parte in the debates, abiding by the Chatham House rules. The debate will be held in Romanian, with instant English translation. The event reunites representatives of NGOs, magistrates, police officers, lawyers, researchers and foreign diplomats.

    Project coordinator: Silvia Tabusca, PhD
    Scientific Student Circles Session - December 2014

    BA and MA students of the Romanian-American University are invited to attend the Scientific Student Circles Session - December 2014.
    The section events are going to start, for BA students, at 9:00, 10th of December 2014. Lucrarile pe sectiuni, pentru studentii din ciclul de licenta, incep de la ora 9:00.

    Online Financial Trading Competition - application deadline extended
    (POSDRU 132920)

    At the request of BA and MA students interested in the ONLINE FINANCIAL TRADING COMPETITION organized by the Center for Domestic and International Financial Markets (http://pietefinanciare.rau.ro), the application deadline has been extended to 16th of December 2014.
    The competition is solely based on the online platform, during December 17, 2014 - January 17, 2015.

    The event is aimed at all BA and MA students, regardles of the university or school they belong to.

    Participation in the ONLINE FINANCIAL TRADING COMPETITION is free of any charge.

    The ONLINE FINANCIAL TRADING COMPETITION is a simulated transactions process on international financial markets, through the use of the online trading platform Startrade 360 (demo version), belonging to SSIF Tradeville S.A..
    The competition takes place in one stage, the participants ranked in the first 4 positions at the end of the competition will receive, each, prizes in the amount of 1.250 lei (prize awarded in money).
    At the opening of their transactional accounts all participants will receive a virtual amount of 20.000 EUR. They are required to use this amount as a financing source for transactions on the financial markets inside the platform. The participants target is to obtain the highest value individual portfolio up to the end of the transactional period.
    The Jury of the Competition will comprise three prestigious specialists from the financial-banking field.
    The ranking of the participants will be made in decreasing order of their individual portfolio values, thus resulting the final ranking of the contest.
    The total amount of the awarded prizes in 5.000 lei.

    After opening their trading account, participants have to fill in the APPLICATION FORM [RO].
    After filling in the application form, the participant has to come to the Romanian-American University location, in 1B Expozitiei Blvd., sector 1, Bucharest, B Building, 1st floor, room 119, to sign the required documentation for certification that he/she is part of the target-group, according to the standard requirements of the OIPOSDRU (Target-group form, Formular inregistrare grup-tinta, Declaration of consent, BA/MA student certificate for students outside the RAU, ID copy).
    By signing up for the competition, the participant agrees to have read, understood and agreed with the terms and conditions of the CONTEST METHODOLOGY [RO].

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    The event is organized within the framework of the project "PRACTICAL SCHOOL: Innovation in Higher Education and Success on the Labour Market", POSDRU/156/1.2/G/132920, implemented by the Romanian-American University in partnership with Center for Legal Resources.
    The project is co-financed from the European Social Fund through the Sectoral Operational Programme Human Resource Development 2007-2013.
    IATA Foundation Courses

    The IATA Center within the Romanian-American University announces the launch of the new series of IATA Foundation courses.

    The courses will be held between January 19 - February 4, 2015.
    Applications are received up to December 18, 2014.
    Intensive Course "Separation of Powers and Individual Rights under the United States Constitutional Law" (POSDRU 132920)

    The Center for Human Rights and Migration organizes the course "Separation of Powers and Individual Rights under the United States Constitutional Law", held by Mr. Siegfried Wiessner, Professor of Law within St. Thomas University School of Law and the Founder and Director of its LL.M. and J.S.D. Programs in Intercultural Human Rights.

    The course is free of charge and available for all Law BA and MA students.
    Participants will receive Attendance Certificates.

    Online subscription available at: http://bit.ly/1vSTzjz

    Under a comparative perspective, this course is designed to briefly introduce you to United States constitutional law and theory, including the structure and philosophy of government, the allocation of powers, both horizontally and vertically, in the federal system, and selected individual rights.

    • Genesis, Theory and Relevancy of the Constitution: The Road Toward Dual Sovereignty
    • Federalism: Vertical Separation of Powers
    • Horizontal Separation of Powers

    • Individual Rights: Selected Issues
    • The First Amendment
    • The Second Amendment: A Uniquely American Right
    • Equal Protection: Tiers of Review and Fundamental Rights
    • Substantive Due Process: The Evolution of the Privacy Right

    Additional information about SIEGFRIED WIESSNER

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    The event is organized within the framework of the project "PRACTICAL SCHOOL: Innovation in Higher Education and Success on the Labour Market", POSDRU/156/1.2/G/132920, implemented by the Romanian-American University in partnership with Center for Legal Resources.
    The project is co-financed from the European Social Fund through the Sectoral Operational Programme Human Resource Development 2007-2013.
    Charity Show - CS-URA

    The Christmas Carols time is here, and the CS-URA has the pleasure to invite you to the already traditional charity show in our campus.
    Folk music, carols and festive atmosphere will be at home in the Romanian-American University's foyer (Ground Floor, B Building).

    So, we are waiting for you on MONDAY, 15th of December 2014, from 17:00 o'clock... and it is very important to remember that we are also preparing a lot of surprises because the Santa's elves are busy.

    We will be waiting for you!

  • Facebook Event

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    Christmas Party for Kids - 2014

    The traditional Christmas Party for the RAU Kids will take place this year on December 15, in the RAU foyer, B Building - Ground floor, starting at ora 11:00 am.

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    Intensive course "Practical Applications - Evaluation tests for the first two types of aptitudes: self-awareness and self-regulation" (POSDRU 132920)

    The Center for Negotiation and Mediation organizes on Wednesday, December 17th of 2014, between 12:00 - 15:00 in Room 223, the intensive course entitled "Practical Applications - Evaluation tests for the first two types of aptitudes: self-awareness and self-regulation".

    This activity continues the series of courses related to mediation and held by Mrs. Katalin Kibedi, expert of the Center and prestigious specialist with a vast experience in the field. The course is also meant to prepare the students for the MEDIATION CONTEST which will take place in January 2015, with total prizes of 5000 lei.

    For applications please fill in the online form:

    Click for the enlarged version

    The event is organized within the framework of the project "PRACTICAL SCHOOL: Innovation in Higher Education and Success on the Labour Market", POSDRU/156/1.2/G/132920, implemented by the Romanian-American University in partnership with Center for Legal Resources.
    The project is co-financed from the European Social Fund through the Sectoral Operational Programme Human Resource Development 2007-2013.
    Happy Holidays!

    The Romanian-American University wishes you Happy Holidays!.

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    © Universitatea Romano-Americana / Romanian-American University - Toate drepturile rezervate.

    Publicat la: 2015-01-01 (18087 citiri)

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