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Actualizare! Prelungirea suspendarii cursurilor fata-in-fata, incepand cu 18.05.2020
publicat: 2020-05-17

#StămAcasă - Sfaturi privind mişcarea şi nutriţia
publicat: 2020-04-14

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Kivuto OnTheHub

The Romanian-American University offers its students and faculty IT applications created by some of the most prestigious industry providers (eg. Google, IBM, MatLab, JetBrains, Tableau, AutoCad, Amazon etc.) within the partnership with Kivuto OnTheHub.

For further details and information please regarding the usage of this service please access the dedicated webpage.

From the moment of the activation of your OnTheHub account there is a certain time limit after which it becomes INACTIVE if not regularly used (if not used for a longer perioad of time, the account becomes suspended and the reactivation requires you to contact the RAU program administrator).

For the students and faculty of the Romanian-American University which wish to benefit from this program, the following procedure is required:

  1. Activate your institutional email address "@student.rau.ro" - for BA and MA students, or "@profesor.rau.ro" - for faculty.

  2. Inside your institutional email account you will have to look for a message sent by the Romanian-American University, with the subject "An account has been created for you". Please follow the steps mentioned inside the message in order to finish your registration. Your user name on the OnTheHub platform is your institutional email address (mandatory, the email address inside which you received the original message for starting the registration) and you have to choose your own password during the registration process.

Enter "RAU Kivuto OnTheHub" >>

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