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Archive - 2015


The "Think Straight. Get Informed!" contest continues.

The Romanian-American University is a partner of Capital Magazine and Nadia Comaneci Foundation within the framework of the project "Think Straight. Get Informed!".

Ambitious and talented young people have the opportunity to become famous economic journalists by doing the first steps towards this goal. The program takes place between October 20th, 2014 - March 20th, 2015 and includes a set of 7 different economics topics which are to be announced during this timeframe.

The third topic within the contest is:
  • "Digitization in 2020 - how will the telecommunications market look like based on the present trends, and which could be the impact of these transformations on other markets and on the economy as a whole".

  • Articles must be sent to the email address: [email protected], up to the 8th of January 2015.
    Rescheduled classes - January 9, 2015

    We remind you that the complete schedule of classes from December 23, 2014 (Tuesday) is rescheduled for January 9, 2015 (Friday).
    eUniversity! Contest
    (POSDRU 132920)

    The Center for Information Technology and Communications is delighted to invite you apply for the eUniversity! competition.

    The subject of the competition is building an application that is useful for academia (e.g.: grade book application, online timetable, etc.).
    Any type of application is welcomed (desktop, web, mobile, etc.) and there is no restriction regarding the technologies or the programming languages that can be used.
    For more information please consult the center website: csi.rau.ro.

    Click for the enlarged version

    The event is organized within the framework of the project "PRACTICAL SCHOOL: Innovation in Higher Education and Success on the Labour Market", POSDRU/156/1.2/G/132920, implemented by the Romanian-American University in partnership with Center for Legal Resources.
    The project is co-financed from the European Social Fund through the Sectoral Operational Programme Human Resource Development 2007-2013.
    Erasmus Grants

    The Romanian-American University, through its "Office for European Programs - ERASMUS", launches a new set of opportunities for studies.

    Find out how:
    - On the webpage www.rau.ro, in the section "Office for European Programs - ERASMUS"
    - Room 306 - Office for European Programs - ERASMUS

    Erasmus Studies Grants are free grants available for the second semester of the 2014-2015 academic year and are financed with non-refundable sums of money.

    For further information:
    - Office for European Programs - ERASMUS (C Building, 3rd floor, Room 306)
    - Phone +40(0)372.120.115
    - Email: [email protected]
    Conference "The Freudo-Marxism: The New Utopia"

    On the 30th of January 2015, 16:00 hours, the "Murray Rothbard" Center for Political Economy and Business within the Romanian-American University and the Center for Scientific Research in International Economic Relations within ASE invite you at the RAU Senate Hall for the Conference "The Freudo-Marxism: The New Utopia". The main speaker will be Mr. Andrei Dirlau, post-graduate student of the "1 Decembrie 1918" University in Alba Iulia together with Alexandru Popovici, Ph.D. from the Romanian-American University and Assistant Professor Laurentiu Gheorghe from the University of Bucharest.

    Click for the enlarged version

    Video Production - POSDRU/156/1.2/G/134518

    A representation of the objectives and activities of the project entitled "Ensuring competences adequate to the labour market requirements through study programs of excellence with an international dimension", Contract Code: POSDRU/156/1.2/G/134518, implemented by Romanian-American University in partnership with the "Babes-Bolyai" University from Cluj and "Constantin Brancusi" University from Targu-Jiu.

    For further details please visit the project website - http://spredi.rau.ro.

    The project is co-financed by European Social Fund through the Sectoral Operational Programme Human Resource Development 2007 – 2013

    FEBRUARY 2015

    GE Foundation Scholar-Leaders Program Scholarships

    Romanian-American University students can apply until February 27, 2015 for a SCHOLARSHIP within the GE Foundation Scholar-Leaders Program.
    The program is meant for students of the following prestigious institutions:
  • Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi
  • Babes-Bolyai University
  • Romanian-American University in Bucharest
  • Politehnica University of Timisoara
  • University Politehnica of Bucharest

    - USD 4000 scholarship
    - Leadership Development Program
    - Shadowing day with GE business manager
    - Central Eastern European student network

    - Second-year undergraduate students
    - Fields: engineering, technology, economics and management
    - High level of academic achievement
    - Proficiency in written and oral English

    Click here for more information and application!

    The Romanian-American University in partnership with Theatre of Independent Professionals organizes the new RAU's THEATRE STUDIO.
    Participants will get access to fresh, new perspectives on communication process, emotion control, team work, synchronization of physical and intellectual abilities, direct speech and self esteem.

    The first meeting (pre-selection) will take place on February 25th, 2015, starting at 16:30 in Room 017.
    Applications are received online up to February 23rd, 2015, through the online form.

    Click for the enlarged version

    Workshop "Useful Formulae and Trends for Sustainable, Above Average Growth and Profitability - The Modern CEO's Tools Post Crisis"

    We are pleased to invite you to take part between 23 and 25 February 2015 in the workshop "Useful Formulae and Trends for Sustainable, Above Average Growth and Profitability - The Modern CEO's Tools Post Crisis" organized by the Centre for Entrepreneurship, International Business and Innovation, The workshop is organized within the project entitled "Ensuring competences adequate to the labour market requirements through study programs of excellence with an international dimension", Contract Code: POSDRU/156/1.2/G/134518, implemented by Romanian-American University in partnership with the "Babes-Bolyai" University from Cluj and "Constantin Brancusi" University from Targu-Jiu.

    For further details please visit the project website - http://spredi.rau.ro/, section COURSES.

    The project is co-financed by European Social Fund through the Sectoral Operational Programme Human Resource Development 2007 - 2013

    Click for the enlarged version

    Contest "Mediation on Selected Types of Conflicts" (POSDRU 132920)

    The Center for Negotiations and Mediation of the Romanian-American University organizes the contest entitled "Mediation on Selected Types of Conflicts", with total prizes of 5.000 lei.
    The competition is open for any BA or MA student, regardless of their school or university, and participation is completely FREE of any fee.

    The contest will take place on February 25th, 2015, starting at 11:00, in Lecture Room 223 within the Romanian-American University campus (Bucharest, 1B Expozitiei Blvd.), and comprises two stages:
    1. solving a series of tests regarding the development of emotional intelligence
    2. simulated mediations on selected types of conflicts
    The first 12 contestants from the point of view of the scores received for the first stage will go through to the second stage. The winners of the competition will be selected based on the scores received for the second stage, from a jury of specialists in the field of mediation.

    Applications are received up to February 23rd, 2015, first by the online form (http://bit.ly/INSCRIERE-CONCURS-MEDIERE). The application is considered as an agreement of the terms established by the Competition Methodology.
    The final application requires the following documents from the participants: All the above documents should be personally presented to room 119, within the Romanian-American University campus (1B Expozitiei Blvd., sector 1, Bucharest, B Building, 1st Floor).

    Further information is available on the dedicated website:

    Click for the enlarged version

    1 - form is filled-in/signed when presenting the documents, in the presence of an organizer

    2 - RAU's BA/MA students do not have to bring student attestation; it will be generated from the integrated information system when submitting documents

    Workshop "Practical Applications on Other Components of Emotional Intelligence: Motivation, Empathy and Social Skills" (POSDRU 132920)

    The Centre for Negotiation and Mediation organizes a new meeting for augmenting the skills in the field of mediation. On February 18th, 2015, in Lecture Room 223, starting with 12:00 PM, will take place the workshop entitled "Practical Applications on Other Components of Emotional Intelligence: Motivation, Empathy and Social Skills".

    The activity is completely FREE of charge and open to any BA or MA students, regardless of their university.
    This meeting will continue the activities providing practical training for the competition organized by the Center for Negotiation and Mediation on February 25th, 2015, on the topic "Mediation on Selected Types of Conflicts".

    Click for the enlarged version

    The event is organized within the framework of the project "PRACTICAL SCHOOL: Innovation in Higher Education and Success on the Labour Market", POSDRU/156/1.2/G/132920, implemented by the Romanian-American University in partnership with Center for Legal Resources.
    The project is co-financed from the European Social Fund through the Sectoral Operational Programme Human Resource Development 2007-2013.
    Course Premiere - "CRUISES, a kind of tourism"

    The Romanian-American University in partnership with CROAZIERE.NET organizes for the first time a course dedicated to the cruising tourism.

    The course is recommended especially for the final year BA or MA students from the School of Domestic and International Economy of Tourism and will be held by Mr. IOAN BASEA, manager of CROAZIERE.NET, between February 23 - May 4, 2015 from 16:00 hours in Room 017.

    You can find out more about the course, Mr. Ioan Basea and the secrets of the cruise tourism from the current issue of Performance Magazine:
    Course structure: http://bit.ly/structura-curs-croaziere

    Applications are received up to February 21st, 2015, via email at [email protected]

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    Oratory and Debate Competition - FIAT 2.0!
    (POSDRU 132920)

    The Center for Oratory and Debate of the Romanian-American University, in partnership with Regional Associatition for Debates, Oratory and Rhetoric - Muntenia and the Association for Social Education, organizes the national contest "FIAT 2.0".

    The competition will take place between February 21-22, 2015, in the RAU's campus, starting at 10:00 AM.
    The format of the competition is "British Parliamentary", with 4 teams debating in every match. The competition is held in English.
    The competition is open for any BA or MA students, regardless of their school or university, participation being COMPLETELY FREE OF ANY CHARGE. The competition has a total of 5000 lei in prizes.

    Applications are received up to February 15, 2015, and are made in the first stage by submitting an online message with the team members and institution of origin, to the following address:
    [email protected]

    The final application requires the following documents from the participants: All the above documents should be personally presented to the organizers.

    Further details are available on the dedicated website:

    Click for the enlarged version

    The event is organized within the framework of the project "PRACTICAL SCHOOL: Innovation in Higher Education and Success on the Labour Market", POSDRU/156/1.2/G/132920, implemented by the Romanian-American University in partnership with Center for Legal Resources.
    The project is co-financed from the European Social Fund through the Sectoral Operational Programme Human Resource Development 2007-2013.

    1 - form is filled-in/signed when presenting the documents, in the presence of an organizer

    2 - RAU's BA/MA students do not have to bring student attestation; it will be generated from the integrated information system when submitting documents

    Debate "The U.S.- Romania Cooperation as NATO Allies in the Context of the Ukraine Crisis"
    (POSDRU 132920)

    The Center for Human Rights and Migration invites you on Wednesday, February 25, 2015, starting at 12:00 AM, inside the RAU's Senate Hall to attend the debate entitled "The U.S.- Romania Cooperation as NATO Allies in the Context of the Ukraine Crisis".
    The debate is organized within the framework of the already traditional series of AmericanDay! events at the Romanian-American University.

    The main guest of the event is Mr. Joseph Trimble - Deputy Counsellor for Political Affairs of the US Embassy in Bucharest.

    Click for the enlarged version

    The event is organized within the framework of the project "PRACTICAL SCHOOL: Innovation in Higher Education and Success on the Labour Market", POSDRU/156/1.2/G/132920, implemented by the Romanian-American University in partnership with Center for Legal Resources.
    The project is co-financed from the European Social Fund through the Sectoral Operational Programme Human Resource Development 2007-2013.
    IATA/UFTAA Foundation Course

    The IATA Training Center of the Romanian-American University organizes new classes for the "IATA/UFTAA Foundation" courses, between the 5th of May and the 21st of May 2015.

    Applications are received up to the 26th of February 2015, subject to availability.

    For further information please visit our website:
    Workshop "Avatars of the Multinational Corporation" (POSDRU 132920)

    The Center for Oratory and Debate within the Romanian-American University, together with the Center for Research in International Economics Relations (ASE) and Murray Rothbard Center for Political Economy and Business (URA), organizes on Friday, February 27, 2015 starting with 16:00 hours, a workshop focused on debating the topic of entrepreneurship.
    The main topic of the debates is the book: "Avatars of multinational corporations. Exercise of propriety analysis.

    Guests: Sorin Caiansi Radu Musetescu.
    Moderator: Aurelian Dochia
    The workshop is hosted in the Senate Hall of the Romanian-American University, in 1b Expozitiei Blvd., sector 1, Bucharest.

    Participation is completely free of charge. The attendants are to be BA and MA students, together with business environment representatives, representatives of the social partners in education, faculty and management representatives from higher education institutions.

    Click for the enlarged version

    The event is organized within the framework of the project "PRACTICAL SCHOOL: Innovation in Higher Education and Success on the Labour Market", POSDRU/156/1.2/G/132920, implemented by the Romanian-American University in partnership with Center for Legal Resources.
    The project is co-financed from the European Social Fund through the Sectoral Operational Programme Human Resource Development 2007-2013.
    Commercial Law Moot Court Competition

    The School of Law of the Romanian-American University organizes a new Commercial Law Moot Court Competition!

    The competition, at its VIth edition, will take place on April 4th, 2015, inside the Bucharest Tribunal, and is aimed at IIIrd year students of the School of Law, students that wish to experiment the reality of the court rooms from the point of view of a lawyer and a judge.
    All participants receive attendance certificates. The winners will receive awards and will represent the Romanian-American University at the Inter-University Commercial Law Moot Court Competition the will take place at the Bucharest Court of Appeal.

    Applications: 23.02.2015 - 08.03.2015

    Contact: Mrs Claudia Son, TA,
    email: [email protected]
    Legal Clinics (POSDRU 132920)

    The Center for Human Rights and Migration of the Romanian-American University invites you to attend the practical activities developed within the 4 clinics organized during the second semester of the present academic year.

    At the end of the practical activities, the participants will receive certificates of attendance and there will be the opportunity to obtain an official voluntary agreement.
    Anyone interested, being either BA or MA students in any Romanian university, can apply by sending an email to the following address:
    [email protected]

    Click for the enlarged version

    The event is organized within the framework of the project "PRACTICAL SCHOOL: Innovation in Higher Education and Success on the Labour Market", POSDRU/156/1.2/G/132920, implemented by the Romanian-American University in partnership with Center for Legal Resources.
    The project is co-financed from the European Social Fund through the Sectoral Operational Programme Human Resource Development 2007-2013.
    Internships available through Erasmus+ Placements!

    Find out how:

    - Tuesday, 10 March 2015, 12:00 hours at Classroom 017 - Erasmus Info Session
    - On the webpage www.rau.ro, in the section "Office for European Programs - ERASMUS"
    - Room 306 - Office for European Programs - ERASMUS

    Erasmus Placement Grants are free grants available for the 2015 June - September period and are financed with 650 to 700 Euro/month. Previous participants are accepted in the new Erasmus+ Programme.

    For further information: - Office for European Programs - ERASMUS (C Building, 3rd floor, Room 306)
    - Phone +40(0)372.120.115
    - Email: [email protected]
    Join us in Europe: Apply for an Erasmus+ Study Grant!

    Find out how:

    - Tuesday, 10 March 2015, 12:00 hours at Classroom 017 - Erasmus Info Session
    - On the webpage www.rau.ro, in the section "Office for European Programs - ERASMUS"
    - Room 306 - Office for European Programs - ERASMUS

    Erasmus+ Study Grants are free grants available for the 2015-2016 academic year and are financed with 450 to 500 Euro/month. Previous participants are accepted in the new Erasmus+ Programme.

    For further information:
    - Office for European Programs - ERASMUS (C Building, 3rd floor, Room 306)
    - Phone +40(0)372.120.115
    - Email: [email protected]
    New Extra-Curricular Courses with Partner Universities Faculty

    The Romanian-American University offers its students the opportunity to attend a new series of extra-curricular courses, held completely in English and taught by reputed faculty members from prestigious US and Europe partner universities.

    • Course: Useful Formulae and Trends for Sustainable, Above Average Growth and Profitability - the Modern CEO's Tools Post Crisis
      Professor: Joanna Symms
      Program: 23 - 25 februarie 2015
      Schedule: 16:00 - 19:00, Laborator MBA

    • Course: Entrepreneurship, Technology and Innovation Management
      Professor: Michael Witt
      Program: 2 - 6 martie 2015
      Schedule: 16:30 - 19:30, Sala 427

    • Course: Introduction to Fiction Writing
      Professor: Preston Witt
      Program: 2 - 6 martie 2015
      Schedule: 16:30 - 19:30, Laborator MBA

    • Course: Financial Management *
      Professor: Seyed Mehdian
      Program: 2 - 6 martie 2015
      Schedule: 9:00 - 12:00, Laborator MBA

    • Course: Applied Business Management
      Professor: James McCollum
      Program: 9 - 20 martie 2015
      Schedule: 9:00 - 12:00, Laborator MBA

    • Course: Presentation Skills - Present to any kind of audience like a pro
      Professor: Filipe Carrera
      Program: 16 - 25 martie 2015
      Schedule: 9:00 - 12:00, Sala 327

    • Course: Digital Marketing (Now Marketing is Social - Be a Marketer 2.0)
      Professor: Filipe Carrera
      Program: 16 - 20 martie 2015
      Schedule: 16:30 - 19:30, Sala 327

    • Course: Intercultural Communication
      Professor: Nicholas Dima
      Program: 23 martie - 3 aprilie 2015
      Schedule: 9:00 - 12:00, Sala 427

    • Course: Global Business and the Sustainability Challenge
      Professor: Nicholas Dima
      Program: 31 martie - 8 aprilie 2015
      Schedule: 16:30 - 19:30, Sala 327

    • Course: The World in the Era of Globalization
      Professor: Nicholas Dima
      Program: 20 - 30 aprilie 2015
      Schedule: 9:00 - 12:00, Sala 327

    Click for the enlarged version

    * course held within the framework of the project "PRACTICAL SCHOOL: Innovation in Higher Education and Success on the Labour Market", project id POSDRU/156/1.2/G/132920
    Contest "Mediation on Selected Types of Conflicts" - Stage II (POSDRU 132920)

    The Center for Negotiations and Mediation of the Romanian-American University organized the FIRST STAGE of the contest entitled "Mediation on Selected Types of Conflicts", with total prizes of 5.000 lei.

    The FIRST STAGE of the contest took place on February 25th, 2015, starting at 11:00, in Lecture Room 223 within the Romanian-American University campus (Bucharest, 1B Expozitiei Blvd.), and had the following results:

    The SECOND STAGE of the competition will comprise a series of simulated mediations on selected types of conflicts.
    The competition will take place on March 11, 2015, starting at 11:00 in Lecture Room 223 within the Romanian-American University campus (Bucharest, 1B Expozitiei Blvd.)

    Further information is available on the dedicated website:

    Click for the enlarged version

    The activity is organized within the framework of the project "PRACTICAL SCHOOL: Innovation in Higher Education and Success on the Labour Market", POSDRU/156/1.2/G/132920, implemented by the Romanian-American University in partnership with Center for Legal Resources.
    The project is co-financed from the European Social Fund through the Sectoral Operational Programme Human Resource Development 2007-2013.
    MARCH 2015

    Moot Court Competition

    The Center for Human Rights and Migration of the Romanian-American University organizes on March 14, 2015, a Moot Court Competition, starting with 8:00 am.
    The competition has total prizes of 5000 lei.

    The competition is open to all undergraduate and graduate students, regardless of the school they belong to, participation beeing FREE of charge.

    Applications are received up to March 13, 2015, first through the means of online registration to one of the following email addresses:
    [email protected]
    [email protected],
    and implies the knowledge and acceptance of the Competition Methodology.

    The full application is conditioned on the completion of the following forms:
    • competition application form
    • target-group form
    • ID copy
    • BA/MA student certificate
    All documents should be personally presented to the organizers.

    More information is available on the dedicated website: http://cdom.rau.ro

    Click for the enlarged version

    The activity is organized within the framework of the project "PRACTICAL SCHOOL: Innovation in Higher Education and Success on the Labour Market", POSDRU/156/1.2/G/132920, implemented by the Romanian-American University in partnership with Center for Legal Resources.
    The project is co-financed from the European Social Fund through the Sectoral Operational Programme Human Resource Development 2007-2013.
    Workshop "Highlights of Conflict Resolution through Mediation" (POSDRU 132920)

    The Center for Negotiation and Mediation within the Romanian-American University organizes the workshop entitled "Highlights of Conflict Resolution through Mediation". The workshop starts at 12:00 hours, on Wednesday, March 4, 2015, in Lecture Room 223.

    The activity is free of charge and open to any BA or MA student, regardless of the university he belongs to

    For the winners of the first stage of the national competition organized by the Center for Negotiation and Mediation, this activity represent a last rehearsal before the second stage, the final of the competition, which will take place on March 11, 2015, from 11:00 hours, in Lecture Room 223.

    Click for the enlarged version

    The activity is organized within the framework of the project "PRACTICAL SCHOOL: Innovation in Higher Education and Success on the Labour Market", POSDRU/156/1.2/G/132920, implemented by the Romanian-American University in partnership with Center for Legal Resources.
    The project is co-financed from the European Social Fund through the Sectoral Operational Programme Human Resource Development 2007-2013.
    LEGAL CLINICS: Public integrity and social responsibility & Migration Law
    (POSDRU 132920)

    The Center for Human Rights and Migration organizes weekly, on Wednesday and Thursday, a series of dedicated legal clinics.

    Do you want to find out more practical things about public integrity and social responsibility?
    Learn about decisional transparency, public policy processes, open data and access to public information (practical abilities for drafting information requests, opinions on legal proposals, understanding the administrative and political mechanisms for decision-making and the legit way to influence these processes).
    Exercise of participation to drafting a public policy proposal, strategy or law in the field of ethics or corruption prevention (case study on a today hot topic).

    Come join us on Wednesday, March 4, 2015, from 15:00 to 16:30, in Lecture Room 223 to experiment all these things live!

    Do you want to know more about Migration Law?.
    Then we are waiting for you on Thursday, March 5, 2015, from 10:30 to 12:00, in Lecture Room 223, to see directly , together with reputed specialists in the field, relevant aspects of: abiding the non-refoulment principle, citizenship, migration and terrorism, human rights systems applicable for migration issues.

    Click for the enlarged version

    The activity is organized within the framework of the project "PRACTICAL SCHOOL: Innovation in Higher Education and Success on the Labour Market", POSDRU/156/1.2/G/132920, implemented by the Romanian-American University in partnership with Center for Legal Resources.
    The project is co-financed from the European Social Fund through the Sectoral Operational Programme Human Resource Development 2007-2013.
    Professors from TOP 5 Law Schools in the US - courses on law and mediation

    The Center for Human Rights and Migration of the Romanian-American University organizes 2 intensive courses, held by prestigious professors from United States of America's top universities:
    For further information please access our dedicated website:

    Courses are completely free of charge for any BA or MA student in Romania, regardless of the university they belong to, based on the filling in a target-group form at the beginning of the activity.
    Any person which is not a BA or MA students can attend the courses completely free, based on a general-agreement form signed at the beginning of the activity.
    The courses are finalized with individual graduation certificates.

    Pre-application is done through e-mail:
    [email protected]

    Click for the enlarged version

    The activity is organized within the framework of the project "PRACTICAL SCHOOL: Innovation in Higher Education and Success on the Labour Market", POSDRU/156/1.2/G/132920, implemented by the Romanian-American University in partnership with Center for Legal Resources.
    The project is co-financed from the European Social Fund through the Sectoral Operational Programme Human Resource Development 2007-2013.
    Workshop "Etiquette and Protocol Elements" (POSDRU/156/1.2/G/132920)

    The Center for Negotiation and Mediation of the Romanian-American University invites you to take part, on March 16, 2015, into the workshopul entitled "Etiquette and Protocol Elements".

    The specialist who will guide us is Sandra Gatejeanu-Gheorghe, Romanian Royal House Etiquette Director, PhD and Lecturer with the Diplomatic Institute in Bucharest.

    Applications are open to all BA and MA students willing to find out how to improve their personal and professional conduct, regardless of the university they belong to, and are received through the online form:

    The workshopul will take place in the RAU campus (Bld. Expozitiei nr.1B, sector 1), starting at 18:00 hours in MBA Room (library area, next to the bookshop).

    Click for the enlarged version

    The activity is organized within the framework of the project "PRACTICAL SCHOOL: Innovation in Higher Education and Success on the Labour Market", POSDRU/156/1.2/G/132920, implemented by the Romanian-American University in partnership with Center for Legal Resources.
    The project is co-financed from the European Social Fund through the Sectoral Operational Programme Human Resource Development 2007-2013.
    Course Applied Business Management (POSDRU/156/1.2/G/134518)

    From March 09 to March 20, 2015, Guest Professor James McCollum will taught the course Applied Business Management.

    For further details please visit the project website - http://spredi.rau.ro/, section COURSES (http://spredi.rau.ro/?page_id=201).

    Contact Person:
    Ramona GRIGORE - Awareness expert, target group recruitment (Romanian American -University), telephone: 0372.120.121, e-mail: [email protected].

    The course is organized within the project entitled "Ensuring competences adequate to the labour market requirements through study programs of excellence with an international dimension", Contract Code: POSDRU/156/1.2/G/134518, implemented by Romanian-American University in partnership with the "Babes-Bolyai" University from Cluj and "Constantin Brancusi" University from Targu-Jiu.

    The project is co-financed by European Social Fund through the Sectoral Operational Programme Human Resource Development 2007 - 2013
    AmericanDay - Workshop "From E-Government to WE Government"

    The Center for Human Rights and Migration within the Romanian-American University invites you to attend the workshop "From E-Government to WE Government".
    The activity will take place inside the RAU's campus, starting from 10:30 am., on Wednesday, 11th of March 2015, in the Senate Hall.

    The special guests of the event are:
    - Marisa Mac Isaac - Rule of Law Officer, US Embassy in Bucharest
    - Radu Puchiu - Secretary of State, Cabinet of the Prime Minister
    - Bogdan Gavrila - CRSC Europe

    Click for the enlarged version

    The activity is organized within the framework of the project "PRACTICAL SCHOOL: Innovation in Higher Education and Success on the Labour Market", POSDRU/156/1.2/G/132920, implemented by the Romanian-American University in partnership with Center for Legal Resources.
    The project is co-financed from the European Social Fund through the Sectoral Operational Programme Human Resource Development 2007-2013.
    Competition "Mediation on Selected Types of Conflicts" - WINNERS (POSDRU/156/1.2/G/132920)

    The Center for Negotiation and Mediation within the Romanian-American University organized the FINALS (second stage) of the national student competition entitled "Mediation on Selected Types of Conflicts", competition with total prizes of 5.000 lei.

    We congratulate the winners, together with all finalists, for a great performance during the finals that took place on March 11, 2015, starting at 11:00 am in Lecture Hall 223 of the RAU's campus. The official results presented by the jury of the competition are:
    More information available on the dedicated website:

    The activity is organized within the framework of the project "PRACTICAL SCHOOL: Innovation in Higher Education and Success on the Labour Market", POSDRU/156/1.2/G/132920, implemented by the Romanian-American University in partnership with Center for Legal Resources.
    The project is co-financed from the European Social Fund through the Sectoral Operational Programme Human Resource Development 2007-2013.
    URAcanes - National University Basketball Championship

    The RAU's basketball team - URAcanes - continues its season of the National University Basketball Championship:

    - Wednesday, March 18, 18:45, Leu Sports Hall, RAU vs. Politehnica

    - Friday, March 20, 18:45, Medicina Sports Hall, URA vs. UMF Carol Davila

    Good luck to the URAcanes - we invite all our BA and MA students to come support our team!

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    Course "Stages of International Commercial Negotiations"

    In order to prepare for the Simulated Commercial Negotiations Competition - competition with total prizes of 5000 lei, that will take place at the end of april - the Center for Negotiations and Mediation within the Romanian-American University invites you to attend the free course entitled "Stages of International Commercial Negotiations", held by Valeriu Potecea, PhD Professor.

    The course has a very applicative approach, being especially useful for any BA or MA student interested in the field of international negotiations, regardless of the university he belongs to.

    The course will take place on March 17, 2015, starting from 10:00 am, in Lecture Hall 223 of the RAU campus (1B Expozitiei Bd.).
    For applications please fill in the online form: http://bit.ly/curs-negocieri-internationale

    The activity is organized within the framework of the project "PRACTICAL SCHOOL: Innovation in Higher Education and Success on the Labour Market", POSDRU/156/1.2/G/132920, implemented by the Romanian-American University in partnership with Center for Legal Resources.
    The project is co-financed from the European Social Fund through the Sectoral Operational Programme Human Resource Development 2007-2013.
    Job fair - RAU JOB FAIR 2015

    The Romanian-American University organizes the second edition of the jobs and internships fair called RAU JOB FAIR.

    Numerous top companies from the fields of financial-banking, tourism, IT and law will be here for you on MARCH 25, 2015, between 10:00 - 17:00, inside the RAU's campus.
    The event comprises, besides the classic recruitment and selection activities, the organizing of several themed workshops during the same day.

    Participating to the RAU JOB FAIR 2015 is FREE
    for anyone interested (undergraduate or graduate students, regardless of the university they belog to) and is possible by filling in the online form:

    More details are available on the dedicated website:

    Click for the enlarged version

    MSc International Business & Entrepreneurship (POSDRU/156/1.2/G/134518)

    The MSc International Business & Entrepreneurship is developed within the project entitled "Ensuring competences adequate to the labour market requirements through study programs of excellence with an international dimension", Contract Code: POSDRU/156/1.2/G/134518, implemented by Romanian-American University in partnership with the "Babes-Bolyai" University from Cluj and "Constantin Brancusi" University from Targu-Jiu.

    The project is co-financed by European Social Fund through the Sectoral Operational Programme Human Resource Development 2007 - 2013

    Project video presentation "Ensuring competences adequate to the labour market requirements through study programs of excellence with an international dimension" (POSDRU/156/1.2/G/134518)

    The video production is realized within the project entitled "Ensuring competences adequate to the labour market requirements through study programs of excellence with an international dimension", Contract Code: POSDRU/156/1.2/G/134518, implemented by Romanian-American University in partnership with the "Babes-Bolyai" University from Cluj and "Constantin Brancusi" University from Targu-Jiu.

    The project is co-financed by European Social Fund through the Sectoral Operational Programme Human Resource Development 2007 - 2013

    Registration target group for the project "START-UP ANTREPRENORIAL" (POSDRU 176/3.1/S/150369)

    Click for the enlarged version

    Moral Leadership Workshop "Ethics and Courage in Entrepreneurship"

    The Center for Oratory and Debate of the Romanian-American University, in partnership with Umanager, organizes a workshop focused on moral leadership and entitled "Ethics and Courage in Entrepreneurship".

    The workshop will take place on April 2, 2015, between 17:00 - 19:30, inside the Amphitheatre I of the Romanian-American University.
    Participation is completely free of charge and open to any graduate or undergraduate student or teacher, regardless of the universities they belong to. Representatives of the business environment, regardless of the field of activity, are also invited to participate. Participation is conditioned by being part of the project's target-group *.

    The leading gueste of the event are:
    - Wargha Enayati - Founder of the Private Health Network "Regina Maria"
    - Steven van Groningen - President and CEO of Raiffeisen Bank and President of the Foreign Investors Council
    - Silviu Hotaran - Managing Director of GKTI Semper Human, ex-CEO of Microsoft Romania
    - Septimiu Postelnicu - Executive Vice-president - Global Banking Services Division at UniCredit Tiriac Bank

    Together with us will also be a series of prestigious names of the Romanian business environment:
    - Dragos Anastasiu - Eurolines
    - Liviu Dragan - TotalSoft
    - Radu Florescu - Centrade Saatchi & Saatchi
    - Dragos Petrescu - CityGrill
    - Dr. Maria Pop - Panduri Medical Center
    - Mariuca Talpes - Softwin
    - Eugen Voicu - Certinvest

    Click for the enlarged version

    The activity is organized within the framework of the project "PRACTICAL SCHOOL: Innovation in Higher Education and Success on the Labour Market", POSDRU/156/1.2/G/132920, implemented by the Romanian-American University in partnership with Center for Legal Resources.
    The project is co-financed from the European Social Fund through the Sectoral Operational Programme Human Resource Development 2007-2013.

    * BA and MA students must fill in a target-group form (available from the organizers), in case they are not already enrolled with the POSDRU/156/1.2/G/132920 project. Faculty and business environment representatives are required to fill in a cooperation agreement within the project's framework.

    Course "Intercultural Communication" (POSDRU/156/1.2/G/134518)

    From March 23 to April 03, 2015, Guest Professor Nicholas Dima will taught the course Intercultural Communication.

    For further details please visit the project website - http://spredi.rau.ro/, section COURSES (http://spredi.rau.ro/?page_id=201).

    Contact Person:
    Ramona GRIGORE - Awareness expert, target group recruitment (Romanian-American University), telephone: 0372.120.121, e-mail: [email protected]

    The course is organized within the project entitled "Ensuring competences adequate to the labour market requirements through study programs of excellence with an international dimension", Contract Code: POSDRU/156/1.2/G/134518, implemented by Romanian-American University in partnership with the "Babes-Bolyai" University from Cluj and "Constantin Brancusi" University from Targu-Jiu.

    The project is co-financed by European Social Fund through the Sectoral Operational Programme Human Resource Development 2007 - 2013.

    Click for the enlarged version

    Workshop "Entrepreneurs in International Companies"

    The Center for Oratory and Debate of the Romanian-American University, in partnership with Murray Rothbard Center for Political Economy and Business and Center for Research in International Economic Relations, organizes a workshop entitled "Entrepreneurs in International Companies". The workshop is focused on the book "Entrepreneurs in International Companies. A theorizing in the Austrian tradition".

    The workshop is scheduled for April 3rd, 2015, starting at 16:00 hours, in the Romanian-American University's Senate Hall.
    Participation is completely free of charge and open to any graduate or undergraduate student or teacher, regardless of the universities they belong to. Representatives of the business environment, regardless of the field of activity, are also invited to participate. Participation is conditioned by being part of the project's target-group *.

    Main guests of the workshop are:
    - Vladimir Topan - President of Ludwig von Mises Romania Institute
    - Dragos Bigu - Department of Philosophy and Humanities Sciences, ASE Bucuresti
    - Costea Munteanu - Department of International Economic Relations, ASE Bucuresti
    - Aurelian Dochia - Economic analyst

    Click for the enlarged version

    The activity is organized within the framework of the project "PRACTICAL SCHOOL: Innovation in Higher Education and Success on the Labour Market", POSDRU/156/1.2/G/132920, implemented by the Romanian-American University in partnership with Center for Legal Resources.
    The project is co-financed from the European Social Fund through the Sectoral Operational Programme Human Resource Development 2007-2013.

    * BA and MA students must fill in a target-group form (available from the organizers), in case they are not already enrolled with the POSDRU/156/1.2/G/132920 project. Faculty and business environment representatives are required to fill in a cooperation agreement within the project's framework.

    Workshop "Path to Success for Women"

    The Center for Negotiation and Mediation of the Romanian-American University organizes on the 31st of March 2015, starting from 12:00, inside the RAU's Senate Hall, the workshop entitled "Path to Success for Women".

    The main guests of the event are:
    - Teodora Migdalovici - Founder The Alternative School for Creative Thinking
    - Ana Wagner - Managing Partner, Wagner Arte
    - Irina Wagner - Managing Partner, Wagner Arte

    Participation is completely free of charge and open to any graduate/undergraduate student or teacher, regardless of the university they belong to. Representatives of the business environment, regardless of the field of activity, are also invited to participate. Participation is conditioned by being part of the project's target-group *.

    Click for the enlarged version

    The activity is organized within the framework of the project "PRACTICAL SCHOOL: Innovation in Higher Education and Success on the Labour Market", POSDRU/156/1.2/G/132920, implemented by the Romanian-American University in partnership with Center for Legal Resources.
    The project is co-financed from the European Social Fund through the Sectoral Operational Programme Human Resource Development 2007-2013.

    * BA and MA students must fill in a target-group form, in case they are not already enrolled with the POSDRU/156/1.2/G/132920 project. Faculty and business environment representatives are required to fill in a cooperation agreement within the project's framework. All forms are available at the organizers.

    Workshop "Mutual Funds and Investment Opportunities"

    The Center for Domestic and International Financial Markets of the Romanian-American University organizes on the 31st of March 2015, starting from 17:00, inside the Lecture Room 223 of our campus, the workshop entitled "Mutual Funds and Investment Opportunities".

    The main guest of the event is:
    - Robert Burlan - Director Investitii - Raiffeisen Asset Management

    We are waiting for you to join us in order to:
    - understand the way that the mutual funds and asset management companies work
    - find out the local particularities of the investment funds
    - practical examples of investment strategies

    Participation is completely free of charge and open to any graduate/undergraduate student or teacher, regardless of the university they belong to. Representatives of the business environment, regardless of the field of activity, are also invited to participate. Participation is conditioned by being part of the project's target-group *.

    Click for the enlarged version

    The activity is organized within the framework of the project "PRACTICAL SCHOOL: Innovation in Higher Education and Success on the Labour Market", POSDRU/156/1.2/G/132920, implemented by the Romanian-American University in partnership with Center for Legal Resources.
    The project is co-financed from the European Social Fund through the Sectoral Operational Programme Human Resource Development 2007-2013.

    * BA and MA students must fill in a target-group form, in case they are not already enrolled with the POSDRU/156/1.2/G/132920 project. Faculty and business environment representatives are required to fill in a cooperation agreement within the project's framework. All forms are available at the organizers.

    Debate "US Ballistic Missile Defense and Non-Proliferation Policy"

    Within the series of events entitled AmericanDay, organized by the Center for Human Rights and Migration of the Romanian-American University, we invite you to attend a new debate on an extremely important and current topic: "US Ballistic Missile Defense and Non-Proliferation Policy".
    The event takes place on Monday, 30th of march 2015, starting with 14:30, in the RAU's Senate Hall, and is organized in partnership with the US Embassy in Bucharest.

    The special guest-speaker of the event is Mr. Frank Rose - Assistant Secretary for Arms Control, Verification and Compliance.

    Participation is completely free of charge and open to any graduate/undergraduate student or teacher, regardless of the university they belong to. Representatives of the business environment, regardless of the field of activity, are also invited to participate.

    Click for the enlarged version

    The activity is organized within the framework of the project "PRACTICAL SCHOOL: Innovation in Higher Education and Success on the Labour Market", POSDRU/156/1.2/G/132920, implemented by the Romanian-American University in partnership with Center for Legal Resources.
    The project is co-financed from the European Social Fund through the Sectoral Operational Programme Human Resource Development 2007-2013.

    Participation is conditioned by being part of the project's target-group.
    BA and MA students must fill in a target-group form, in case they are not already enrolled with the POSDRU/156/1.2/G/132920 project. Faculty and business environment representatives are required to fill in a cooperation agreement within the project's framework. All forms are available at the organizers.

    IATA/UFTAA Foundation Course

    The IATA Training Center of the Romanian-American University organizes new classes for the IATA/UFTAA Foundation courses, between the 5th and 21st of May 2015.

    Applications are received up to the 10th of April 2015, subject to availability.

    For further information please visit our website:
    APRIL 2015

    Conference "European Union - domestic and external political evolutions"

    Monday, 6th of April 2015, from 12:00, the Senate Hall will host the conference entitled "European Union - domestic and external political evolutions".

    The program of the conference includes:

    - presentation of the book "Voyage to the Heart of Europe", dedicated to a retrospective of the European Parliament activities. The presentation will be held by Mr. Radu Negrea, responsible of the External Office of the EPP Group in Romania;
    - the lecture entitled "European Union - domestic and external political evolutions", held by Mr. Traian Ungureanu, PNL European Parliament member of the EPP Group, Vice-president of the Euronest Parliamentary Assembly, member of the Commission for Civil Rights, Justice and Domestic Affairs;
    - Q & A session.

    Workshop "How to build cross-platform mobile games using Java and libgdx" (POSDRU/156/1.2/G/132920)

    The Center for Information and Communications Technology of the Romanian-American University invites you to actively participate to the interactive workshop entitled "How to build cross-platform mobile games using Java and libgdx". The activity will take place on Sunday, 5th of April 2015, between 11:00 - 15:00, in IT Lab.515.

    Participation is completely free of charge and open to any graduate/undergraduate student or teacher, regardless of the university they belong to. Representatives of the business environment are also invited to participate.

    Click for the enlarged version

    The activity is organized within the framework of the project "PRACTICAL SCHOOL: Innovation in Higher Education and Success on the Labour Market", POSDRU/156/1.2/G/132920, implemented by the Romanian-American University in partnership with Center for Legal Resources.
    The project is co-financed from the European Social Fund through the Sectoral Operational Programme Human Resource Development 2007-2013.

    Participation is conditioned by being part of the project's target-group.
    BA/MA students must fill in a target-group form, in case they are not already enrolled with the POSDRU/156/1.2/G/132920 project. Faculty and business environment representatives are required to fill in a cooperation agreement within the project's framework. All forms are available at the organizers.

    National Competition "Commercial Negotiations Simulations"

    The Center for Negotiations and Mediation of the Romanian-American University organizes the competition entitled "Commercial Negotiations Simulations", with total prizes of 5.000 lei.

    The competition is addressed to all undergraduate and graduate students, regardless of the university, participation being FREE OF CHARGE.

    The first stage of the competition will take place on 28th of April 2015, starting at 12:00 hours, in Lecture Hall 223 within the Romanian-American University campus (Bld. Expozitiei nr.1B, Bucuresti). This stage resides in solving different tests based on the topics and knowledge available on the center website:

    The first 12 competitors, in order of the number of points received at the first stage, are to be selected for the final stage. The final comprises a set of simulations of commercial negotiations. The winners will be selected based on the points obtained for the final - from a jury of specialists in the field.

    Pre-application is available up to Friday, 24th of April 2015, through the online form:
    and it implies the acceptance of the Competition Methodology.

    The definitive application is based on the complete file of the candidate:
  • competition application form
  • target-group form1
  • ID card copy
  • certificate of undergraduate/graduate student2

  • All documents are to be presented to Room 119 within the Romanian-American University campus (Bld. Expozitiei nr.1B, Bucuresti) no later than Monday, 27th of April 2015, 16:00 hours.

    Click for the enlarged version

    The activity is organized within the framework of the project "PRACTICAL SCHOOL: Innovation in Higher Education and Success on the Labour Market", POSDRU/156/1.2/G/132920, implemented by the Romanian-American University in partnership with Center for Legal Resources.
    The project is co-financed from the European Social Fund through the Sectoral Operational Programme Human Resource Development 2007-2013.

    1 - the form is to be signed in the presence of an organizer
    2 - undergraduate/graduate students of RAU do not have to present a certificate; it will be generated from the integrated electronic system.

    National Competition "Financial Transactions for Undergraduate and Graduate Students", II-nd edition

    The Center for Domestic and International Financial Markets of the Romanian-American University, in partnership with Tradeville Brokering House, organizes the competition entitled "Financial Transactions for Undergraduate and Graduate Students". This is the second edition of this competition, with total prizes of 5.000 lei.

    The competition is open to all undergraduate and graduate students, regardless of the university they belong to, participation beign FREE of any charge.
    The entire competition is held online, being a simulated transactional process on international financial markets, through the use of the online transaction platform Startrade 360 (demo), belonging to SSIF Tradeville S.A..
    At the opening of their online accounts, the participants will receive a virtual amount of 20.000 EUR, that will be at their disposal for online transactions. The goal is to obtain, up to the end of the competition, the largest individual portfolio. The jury of the competition is made of three reputed specialists from the financial-banking field.
    There are 4 prizes, each one worth 1250 lei, for the first 4 competitors in the final ranking.
    The competition takes place between April 27 - May 27, 2015.

    Applications are received between April 6 - 27, 2015. The first mandatory step is to open an online account according to the Mandatory Procedure.
    For further information please visit our website:

    For the application each competitor must have the complete file:
  • competition application form
  • target-group form1
  • ID copy
  • certificate of undergraduate/graduate student2

  • All documents should be brought to Room 119, in the Romanian-American University campus (Bld. Expozitiei nr.1B, Bucuresti) no later than April 27, 2015, 12:00 hours.

    Click for the enlarged version

    The activity is organized within the framework of the project "PRACTICAL SCHOOL: Innovation in Higher Education and Success on the Labour Market", POSDRU/156/1.2/G/132920, implemented by the Romanian-American University in partnership with Center for Legal Resources.
    The project is co-financed from the European Social Fund through the Sectoral Operational Programme Human Resource Development 2007-2013.

    1 - the form is to be signed in the presence of an organizer
    2 - undergraduate/graduate students of RAU do not have to present a certificate; it will be generated from the integrated electronic system.

    Internships available through Erasmus+ Placements!

    Find out how:
    - www.rau.ro in the section "Office for European Programs - ERASMUS"
    - Room 306 - Office for European Programs - ERASMUS

    Erasmus Placement Grants are free grants available for the 2015 June - September period and are financed with 650 to 700 Euro/month.
    Previous Erasmus participants are accepted in the new Erasmus+ Programme.

    For further information:
    - Office for European Programs - ERASMUS (C Building, 3rd floor, Room 306)
    - Phone +40(0)372.120.115
    - Email: [email protected]
    "Role Models for YOUth!" - VIII-th edition

    The Student Club of the Romanian-American University proudly invites you to attend the VIII-th edition of the "Role Models for YOUth!" (MODELE pentru TINEri).

    The main topic of the event is "Passion, my new job".
    The conference will be honoured by fpur special guests: actor Vasile Muraru, mountain climber Tiberiu Pintilie, journalist Paula Herlo and actor Alexandru Arsinel.
    The discussions will be moderated by Visinel Balan.

    The event will take place on WEDNESDAY, April 22nd, starting from 18:00 hours, inside the Aula Magna of the Romanian-American University.

    The number of PLACES is LIMITED.
    Online reservations at:
    [email protected]

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    Moral Leadership Workshop "Ethics and Entrepreneurship"

    The Center for Oratory and Debate of the Romanian-American University, together with UManager, invite you to attend the moral leadership workshop entitled "Ethics and Entrepreneurship". The event is scheduled for Tuesday, April 28th, starting from 16:30, in the RAU's Senate Hall. The main guest is Mr. Wargha Enayati, Founder of the Private Health Network "Regina Maria".

    Click for the enlarged version

    The activity is organized within the framework of the project "PRACTICAL SCHOOL: Innovation in Higher Education and Success on the Labour Market", POSDRU/156/1.2/G/132920, implemented by the Romanian-American University in partnership with Center for Legal Resources.
    The project is co-financed from the European Social Fund through the Sectoral Operational Programme Human Resource Development 2007-2013.
    IATA/UFTAA Courses

    The IATA Training Center of the Romanian-American University organizes new classes for the IATA/UFTAA Foundation courses, between the 5th of May and the 21st of May 2015.
    Applications are received up to the 30th of April 2015, subject to availability.

    For further information please visit our website:
    Scientific Student Circles Session - April 2015

    The Scientific Student Circles Session will start on Wednesday, April 29th of 2015, at 9:00 am.

  • Sections Schedule [RO]

  • National Competition "Commercial Negotiations Simulations" - Stage I Results

    The Center for Negotiations and Mediation of the Romanian-American University has organized on April 28 of 2015, in Lecture Room 223, starting from 11:00, the first stage of the the competition entitled "Commercial Negotiations Simulations", with total prizes of 5.000 lei.
    The competition is addressed to all undergraduate and graduate students, regardless of the university, participation being FREE OF CHARGE.

    The results of this stage are available online:

  • Results - "Commercial Negotiations Simulations" Competition, Stage I [RO]

    The first 12 competitors, in descending order of their scores, have qualified for the final stage.

    The FINAL STAGE of the competition will be held on May 12, 2015, in Lecture Room 223, starting from 12:00
    All qualified competitors will be contacted by email/phone in order to deliver all the details for the competition final.

    Click for the enlarged version

    The activity is organized within the framework of the project "PRACTICAL SCHOOL: Innovation in Higher Education and Success on the Labour Market", POSDRU/156/1.2/G/132920, implemented by the Romanian-American University in partnership with Center for Legal Resources.
    The project is co-financed from the European Social Fund through the Sectoral Operational Programme Human Resource Development 2007-2013.

    Click for the enlarged version

    MAY 2015

    Inter-University Commercial Law Moot Court Competition

    On May 9th, 2015, at the Dambovita Court in Targoviste, the Romanian-American University, Nicolae Titulescu University and Valahia University organize a new Inter-University Commercial Law Moot Court Competition !

    The contest, at its VIth edition, is aimed at IIIrd students of the organizing Law Schools, wishing to experience the reality of the courts as lawyer or judge.
    The goal is to enrich the legal education of the Law Schools' students involved, giving them the opportunity to practice the theory, to develop their oratory skills and the argumentation technique.

    Faculty responsible for the project:
    Associate Professor Luminita Tuleasca, PhD Lawyer, Romanian-American University
    Associate Professor Vasile Nemes, PhD Lawyer, Nicolae Titulescu University
    Associate Professor Adrian Tutuianu, PhD Lawyer, Valahia University

    Event partners:
    Editura Wolters Kluwer, Societatea Profesionala Notariala AEQUITAS, JURIDICE.ro, Societatea de Stiinte Juridice.

    The Romanian-American University organized the first stage of the competition on April 25, 2015, at the Bucharest Court, selecting 6 out of the 12 best student participants.
    The jury for this stage comprised:
    Ms. Madalina Elena Afrasinie, Judge, President of Section VI-a of Bucharest Court
    Ms. Stefania Zorila, Public Notary, Societatea Profesionala Notarial? Aequitas
    Ms. Luminita Tuleasca, Associate Professor, PhD Lawyer, School of Law, Romanian-American University.
    Mr. Laurentiu Petre, Lawyer, Director of JURIDICE.ro

    Course "Non-Violent Communication, Tool for Efficient Management of Conflicts" (POSDRU/156/1.2/G/132920)

    The Center for Negotiation and Mediation within the Romanian-American University offers a new opportunity for undergraduate and graduate students interested in the field of mediation. The center organizes a new intensive course entitled "Non-Violent Communication, Tool for Efficient Management of Conflicts".

    The activity is open and free of charge to any undergraduate or graduate student, regardless of the university they belong to, based solely on filling-in the project application form.

    The course will take place on May 6th of 2015, starting with 13:30, and is held by Ms. Katalin Kibedi, recognized specialist in the field of mediation and long-time expert of the center.

    Click for the enlarged version

    The activity is organized within the framework of the project "PRACTICAL SCHOOL: Innovation in Higher Education and Success on the Labour Market", POSDRU/156/1.2/G/132920, implemented by the Romanian-American University in partnership with Center for Legal Resources.
    The project is co-financed from the European Social Fund through the Sectoral Operational Programme Human Resource Development 2007-2013.
    Intensive course "Politics of Europe & America" (POSDRU/156/1.2/G/132920)

    The Center for Oratory & Debate within the Romanian-American University offers to undergraduate, graduate students, faculty and business environment representatives the intensive course entitled "Politics of Europe & America.
    The course will be held by Steven Samson, PhD Professor from the Liberty University, USA.

    The classes will follow the schedule:
  • May 12 - 21, 2015
  • Lecture Hall 1
  • Monday-Friday, 9:00 - 11:50

  • Participation is completely free of charge and open to any graduate/undergraduate student or teacher, regardless of the university they belong to. Representatives of the business environment are also invited to participate *.

    Click for the enlarged version

    The activity is organized within the framework of the project "PRACTICAL SCHOOL: Innovation in Higher Education and Success on the Labour Market", POSDRU/156/1.2/G/132920, implemented by the Romanian-American University in partnership with Center for Legal Resources.
    The project is co-financed from the European Social Fund through the Sectoral Operational Programme Human Resource Development 2007-2013.

    *Participation is conditioned by being part of the project's target-group.
    BA/MA students must fill in a target-group form, in case they are not already enrolled with the POSDRU/156/1.2/G/132920 project. Faculty and business environment representatives are asked to fill in a cooperation agreement within the project's framework. All forms are available at the organizers.

    Excellence Awards of the Center of Human Rights and Migration

    The Excellence Awards of the Center of Human Rights and Migration (5.000 lei), will be awarded on Wednesday, 6th of May 2015, starting from 12:00, in Lecture Hall 223, inside the Romanian-American University campus.

    The prizes will be awarded based on the objectives of the project "SCHOOL PRACTICE: Innovation in higher education and success in the labor market" - POSDRU/156/1.2/G/132920 and by evaluating the implication of the target-group students in the activities of the Center of Human Rights and Migration, according to the following criteria:
  • implication in the Center activities
  • promoting the activities and results of the Center
  • participation to human rights and migration topics scientific research activities within the Center
  • outstanding academic rezults

  • The winners of the four awarded prizes will receive Diplomas of Excellence and money prizes, for a total worth of 5.000 lei.
    Conference "Crossing Boundaries in Culture and Communication"

    The Department of Foreign Languages of the Romanian-American University organizes during 8-9 of May, 2015 the conference entitled "CROSSING BOUNDARIES IN CULTURE AND COMMUNICATION".

    Click for the enlarged version

    Conference "Nextwork - Let's cooperate for a new European Renaissance"

    The Romanian-American University, together with the co-organizers ASE Bucuresti, SNSPA, Universitatea Bucuresti, Academia Romana, Camera de Comert si Industrie a Municipiului Bucuresti, PartNET, Valore, Mondo C&T, CVBF and Primaria Municipiului Bucuresti, invite you to attendt the conference entitled "Nextwork - Let's cooperate for a new European Renaissance".

    The activities of the conference will take place during May 15 - 16, 2015, at the SNSPA building, in 30A Expozitiei Blvd., sector 1, Bucharest.

    Performance Magazine - Issue 43

    A new issue of PERFORMANCE magazine has just been launched!

    "Because we are in full pre-session time, we prepared for you a series of practical advices in order to help go over this (pag.14) and we are telling you what you should do to successfully finish you BA or MA thesis (pag.10).
    This month we are going to talk to Paul Olteanu, RAU graduate, who, among other things, runs a training-coaching-consultancy company and acts as "alternative teacher" for public speech and personal branding (pag. 18)." [excerpt for the editorial]

    We also invite you to like our Facebook page and be always updated with what is going on inside the RAU campus:

    Have a nice reading!
    Workshop "Become more effective through Knowledge Sharing"

    The Romanian-American University invite you to attend the workshop entitled "Become more effective through Knowledge Sharing".
    The event is held by Associate Professor Jolan Velencei PhD, Obuda University, Keleti Faculty of Business and Management.

    Date: May 19 - 20, 2015
    Program: 16:30 - 19:00
    Location: Room 327
    Workshops "How to Create Growth" (POSDRU/156/1.2/G/132920)

    The Center for Oratory and Debate of the Romanian-American University, organizes two workshops entitled: "To grow or not to grow? From secular stagnation to robust recovery" and "Entrepreneurship and its enemies. How to set our creative energy free".
    The workshops are scheduled for May 19, 2015, starting with 15:00, inside the Senate Hall of the Romanian-American University.

    Participation is completely free of charge and open to any graduate/undergraduate student or teacher, regardless of the university they belong to. Representatives of the business environment are also invited to participate *.

    The main speakers of the event are:
    - John Fund - Columnist, Wall street Journal
    - Daniel Kaddik - Project Director for Southeast Europe of Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom in Sofia
    - Deirdre McCloskey - Distinguished Professor of Economics, History and English, University of Illinois
    - Radu Cristian Musetescu - University of Economics, Bucharest
    - John Chisholm - CEO, John Chisholm Ventures
    - Barbara Kolm - Director, Austrian Economics Center
    - Radu Simandan - Republican Institute & University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest, Romania
    - Octavian Badescu - entrepreneur, founder of Sameday Courier

  • Schedule of the activities

  • Click for the enlarged version

    *Participation is conditioned by being part of the project's target-group.
    BA/MA students must fill in a target-group form, in case they are not already enrolled with the POSDRU/156/1.2/G/132920 project. Faculty and business environment representatives are asked to fill in a cooperation agreement within the project's framework. All forms are available at the organizers.

    Hospitality International Summer School 2015

    The Romanian-American University - together with its partners Babes-Bolyai University from Cluj and Stefan cel Mare University from Suceava - organizes during July 6 - 12, 2015, the III-rd edition of the summer school entitled Hospitality International Summer School 2015.

    For further information and applications check our dedicated website:

    Click for the enlarged version


    Starting with May 14, 2015, we are eagerly waiting for you to join us and spend you free time in a pleasant and active way at the new RAU SPORT CENTER, (soseaua Straulesti no. 4-6, sector 1, Bucharest).

    Schedule Monday - Sunday, 9:00 - 24:00 *
    Reservations: 0733.041.401 / 031.101.2640

    For all details about the sport center please check our dedicated website: http://sportcenter.rau.ro

    Click for the enlarged version

    * The sport center is open up to 24:00 hours only in case of reservations made no later than 20:00 hours.


    National Competition on "Human Rights and Migration"

    The Center for human Rights and Migration of the Romanian-American University launches the first edition of the "National Competition on Human Rights and Migration", which will take place between June 22 - 25, in Bucharest.

    The competition aims to encourage the graduate and undergraduate students interested in developing practical skills regarding identifying and solving legal issues in the field of human rights and migration, within a simulated environment. The competition promotes fundamental ethical values, fair-play spirit, competitiveness, team-working and inter-personal communication.

    The different requirements of the competition have a scientific, applied, socio-educational and legal character.
    Participation in the Competition is completely free of charge for all BA or MA students interested in the field - the students must be Romanian citizens, enrolled with any private or state university.
    There will be 24 scholarships and 4 prizes with a total value of 5.000 lei.

    Participation in the Competition involves the following steps:
    1. application - done by filling-in the forms presented in the Application [RO] section and submitting them, in original, to the organizers (May 15 - June 15);
    2. individual study of the online materials and recommended bibliography (May 15 - June 15);
    3. taking the online test for basic knowledge in the field verification (June 19);
    4. 24 contestants will receive scholarships for participating in the second stage of the Competition, according to the Methodology [RO] and taking into account the scores of the online test;
    5. the second stage of the Competition will take place in Bucharest, over a perioad of 4 days (June 22-25);
    6. all participants will receive certificates/diplomas, 10 participants will receive prizes in books and 4 participants will receive prizes in money for a total amount of 5.000 lei (June 25).

    Click for the enlarged version

    The activity is organized within the framework of the project "PRACTICAL SCHOOL: Innovation in Higher Education and Success on the Labour Market", POSDRU/156/1.2/G/132920, implemented by the Romanian-American University in partnership with Center for Legal Resources.
    The project is co-financed from the European Social Fund through the Sectoral Operational Programme Human Resource Development 2007-2013.
    WINNERS - National Competition "Simulations of Commercial Negotiations"

    The Center for Negotiation and Mediation of the Romanian-American University organized the FINALS (II-nd stage) of the national competition entitled "Simulations of Commercial Negotiations", with prizes amounting to a total of 5.000 lei.

    We congratulate the winners, together with all other participants, for a great performance during the finals that took place on May 12, 2015. The official results from the jury are:

  • "Simulations of Commercial Negotiations" Competition Results [RO]

  • Further details on the dedicated website:

    The activity is organized within the framework of the project "PRACTICAL SCHOOL: Innovation in Higher Education and Success on the Labour Market", POSDRU/156/1.2/G/132920, implemented by the Romanian-American University in partnership with Center for Legal Resources.
    The project is co-financed from the European Social Fund through the Sectoral Operational Programme Human Resource Development 2007-2013.
    Graduation Festivities 2015

    The Romanian-American University congratulates all graduates of 2015, for both BA and MA study programs, and invite you to join them for celebrating the end of an important cycle of their lives.

    The 2015 Graduation Ceremony will comprise a series of festivities held for each school, reuniting both BA and MA graduates of the respective school.

    The Graduation package is completely FREE for all graduates and comprises:
  • Robe (rented for the festivities);
  • Cap and scarf, personalized for each graduating promotion;
  • Roses + 2 DVDs (1 photo + 1 video) inside a personalized double casing;
  • Champagne and biscuits;
  • Invites for faculty;
  • Floral arrangements for the location.

  • All festivities are to be held inside the Aula Magna, according to the following schedule:
  • Computer Science - June 29, 11:00
  • Domestic and International Economy of Tourism - June 30, 12:00
  • Management-Marketing - July 1, 10:00
  • Law - July 3, 10:00
  • Domestic and International Business, Banking and Finance - July 10, 10:00
  • European Economic Studies - July 10, 13:00

  • Internship Program - Romanian Government

    The Official 2015 Internship Program, organized by the Romanian Government, is focused on students and young graduates, who show an interest in becoming part of the central administration, within 77 institutions, for two months, in order to gain practical experience and to increase the efficiency of the administrative offices through innovative ideas and knowledge.

    Application to the Official 2015 Internship Program organized by the Romanian Government is done individually up to May 31, 2015, by accessing the website:
    Lecture "Values, Aspirations and Couple Relations Dynamics"

    Do you want to find out which are the 4 stages of any relationship and which is the path from "dependence" to "interdependence"?

    Do you want to know which are the two comportamentary forces that manifest in any relationship and what is the role of the eight primary emotions to express them?

    Do you want to identify the 4 sensitive values and recognize the main 2 reproaches in a relationship?

    If you are curious to discover the answers to these questions and many others, come on June 3rd, 2015, at 16:00 o'clock, in MBA hall at the presentation "Values , Aspirations and the Dynamics in a relationship".

    The presentation will be supported by Mr. Marian Opran.

    Click for the enlarged version

    Growing Economists National Olympics,
    X-th edition

    During May 29-30, 2015, the School of Domestic and International Business, Banking and Finance of the Romanian-American University, in cooperation with Association of Economics Schools from Romania (AFER), organizes the Growing Economists National Olympics, X-th edition, Finance and Financial Institutions Section.

    Within this scientific event there will be undergraduate and graduate students, as well as faculty, from the most prestigious universities in Romania:
  • Alexandru Ioan Cuza University from Iasi,
  • Babes-Bolyai University from Cluj-Napoca,
  • University of Economic Studies from Bucharest,
  • West University from Timisoara,
  • Craiova University,
  • Stefan cel Mare University from Suceava,
  • Constantin Brancusi University from Targu-Jiu,
  • Petroleum and Gas University from Ploiesti,
  • Petru Maior University from Targu-Mures,
  • Eftimie Murgu University from Resita,
  • Valahia University from Targoviste,
  • Petrosani University,
  • Romanian-American University from Bucharest.

  • JUNE 2015

    Workshop "Entrepreneurs in International Companies"

    The Center for Oratory and Debate of the Romanian-American University, in partnership with Murray Rothbard Center for Political Economy and Business and Center for Research in International Economic Relations, organizes a workshop entitled "Entrepreneurs in International Companies". The workshop is focused on the book "Entrepreneurs in International Companies. A theorizing in the Austrian tradition".

    The workshop is scheduled for June 3rd, 2015, starting at 18:00 hours, in the Romanian-American University's Senate Hall.
    Participation is completely free of charge and open to any graduate or undergraduate student or teacher, regardless of the universities they belong to. Representatives of the business environment, regardless of the field of activity, are also invited to participate. Participation is conditioned by being part of the project's target-group (*).

    Main guests of the workshop are:
    - Vladimir Topan - President of Ludwig von Mises Romania Institute
    - Dragos Bigu - Department of Philosophy and Humanities Sciences, ASE Bucuresti
    - Costea Munteanu - Department of International Economic Relations, ASE Bucuresti
    - Alexandru Tasnadi - Department of Economics Doctrines and Communication, ASE Bucuresti

    Click for the enlarged version

    The activity is organized within the framework of the project "PRACTICAL SCHOOL: Innovation in Higher Education and Success on the Labour Market", POSDRU/156/1.2/G/132920, implemented by the Romanian-American University in partnership with Center for Legal Resources.
    The project is co-financed from the European Social Fund through the Sectoral Operational Programme Human Resource Development 2007-2013.

    * BA and MA students must fill in a target-group form (available from the organizers), in case they are not already enrolled with the POSDRU/156/1.2/G/132920 project. Faculty and business environment representatives are required to fill in a cooperation agreement within the project's framework.

    National Competition on "Human Rights and Migration"

    The Center for human Rights and Migration of the Romanian-American University launches the first edition of the "National Competition on Human Rights and Migration", which will take place between June 22 - 25, in Bucharest.

    The competition aims to encourage the graduate and undergraduate students interested in developing practical skills regarding identifying and solving legal issues in the field of human rights and migration, within a simulated environment. The competition promotes fundamental ethical values, fair-play spirit, competitiveness, team-working and inter-personal communication.

    The different requirements of the competition have a scientific, applied, socio-educational and legal character.
    Participation in the Competition is completely free of charge for all BA or MA students interested in the field - the students must be Romanian citizens, enrolled with any private or state university.
    There will be 24 scholarships and 4 prizes with a total value of 5.000 lei.

    Participation in the Competition involves the following steps:
    1. application - done by filling-in the forms presented in the Application [RO] section and submitting them, in original, to the organizers (May 15 - June 20);
    2. individual study of the online materials and recommended bibliography (May 15 - June 20);
    3. intensive classes with Romanian and foreign specialists in the field (June 22 - 23);
    4. Moot cases competition (June 24 - 25);
    5. all participants will receive certificates/diplomas, 10 participants will receive prizes in books and 4 participants will receive prizes in money for a total amount of 5.000 lei (June 25).

    Taking into account the schedule of the competition, the organizers, at the students request, have decided to eliminate the online test for the present edition of the competition.

    Click for the enlarged version

    The activity is organized within the framework of the project "PRACTICAL SCHOOL: Innovation in Higher Education and Success on the Labour Market", POSDRU/156/1.2/G/132920, implemented by the Romanian-American University in partnership with Center for Legal Resources.
    The project is co-financed from the European Social Fund through the Sectoral Operational Programme Human Resource Development 2007-2013.
    Introduction to Argumentation and Debates for Students - Intensive workshop

    The Center for oratory and Debate of the Romanian-American University organizes on June 29, 2015 an intensive workshop entitled "Introduction to Argumentation and Debates for Students".

    The activity will take place between 12:00 - 18:00, inside Lecture Hall 223 of the university's campus (bd.Expozitiei nr.1B, sector 1, Bucuresti, corp B, etaj 2).

    Participation is completely free of charge and open to any graduate or undergraduate student or teacher, regardless of the universities they belong to. Representatives of the business environment, regardless of the field of activity, are also invited to participate. Participation is conditioned by being part of the project's target-group (*).

    The activity is organized within the framework of the project "PRACTICAL SCHOOL: Innovation in Higher Education and Success on the Labour Market", POSDRU/156/1.2/G/132920, implemented by the Romanian-American University in partnership with Center for Legal Resources.
    The project is co-financed from the European Social Fund through the Sectoral Operational Programme Human Resource Development 2007-2013.

    (*) BA and MA students must fill in a target-group form (available from the organizers), in case they are not already enrolled with the POSDRU/156/1.2/G/132920 project. Faculty and business environment representatives are required to fill in a cooperation agreement within the project's framework.

    Award Ceremony - National Moot Court Competition on Human Rights and Migration

    During June 22-25, 2015 the Center for human Rights and Migration of the Romanian-American University has organized the first complex national competition in this field. The competition reunited 54 Romanian students from 14 schools of the best national university centers, as well as from foreign universities. The competition was organized with the support of the US Embassy, Embassy of Germany, Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Embassy of Israel, the UN High Commissioner for Refugees - Romania and Sky Center.

    On June 25th, 2015 the Romanian-American University hosted the competition's award ceremony. The following prizes were awarded:

  • "Respect for the Rule of Law", offered by the US Embassy in Bucharest to the best team in this field:
  • - Chirita Oana-Maria, Romanian-American University;
    - Rapceanu Ioana Alexandra, A.I.Cuza University from Iasi;
    - Rotaru Ionut, University of Bucharest;
    - Vata Anca-Andreea, George Bacovia University from Bacau (consultant member).

  • "Equality for All", offered by the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Bucharest to the best team in the field of non-discrimination:
  • - Alexandru Ion, A.I.Cuza University from Iasi;
    - Gaina Raluca Mihaela, Romanian-American University;
    - Luncan Monica-Alina,University of Bucharest;
    - Vidis-Dumitriu Mirela, Titu Maiorescu University (consultant member).

  • "The Rights of Migrants", offered by the Embassy of Germany in Bucharestla to the best team in the field of migration:
  • - Arba Liliana-Diana, Romanian-American University;
    - Enache Camelia Maria, Romanian-American University;
    - Trif Madalina-Crina, Babes-Bolyai University from Cluj;
    - Bologa Anda Cristina, University of Bucharest (consultant member).

  • "Disability Rights", offered by the Embassy of Israel in Bucharest to the best team in the field of the rights of the people with disabilities:
  • - Blaj Mihai, George Bacovia University from Bacau;
    - Mihaila Victoria-Georgina, Romanian-American University;
    - Serban Vasile Sergiu, Romanian-American University;
    - Merisanu Stefan, Hague University of Applied Sciences (consultant member).

  • "The Rights of Refugees", offered by the UNHCR - Romania to the best team in the field of asylum:
  • - Alexandru Ion, A.I.Cuza University from Iasi;
    - Gaina Raluca Mihaela, Romanian-American University;
    - Luncan Monica-Alina, University of Bucharest;
    - Vidis-Dumitriu Mirela, Titu Maiorescu University (consultant member).

  • "Bene Merenti", offered by the Romanian-American University to the best team in competition, together with a sum of 1250 lei for each of the full team members:
  • - Chirita Oana-Maria, Romanian-American University;
    - Rapceanu Ioana Alexandra, A.I.Cuza University from Iasi;
    - Rotaru Ionut, University of Bucharest;
    - Vata Anca-Andreea, George Bacovia University from Bacau (consultant member).

  • "Best Student in Competition", offered by the Romanian-American University to the best student in competition, together with the sum of 1250 lei - Luncan Monica-Alina, University of Bucharest.

  • The first 10 ranked students have benefited from the vouchers offered by Sky Center - "Fun in the Sky" - representing the limousine transport and a completely free day of relaxation inside the Center.

  • We congratulate, again, all the participants to this great competition.
    Press release

    The activity was organized within the framework of the project "PRACTICAL SCHOOL: Innovation in Higher Education and Success on the Labour Market", POSDRU/156/1.2/G/132920, implemented by the Romanian-American University in partnership with Center for Legal Resources.
    The project is co-financed from the European Social Fund through the Sectoral Operational Programme Human Resource Development 2007-2013.
    JULY 2015

    Presentation of RAU MASTER PROGRAMS taught in English

    The Romanian-American University cordially invites you to participate to the presentation of MASTER PROGRAMS that are taught in English.

    Thursday, July the 9th, 2015, 16.00 - 17.00, SENATE HALL (1B Expozitiei Bvd.)

    The folowing Master Programs are going to be organized in the 2015-2016 Academic Year:
  • MSc in International Business and Entrepreneurship
  • Msc in Finance (double Degree with University of Siena)
  • MSc in Strategic Marketing
  • MSc in Computer Science for Business

  • The study programs have the following characteristics:
    - They were devised by a team of specialists of the Romanian-American University assisted by international experts and practitioners;
    - Advisory Board are in place, having the role to ensure the correlation of each program with the requirements of the labor market and of the employers as well as the topicality of the subjects and their contents;
    - The professorial staff includes specialists with practical experience and international professors;
    - The programs focus on practical aspects: business simulations, using scenarios and case studies, laboratory activities;
    - They are also oriented on interdisciplinary;
    - Creativity and innovation skills are foreseen;
    - Multicultural environment and intercultural competences are targeted;
    - Facilities for business support afterwards are going to be available.

    We kindly ask you to confirm your participation to the event until Thursday the 9th of July, 2015, at
    [email protected] [email protected]
    IATA Classes

    The IATA Center within the Romanian-American University organizes a new series of courses.

    IATA Foundation Course
    • October 5 - 21, 2015, applications received up to September 11 for December 2015 exam / up to September 30 for March 2016 exam
    • November 2 - 18, 2015, applications received up to September 11 for December 2015 exam / up to October 23 for March 2016 exam

    IATA Consultant Course
    • October 26 - November 1, 2015, applications received up to September 11 for December 2015 exam / up to October 23 for March 2016 exam

    For further information please access our dedicated website:
    AUGUST 2015

    SEPTEMBER 2015

    "High Degree of Confidence" for the Romanian-American University

    The Romanian-American University proudly announces that, within the Council Meeting of August 24th 2015, the ARACIS (Romanian Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education) has validated the external evaluation report (institutional report) for the Romanian-American University.
    The approved rating for the Romanian-American University is High Degree of Confidence, the highest possible ranking.

    Within this context, we thank our entire academic community - students, faculty, administrative staff, social partners, business environment partners - for the contribution to this great achievement.

    "Communication Epistemology" Course

  • What do you think is the communication strategy of a successful person?
  • What kind of words use a successful person when speaks with themselves, how they motivate themselves for initiating required actions in order to achieve their goals?
  • How they use the language to communicate to the others what they want to get and how they convince the others to give support in completing their plans?

  • Communicating effectively is an ability that people model from others. If you want to discover how to do it and if you want to find out your own answers at the above questions, we invite you starting from October the 6th to attend Communication Epistemology Course.

    You can find here more details about the course:
    http://formare.rau.ro/index.php/cursuri [RO]
    Workshop "Specifics of Negotiations within Different Industries" (POSDRU/156/1.2/G/132920)

    The Center for Negotiations and Mediation of the Romanian-American University organizes on September 17th of 2015, starting with 15.00 hours, inside the Senate Hall, the workshop entitled "Specifics of Negotiations within Different Industries".

    The special guests of the event are Mrs. Nicoleta Scarlat - Sales Director Eisberg Romania, Mrs. Elena Tiuca - Manager Job Times International and Mr. Danut Nicolae - Public Affairs Director McGuireWoods Romania.

    Participation is completely free of charge and open to any graduate or undergraduate student or teacher, regardless of the universities they belong to. Representatives of the business environment, regardless of the field of activity, are also invited to participate. Participation is conditioned by being part of the project's target-group (*)

    The activity is organized within the framework of the project "PRACTICAL SCHOOL: Innovation in Higher Education and Success on the Labour Market", POSDRU/156/1.2/G/132920, implemented by the Romanian-American University in partnership with Center for Legal Resources.
    The project is co-financed from the European Social Fund through the Sectoral Operational Programme Human Resource Development 2007-2013.

    (*) BA and MA students must fill in a target-group form (available from the organizers), in case they are not already enrolled with the POSDRU/156/1.2/G/132920 project. Faculty and business environment representatives are required to fill in a cooperation agreement within the project's framework.

    Debate "Romania and the new challenges of the present European crisis" (POSDRU/156/1.2/G/132920)

    The Center for Human Rights and Migration, in partnership with the Center for Oratory and Debate, has the pleasure to invite you to attend the informal debate "Romania and the new challenges of the present European crisis", which will take place at the Romanian-American University, on the 24th of September 2015.

    The Center for Human Rights and Migration has been developed with the aim to promote scientific research and education through developing the partnership between the academic environment and the key actors involved in the European society realities. To this aim, the Center had organized 4 judicial clinics in the field of human rights and migration, has organized numerous debates, has implemented specific projects and programs, in partnership with national and international actors.
    The Center organizes annually the National Competition on Human Rights and Migration which gathers around 50 Romanian students from the most important national and European universities, being supported by the UNHCR - Representative in Romania, the US Embassy, the German Embassy, the Netherlands Embassy and the Israeli Embassy in Bucharest.

    Through the present debate, the Center for Human Rights and Migration wants to:

  • offer a clearer perspectiv on the terms of "migrant" and "refugee", on the international law principles governing this field, on the EU acquis in the matters of asylum and migration, but mostly,
  • to contribute in promoting an informal partnership between the civil society and the Romanian authorities.

  • Click for the enlarged version

    The debate will be organized with representatives of international organizations of the field, representatives of Romanian authorities and NGOs, representatives of embassies, researchers, faculty and students.
    We would be glad to have you join us for this event and we kindly ask you to confirm you participation up to September 22nd 2015. Participants are encouraged to take part in the debate following the rules of Chatham House.

    For further info regarding attendance to the event please contact the organizers at [email protected], no later than September 23rd, 12:00 hours.

    The activity is free and open to any student or teacher, regardless of its university. Representatives of the civil society, business environment and social partners in education are also invited to attend. Participation is based on membership to the target-group of the project (*).

    The activity is organized within the framework of the project "PRACTICAL SCHOOL: Innovation in Higher Education and Success on the Labour Market", POSDRU/156/1.2/G/132920, implemented by the Romanian-American University in partnership with Center for Legal Resources.
    The project is co-financed from the European Social Fund through the Sectoral Operational Programme Human Resource Development 2007-2013.

    (*) Students, if not already enrolled in the project, must fill-in the target-group form and present a certificate stating their student position; RAU students do not have to present the certificate as it will be issued automatically from the electronic integrated system. Faculty, representatives of civil society, business environment and social partners in education, if not already enrolled in the project, must fill-in the target-group for and present a certificate stating their position as faculty/NGO member/company employee.

    Opening of the Academic Year 2015-2016

    The Romanian-American University has the pleasure to invite you to attend the official opening of the new 2015-2016 academic year.

    The festivities will take place according to the following schedule:

    Thursday - 1.10.2015
  • 10:00 - RAU University Official Opening Ceremony, in Aula Magna
  • 13:00 - School of Management-Marketing, in Aula Magna
  • 14:00 - School European Economic Studies, in Amfiteatrul A2
  • 15:00 - School of Domestic and International Economy of Tourism, in Aula Magna

  • Friday - 2.10.2015
  • 9:30 - School of Domestic and International Business, Banking and Finance, in Aula Magna
  • 11:00 - School of Computer Science for Business Management, in Aula Magna
  • 13:00 - School of Law, in Aula Magna

  • Students and graduates with their families, faculty, administrative staff, representatives of social partners in education, mass-media and the business environment are welcome to attend the festivities.
    Intensive course "Access to justice for vulnerable people" (POSDRU/156/1.2/G/132920)

    The Center for Human Rights and Migration of the Romanian-American University invite you to attend the intensive course "Access to justice for vulnerable people", held by Ms. Sahar Maranlou Kiani, PhD from the prestigious University of Oxford, United Kingdom.

    The course will be held inside the RAU's campus (Lecture Room 223), between October 5-7, 2015, 15:00 - 17:00 hours.
    Applications are received online at [email protected] up to October 4th, 2015.
    In order to obtain the certificate of attendance there is a mandatory 80% limit of attendance.

    The course is free and open to any student or teacher, regardless of its university. Representatives of the civil society, business environment and social partners in education are also invited to attend. Participation is based on membership to the target-group of the project (*).

    Click for the enlarged version

    The activity is organized within the framework of the project "PRACTICAL SCHOOL: Innovation in Higher Education and Success on the Labour Market", POSDRU/156/1.2/G/132920, implemented by the Romanian-American University in partnership with Center for Legal Resources.
    The project is co-financed from the European Social Fund through the Sectoral Operational Programme Human Resource Development 2007-2013.

    (*) Students, if not already enrolled in the project, must fill-in the target-group form and present a certificate stating their student position; RAU students do not have to present the certificate as it will be issued automatically from the electronic integrated system. Faculty, representatives of civil society, business environment and social partners in education, if not already enrolled in the project, must fill-in the target-group for and present a certificate stating their position as faculty/NGO member/company employee.

    OCTOBER 2015

    English, French, German, Italian and Spanish Language - Intensive Courses

    The Department of Foreign Languages of the Romanian-American University organizes intensive foreign language courses in English, French, German, Italian and Spanish.

  • "Beginner" level: at the end of the module graduates receive A1/A2 level competencies, according to the European Framework of Reference for Languages.
  • "Intermediate" level: at the end of the module graduates receive B1/B2 level competencies, according to the European Framework of Reference for Languages.

  • Duration: each module has 40 hours, 4 hours/week between November 2nd, 2015 - January 31st, 2016.

    Study fee: 400 lei.

    Applications: October 1st - 31st, 2015, at the Department of Foreign Languages (room 310, 3rd floor, C building) or by email [email protected].

    For further information please contact The Department of Foreign Languages.

    Click for the enlarged image

    Extracurricular Courses with Professors from Partener Universities

    The Romanian-American University offers to its students, again, the opportunity to attend a series of extracurricular courses, held in English and taught by professors from prestigious partner institutions from US and Europe.

    • Course: Intercultural Communication
      Professor: Nicholas Dima, Arizona, USA
      Program: October 12 - 23, 2015

    • Course: Global Business and the Sustainability Challenge
      Professor: Nicholas Dima, Arizona, USA
      Program: October 19 - 23, 2015

    • Course: The Art of Networking, Be a Best Perfomer
      Professor: Filipe Carrera, ISEG - University of Lisbon, Portugal
      Program: October 19 - 30, 2015

    • Course: Digital Marketing
      Professor: Filipe Carrera, ISEG - University of Lisbon, Portugal
      Program: October 26 - 30, 2015

    • Course: Project Management
      Professor: James McCollum, University of Alabama in Huntsville, USA
      Program: November 9 - 20, 2015

    • Course: English Vocabulary and Expressions in National and International Politics and Conflicts
      Professor: Donald Corbin, James Madison University, USA
      Program: November 9 - 20, 2015

    For further details and information about the courses please visit our dedicated website:

    Info and Applications:
    American Programs Office
    3rd Floor, Room 305, C Building
    Phone +4- / +4-0372.120.121
    E-mail: [email protected]

    Click for the enlarged version

    Intensive Course "English Vocabulary and Expressions in National and International Politics and Conflicts" (POSDRU/156/1.2/G/132920)

    The Center for Negotiations and Mediation of the Romanian-American University invite you to attend the intensive course "English Vocabulary and Expressions in National and International Politics and Conflicts", held by Professor Donald Corbin, PhD from James Madison University, USA.

    The course will be held inside the RAU's campus (Library Reading Room 1), between November 9-20, 2015, 9:00 - 12:00 hours.
    Applications are received online at [email protected] up to November 6th, 2015.

    The course is free and open to any student or teacher, regardless of its university. Representatives of the civil society, business environment and social partners in education are also invited to attend. Participation is based on membership to the target-group of the project (*).

    Click for the enlarged version

    The activity is organized within the framework of the project "PRACTICAL SCHOOL: Innovation in Higher Education and Success on the Labour Market", POSDRU/156/1.2/G/132920, implemented by the Romanian-American University in partnership with Center for Legal Resources.
    The project is co-financed from the European Social Fund through the Sectoral Operational Programme Human Resource Development 2007-2013.

    (*) Students, if not already enrolled in the project, must fill-in the target-group form and present a certificate stating their student position; RAU students do not have to present the certificate as it will be issued automatically from the electronic integrated system. Faculty, representatives of civil society, business environment and social partners in education, if not already enrolled in the project, must fill-in the target-group for and present a certificate stating their position as faculty/NGO member/company employee.

    National Moot Court Competition "Human Rights and Migration", II-nd edition

    The Center for Human Rights and Migration of the Romanian-American University organizes the second edition of the National Moot Court Competition "Human Rights and Migration", which will take place between October 26 - 29, 2015, in Bucharest.

    The competition, as a general objective, aims to encourage BA and MA students interested in developing practical skills regarding identifying and solving juridical problems in the field of human rights and migration, within a simulated environment. The competition promotes the fundamental ethical values, the fair-play spirit, competitiveness, team-work and inter-personal communication.

    The competition has a scientific, applicative, socio-educational and juridical character.
    Participation in the competition is completely free on any charge and open to all interested in this field - undergraduate or graduate students, enrolled with any private or state university, Romanian citizens, based on their application to the target-group.
    The competition offers participation scholarships (for accomodation, meals and transportation), as well as 4 prizes, for a total value of 5.000 lei. Special awards will be offered by the official partners of the Competition: UNHCR - Representative in Romania, US Embassy, German Embassy, UK Embassy, Ambasada Olandei and Israeli Embassy in Bucharest.

    Participation to the competition involves the following steps:
    1. application - is done by filling-in the forms from the Applicaiton section and sending them to the organizers, in original (no later than October 20th, the documents must be at the organizers);
    2. individual study through consulting the online resources and the recommended bibliography (October 1 - 27);
    3. participating in the intensive courses organized and held within the Romanian-American University campus. Participants can receive scholarships, which cover transport, meals and accommodation costs - (October 26-27);
    4. selecting the participants for the practical stage of the Competition, based on the score of the scientific test organized after the online individual training and the "in class" courses (October 28);
    5. awarding the best teams and participants. All participants will receive attendance certificates, the best students and the beat team in competition will also receive prizes in money (for a total value of 5.000 lei). The partners of the Competition will also offer special prizes for the best teams within their fields of interest (October 29).

    Click for the enlarged version

    The activity is organized within the framework of the project "PRACTICAL SCHOOL: Innovation in Higher Education and Success on the Labour Market", POSDRU/156/1.2/G/132920, implemented by the Romanian-American University in partnership with Center for Legal Resources.
    The project is co-financed from the European Social Fund through the Sectoral Operational Programme Human Resource Development 2007-2013.

    (*) Students, if not already enrolled in the project, must fill-in the target-group form and present a certificate stating their student position; RAU students do not have to present the certificate as it will be issued automatically from the electronic integrated system. Faculty, representatives of civil society, business environment and social partners in education, if not already enrolled in the project, must fill-in the target-group for and present a certificate stating their position as faculty/NGO member/company employee.

    Join us in Europe: Apply for an Erasmus+ Study Grant!

    Find out how you can study for a semester abroad in the spring term.

    - On the webpage www.rau.ro, section "Office for European Programs - ERASMUS"
    - Room 306 - Office for European Programs - ERASMUS

    Erasmus+ Study Grants are available for the 2015-2016 academic year and are financed with 450 to 500 Euro/month. Previous Erasmus participants are accepted in the new Erasmus+ Programme.

    For further information:
    - Office for European Programs - ERASMUS (C Building, 3rd floor, Room 306)
    - Phone +40(0)372.120.115
    - Email: [email protected]
    Intensive Course "Preparing and Organizing the Negotiation Process"

    The Center for Negotiations and Mediation of the Romanian-American University invite you to attend the intensive course "Preparing and Organizing the Negotiation Process", held by Professor Valeriu Potecea, PhD from the Romanian-American University.

    The course will be held inside the RAU's campus (Lecture Room 223), on october 19, 2015, starting at 15:00 hours.

    The course is free and open to any student or teacher, regardless of its university. Representatives of the civil society, business environment and social partners in education are also invited to attend. Participation is based on membership to the target-group of the project (*).

    Click for the enlarged version

    The activity is organized within the framework of the project "PRACTICAL SCHOOL: Innovation in Higher Education and Success on the Labour Market", POSDRU/156/1.2/G/132920, implemented by the Romanian-American University in partnership with Center for Legal Resources.
    The project is co-financed from the European Social Fund through the Sectoral Operational Programme Human Resource Development 2007-2013.

    (*) Students, if not already enrolled in the project, must fill-in the target-group form and present a certificate stating their student position; RAU students do not have to present the certificate as it will be issued automatically from the electronic integrated system. Faculty, representatives of civil society, business environment and social partners in education, if not already enrolled in the project, must fill-in the target-group for and present a certificate stating their position as faculty/NGO member/company employee.

    Competition "Commercial Negotiations Simulations"

    The Center for Negotiation and Mediation of the Romanian-American University invites you to participate in the second edition of the "Commercial Negotiations Simulations" Competition.

    The first stage of the competition will take place inside the RAU's Campus (Lecture Room 223), on October 26, 2015, starting with 12:00 hours.

    The winners will receive total prizes of 5000 lei (4 x 1250 lei). The competition is open to any BA or MA students, regardless of its university, under the condition of being part of the target-group (*).
    The documents that have to be filled in can be downloaded from the Center's website.

    Click for the enlarged version

    The activity is organized within the framework of the project "PRACTICAL SCHOOL: Innovation in Higher Education and Success on the Labour Market", POSDRU/156/1.2/G/132920, implemented by the Romanian-American University in partnership with Center for Legal Resources.
    The project is co-financed from the European Social Fund through the Sectoral Operational Programme Human Resource Development 2007-2013.

    (*) Students must fill-in the target-group form, the competition form, a ID copy and present a certificate stating their student position; RAU students do not have to present the certificate as it will be issued automatically from the electronic integrated system.

    "Ensuring competences adequate to the labour market requirements through study programs of excellence with an international dimension", POSDRU/156/1.2/G/134518

    The project entitled "Ensuring competences adequate to the labour market requirements through study programs of excellence with an international dimension", Contract Code: POSDRU/156/1.2/G/134518, it is implemented by Romanian-American University in partnership with the "Babes-Bolyai" University from Cluj and "Constantin Brancusi" University from Targu-Jiu.

    The project is co-financed by European Social Fund through the Sectoral Operational Programme Human Resource Development 2007 - 2013.
    For further details please visit the project website - http://spredi.rau.ro si https://www.facebook.com/spredi.

    Debate "Global challenges for multinational companies"

    The Center for Negotiations and Mediation of the Romanian-American University invites you to attend the debate entitled "Global challenges for multinational companies".

    The event will take place in the Romanian-American University's campus, in the Senate Hall on 28th of October 2015, starting with 16:30.
    Main guests are Mr. Christoph Sikora, General Manager Central Europe Dow Chemical and Mr. Claudiu Tuncu, Country Manager Dow Chemical Romania.

    The course is free and open to any student or teacher, regardless of the university they belong to. Representatives of the civil society, business environment and social partners in education are also invited to attend. Participation is based on membership to the target-group of the project (*).

    The activity is organized within the framework of the project "PRACTICAL SCHOOL: Innovation in Higher Education and Success on the Labour Market", POSDRU/156/1.2/G/132920, implemented by the Romanian-American University in partnership with Center for Legal Resources.
    The project is co-financed from the European Social Fund through the Sectoral Operational Programme Human Resource Development 2007-2013.

    (*) Students, if not already enrolled in the project, must fill-in the target-group form and present a certificate stating their student position; RAU students do not have to present the certificate as it will be issued automatically from the electronic integrated system. Faculty, representatives of civil society, business environment and social partners in education, if not already enrolled in the project, must fill-in the target-group for and present a certificate stating their position as faculty/NGO member/company employee.

    National Conference of Insolvency

    During October 30-31, 2015, the National Training Institute of Insolvency Practitioners (I.N.P.P.I.), in partnership with the Romanian-American University, organizes the IIIrd edition of the National Conference of Insolvency.

  • Conference Agenda [RO]

  • NOVEMBER 2015

    Preselection for the 2015-2016 Moot Court Competition of Commercial Law

    In April 2016 will take place the 2016 edition of the Moot Court Competition of Commercial Law organized by the School of Law of the Romanian-American University.

  • Competition details [RO]

  • Workshop "The Challenge - how to get out of your comfort zone"

    Are you interested in how to get out of your comfort zone in order to achieve your objectives and be successful? :)

    We invite you to the workshop "The Challenge - how to get out of your comfort zone" held by Marian Opran - Life Coach NLP on 18th of November 2015, starting with 3 PM at MBA Hall (B building, ground floor).

    The event is FREE OF CHARGE for the first 30 participants - join HERE!

    Moreover, you can win one of the 7 vouchers - 50% discount for Life Coaching NLP packs!

    The event is organized by Performance Magazine - the RAU Students Magazine

    Conference on "Romania and the Euro Zone"

    On November 6, 2015, ASE’s Aula Magna hosts the conference on "Romania and the Euro Zone", organized by the Center for Research in International Business and Economics (CCREI) and the Romanian Economic Society (SOREC) in partnership with Romanian-American University and the Institute for World Economy.

    "Applied Informatics in Economy and Information Technology - e-Society - Knowledge and Innovation" Conference

    During November 12-13, 2015, the School of Computer Science for Business Management of the Romanian-American University organizes the annual international conference "Applied Informatics in Economy and Information Technology - e-Society - Knowledge and Innovation", the third edition.

    Faculty, IT researchers and business environment representatives, from both Romania and abroad, will be present and will exchange ideas, knowledge and practical research results.

    For further information please access the conference's website.
    GE Foundation Scholarships for RAU students

    The Romanian-American University students can apply until 15th of December 2015 for a GE Foundation SCHOLARSHIP within the GE Foundation Scholar-Leaders Program.

    The GE Foundation Scholar-Leaders Program in Romania is a unique program that provides financial support and skills development opportunities for accomplished second-year undergraduate students from recognized institutions who are pursuing degrees in the fields of economics, management, engineering or technology at specific universities, including the the Romanian-American University.

    Students must be attending one of the following prestigious institutions to be eligible to apply:
  • Alexandru Ioan Cuza University from Iasi
  • Babes-Bolyai University from Cluj-Napoca
  • Romanian-American University from Bucharest
  • Politehnica University from Timisoara
  • Politehnica University from Bucharest

  • For further details please read our blog post.
    Roundtable on "Intellectual Property" Teaching

    The Romanian-American University hosts, during November 18 - 19 of 2015, inside the Senate Hall, between 9:00 - 16:30, the roundtable entitled "Intellectual Property Teaching".

    The activity is organized by WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization) and ORDA (Romanian Copyright Office), in cooperation with MECS (Ministry of Education and Scientific Research) and OSIM (State Office for Inventions and Trademarks).
    International Conference "European Perspectives of Labour Market: Innovation, Competencies, Performance"

    During November 19 - 20 of 2015, the Romanian-American University organizes the international conference "European Perspectives of Labour Market: Innovation, Competencies, Performance", in partnership with the Romanian Academy - Institute of Economic Prognosis, SNSPA, National Institute of Scientific Research in the Field of Labour and Welfare and the Giacomo Brodolini Foundation.

  • Conference Agenda [RO]

  • Workshop "Human Trafficking for Forced Labour - a form of organized crime" (POSDRU/156/1.2/G/132920)

    The Center for Human Rights and Migration of the Romanian-American University organizes the workshop entitled "Human Trafficking for Forced Labour - a form of organized crime", which will take place on Monday, November 23, starting at 12:00 in the RAU’s Senate Hall.
    The event aims to provide a better understanding of the human trafficking and connecting crimes, as well as to present the national case law.

    We are pleased to invite any student or teacher, regardless of its university, to attend our event. Representatives of the civil society, business environment and social partners in education are also invited to attend. Participation is based on membership to the target-group of the project (*).
    The event is coordinate by Silvia Tabusca - European Commission Expert in Romania, having as special guests: Ms. Mirela Podoiu - lawyer specialized in human trafficking victims protection, and Mr. Stefan Coman - representative of the eLiberare NGO.
    At the end of the workshop all participants are invited to continue the discussions in an informal environment, while having lunch.

    With a view to a positive answer to our invite, we thank you and kindly ask you to confirm your participation at the email address [email protected] until Sunday, November 22.

    Click for the enlarged version

    The activity is organized within the framework of the project "PRACTICAL SCHOOL: Innovation in Higher Education and Success on the Labour Market", POSDRU/156/1.2/G/132920, implemented by the Romanian-American University in partnership with Center for Legal Resources.
    The project is co-financed from the European Social Fund through the Sectoral Operational Programme Human Resource Development 2007-2013.

    (*) Students, if not already enrolled in the project, must fill-in the target-group form and present a certificate stating their student position; RAU students do not have to present the certificate as it will be issued automatically from the electronic integrated system. Faculty, representatives of civil society, business environment and social partners in education, if not already enrolled in the project, must fill-in the target-group for and present a certificate stating their position as faculty/NGO member/company employee.

    International Conference MLIBCW - a New Successful Edition in 2015!

    On the 5th and the 6th of November 2015, the Romanian-American University hosted a new edition of the International Conference MANAGEMENT, LEADERSHIP AND INNOVATION TOWARDS A BETTER CHANGING WORLD.

    The event gathered experts from the business area and representatives of the academic field from Romania, Norway, UK, USA and Portugal. The main subjects approached were the existing trends in tourism and aviation in the 21st century, the importance of collaboration between industries in the context of a sustainable development, the necessity of getting together researchers, academia and industry and also the impact of technological development on the tourism industry.

    The event started with 2 preliminary workshops (the 3rd and the 4th of November) conducted by Young-Sook LEE (University of Tromso, The Arctic University of Norway), the topics being the impact of tourism on the economic development of a region and the bilateral relationship between these two elements, but also on East Asian Tourism, from a marketing perspective. The first day of the conference (the 5th of November) was dedicated to scientific research, the keynote speakers and the guests presenting the results of their studies and debating on it. Johannes Jacobus ELS (AECOM) highlighted the contribution of tourism to the economic development of a region, focusing on the importance role of aviation in the process; Martin ELLIOTT-WHITE (University of Lincoln) examined the consequences of the climate change on tourism, concluding with the necessity of collaborative working across systems as a solution; Young-Sook LEE (University of Tromso, The Arctic University of Norway) revealed the importance of collaboration between education, researchers and industry in the context of the new trends and challenges in the tourism sector. The technological development was still a main subject of this edition of the international conference, Filipe CARRERA (Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestão, University of Lisbon) focusing on the connection between tourism and social media, and Razvan TUDOR, (TRADUCEMBINE.RO) presenting the importance of innovation and new business models in tourism.

    The first day continued with the presentation of Andrew Wilson DAVID (Managing Editor - Siren FM), who revealed the main ingredients in succeeding in the radio business: collaboration, communication and passion, inviting also all the guests to his workshop "Setting up and running small scale content driven operations with an accent on community engagement. Case study: Siren FM, Community Radio in the UK, the state of UK broadcasting", scheduled for the second day of conference.

    The second day of the event (the 6th of November) started with a dynamic panel discussion on the new directions in the research area, based on the European guidelines and Innovation Actions in Horizon 2020 for 2016-2017, followed by the workshop conducted by Andrew Wilson DAVID, where the participants learned more about the radio business and the specific elements of a community radio.
    The event gathered around 100 participants from the academic field, the business environment, as well as students and graduates.

  • Conference Poster

  • IATA Courses

    During January and February 2016, the ATC RAU organizes 2 new courses:

    - Course Foundation in Travel and Tourism, January 14-30, 2016
    - Course Travel and Tourism Consultant, February 1-7, 2016

    Applications are received up to December 3, 2015 (for those that wish to take the exam in March 2016), and respectively up to January 13, 2016 (for those that wish to take the exam in June 2016).

    Further details can be obtained from ATC RAU, Montreal Room (427), by email at: [email protected] or by accessing our dedicated website: iata.rau.ro.

    We are waiting for you!
    Prom 2015

    The RAU' Student Club (CS-URA) invites you to attend the Prom 2015!

    The ball will take place on December 2nd, starting with 22:00, in Club One.

    Click for the enlarged version

    Interactive Course "Emotional Intelligence" (POSDRU/156/1.2/G/132920)

    The Center for Negotiations and Mediation of the Romanian-American University invites you to attend the interactive course entitled "Emotional Intelligence", held by Ms. Katalin Kibedi, Expert of the Center, ex-Secretary of State in the Ministry of Justice, ex-Vice-President of the Mediation Council.

    The course has two distinct meetings, on Tuesday, 24.11.2015 and Thursday, 26.11.2015, between 13:30 - 14:50, in Lecture Hall 223.

    Participation is completely free of charge for any student or teacher, regardless of its university. Representatives of the civil society, business environment and social partners in education are also invited to attend. Participation is based on membership to the target-group of the project (*).

    Click for the enlarged version

    The activity is organized within the framework of the project "PRACTICAL SCHOOL: Innovation in Higher Education and Success on the Labour Market", POSDRU/156/1.2/G/132920, implemented by the Romanian-American University in partnership with Center for Legal Resources.
    The project is co-financed from the European Social Fund through the Sectoral Operational Programme Human Resource Development 2007-2013.

    (*) Students, if not already enrolled in the project, must fill-in the target-group form and present a certificate stating their student position; RAU students do not have to present the certificate as it will be issued automatically from the electronic integrated system. Faculty, representatives of civil society, business environment and social partners in education, if not already enrolled in the project, must fill-in the target-group for and present a certificate stating their position as faculty/NGO member/company employee.

    Constitutional Law - movie and debate (POSDRU/156/1.2/G/132920)

    Within the "American Day" program, organized by the Center for Human Rights and Migration, we have the pleasure to invite you to join us on Thursday, December 3rd, in the Romanian-American University’s Aula Magna, starting with 10:30, for watching the "Lincoln" movie.

    The movie will be followed by a debate session on topics of constitutional law, having as main guest Ms. Marisa McIsaac, Rule of Law Officer, US Embassy.

    The activity is organized within the framework of the project "PRACTICAL SCHOOL: Innovation in Higher Education and Success on the Labour Market", POSDRU/156/1.2/G/132920, implemented by the Romanian-American University in partnership with Center for Legal Resources.
    The project is co-financed from the European Social Fund through the Sectoral Operational Programme Human Resource Development 2007-2013.

    (*) Students, if not already enrolled in the project, must fill-in the target-group form and present a certificate stating their student position; RAU students do not have to present the certificate as it will be issued automatically from the electronic integrated system. Faculty, representatives of civil society, business environment and social partners in education, if not already enrolled in the project, must fill-in the target-group for and present a certificate stating their position as faculty/NGO member/company employee.

    Workshop "Building web and mobile apps with Meteor and Polymer" (POSDRU/156/1.2/G/132920)

    The Center for Information Technology and Communications of the Romanian-American University invites you on Friday, December 4th, in Lab 515, starting with 10:30, to take part in the workshop entitled "Building web and mobile apps with Meteor and Polymer".

    Participation is completely free of charge for any student or teacher, regardless of its university. Representatives of the civil society, business environment and social partners in education are also invited to attend. Participation is based on membership to the target-group of the project (*).

    Click to enlarge

    The activity is organized within the framework of the project "PRACTICAL SCHOOL: Innovation in Higher Education and Success on the Labour Market", POSDRU/156/1.2/G/132920, implemented by the Romanian-American University in partnership with Center for Legal Resources.
    The project is co-financed from the European Social Fund through the Sectoral Operational Programme Human Resource Development 2007-2013.

    (*) Students, if not already enrolled in the project, must fill-in the target-group form and present a certificate stating their student position; RAU students do not have to present the certificate as it will be issued automatically from the electronic integrated system. Faculty, representatives of civil society, business environment and social partners in education, if not already enrolled in the project, must fill-in the target-group for and present a certificate stating their position as faculty/NGO member/company employee.

    Atelier de lucru "Building web and mobile apps with Meteor and Polymer" (POSDRU/156/1.2/G/132920)

    Centrul de Tehnologia Informatiei si Comunicatiilor din cadrul Universitatii Romano-Americane va invita vineri, 4 decembrie 2015, in Sala 515, incepand cu ora 10:30, pentru a participa la atelierul de lucru "Building web and mobile apps with Meteor and Polymer".

    Participarea este complet gratuita pentru orice student, masterand sau cadru didactic, indiferent de universitatea de provenienta. Reprezentanti ai ONG-urilor, ai mediului de afaceri si ai partenerilor sociali in educatie sunt de asemenea invitati sa participe. Participarea presupune apartenenta la grupul-tinta al proiectului (*).

    Apasati pentru varianta marita

    Activitatea este organizata in cadrul proiectului "SCOALA PRACTICA: Inovare in invatamantul superior si succes pe piata muncii", POSDRU/156/1.2/G/132920, implementat de Universitatea Romano-Americana in colaborare cu Centrul de Resurse Juridice.
    Proiectul este cofinantat din Fondul Social European prin Programul Operational Sectorial pentru Dezvoltarea Resurselor Umane 2007-2013.

    (*) Studentii/masteranzii, in cazul in care nu sunt inscrisi deja in proiectul POSDRU/156/1.2/G/132920, trebuie sa completeze formularul de grup-tinta (prezent la organizatori) si sa prezinte o adeverinta de student; studentii/masteranzii Universitatii Romano-Americane nu necesita adeverinta, aceasta fiind emisa din sistemul electronic integrat. Cadrele didactice, reprezentantii societatii civile, ai mediului de afaceri si partenerilor sociali in educatie, in cazul in care nu sunt deja inscrisi in proiect, trebuie sa completeze formularul de grup-tinta si sa prezinte o adeverinta de la locul de munca, care sa ateste calitatea de cadru didactic/apartenenta la un ONG/angajarea in cadrul unei firme.

    DECEMBER 2015

    Workshop "Elements of non-verbal behaviour during negotiations" (POSDRU/156/1.2/G/132920)

    The Center for Negotiation and Mediation of the Romanian-American University invites you on Wednesday, December 9th, in MBA Lecture Room, starting with 10:30, to take part in the workshop entitled "Elements of non-verbal behaviour during negotiations".

    Participation is completely free of charge for any student or teacher, regardless of its university. Representatives of the civil society, business environment and social partners in education are also invited to attend. Participation is based on membership to the target-group of the project (*).

    Click to enlarge

    The activity is organized within the framework of the project "PRACTICAL SCHOOL: Innovation in Higher Education and Success on the Labour Market", POSDRU/156/1.2/G/132920, implemented by the Romanian-American University in partnership with Center for Legal Resources.
    The project is co-financed from the European Social Fund through the Sectoral Operational Programme Human Resource Development 2007-2013.

    (*) Students, if not already enrolled in the project, must fill-in the target-group form and present a certificate stating their student position; RAU students do not have to present the certificate as it will be issued automatically from the electronic integrated system. Faculty, representatives of civil society, business environment and social partners in education, if not already enrolled in the project, must fill-in the target-group for and present a certificate stating their position as faculty/NGO member/company employee.

    Workshop "Preventing Human Trafficking for Forced Labour" (POSDRU/156/1.2/G/132920)

    The Center for Negotiation and Mediation of the Romanian-American University invites you on Wednesday, December 9th, in Lecture Room 223, starting with 10:00, to take part in the workshop entitled "Preventing Human Trafficking for Forced Labour".

    Participation is completely free of charge for any student or teacher, regardless of its university. Representatives of the civil society, business environment and social partners in education are also invited to attend. Participation is based on membership to the target-group of the project (*).

    Click to enlarge

    The activity is organized within the framework of the project "PRACTICAL SCHOOL: Innovation in Higher Education and Success on the Labour Market", POSDRU/156/1.2/G/132920, implemented by the Romanian-American University in partnership with Center for Legal Resources.
    The project is co-financed from the European Social Fund through the Sectoral Operational Programme Human Resource Development 2007-2013.

    (*) Students, if not already enrolled in the project, must fill-in the target-group form and present a certificate stating their student position; RAU students do not have to present the certificate as it will be issued automatically from the electronic integrated system. Faculty, representatives of civil society, business environment and social partners in education, if not already enrolled in the project, must fill-in the target-group for and present a certificate stating their position as faculty/NGO member/company employee.

    Finalizing Conference of the project "PRACTICAL SCHOOL: Innovation in Higher Education and Success on the Labour Market" (POSDRU/156/1.2/G/132920)

    The Management Team of the PRACTICAL SCHOOL: Innovation in Higher Education and Success on the Labour Market project, code POSDRU/156/1.2/G/132920, implemented by the Romanian-American University and the Center for Legal Resources, invites you on Wednesday, December 9th, in the RAU's Senate Hall, starting with 13:00, to participate at the finalizing conference of the project.

    On this occasion, we will reiterate the project's objective, indicators and results, we shall present future activities that will be organized under the auspices of the same five practical activity centers that already organized the activities over the 19 months of the project's implementation.
    At the end of the conference the centers will also announce the winners of the activity scholarships for the students with outstanding activities during the second year of the project's implementation schedule.

    Participation is completely free of charge for any student or teacher, regardless of its university. Representatives of the civil society, business environment and social partners in education are also invited to attend.

    Click to enlarge

    The activity is organized within the framework of the project "PRACTICAL SCHOOL: Innovation in Higher Education and Success on the Labour Market", POSDRU/156/1.2/G/132920, implemented by the Romanian-American University in partnership with Center for Legal Resources.
    The project is co-financed from the European Social Fund through the Sectoral Operational Programme Human Resource Development 2007-2013.
    Christmas Show - 2015

    The traditional Christmas Show, dedicated to Romanian-American University academic community children, will take place this year too, on December 9, starting with 11:00, in B Building, ground floor.

    Scientific Student Circles Sessions

    The Scientific Student Circles Sessions, for the first semester of the 2015-2016 academic year, will take place on Wednesday, 16 of December 2015, starting with 9:00 for BA students and with 16:30 for the MA students.

  • Sessions locations [RO]

  • © Universitatea Romano-Americana / Romanian-American University - Toate drepturile rezervate.

    Publicat la: 2016-01-01 (6193 citiri)

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