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Actualizare! Prelungirea suspendarii cursurilor fata-in-fata, incepand cu 18.05.2020
publicat: 2020-05-17

#StămAcasă - Sfaturi privind mişcarea şi nutriţia
publicat: 2020-04-14

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#TEAMS@RAU - video classes


The Board of Directors of the Romanian-American University adopted the procedure of using Microsoft Teams to support the on-line teaching activity

Between March 12-29, 2020, according to the provisions approved by the Board of Directors, during the meetings which took place on 11/03/2020 and 16/03/2020, within the Romanian-American University, the online teaching activity was carried out using the RAU platform https://paginamea.rau.ro by teachers, students and master students, through the access to learning resources specific to the topics provided in the extended syllabus for 12-29 March, 2020 (course/seminar/laboratory) and the possibility of sending instant messages, through the platform, within the planned teaching slot, according to the schedule displayed on www.rau.ro, for each teaching activity.
The teaching activity was supplemented, according to the specificity of the discipline, with homework, lab work and projects, posted on the https://paginamea.rau.ro/ platform.

The following procedure was established, as a supplement to the existing procedure:
  • ART.1. Following the approval of the Board of Directors on 24/03/2020, the Office 365 platform was adopted as an additional tool to support the teaching activity, based on the existing licensing agreement, with the extension of the following facilities:
    - conducting video conferences, through the Microsoft Teams application, to which teachers, students and masters have free access through their institutional email addresses (@profesor.rau.ro and @student.rau.ro);
    - assigning personalized teaching tasks to students and master students, in accordance with a preset teaching slot, through the option Assignments of the Microsoft Teams application;
    - organizing and enhancing group interactions and individual discussions, in real time, through the Chat option, available in the Teams application;
    - conducting individual tests/individual assessments, with limited response time, through the Quiz and Microsoft Forms functionality, which allows the evaluation of both undergraduate and master students;
    - planning the online teaching activity, according to the schedule already established for the face-to-face teaching activity, available at www.rau.ro;
    - defining and exercising a control mechanism for the online teaching activity.
  • ART.2. The teachers have the obligation to make available the course materials to both undergraduate and master students, on the https://paginamea.rau.ro platform and to present it in video conference, through the Microsoft Teams platform, according to the existing schedule, available at www.rau.ro. For the seminar/laboratory activities, the related teaching material and a homework or test will be posted, with a limited response time (through the Assignments / Microsoft Teams option), which will allow them to check if students and master students have read the course materials;
  • ART.3. The evaluation of the students, during the semester, is undertaken in accordance with the provisions within the Regulations for students and the Extended syllabus;
  • ART.4. The teaching activities which cannot be carried out on-line will be rescheduled after resuming the "face-to-face" activity and will be brought to the attention of the Department Director, the Dean, and approved by the Rector;
  • ART.5. The remuneration of the teaching hours, as "hourly payment", as well as of the academic tenure hours for the on-line activities, will be made on the basis of the individual clocking signed by the tenured teacher and registered in the Collective Clocking by the Department Director;
  • ART.6. The reporting of the technical/organizational incidents, which led to the failure to carry out the teaching activity, according to the schedule, is done by the course/seminar/laboratory teacher to the Dean, in a proposal to reschedule the teaching activity at another time, which is subject to the Dean's approval, and a notification to the IT Department regarding the nature of the technical incident;
  • ART.7. The verification of the on-line teaching activity will be done, in accordance with the provisions of the Teaching Staff Regulations and Law 1/2011, by the Dean/Vice dean, through the AdminOnLine mechanism (through an electronic identity associated to all courses with the right to view the content, discussions and their duration).

User Guides:
  1. Teacher User Guide for the Microsoft Teams live streaming [RO] of on-line teaching activities, homework and lab work

  2. Student User Guide for the Microsoft Teams live streaming of on-line teaching activities, homework and lab work.

  3. STUDENT User Guide for tests/exams with Microsoft Teams

Useful links:

© Universitatea Romano-Americana / Romanian-American University - Toate drepturile rezervate.

Publicat la: 2020-03-23 (3502 citiri)

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