Exista in mod curent, 34 vizitator(i).
Scholarships Regulations 2018-2019
The Romanian-American University (further named the University) grants, under the requirements of the law, from its own funds, scholarships and other forms of financial support.
Art. 2.
The University's scholarship winners, according to the present regulations, further named "students", are University's students, Romanian citizens or citizens from the EU, European Economic Space, Swiss Confederation or Republic of Moldova, enrolled in a BA or MA program, taught in Romanian, for a tuition fee based program.
The document "Regulations regarding scholarships and other forms of financial support for the BA and MA students" is available both online and in print, at the RAU's library.
© Universitatea Romano-Americana / Romanian-American University - Toate drepturile rezervate. Publicat la: 2014-09-05 (1383 citiri) [ Inapoi ] |