The editors invite submissions of papers that deal with important issues in IT&C domains, as well as interconnected fields.
All submitted manuscripts must be original work that is not under submission at another journal.
A resubmission of a manuscript identical to a previously rejected one will be immediately rejected.
The language in which materials can be published is English.
Papers (min. 10 pages w/o references and bibliography - max 30 pages), accompanied by an abstract (max. 12 lines), and including endnotes, references and bibliography.
Paper submission should cover the following main elements:
The JOURNAL OF INFORMATION SYSTEMS & OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT uses email transmission for paper(s) submission:
Upon acceptance of a paper, authors will be asked to complete, sign and submit a Statement of originality.
Attention! All submissions received up to APRIL 10 of 2025 get an early bird fee reduction of 100%, if accepted for publishing!
Deadline for last submissions is APRIL 31 of 2025, with full standard fee.
The standard publishing fee is 500 RON for national payments (Romania) or 100 EUR for international payments, per accepted paper.
Fee might be paid by bank transfer using the following mandatory information:
The paper must be original and it cannot be sent to another review for publishing from JISOM sending time until its evaluation status ending.
The paper will not contain the authors names and it is sent to three reviewers. If the reviewers decide that paper can be published then will be published in JISOM. Our reviewers will evaluate submitted papers against the following check points:
If the reviewers ask for revision of the paper then the authors should make the revision and paper will be published after the reviewers acceptance. If the modifications asked by the reviewers are important then the editorial board will decide and will send to the authors the carrying on or stopping of the work on the paper.
If the reviewers reject the paper then the notification will be send to its authors.
By submitting a paper to JISOM, the author(s) understands that the respective manuscripts has not already been published or sent for review to other journals.
After a paper is accepted the author(s) will be required to complete further documents (statement of originality, copyright assignment etc.).
For your information, the basic PAPER REVIEW FORM is available here.