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Dissertation - Methodology

Methodology Guides Schedules & Results


  • Application schedule:
    to be determined
  • Daily program for applications:
    to be determined
  • Dissertation exam:
    to be determined
  • Reglementations for organizing the dissertation exam

Exam fee: 250 Euro, payable in RON at the NBR daily exchange rate

  • Necessary papers for application to the dissertation exam:
  • - written application form brought to the school secretariat
    - dissertation paper, accompanied by scientific coordinator review (the form will comprise appreciations on the content of the paper, and the proposed grade, expressed as a whole number from 1-10 scale);
    - anti-plagiarism report (created, printed and signed by the coordinator);
    - electronic upload form, issued at the time of uploading the final paper into the dedicated database, created at institutional level (printed form *)
    - birth certificate, copy with the conformity to the original certification made by the RAU clerk based on the original, which will be returned to the candidate;
    - marriage certificate, copy with the conformity to the original certification made by the RAU clerk based on the original, which will be returned to the candidate; (if necessary);
    - handwritten statement regarding the originality of the dissertation paper (form);
    - BA diploma or equivalent, accompanied by the Diploma Supplement/Transcript, originals;
    - School issued certificate attesting the quality of graduate for the candidate, stating year, MA study program and length of studies (RAU graduates receive this automatically);
    - 3 photos, 3x4 cm;
    - receipt for payment of the dissertation exam fee.

* - the form is printed by the candidate, at the end of the upload process, at the E-Library Hall (ground floor, C Building).
Dissertation paper must be within one file with a maximum size of 50MB (cover, first page, table of contents, content, bibliography, annexes). We recommend using pdf files (the application also accepts doc, docx or rtf files). The upload is done through the dedicated webpage
"Dissertation Exam -> Upload of electronic final paper".

The upload is open only after the finishing of the summer exam session, for the current academic year.
All documents are to be presented inside a cardboard envelope file.

© Universitatea Romano-Americana / Romanian-American University - Toate drepturile rezervate.

Publicat la: 2016-11-04 (2857 citiri)

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