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Actualizare! Prelungirea suspendarii cursurilor fata-in-fata, incepand cu 18.05.2020
publicat: 2020-05-17

#StămAcasă - Sfaturi privind mişcarea şi nutriţia
publicat: 2020-04-14

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Department of Teacher Training

Within the RAU academic entities there is the Department of Teacher Training(DPPD[RO]).

The management of the DPPD is assured, according to the Regulations of organizing and functioning of the Department of Teacher Training, by the Council of the Department (interim), as follows:
  • Mihaela Pruna, PhD Assoc.Professor - Director/Coordinator
  • Doinita Ciocirlan, PhD Professor - Member
  • Robert Popescu, PhD Lecturer - Member
The documents at the foundation of the DPPD are:

For its potential students, DPPD publishes educational offers regarding its programs:

The documents required for applying are the following:

© Universitatea Romano-Americana / Romanian-American University - Toate drepturile rezervate.

Publicat la: 2019-10-01 (1043 citiri)

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