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Archive - 2019


Simulated Enterprises Fair

On January 16, 2019, the Romanian-American University organizes its second simulated enterprises fair.

The organizing team has the pleasure to invite you to attend the event as buyers of different products (with the virtual money that you will receive on registration).
The event hosts 10 enterprises that will simulate economic activities starting with 11:30. The fair is organized within the MBA Room of the university (B building).

Participation is considered extracurricular activity for RAU students.
Working language: Romanian.

Workshop "French Business and Cultural Environment"

The Romanian-American University invites its students and faculty to a meeting with professor Serguei Bezoumov, PhD, from the University of Savoy Mont Blanc, France.

We invite you on Wednesday, 23.01.2019, between 13:30 - 15:00, in Room 328, to find out more about the French business and cultural environment.

Click to enlarge

Participation is considered extracurricular activity for RAU students.
Working language: English.

Round table "The role of information management from the perspective of commercial diplomacy"

The School of Management-Marketing of the Romanian-American University has the pleasure to invite you to attend the workshop entitled "The role of information management from the perspective of commercial diplomacy".

Our guest speaker is Mr. Radu Zaharia, Director International Business Development, Titan Masini Grele S.A..
The event will take place on Wednesday, January 23, 2018, at 12:30, in the Senate Hall, 1st floor, C Building, at the Romanian-American University Campus.

Participation is considered extracurricular activity for RAU students.
Working language: Romanian.

Internships at P&G

P&G and RAU invite you to apply for internships within the famous American company.

The invitation is aimed at all students that must take part into an internship program. The number of places inside the following table represents the minimum number allocated for RAU students by P&G (after applications are closed there might be more students accepted):


Deadline for applications: March 20, 2019.
Intership schedule: April 8 - May 3, 2019
Link for applying:

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Courses with professor from South Korea partener universities

The Department of Asia Studies, through the Romanian-Korean Studies Center, has the pleasure to announce two new courses organized together with Hanyang University from the Republic of Korea, at the Romanian-American University.

It is our pleasure to invite you to participate at following (one or both) classes:
  1. "Understanding the Development of Korean Economy" - Prof. Hongyul HAN (Professor of the Dept. of Economics at Hanyang University) - the class will take place every Wednesday (2nd Semester), between 09:30 - 11:00 a.m., starting with 6th of March, in Room 316 (3rd floor).
  2. "History of Contemporary Korean Politics" - Prof. Yoon Soon YIM (Professor Emeritus of the Dept. of Politics and Diplomacy at Sungkyunkwan University) - the class will take place every Friday (2nd Semester), between 09:30 - 11:00 a.m., starting with 8th of March, in Room 316 (3rd floor).

Courses carry ECTS points. Upon graduation, the course and the respective points are recorded in the student's transcript of studies.
For further details registration:
Extracurricular courses with international faculty - sem.2, 2018-2019

The Romanian-American University offers its students a new series of extracurricular courses, held by prestigious professors from partner universities all over the world (USA, UE, Asia etc.).

Further details and registrations are available through the dedicated website:

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"Recovering the lost memory of the Romanian economy: 100 years without interruption" - Liviu Voinea, Deputy Governor of the National Bank of Romania

Romanian-American University has the pleasure to invite you to attend the lecture entitled "Recovering the lost memory of the Romanian economy: 100 years without interruption", delivered by professor Liviu Voinea, Deputy Governor of the National Bank of Romania.
On this occasion, the volume "A century of sincerity. Recovery of the lost memory of the Romanian economy: 1918-2018", coordinated by Mr. Liviu Voinea, will be presented to the audience.

The event will take place on March 6th 2019, starting with 13:30 hours, in the Senate Hall, 1st floor, C Building, Romanian-American University Campus.

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Participation is considered extracurricular activity for RAU students.
Working language: Romanian.

MARCH 2020

Scholarships - sem.2, 2018-2019

The Romanian-American University publishes the lists regarding the scholarships for the Romanian taught study programs, 2nd semester of the 2018-2019 academic year:

Students with Erasmus+ mobilities during the 1st semester of the 2018-2019 academic year hold their scholarships until the moment that RAU receives their official transcripts of grades from their host institutions. In case that, based on the transcripts, they will not receive their scholarship anymore, they will be notified and will be able to pay their tuition fee for the 2nd semester, without penalties, within the time-frame established for each individual situation.
UPDATED! Scholarships - sem.2, 2018-2019

The Romanian-American University publishes the lists regarding the scholarships for the Romanian taught study programs, 2nd semester of the 2018-2019 academic year:

   REQUESTS LIST [RO] (published: 6.03.2019)

   APPEALS [RO] (published: 11.03.2019)

   FINAL LISTS [RO] (published: 11.02.2019)

Students with Erasmus+ mobilities during the 1st semester of the 2018-2019 academic year hold their scholarships until the moment that RAU receives their official transcripts of grades from their host institutions. In case that, based on the transcripts, they will not receive their scholarship anymore, they will be notified and will be able to pay their tuition fee for the 2nd semester, without penalties, within the time-frame established for each individual situation.
Moot Court on Commercial Law 2019

Today we start receiving applications for the 2019 edition of the "Moot Court on Commercial Law 2019" - an anniversary edition. We are 10 now!

Each year, together with dedicated colleagues: Claudia Son, graduates - lawyers: Purice Alina Elena, George Bogdan, Diana Harrocks, Laurentiu Giurgiu, Laurentiu Petre, Andreea Filipciuc - we prepared the students of the RAU's School of Law for one of the most beautiful, challenging, interesting and useful student experiences: "Moot Court on Commercial Law".
Being an anniversary edition, the RAU's School of Law is preparing a few surprises for its students.

Applications deadline is March 24, 2019, and they must be submitted to Ms. Adelina Dumitriu, PhD Teaching Assistant.

For further details, pictures and teams of the previous editions, please check the dedicated Facebook page:
Path to Success for Women - VIIIth edition

The Romanian-American University invites you on Tuesday, March 26, 11:30, in the Senate Hall, for the VIII-th edition of the event "Path to success for women".

The event aims to offer women success role models for youth, models that can help them shape their own path to both professional and personal fulfillment.

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Participation is considered extracurricular activity for RAU students.
Working language: Romanian.

Meet the professionals! - Oracle Romania

The Romanian-American University invites its students and faculty to meet Mr. Sorin Mindrutescu, Oracle Romania Country Manager & Central and Eastern Europe Cloud Leader.

We will ne waiting for you to join us on Wednesday, 27 of March 2019, at 12:00, inside the Senate Hall.

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Participation is considered extracurricular activity for RAU students.
Working language: Romanian.

APRIL 2020

RAU Theater Studio

Already a tradition, the RAU Theater Studio recruits students interested in developing their expression and communication abilities through theater and movie acting techniques.

The workshops are scheduled weekly and are held by Daniel Ionescu and Alexandru Nagy.

Participation is free and encouraged!
Applications: [email protected]

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Artificial Intelligence - applications in the legal field

The Center for Human Rights and Migration of the Romanian-American University invites you to attend a special event, held by out partners from Wolters Kluwer Romania.

Artificial Intelligence has become a very present term in our lives. Students must be prepared, regardless of their field of expertise, to face the future challenges.

What AI tools would I use after graduation? Are there any such tools I could use even today? What does the future has in store for me in this field?
The Managing Director of Wolters Kluwer Romania, Mr. Adrian Mantoiu will answer these questions, will present the cutting edge technology of today applied into the legal environment and will take all the questions from the audience.

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Participation is considered extracurricular activity for RAU students.
Working language: Romanian.

RAUDevHack 2019

Students of the School of Computer Science for Business Management within the Romanian-American University organizes the first hackathon under the RAU auspices!
We want to organize in Bucharest the largest programming competition for high school and university students, with participants from all parts of the country.

We are waiting for you to enroll in one of the sections:
  • JUNIOR, dedicated to high school participants
  • SENIOR, dedicated to students from any school and to high school participants... if they will up to the challenge ;)

Further details are available on the dedicated website:

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Role models for YOUth!

The Romanian-American University Student Club (CS-URA) has the pleasure to invite you to the X-th edition of the "Role models for YOUth!" project.
The four special guests of the event, successful role models, wish to meet you and share their secrets for a great career:
  • Larisa Iordache - gymnast
  • Horia Sarghi - Youtuber and Photographer
  • Andrei Niculae - Radio Host
  • George Uzun - President of the Union of Romanian Students, moderator of the event

We are eagerly waiting for you, on Thursday, April 18 of 2019, from 17:00, in the Aula Magna, to an event in which we all count.

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RAU Job Fair 2019

In order to create new opportunities for our future graduates, from both workforce market integration as well as for developing new carreer perspectives, the Romanian-American University organizes the VI-the edition of the fair dedicated to jobs and internships RAU JOB FAIR.

The event takes place on April 16 of 2019, between 10:00 - 17:00, inside the RAU campus. The event comprises recruiting and selection activities, at the participant companies' stands. In parallel, the event covers different focused workshops, meant to offer useful information for professional development, held by representatives of the business environment. For RAU students, workshops participation is considered as extracurricular activity.

The event is open for anyone (student or graduate), regardless of the university they come from, participation being FREE, after the online enrollment:

Further details can be found on the dedicated website:
International Summer School - SeoulTech University (South Korea)

Program dates: 15 - 26 of July 2019
(Check-in: July 13 / Check-out: July 27, no early leaving allowed)

Location: Seoul National University of Science & Technology, Seoul, South Korea
Language: English
Credits: 2 academic credits awarded upon completion
The complete schedule can be found here

  • students from RAU can benefit from scholarships offered by the SeoulTech University. The scholarship covers: tuition fee, dormitory fee, meals, field trips and airport pick-up service.
  • students will be responsible for their own airfare, insurance and personal expenses.

  • Candidate's folder:
  • Application form
  • Motivation Letter
  • CV Template

  • Evaluation criteria:
  • Academic results
  • English language proficiency (B1, B2 level)
  • Participation at extracurricular activities
  • Seriousness, credibility and motivation
  • Team spirit
  • Willingness to learn more about Korean culture.

  • Eligibility criteria:
    Full degree Bachelor students (1st, 2nd, 3rd* year) and Master students (1st year) who have:
  • Overall grade above 7,50
  • All exams passed

  • (* only for Law students)

    Deadline for registration: 23rd of April 2019
    Results notification: 25th of April 2019

    [email protected]
    Office of the Department of Asian Studies - RAU B Building, 3rd floor, room 322
    National Moot Court Competition - Commercial Law 2019

    The National Moot Court Competition on Commercial Law reached the X-th edition!

    The project is part of the Romanian-American University educational offer, and is one of the most instructive, challenging and beautiful experiences of any law student. 3rd year students from the RAU's School of Law will wear the robes of a lawyer and judge in the unique framework of a courtroom, simulating a real trial and pleading the cause or, when appropriate, "dividing" justice.
    We invite you to join your classmates on May 5th, 2019, from 9:30, at the internal stage of the competition, which will be held in room Traian Ionascu at the Court of Appeal. The best students will represent the Romanian-American University to the national stage of the competition from May 11th, 2019, 9:30, in room Istrate Micescu - Court of Appeal.

    Students participating in the internal phase of the competition: Bereski Louisa, Cirstea Beatrice-Georgiana, Dinu Nicolae-Alin, Esanu Anastasia, Guzganu Marcut-Costel, Lupasco Anastasia, Maria-Georgiana Nechifor, Sandu Ioana, Savulescu Stefania-Mirabela, Staicu Maria-Madalina, Tituleac Alexandra, Tanasa Evelina-Daniela, Velicu Cristina.
    The RAU team is directed by Ms. Luminita Tuleasca, PhD Associate Professor and lawyer, Mr. George Ionita, lawyer and Mr. Mihai Parvu, lawyer. Lawyer and Associate Professor Bazil Oglinda, PhD will be joining us for the jury section of the competition.
    Spring Sports Championship

    The RAU Sport Center base of the Romanian-American University hosts, during 15.04 - 24.05.2019 the following sporting events:
  • basketball
  • football
  • handball
  • volleyball
  • grouped under the auspices of the Spring Sports Championship, activity coordinated by Marius Dima, PhD Associate Professor.

    Students from all schools are welcomed to attend, on the schedule:
    - Monday, 12:00 - 16:00
    - Friday, 9:00 - 13:00

    The event is organized in partnership with the Federation of School and University Sport, which will also issue certificates of attendance.
    Further details in the attached poster.

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    MAY 2020

    Haru Urara Grand Festa

    The central event of the Japanese Culture Days is Haru Urara Grand Festa. The event will take place on Saturday, May 11th, in the Aula Magna of the Romanian-American University, starting at 6:00 PM.
    The program of the event will include a concert performed by our special japanese guests: Ms. Akari Mochizuki (enka and minyo singer) and Mr. Hibiki Ichikawa (the only Tsugaru Shamisen player from UK).

    As in the previous editions, the best students of the "Angela Hondru" Romanian- Japanese Studies Center will be awarded. The best performing student will be awarded the grand prize which consist of a 12 days cultural trip to Japan.

    With the support of: JTI, Qatar Airways, Cismigiu Hotel, Honda, Free Spirit Travel, Humanitas and Humanitas Fiction, Wasabi Running Sushi, Takumi, Distrigaz Vest, Association of Japanese Language Teachers in Romania, Sam Sho Sports Club, National College "Aurel Vlaicu", Yuki Japanese Home Dining, Haramichi Ro, Romanian Kendo Federation, Origami Friends, Raiden Dojo Bucharest.

    Event organized by the Romanian-American University, "Angela Hondru" Romanian-Japanese Studies Center, Embassy of Japan in Romania and Tenshin New Era Fashion.

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    Statistical data - support for academic development

    Romanian-American University has the pleasure to invite you to attend the event entitled "Statistical data - support for academic development", with the participation of experts from National Institute of Statistics.

    The event will take place on May 17th 2019, starting with 10:00 hours, in the A2 Hall, 3rd floor, B Building, Romanian-American University Campus.

  • Agenda of the event [RO]

  • Participation is considered extracurricular activity for RAU students.
    Working language: Romanian.

    SCHOLARSHIPS - Luxembourg Summer School, Consumers Law

    Students of the School of Law that are interested in the topic of consumers' law are invited to apply for the second summer school within the STARS project, that will be organized in Luxembourg during July 8012 of 2019.

    There are both full scholarships as well as scholarships that cover all expenses, least the transport ones.
    The summer school is organized within the European university STARS consortium - an entity that reunites 5 universities from Italy, Luxembourg, Czech Republic and Romania. The summer school brings together students from all over the European Union to study based on the innovative legal clinic teaching methods.

    For further details please contact us at: [email protected] and check the STARS project website:

    Applications deadline is June 1st of 2019!

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    The Romanian-American University will be present at NAFSA WASHINGTON 2019 together with other 23 Romanian Universities and representatives of Ministry of National Education, UEFSICDI (the Funding Unit for Higher Education) and ERASMUS+ National Agency, under the National Pavilion "Study in Romania", organized by the National Council of Rectors. NAFSA 2019 is the must-attend international education event of the year and in 2019 the theme is "Global Leadership, Learning, and Change".

    Partners can contact us for meetings via email:
    [email protected]
    [email protected]


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    CONGRATULATIONS ! - Aurelia Chantall Pologatu, First Place at the National University Championship - Taekwondo

    The Romanian-American University conveys its congratulaions to Ms. Pologatu Aurelia Chantall, first-year student with the School of Physical Education, Sport and Kinesiotherapy, Kinesiotherapy and Special Motricity major.
    She started Taekwond in 2013, is legitimated with CS Reactiv Cioroglarla and already has an impressive record:

    • National Championship 2015 - 2nd place
    • Harsova Cup - 1st place
    • Best fighter at "National Championship 2016" and "Gedoteam Open 2018"
    • National Championship 2016 - 1st place
    • Hereya Trophy, Bulgaria, 2017 - International Tournament - 1st place
    • National Championship 2017 - 2nd place
    • Gedoteam Open, Romania, 2018 - International Tournament - 1st place
    • National Championship 2018 - 3rd place
    • National Championship 2019 - 3rd place
    • National University Championship 2019 - 1st place
    CONGRATULATIONS and BEST OF LUCK in the future!

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    JUNE 2020

    Internships - Summer 2019 @Christian Dior Parfums

    Christian Dior Parfums, RAU's already traditional partner, announce the following internships for the 2019 Summer (3 months):
    • Marketing & Merchandising,
    • PR & Digital,
    • Sales & Retail.

    Applications are to be sent up to June 21, to the email address [email protected], indicating one or more types of internships, in order of your preferences.

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    CONGRATULATIONS! - Maria Rusu, Ist Place at the 2019 European Rowing Championships

    The Romanian-American University conveys its warmest congratulations to Ms. Maria Rusu, student in the Ist year, School of PESK, PES major.

    Maria is a member of National Olimpic Rowing Team of Romania and has won the Ist Place at the 2019 European Rowing Championships, competition that ended at the start of June 2019, in Lucerna.
    The entire team of the "8+1" boat, which finished on the highest position, comprises: Cristina-Georgiana Popescu, Amalia Beres, Madalina-Gabriela Casu, Roxana Parascanu, Beatrice-Madalina Parfenie, Iuliana Popa, Maria-Magdalena Rusu, Roxana-Iuliana Anghel si Daniela Druncea. Sincere congratulations, both for them as well as for the other Romanian participants at the competition.

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    International Entrepreneurship Exchange 2019 - HU & RAU

    The Romanian-American University in partnership with the Business School of the University of Applied Sciences Utrecht, Netherlands, organizes the 2019 edition of an international collaborative project on entrepreneurship and marketing.

    The program is designed for students who want to develop their entrepreneurial skills in an international context by actively participating with Dutch students at workshops, lectures on doing business internationally, company visits and cultural activities in Netherlands and Romania.
    The students of the two universities have the opportunity to participate together during 2 weeks in intensive activities organized in both university campuses, during November 4-8 of 2019, at HU Business School, Netherlands, and during Nobember 18-22, 2019 at the Romanian-American University.

    For further details click here!

    Those interested are asked to fill in the online form:

    ...or scan the QR code:

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    Contact person:
    Iuliu Ivanescu, PhD Lecturer
    Building B, 1st floor, Office 101
    [email protected]

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    JULY 2020


    In the session of July 24, 2019, the RAU Senate approved the start of the election process for the RAU management positions, for the 2020-2024 mandate. The following items were approved:

    • Methodology of the election process regarding the RAU management positions
    • Organizing, on September 5 of 2019, of the Referendum for choosing the modality for the Rector's election
    • Members of the RAU Electoral Office
    • Members of the Electoral Office of the Voting Section
    • Organizing public info sessions regarding the referendum
    • Calendar of the Referendum

    Documents related to the election process for the 2020-2024 mandate, including Voter's List, are published in the dedicated webpage University Elections

    AUGUST 2020

    SEPTEMBER 2020

    Educational Fair"QS Top Universities"

    Come to one of the best MA and PhD educational fairs! QS World Grad School Tour Bucuresti brings together in one place top universities from all over the world. University of Edinburgh and Hong Kong, EDHEC, WU, IE and others. Find out all information about studying abroad in different countries, such as UK, France, Spain, Austria, Hong Kong and discover what university fits you most so as to best fulfill your professional dreams.

    Free participation! Register here: http://bit.ly/322lKjo

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    Festivities for the Opening of the New Academic Year

    The Romanian-American University invites you to attend the festivities for the opening of the new academic year 2019-2020.
    The complete schedule of the activities is the following:

    Monday, September 30, 2019
  • Opening for RAU - 10:00, Aula Magna
  • Opening for DIBBF (school) - 13:00, Amphitheater 1 - Woodrow Wilson
  • Opening for EES (school) - 14:30, Senate Hall
  • Opening for DIET (school) - 15:00, Aula Magna

  • Tuesday, October 1, 2019
  • Opening for PESK (school) - 10:00, Amphitheater 1 - Woodrow Wilson
  • Opening for MM (school) - 11:00, Aula Magna
  • Opening for CSBM (school) - 13:00, Aula Magna
  • Opening for LAW (school) - 15:00, Aula Magna

  • Students, professors, parents, administrative staff, guests - the entire academic community - are invited to participate in this events.
    STUDY SCHOLARSHIPS - RAU, II-IV academic years

    The Romanian-American University, according to the Scholarships Regulations [RO], publishes the situation of the fulfillment of criteria for the competition for full scholarships awarded to students from the study years II-III (IV for LAW), enrolled in the bachelor and master studies programs taught in Romanian.

    BACHELOR programs

    MASTER programs

    Appeals are received according to the Scholarships Regulations [RO].

    OCTOBER 2020


    The Romanian-American University, according to the Scholarships Regulations [RO], publishes list of students that will receive the full scholarship for the 2019-2020 academic year, students from the study years II-III (IV for LAW), enrolled in the bachelor and master studies programs taught in Romanian.

    BACHELOR programs

    MASTER programs

    500 Euro Scholarships

    Are you interested in online marketing?
    See how you can win a 500 euro worth scholarship!

    The Romanian-American University in partnership with SMARTERS, the first growth hacking marketing agency in Romania, offers you the chance to win one of the 3 scholarships of 500 euro worth each, which will grant you access to premium marketing classes.
    These are practical courses and go in depth in different aspects related to online marketing. They are perfectly Acestea sunt cursuri practice si intra aprofundat in aspecte avansate legate de promovarea online. They blend perfectly with the knowledge you have gathered during your studies.
    Scholarships can be used on the smarters.ro website where you can aquire premium marketing courses at no extra cost.

    The scholarships competition is open between September 23 - October 18, 22:00 hours.
    You will find out if you are one of the winners in two weeks after the application deadline and you will be chosen depending on your answer to the challenges.
    The 2 challenges will help us find out how much do you wish this scholarship and how you already think of marketing. You will see that the learning process has already started.

    Criteria for choosing the winner are:
    • Creativity - did yu stop after the first idea or did you follow thinking the answers?
    • Realism - can your ideas and proposals be implemented?
    • Involvement - how much effort did you spend to solve the challenges.
    For further details and application forms please read this document [RO]!
    Scholarships - Ist year

    The Romanian-American University publishes the scholarship winners from the Ist academic year, enrolled with the Romanian taught programs.

    Study programs for BACHELOR

    Study programs for MASTERS

    "Business Soul2$oul Model Release" Conference

    The Romanian-American University together with WomenEsteem International invites you to attend the conference "Business Soul2$oul Model Release", on October 30 of 2019, 13:30-15:00, in the Senate Hall.
    "Business Soul2$oul model is an innovative tool, built especially to challenge the open-minded leaders to jump out of the old business patterns and create a new business environment where the People are the core of any successful business.

    When you choose to put People first on your Key Performance Indicators’ list and take the right actions to keep it as main priority, the People will support your business and achieve the targeted Profit in a natural and harmonic way.

    And that's how Business Soul2$oul can be done!

    Conference content:
    1. Business Soul2$oul, the business model of the future. Speakers Diana-Maria Georgescu, Business Optimization Expert & Founder of WomenEsteem International Community, and Adrian Lucian Moldovan, holistic entrepreneur.
    2. Transformational Communication as a healthy connection between People in business environment. Speaker Mihaela Tatu, producer and radio-TV presenter, honorific member of WomenEsteem International Community.
    3. The mirrors theory in Personal Branding, humanizing the concepts of Marketing and Communication. Speaker Monica Elena Lesan, Brand Awareness Mentor and member of WomenEsteem International Community.

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    Participation is considered extracurricular activity for RAU students.
    Working language: Romanian.

    Elections for student representatives within the RAU management structures

    During 17.10.2019 - 23.10.2019 will take place the application stage for the elections of student representatives within the Romanian-American University management structures.

    Applications are received, electronically, at the RAU Registrar (email: [email protected]).

    The number of vacant places for student representatives within the Romanian-American University management structures, for the 2019-2020 academic year, as well as the requirements for the candidates are specified in the "Methodology regarding the elections of student representatives within the Romanian-American University management structures".
    Kennedy Academy for Students

    Kennedy Academy for Students is dedicated to students between 20 and 27 years old, part of a student association, and aims to show the participants how does an NGO work and how it interacts with other public institutions, as well as how to put their ideas in motion within such an organization.
    The program is completely free for students and will take place in Bucharest.

    Applications are received between 16.10 - 06.11.2019, exclusively online:

    For further details please access the program's webpage:

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    Academic Lab in partnership with FSA

    The School of Domestic and International Business, Banking and Finance of the Romanian-American University has the pleasure to invite you to attend, on November 4, 2019, the "ACADEMIC LAB", organized in partnership with the FINANCIAL SUPERVISORY AUTHORITY, entitled PONZI OR PYRAMID SCHEMES - from stamps to virtual coins.

    The event will take place starting with 11:30 in the Lecture Hall 522, under the auspices and with the direct participation of FINANCIAL SUPERVISORY AUTHORITY representatives (FSA lecturere - Marius MIHAI).

    Click to enlarge

    Participation is considered extracurricular activity for RAU students.
    Working language: Romanian.

    Tuesday, October 29 of 2019, will take place the elections for the student representatives within RAU management structures

    The electronic voting is done through the institutional email addresses [email protected].

    First year BA/MA students can find details regarding their institutional email addresses by checking:
    The first-time password is your personal identity number (or passport number for foreign citizens).

    In case you lost your password for the "@student.rau.ro" email account please come to the IT&C Department (B Building, 1st floor, Office 119) with a valid ID/student card, between 8:30 - 16:30, from Monday to Friday (working days, excluding academic holidays). In case of emergency contact us by email at [email protected] by sending the following mandatory information: a scan of a valid ID/student card and the exact institutional email address that you cannot access (check the email address first, inside the published directory).

    For details regarding the elections and the candidates check:

    With at least 2 days before the elections, inside their @student.rau.ro institutional email addresses, all registered voters will receive a message announcing the details of the voting procedure: schedule, number of candidates, way to vote (min/max number of options to be chosen).

    Each voter has the right to vote for the student representatives in the School Council of his school and for the student representatives in the University Senate (on 2 distinct ballots). If student representatives in the School Council are not to be elected, their will be only one ballot for the student representatives in the University Senate.

    On the voting day, starting with the opening of the virtual voting cabin, all registered voters will receive on the @student.rau.ro institutional email address a message containing: schedule of the voting, unique ID of the voter and his personal key, as well as a link to the voting cabin.

    If the direct link received through the email is clickec (on the "Click Here to Vote" button), the voting cabin will automatically recognize the unique ID and key of the voter and grant him access to elect one/more candidates.

    If the above mentioned link is not accessible, the voter can access the https://rau.electionrunner.com link in any browser, chooses the active election poll, logs in with his unique ID and key received by email and votes.

    Before voting, the system will ask if you are sure of the options and ready to vote. After confirmation, the voter cannot vote again.

    After voting end, on the same institutional email address, the voter will receive an encrypted proof of expressing its vote. This encrypted file is necessary in case the voter wishes to request the system provider - ElectionRunner.com - an IT audit regarding his vote.

    If any issues are raised, the voters cand address the Students Central Electoral Office, in writing (email: [email protected]), which has the obligation to solve the problem immediately.
    National Conference on Business Law: "Current Issues of Business Law", IV edition, November 15-16 of 2019

    NITPL accreditation: in progress
    NITIP accreditation: 10 training points

    The School of Law of the Romanian-American University, the School of Law of Nicolae Titulescu University and the School of Law of Babes-Bolyai University organize, from November 15 to 16, 2019, the National Conference on Business Law: "Current Issues of Business Law", IV edition, 2019.

    The event brings together 29 speakers, specialists, renowned in law. Over the course of 2 days, they will discuss topics of maximum interest for the practices of commercial rights. This is addressed to all legal professionals. Details regarding the conference you will be available on our web site:

    Student Elections - 2nd Round, October 31 of 2019

    According to the SCEO announcement, the elections for student representatives in RAU management structures are rescheduled for Thursday, October 31 of 2019, between 8:00 - 16:00, due to a lack of quorum in the first round.

    The electronic voting is done through the institutional email addresses [email protected].

    RAU students can find details regarding their institutional email addresses by checking:

    For details regarding the elections and the candidates check:
    Emia Open Talks

    We know what it means to be a young student in front of a future career full of questions. We come to your aid with answers about what it means to work in IT in Bucharest, applied inside an industry which is not only about software development. When?

    Wednesday, November 6 of 2019, starting at 12:00, in RAU's Aula Magna
    Applications: http://bit.ly/2PofwqQ

    Emia speakers will tell from their experience in diverse work environments, from their professional technical and non-technical path, so that you can grasp the main idea about preparing for future challenges.

    • Alexandru Draghici - R&D SPECIALIST
    • Stefan Ion - MANAGING PARTNER
    • Vlad Harmanescu - TECHNOLOGY SALES MANAGER

    We will discuss about how you can apply and develop theoretical knowledge that you take in during university years and how they grow intro professional skills within IT companies. For those that are passionate, creative and motivated, we have a perfect set-up to initiate them into their professional development.

    Besides you questions and curiosities, we will also tackle subjects regarding new trends in digital, domains where new technologies are applied, as well as their specific applications.

    Click to enlarge

    Participation is considered extracurricular activity for RAU students.
    Working language: Romanian.

    IATA Courses

    The RAU IATA Center announces a new serie of courses:

  • IATA Travel and Tourism Consultant during 21 - 26.01.2020. Applications are open until November 29, 2019, subject to availability.
  • IATA Foundation in Travel and Tourism with Amadeus during 27.01 - 01.02.2020. Applicaiton are open until December 2, 2019, subject to availability.

  • Further details on the dedicated website:

    Click to enlarge

    Click to enlarge

    Student Elections - Final Results

    According to the SCEO announcement, the elections of student representatives in the RAU management structures has been finalized successfully on Thursday, 31.10.2019, at 16:00.

    The electronic voting procedure, a premiere in Romania at this level, has been deployed successfully.
    All details regarding these elections, as well as the final results, are available on the dedicated webpage:

    We congratulate all participants in these elections and especially the winning candidates!

    Congratulations! - Gini-Andrei Duta

    During 5 - 6.10.2019 has taken place, in Budapest, the Wado-Kai Karate European Championship.
    Mr. Gini-Andrei Duta, student in the 1st year of the School of PESK, PES major, has won the 1st prize and the title of European Champion.
    Sincere congratulations and best of luck for the future.

    NOVEMBER 2020

    The right to health, a European right

    Are you interested in the field of health, and want to know what are your right as European patient?
    The Europe Direct Center Bucharest, in partnership with the Romanian-American University, the SMURD Foundation and the Center for Blood Transfusion of MAPN organize on November 14th, at the Romanian-American University, Protocol Room, starting at 11:30 am, an event in open space format entitled "The right to health, a European right".

    Come and discuss in a non-formal setting, so that through dialogue we can contribute to raising awareness of the rights of European patients and strengthening health education!

    Places are limited, please subscribe to the email address [email protected]

    Participation is considered extracurricular activity for RAU students.
    Working language: Romanian.

    US Ambassador meeting with RAU community

    The Romanian-American University has the pleasure to invite to meet Mr. Hans Klemm, US Ambassador to Romania.

    His Excellency will interact with the academic community members on the topic "Serving as a US Ambassador to Romania", on November 13 of 2019, between 11:30 and 13:00.
    We kindly ask the participants to be present on the premises before 11:30.

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    Hospitality Caravan in RAU

    The School of Domestic and International Economy of Tourism from the Romanian-American University invites you to the halt of the Hospitality Caravan, on 20.11.2019, 9:30, in the Senate Hall.

    Together with us will be:
    • Larisa Budaca - GM Hotel Golden Tulip Victoriei
    • Gerogeta Grecu - GM Hotel Cismigiu
    • Sanda Almasan - GM Grand Hotel Continental
    • Luciam Boronea - GM Accent Travel
    • Calin Ilie - President FIHR
    • Florin Tancu - President Skal International, GM Weco Travel

    • Click to enlarge

      Participation is considered extracurricular activity for RAU students.
      Working language: Romanian.

      Jamie Susskind - "Future Politics"

      The Romanian-American University together with Corint Editorial Group invite you to meet the young and charismatic Jamie Susskind, author of the international bestseller "Future Politics".
      Along with Ms. Ada Roseti, coordinator of Corint Future selection at Corint Publishing House, we invite you to an open and interactive discussion about technology, society and future.

      The event will take place on Friday November 22 of 2019, starting at 10:00, inside the RAU Senate Hall.
      Participation is free of charge but online registration is MANDATORY:

      For further information check our dedicated Facebook event.

      Click to enlarge

      Participation is considered extracurricular activity for RAU students.
      Working language: English.

      Opportunities to work in Japan's IT Industry

      The Romanian-Japanese Studies Center of the Romanian-American University together with its Japanese partner Human Resocia (Tokyo, Japan) invite you to attend a workshop held by Japanese representatives: Mr. Ryoji Hashiguchi and Ms. Haeji Lee.
      The activity includes student interviews.

      The event will take place on November 27, 2019, starting at 10:00, in Room 322 - CSRJ.
      The number of places is limited to 30.
      For participation please enrol through the online form:

      Click to enlarge

      Participation is considered extracurricular activity for RAU students.
      Working language: English.

      Freshman Ball 2019

      The entire RAU academic community, together with their friends, is expected to joi us on December 3 of 2019, from 21:00, in Club Fratelli, for the FRESHMAN BALL - RAU 2019.

      For further details get in touch with the organizers:
      • Clara Popescu - 0762-124.812
      • Cristian Oniga - 0734-307.750
      • Ebru Sadic - 0761-497.931
      • Mahdi Jamal - 0743-057.478

      Click to enlarge

      From Idea to Unicorn!

      The School of Management-Marketing of the Romanian-American University invites you to the round table: From Idea to Unicorn!

      Our guests are Rodica Lupu, CEO Loop Operations, Vice-President of the Women Confederation for Feminine Entrepreneurship (CONAF), coordinator of the Ilfov Business HUB (IBH) and Mihaela Muresan, Brand Arhitect at Brand Essence, former Marketing Manager of IKEA Romania and LG Electronics.

      The event will take place on Wednesday, November 27 of 2019, starting with 13:30, in the Senate Hall (Building C, 1st floor).

      Click to enlarge

      Participation is considered extracurricular activity for RAU students.
      Working language: Romanian.

      DECEMBER 2020

    © Universitatea Romano-Americana / Romanian-American University - Toate drepturile rezervate.

    Publicat la: 2020-01-01 (3938 citiri)

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